W.Tx. Weapons Cache, Cptbil

"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they're not out to get you." ?:o

In every country that has banned weapons, the crime rate has skyrocketed (Britain, Australia: armed robbery +40%). ?In areas where gun rights are relaxed (concealed handgun licenses, etc.) the crime rate has gone down.

When/if they start requiring gun registration in the US, that's when we start down the slippery slope. ?Of course, we should do all we can to prevent that. ?With an out-of-control population (cause of most of today's problems) and diminishing resources, governments will increasingly look toward gaining more control of the masses and the land they live on. ?Not paranoid, just a point of view based on today's headlines and historical data.

"From my cold dead fingers..." ?:-\

Las Vegas Bob, We have a similar situation here in the Big Cypress Swamp. The gov't took over the land and asked people to "register" their hunting camps. Later they decided to make them illegal, and since they knew where they were, they were able to burn them all down. They are making severe restrictions on airboats and swamp buggy vehicles. Frogging is restricted to marked trails only; which is impossible. We can still walk hunt off the trail.
But, if the gov't had not bought this land, it would NOT be preserved for future generations. It would not even be preserved for me! They stopped construction of a huge jetport. The area would be all homes, businesses, golf courses and concrete.Thank God the gov't preserved this unique habitat.

I don't think there is a "mole". Anytime you go shooting your mouth off about something on a public forum you can expect the worse. Due to 911 and the war against terror, any cache of weapons is going to be a potential threat and it is perfectly ratioinal that the feds would be interested in it. And I ain't saying no more on this subject! Monty


That's all well and good that such a precious area was persevered for you and everyone else to enjoy.

But when these same people take several thousand acres of land, that is so desolate and rugged that nothing could or would be built there and put it off limits to all types of vehicles (and yes they are trying to get air traffic excluded as well. And I am not talking about area 51.) who is going to be able to enjoy it then?

Standing several dozen miles away, leaning on a barracde that goes across the road, and looking at the view through binoculars is not my idea of enjoyment.

There is no such place here in Florida. Construction and overpopulation can conquer any desolate and rugged area here in South Fla. :'(

This a very interesting column... :)

The fact is that our rights are becoming less and less as time passes...

So we have to stick together to defend our hobby...
join: wwats.org if you are into metal detecting...
join the N.R.A. if you own a gun...

On election day vote vote for your local Libertarian party candidate.
These people are all for samaller government...
Less government=more freedoms....

The MAN!
Stood right there, in front of me and told me that there was!!
Were you there ?
Are you just ASSUMING ?
Since when is ...
Talking about a Treasure or a Cache ...

Quoting you... Shooting off your mouth ?

::) I thought that that was the purpose of this Forum ? ???

Excuse me! I have to go out and feed some Green Jays !

Unfortunately thats not the case out here. ?

I was out in the desert a few weeks ago driving over a road that I have traveled many times before. ?I came to a fork in the road that I knew quite well. ?

There is a large hill that the divides the forks. ?One fork goes to the left one to the right.

The fork to the right was blocked off with a large pile of dirt and there was a BLM sign neatly cemented into the ground next to the pile. ?The sign advised that the fork to the right was not to be used and fines would be enforced if anyone was caught using said fork.

Now what is so interesting about this is the fact that on the back side of the hill the fork that goes to the left that was legal to use connects to the right hand fork that was blocked off in front of the hill.

I'm talking about a place forty miles out in the middle of no where. ?Where some specail interest group for what ever reason decided that no one could drive around the right side of the hill. ?And because of what ever or whoever motivated them to do so the BLM hauled a Cat into the middle of the desert, blocked the road in two places (another like sign and dirt pile can be found on the back side of the hill), dug two holes, mixed cement put up two signs.

I have used that right fork many many times in the past and there was nothing there to protect, ?it was just another way to go around the hill.

Sure no big deal, you might say, ?just take the left fork. ?I did.

But it is the principle of the thing. ?There was no plans for an airport or a shopping mall or a housing project. ? It was nothing more then some special interest group wanting ?waste ?tax payers dollars to block it off. ?

Why? ?Who knows, ?the BLM won't tell me, I've asked them. ?I don't even think they know.

This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about.

