W.Tx. Weapons Cache, Cptbil

Hey CptBild - Do you have a Class 3 weapons license?

Back to the BLM thing-it brings up something that happened to me. I went to my claim a couple years back, only to find a brand new steel gate put up on the only road in or out! When I asked about it, I was told that the area had been designated a "wild and scenic roadless area". The miners have been working this creek for over 100 years, and the road was at least as old as that.
some greenies are doing their level best in the courts to get these designations, and they are taking over hundreds of thousands of acres of "wilderness" every year!

There is a statute known as RS 2477. if there are ANY roads you like to use while out in the boondocks, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND applying to the county of said road for designation as a RS2477 road.

sorry to wander off topic, Cap'n....hope somebody can use this. Back to the topic at hand!

As far as your cache goes, I would wonder about how they got there in the first place. How do you know they're not being watched? If they were my weapons, I'd definately keep an eye on them. And just because they are buried, doesn't mean they don't have owners, unfortunately. Now if they were older weapons, that'd be another story.....

cptbild said:
Hay! Gang!
I am worried that Uncle Sam! is going to beat me to the Weapons Cache...
Anyone out there who can share a little help/time !

Oh give me a break. Wait just a bloody minute. Hold the phone. Stop the presses. My BS detector just went off.

Oh dang it went off again.

The survey say NAAAAAAAAA.

Abandon ship. Dive Dive Dive.

Pull your boots up folks it's getting mighty deep in here.

This is whole thing is one fry short of a happy meal.

Your claiming that you had the State Police, the FBI and the ATF are crawling out of the woodwork and knocking at your door., sent there by a mole.

And you claim that there are moles in here taking notes and passing on information too them about every thing that is being posted here.

And with all this stuff supposedly going down your asking for someone, on this mole filled, spy infested forum, direct link to the NSA, to help you go get the cache. Before they, "Uncle Sam" can get it?

What kind of phony BS is that.

If anything it sounds like your trying to set someone here up.

Either thats the case or you've got so much smoke coming out of your butt it's a wonder the EPA hasn't come knocking on your door.

Las Vegas BOB:
You had better move out of that City !
It is effecting you badly !
I know that they don't know what the TRUTH is there, and apparently it is spreading your way !
I'll make you a deal !
You come down here, and you and I (& a couple of others) will go to the site,
We'll dig it up, if it hasn't been already !
The expenses, ALL! of them for the expedition will be on the Person Who IS Proven Wrong !
That's a pretty fair deal !

What do you say!
I make these statements and Guess WHAT ?
They are made on a Public Forum!
They are also, for the most part, in B/W !
I can prove each and every one of MY Statements !
BUT! I SURE as H- - L ! Am not going to do so at my expense !

Las Vegas BOB:
Come ON!
I said that I can back up every statement that I have made on this Forum"!
How about you backing up your statement, calling me a " LAIR " !
I'm get tired of people like you, who have a big mouth,
Except.. When it comes time to
stand up and defend their/your statements,
Then! All I hear is Silence! :-\
SO! Let's hear your back bone!
Are you willing to back up your words !
Come on I'm out here !
I guarantee that I can take you and show you, after we dig them up..
These weapons!
Why am I worried about U. Sam beating me to them... :-\
! :o
I CAN Prove That Statement! ;D
Oh! By the way?
When was the last time that you packed up and left on a, 3 - 4 - 6 - 8 or 10 month long, TH'ing/Propecting Trip ? ::)
I do it every year! ;D
This will be 8-10 months long..
I'll be in Las Vegas ! ;D
CARE to have a cup of coffee ? ???

Cpt.Z :
If the "crayons" weren't meant to be used, why are they here on the "forum"" !
If you don't like them don't read them!
Why are you making these negative comments to someone who you don't know ?
Are you trying to impress your life style, IE: your likes and dislikes, on other people ? ???

NoPE! it's not the "Cache " I am referring to !
I'm glad to hear that the Feds are on the ball !
Now if they'd just clean up the Mex. Feds. Officers, who in Uniform, are crossing over the US Border, to help the Drug Dealers!
At least down along the Border, west of Nogales, Az..
Because If they approach my camp, this April/May, They WILL! will be ShoT!
I consider this to be an ARMED Invasion! :-\
Even if the Feds Don't! ???
I and my two Spec. Forces Buddies, Without question !
Will Repel Them Quickly !
My Marine Unit in Vietnam, had a Motto "One Shot, One Body" ! ;D
Our Bn Cmdr, Col. Fischer, rigorously, enforced , that RULE! :o
Noise does nothing...
A! 168 gr AP bullet to the chest... :'( MAKES a Lasting Impression! ::)
Won't do much for International Relations ......
Neither does thier Armed Invasion!

