Bronze Member
It might be worth looking at the actual documentation that Dr. Oertel used, rather than an online file that has been transcribed:View attachment 1806275
The original passenger list of the Ville De Lyon clearly shows the Jacob Waltz onboard was 28 years old vice 20. This original document is what was used for Dr. Glover's book and Dr. Oertel's research. Both scientists, who prefer original documentation where it exists.
The original passenger list is available to anyone online at:Passenger lists of vessels arriving at New York, 1820-1897 [microform] : United States. Bureau of Customs : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Potbelly Jim,
Thank you for chiming in on this. I was starting to wonder if I was just trying to make something that wasn't.
Your picture is a lot more clear than the pic in my book, but it is what I see, just nice to see it clear now.
So . . . . I guess this, like many other things LDM, . . . just when you think things start to come together, you notice a huge pile of extra parts. You start thinking, maybe some of those are supposed to fit?
I'm glad you said something
Idaho Dutch