W.Tx. Weapons Cache, Cptbil

I believe you Eulendpeigle. How is the windmill tilting biz? We should have kept Cuba to make it our 52nd state(after P.R.). It is some beautiful country. Half of the population lives in Miami anyway. Remember the Bay of Pigs!
My grandmother got married to escape Karl Marx's communism and boarded a ship to America at age 14. My father left home at age 16, lied about his age to join the Army and fight in the tough Anzio invasion of Italy. So stranger things have happened and I will give him the benefit of the doubt. And I never doubted you Jose about your many experiences, but you might be mistaken if you think you are 182. Just like I am mistaken if I think I am still 49. ;D

I believe you Eulendpeigle. How is the windmill tilting biz?
busy as usual mi buddy. No shortage of windmills in dowsing etc. hehehe.
We should have kept Cuba to make it our 52nd state(after P.R.). It is some beautiful country.
My grandmother got married to escape Karl Marx's communism and boarded a ship to America at age 14. My father left home at age 16, lied about his age to join the Army and fight in the tough Anzio invasion of Italy.
Your family has contributed well big un, It is generally the later ones that fully realize just what we do have in the US and will standup for it! Many here just take it for granted and expect it to be here forever with no effort or sacrifice on their part. For many it is just to much an effort to even vote.
I never doubted you Jose about your many experiences, but you might be mistaken if you think you are 182.
First, I am 182, I am NEVER mistaken! So there!. hehehe

Second, I was approached to fly PBY 5-a 's for Castro from the Yucatan. They promised $5000 a month US and the American consul said that they would look the other way. Sounded interesting until I learned that I would be paid that only while in cuban waters, the rest of the time beans, tortillas and $1 us. while sitting in the jungles of Yucatan. hmmm.

While checking this offer out , I also found that the US had some 1,000,000, surplus rifles and ammo stored there. This makes me wonder if my buddy Capt Bill's arms cache might have the same color?

Till Eulenspiegle

Okay, I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. You look very well for 182. ::)
And the muchachas Cubanas do look muy bien. (excuse my Espanol)

Okay, I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. You look very well for 182. ::)
And the muchachas Cubanas do look muy bien. (excuse my Espanol)

heheh if'n you were a beatiful gal, I would smooch you, but as it is ---------how about an invitation to my 150 th birthday party? all the gals have been invited, soo. oh yes, you guys also.

Till Eulenspiegle

bigcypresshunter said:
cryptodave, I am not going to accuse anybody of anything. You say you are good with numbers. It does look funny (when looking at his stated age) to be a French interperter and an officer at age 14 or 15 in 1969. I am sure there is a good explanation for this mix-up. He probably was or is mistaken about his age. I sometimes forget how old I am myself. ;D ;)

As some one who is closing out 26 years of active duty in the USAF I find a few of Grizzleys claims a little hard to swallow: 5 years in a war zone is unheard, during the Vietnam era and today the Army deployed Units for 1 yr, 2nd tours were voluntary. By 1969 you would think that the Army had a few qualified who were fluent in French and Vietnamese, the did have a Language schools back then. The fall of Saigon happened 30 April 1975, two years AFTER the American military left Vietnam. The last American troops departed in their entirety 29 March 1973. I guess Griz was left behind the last 2 years. His profile does list age as 51 so I guess he joined the Army when he was 15, now thats a SHAVETAIL. He refers to his Non disclore form which anyone separating from the service must sign.

Sorry for going on and on but I grew up a Army brat, lost a brother in 1968 during the Tet Offensive and have a cousin who spent 3 1/2 years as a POW so I take it serious when someone claims to have served then glorifies themselves with falsehoods and such, few REAL Nam vets openly talk about there time there unless its with others who have been through the same, I have been honored to know many who have talked openly with me because of my chosen career with the AF.


Gentlemen: Hmmm frankly I do not see where any dishonor to a vet has occurred, even if all were (?)fabrications, so why such a fuss? All that I see is a left handed way of honoring the VN vets if one
wishes to be associated with them, meaning that he admires them - this is insulting? Nah, no way.

As for grizz, frankly I have no idea nor do I really care, he, like you , is a Th buddy and a friend.

I also believe that most, if not all TH'rs & detectorists are fishermen at heart. hint hehehe.

As for myself I believe in the old statement, "always tell the truth, then you don't have to remember anything" so I am 182?

Sooo relax gentlemen, gentlewomen are more understanding apparently.

Till Eulenspiegle

RealdeTayopa said:
Gentlemen: Hmmm frankly I do not see where any dishonor to a vet has occurred, even if all were (?)fabrications, so why such a fuss? All that I see is a left handed way of honoring the VN vets if one
wishes to be associated with them, meaning that he admires them - this is insulting? Nah, no way.

