Want to try Dowsing?

Long time no hear. Unfortunately, learning dowsing as an adult is like learning swimming. Kids learn much easier. I kinda lucked out and got into the skin galvanometer (GSR) which measures skin resistance and helps to alert you there is a dowsing response (without somebody hitting you over the head with a club. LOL) The ones with a meter work much better/sensititve than the type with a row of LED's. There are many websites that explain the Great Yoga Breath. Really simple but takes many weeks of daily practice. And like Christopher Hills said, if you miss one session, just add two more weeks because of it.

Probably the main thing about dowsing is "STAY OUT OF IT". Don't try to run the show. That means lose the ego. Well, that ought to keep you busy for a few lifetimes.

Also, don't confuse dowsing with the misnomer "map dowsing". The psychic stuff is just unreliable and inaccurate, and subject to a person's bias'.

The first thing you will discover with a GSR is that you are not as relaxed as you thought. Usually takes twenty minutes of else not at all. You've probably read in the books one of the main lessons is "Know thyself." Notice it didn't say "Deceive thyself."

The same mistakes you make with learning meditation, these are the same dowsing mistakes. I have to laugh, those who say you don't need meditation I bet they tried and failed. Guess what? You gotta work at it for many weeks. Why do you think some say start at age five and you gotta practice dowsing every healthy day. By the time you are thirty years old, you will have reached your plateau. That doesn't mean you will be a good dowser. Part of it depends on how much you work at it.

The big mistake that some prople make is thinking that doswsing is Complrated. It is just a man and his rods. I think of a movie I saw until the rods tell me I have a target...Art

CR, the 'stay out of it' is important. I pick a spot out in front of me and just kinda try to focus on that instead of the dowsing. So yeah, a bit of a distraction but the idea is to keep out of the way. Easy to say, most people never get that far.

Ouija Board and map dowsing , one and the same. Just tape a map onto the Ouija Board and you have map dowsing.
Works great if you like wild goose chases and snipe hunts!

My new motto: L-rods are obsolete.

Nothing needs to be said..Art

Mike and I go back a lot of years. He does not know that a Spanish treasure is near by..Art

ART, I was referencing to the person that wrote this.

Ouija Board and map dowsing , one and the same. Just tape a map onto the Ouija Board and you have map dowsing.
Works great if you like wild goose chases and snipe hunts!

My new motto: L-rods are obsolete.


That was Mike. He has used many names. He can not help it but he is alway found..Art

Another interesting phenomenon

A metallic pendulum attached by a wire will take on the charge of the hand it is being held by. A pendulum held by a nonconductive string will take on the charge of the last hand which held the pendulum. The pendulum when rotating above an object of a similar charge will continue to rotate and eventually swing back and forth perpendicular to the object. This pendulum when rotating above an object of the opposite charge will start to swing back and forth parallel to the object being dowsed. Caution here when dowsing an object you have touched the object will usually take on the charge of the last hand that touched it. This can be demonstrated by dowsing over an object such as a table knife depending on which hand touched the knife last an opposite reaction of the dowsing device will be seen.

Never tried the coin or Directions, but Definately will. Being a country boy I have been lucky enough to see a REAL PRO in action. The old fella located many wells for People using a Forked Peach branch. He taught me to use coat hangers. Not many People around do it the Old Way.

Metal coat hangers are becoming very rare. Hang onto what you have as soon they wil be a collector item

My present practice area

work area.webp

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Metal coat hangers are becoming very rare. Hang onto what you have as soon they wil be a collector item
Even though I hardly ever use my hanger rods anymore, kept all pairs as a collection... thinking might wish later had them.

Metal coat hangers are becoming very rare. Hang onto what you have as soon they wil be a collector item

Correct Art, looks like too many things turning to plastic. Think about how much plastic's are in a $15,000.00 auto today. BUT, even more plastic
stuff is in the near future. After the battle of Armageddon the scriptures speak about weapons being used for fuel. Something to think about.
In my thinking that will be plastic mixed with another chemical and probably won't have much smell .........

Forked Willow Branch water dowser

Yeah, even old time water dowsers that are good are rare now. Knew one that used a forked willow branch and he always located very good volume flow potable water charging only $75 with his personal guarantee.

I have a video showing how to box in a target. I am using brass rods that have been trimmed for my arm position. With my rods closed if I drop one rod to my side the up rod will swing to the target.....Art

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aarthrj3811 Arthur Flowers-youtube

I have two movies here. #02 and #03...03 is made with 17 inch coat hangers and shows how length can make you way off. My hands will no longer close enough to hold the rods right

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I have a video showing how to box in a target. I am using brass rods that have been trimmed for my arm position. With my rods closed if I drop one rod to my side the up rod will swing to the target.....Art
If you have shorter rods, even spreading them apart more, can allow one of them (or sometimes both rods) to swing and point at the target.

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