Hey all the capt is for real, I know him personally and if he tells you something is there it is not because of suspicion but facts. You can attack him on his political views if you want, we all have out opinions but the man knows his stuff when it comes to finding treasure no doubt about it.
And Capt you know me and I am one who will back you in this venture, you know how to get in touch with me....... Lets go and show all these doubters who they are dealing with.


jbot said:
I think it's the bragging that bothers people.
Captbil, you have treated me with respect and I like you. Maybe i could come visit someday.. .But i would have to agree, you need to tone down the bragging. If you were a doctor, they would say you have a terrible bedside manner. ;)

Gentlemen :
I thank your for the vote of confidence ... ;)
But !
As far as "Bragging" goes ... :-\
Believe me ! :P
I am NOT ! :o
I am relaying actual events in my LIFE ! :)
AS, I have mentioned before, All proveable !
I will,
if I can figure it out, scan one of the documents... for the "Forum" :-\
How about my FEMA Encounter?
Where I stood up in a public meeting, hundreds of people present, and I told FEMA, come onto my property, & " I'll shoot and kill at least 3 - 4 of you before you get ME!"
I have that Newspaper clipping...
How about, Me, Being a "Bn Cmdr" ?
I have the Original orders!
How about my being commissioned a "Captain" ! ;D
I have those Orders!
Which one ?

No one is saying you're lying, just bragging a little too much. :)

I am not calling you a lair.

Now use that training that you got from the military.

And I copy and paste the following from one of your other posts? Dated 1-1-06 in which you said.

"Invariably someone will mistake or ignore or read into it, what he/she wants to see!
Would you believe...?
The USAF... once sent myself and a group of other Officers/Enlisted to a school (7 days) in Indiana, to learn how! to "READ"

End quote?

Why are you still asking for help to recover these objects on a forum that you claim is full of moles and informants?? What is the point in that?

It's a simple enough question to answer..................................... Right

As far as your invite to dig this one up Bill I'll pass. I don't need any more problems with the government since they seem to be on top of this cache and know all about it.

And Bill just as you claim that anyone that wants to hunt with you has to be able to stay out in the wilds for weeks on end or they have to be armed to the teeth to ward of smugglers along the Arizona border or that they have to have the three E's .

I have my own set of rules that I judge someone on before I team up with them and you don't meet the qualifications that I look for, sorry.

Las Vgas Bob:
1..A while back, I haven't looked up the exact "post" yet!
I was in a discussion with a couple of TH'ers ? about the IRS watching this Forum!
they were of the opinion that that I was Really "paranoid" ?


My Personal Qualifications are.
1...I tell the TRUTH !
(OH! Maybe I'll stretch the truth a little, Who Doesn't) ::)
BUT! Not! in matters of importance!
2...A have complete LOYALITY to and for my Friends! :P
Up to and including, BLOOD !
3...I don't STEAL or CHEAT!
4...I don't "Stab anyone in the back"
I'll say it directly to your face! :(
If you were born AFTER, 1965 .... ;D
I have friendships, lots, older than you are OLD! :-X
If those are the Tracts that you don't like... ::)
What can I say! ???

Nothing more...I hope. Vietnam is over...we lost (or didn't you get the memo). Get over it! Let's get back to cache hunting! We Veterans are very proud of our achievements, but we are not quite so LOUD. It's no wonder you got popped. That first post was like leaning into a punch. You deserved the attention you got.

Semper Fi

"I don't "Stab anyone in the back"

Never said you did Bill.

My question to you is still the same.

If this site is a mole infested cess pool of informants, why are you still asking for others to get involved in your dilemma with the feds? If they are knocking on your door because of a mole will they not be knocking on anyone else's door that attempts to assits you in the recovery?

You should be able to answer that right?

L.V. Bob:
There's another thing that I don't do!
I don't exaggerate !
I have been on this and the old Forum for a little over two+ yrs!
The 176,378 "Posts"
:P Other than THIS ONE! TIME , that I mentioned !
The "MOLE!"
Since when is ONE TIME!
AS you say,
quote, "If this site is a "mole" infested cesspool of informants, etc." unquote !

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