As for grizz, frankly I have no idea nor do I really care, he, like you , is a Th buddy and a friend.

I also believe that most, if not all TH'rs & detectorists are fishermen at heart. hint hehehe.

As for myself I believe in the old statement, "always tell the truth, then you don't have to remember anything" so I am 182?

Sooo relax gentlemen, gentlewomen are more understanding apparently.

Till Eulenspiegle

Not me, I don't like to fish. Of course, thats probably because I don't particularly like fish though. I can eat me some lobster and shrimp though, and I've recently seemed to have developed a taste for oysters....

Crypto Dave

Dave: hi I was referring to the well known fact that all fishermen/ women always have loong arms to describe the one that got away - err ah stretch the truth a bit, like the authors literary license.

Of COURSE "I always" stick to the exact facts, but then I am a living Saint.

As for those oysters?? hmm, you mean?? side thingie, yes, they do, it has been clinically established, but on a long term program. I eat em cause they taste good, not because I am 182! (so there big un) hehe.

Till Eulenspiegle

15 consecutive posts (16 if you count this one) that have absolutely nothing to do with any weapons cache. In normal conversation, a little straying is to be expected, but it seems we've completely forgotten the title of this thread. Perhaps we should start a new one, such as, "Do you believe Grizzly Bare served in 'Nam?"

To get back on track, Cptbil, I wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole. Nothing good can come from it, and I'm sure you have better ways to spend your time and money than tilting with the ATF, who have virtually unlimited resources to deprive you of your money, property, and liberty.

SomeGuy said:
15 consecutive posts (16 if you count this one) that have absolutely nothing to do with any weapons cache. In normal conversation, a little straying is to be expected, but it seems we've completely forgotten the title of this thread.


I was JUST about ready to do some House Cleaning here ;)
I Guess I'll leave them till ONE MORE post strays 8)


Oh come on Jeff, this post has taken on a life of its own! ;D
I think if you just let it run amuck it might end up as long and lifeful as the beekrock or japs treasure posts... lol

OK! FINE! Back on subject.. someone mentioned old government stashes, and I think they might be right on track.

Anyone seen or heard from cptbil lately?

As far as you Jose, I would love to come to your 150th, but I think you passed it already. ??? You might be in denial. ;D ;D :D ;)

A) sheesh, I forgot to mention that I wasn't in Tn then, so it is a belated party. Say 68 years from now for the second time around?

Let's raid cap Bills cache so we ca nave plenty of fireworks.

Till Eulenspiegle

"Anyone seen or heard from cptbil lately?" (quote)
He might be out on one of his treasure hunting trips. I wish I could join him.

Jose, Its on the next page.

consecutive posts (16 if you count this one) that have absolutely nothing to do with any weapons cache.
a) HI it is more like 75 or 80 that are marginal or off track.

Hoever, becase of this, the series is fast becoming one of the best in here in sheer numbers, which is good business for TN.

I don't recall single post on the cache that was ignored? I tried to pick it up few times with no success.

Till Eulnspiegle

well i own land in jeff davis county and if you need help then count me in....i heard about this years ago and did my own research.. just never really thought too hard about it

This series has been read 3,198 times.

Sorry about the off-topic posts. This one-post troll yanked my chain and I responded like one of Pavlov's dogs. I am VOLUNTARILY removing my posts with no cohersion or pushing from the Moderators, I do this of my own free will because I feel that it is better for the forum.

grizzly bare


To get back on track, Cptbil, I wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole. Nothing good can come from it, and I'm sure you have better ways to spend your time and money than tilting with the ATF, who have virtually unlimited resources to deprive you of your money, property, and liberty.
Q) no more questions on the arms cache some guy? I have quite a few, let's talk.

Till Eulenspeigle


I want to join your club. I was visited by the man
with the badge. The strange thing about it was
that he came to personally ask me how I had located
the car he was looking for. Just another case of one
who didn't believe in dowsing until he saw the results
first hand. By the way, he was very nice about the
whole thing. Another thing, he drove over 100 miles
to confront the dowser.

Good luck on your ventures.


Albert Osborn said:

I want to join your club. I was visited by the man
with the badge. The strange thing about it was
that he came to personally ask me how I had located
the car he was looking for. Just another case of one
who didn't believe in dowsing until he saw the results
first hand. By the way, he was very nice about the
whole thing. Another thing, he drove over 100 miles
to confront the dowser.

Good luck on your ventures.


OK, this one has me scratching my head in bewilderment....

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