LVB, the problem you are witnessing is not uncommon in the useless voids of the desert. It is where the military has always tested its secret weapons, or practiced desert warfare.
So I suppose my question to you is, is the loss of the right trail more important than trying to protect our soils, or make things safer for our troops?
And Cptbil, I hate taking a side against you, because you tend to get pretty upset and hold grudges, but Monty is correct. The intelligence agencies use key word filter searches on a regular basis. Anytime you get something like "weapons cache" in a sentence, they are going to read about it. Honestly, I want them to read about it. Maybe you are a somewhat upstanding member of society, but what about a bunch of illegals stumbling onto the cache? What if it was placed there in an attempt to hide it, and it wasnt't really "lost"? What if there was some kind of illegal arms sales going on? You say the cache is of modern weaponry. Doesn't that make you suspicious or concerned at all? Plus, if it is modern weaponry, then it is still US Government property, no ifs ands or butts.

And by the way Captbil, thank you for your service to our country. Semper Fi devil dog.

Not so in these case's Crypto,? I know what you are saying but all of this in a totally different direction from the base's.?

The 47,000 acres I spoke about earlier were put off limits to protect some petroglyph's and some sheep.? ? It's all motivated by the environmentalist.?

Namely the group responsible is one that calls themselves "The Wilderness Society" who and I quote "We're spirited people protecting America's Wilderness since 1935 through the potent combination of science, advocacy and education.? Our Mission
Deliver to future generations an unspoiled legacy of wild places, with all the precious values they hold: Biological diversity; clean air and water; towering forests, rushing rivers, and sage-sweet, silent deserts."

This area is approx. 15 miles South of? downtown Las Vegas, The city of Henderson butts up against one side of the mountain near the nature preserve.?

It's an area that many off roader's and prospectors have enjoyed going to for many years before it was closed off "for future generations"? In other words noone will ever be able to access the area again.

As far as the The left and right fork situation, the whole area encompassed? less the a half mile in distance, sorry I did not make that clear, however if it were in fact military related there would be military awareness signs up like on the Nellis test range, not BLM signage.?

Being retired military and still involved to some extent with them I know the importance of protecting our troops and our soil.? And I thank you for showing your Patiortism.

However I draw the line at protecting the soil to save some bloody desert plant or some desert dwelling bug for some special interest group.? The words "Public Lands" have no meaning any more.

My twenty years of service to our country was to protect our freedoms, one of which, at one time included the right to drive where we wanted and when we wanted to.? ?

"It is always U.S. Govt. Property!"
"Do you know this to be a fact?"
If so!
I'd like you have you explain this to a friend of mine, in Yuma Ariz.
Who found and is now the owner of Two M-39 Tanks !
They're (His) are not too hard to spot/find!
I didn't know that I held a "Grudge" !
I always thought that I was answering, usually with FACTS!, The accusations against me!
Of Course! I know about the Internet "Key" words !
When you have nothing to Hide ,
AND! Why should I avoid or change my manner of living/speaking, just because the Govt's placing them on a "Hit" list!
Are you and others Bowing to More Govt. Control?
Have you forgotten the 1st Amendment!
There's a saying'
"Don't use it, you'll lose it!"

Please, and I PRAY! That you are? NOT!
Telling me...
That you and others....
? ? ? ? ? ? ? FEAR YOUR OWN GOVT! ? ?:-[
Because if you are ...
I say to you ,
There is something? ? TERRIBLY WRONG!? ?:-\

Larry KS said:
And tomorrow the left fork will be closed.? ? ?:'(

It probably all ready has been Larry.

No tears though, I'll just look at it as another freedom lost that has nothing to do with the NSA wire tapping or the Patriot act.

Down here in the Fla. Everglades, large areas are closed off from airboats and off-road vehicles. But these public lands remain open to foot travel or canoes, if you can handle it.

cptbild said:
Hay! Gang!
I am worried that Uncle Sam! is going to beat me to the Weapons Cache...
Anyone out there who can share a little help/time !
Is that a joke?

>:( That is NO! Joke ! >:(
Those three, The State Policeman, The FBI, & The ATF ..were all three taking notes!
Part of the weapons in there ARE FULL AUTO ! :P
What would you think? ???

Who is cptbild? You write just like our cptbil. Are you one and the same or an imposter? ??? :D Has cptbil been taken away? :D ;)

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