Video - Journey to the Bat Cave

Agree that the ladder was put there for bat purposes, be it guano harvesting or a club of bat enthusiasts or even spelunkers. If I made it that far, I could not resist climbing the ladder unless the smell of ammonia was unbearable. Tie off to the safety rope if ladder feels rickety or afraid of heights. Your video makes the ladder look safer than it did in the series. Someone needs to climb that ladder. Kudos for the effort put forth and thanks for the video.

Be safe. You'd really need to know what you're doing if you climbed that ladder. You should wear safety gear, helmet, safety ropes, etc, EMT standing by, or better not to do it at all really. I wouldn't climb that ladder myself, and I therefore wouldn't ask anyone else to do it.

I watched the pantomime that is the show :laughing7: when the found the cross.
So, to confirm... there is NO cross in the cave atop the ladder? Ryan, you mention your Bee Keeper pal had been in there before. any cross?


and again, great vid :thumbsup:

haha. To be honest, I highly doubt that cross is up there in that bat cave. Proof? Well, until we have a independent body show video evidence of what is inside that cave, I guess we will never know? (and/or unless the "Show" admits their trick and foolery someday). But like I said in another post, I wouldn't climb that ladder, and I wouldn't ask anyone else to do it. It isn't safe.


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I am not asking anyone else to climb the ladder but someone needs to climb that ladder! Ladder has probably been climbed countless times by many people. Yes it would be more dangerous than watching TV (or would it?). Gotta be all kinds of climber, repellers, in the area that would love to check it out. Lawyers have us all scared of our own shadows but my 46 year old arse could not resist.

I agree video prof is neded :thumbsup: (C'mon Ryan... git 'er done!)
As for climbing, I know its not everyone's thing, but I would give it a go for sure! and the program did show them climbing it to the top I think?
Also, the miracle of getting the camera crew up there though to film the cross adds (IMHO) the fact the cross is elsewhere and very much closer to the ground!

I think there is also health and safety issues. The bats and the guano is probably unhealthy and someone can catch disease from all that. Being covered well and wearing a bio mask.

I don't think the guy from the show climbed to the very top, and into the inner part of the cave, no.

You guys are funny...

I had a feeling something like this would happen. Even though you can see that the whole "series" is ridiculous - because I don't have unedited footage putting my life in jeopardy climbing into the ladder - people are still going to believe it is there. :BangHead:

Well - not much I can do about that, nor do I have the desire!

But should you want to climb up there, let me tell you what I think you'd need - since I have been there 3x now.

Bat guano carries fungal spores that cause Histoplasmosis, which can be fatal to humans. Histoplasmosis is caused by breathing in guano fecal dust matter. Bats also have rabies, and its possible to get bit by one.

1) Coveralls ( AKA - Bee-keeper's suit)
2) Full Face Respirator
3) Breathing Cartridges
4) Hard Hat
5) BioProtection Gloves
6) Rappeling Rope to use in conjunction with ladder
7) Rappelling Boots / or studded boots to climb extra slippery ladder
8) Eye hooks
9) Speed Adjust Harness
10) Locking Carabiners
11) Satellite Phone in case you fall to be able to call 911

12) Guano Proof Rosary Beads
13) Xanax

So any volunteers to go and buy all that stuff? Probably around $600 bucks...

I'd be happy to go out there with someone who has all that gear - video the whole thing - cheer them on - then produce the video for them.

Who's up?:occasion18:


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all joking aside, if you'd guide me, I"ll climb it (with GoPro on my head!) assuming no one else films it before I manage to get out there!!

I was planning a Grand Canyon rim-to-rim next year... may this instead?

Sure - Happy to!

But - wouldn't ya think that whomever went to all the effort to build that ladder would have already scoped out the entire place?

Bee-Keeper has been up there for years

If my assumption was correct, that folks mined the guano (at a price of $100/ton) wouldn't you think that a Jesuit Cross in a cave wall would have been a more desirable "find".

RG "I had a feeling something like this would happen. Even though you can see that the whole "series" is ridiculous - because I don't have unedited footage putting my life in jeopardy climbing into the ladder - people are still going to believe it is there."

I positively DO NOT believe it is there, that is why I would have to see. Rancid, putrid, toxic filth be damned! Hopefully you will get a taker and no death #251 by GoPro footage.


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The Deal did it in his underwear. Look close at the top of the ladder. You can see him. That boy has balls. No brains going up that ladder but balls.
I enjoyed your video. Who ever told you throwing rocks in bushes to scare off snakes does not have your best interest in mind.

View attachment 1143187

The Deal did it in his underwear. Look close at the top of the ladder. You can see him. That boy has balls. No brains going up that ladder but balls.
I enjoyed your video. Who ever told you throwing rocks in bushes to scare off snakes does not have your best interest in mind.

Hey Frank - once again, glad you could be a part of my video convo! Glad you liked it =)

I agree 100% - "the deal" is a dare-devil - much more than me. I have no problem admitting that. The hike just getting up to the cave is almost an olympic feat.

Rocks - I've got some heat from folks for throwing rocks into bushes. Man - the only thing I am trying to do is make videos that people can watch and I just get harassed all the time. Anything I do...anything I say.

Frank - don't tell me you are going to go debunk my "rocks in the bush" part of my video.... :laughing7:

RG I hope you don't think I am knocking you one bit. I think what you did is most excellent and truly appreciate the effort you made. That ladder does look pretty sketchy and maybe I am just flattering myself by thinking I would climb it. Funny to think that there are bat-geeks around somewhere with pictures and videos of the entire cave while we go on page after page...

View attachment 1143187

The Deal did it in his underwear. Look close at the top of the ladder. You can see him. That boy has balls. No brains going up that ladder but balls.
I enjoyed your video. Who ever told you throwing rocks in bushes to scare off snakes does not have your best interest in mind.

Frank! But did he get into that cave? Or was that the highest point?

RG I hope you don't think I am knocking you one bit. I think what you did is most excellent and truly appreciate the effort you made. That ladder does look pretty sketchy and maybe I am just flattering myself by thinking I would climb it. Funny to think that there are bat-geeks around somewhere with pictures and videos of the entire cave while we go on page after page...

Oh - no ....not at all "RW". And thank you!!

Having been there - the ladder itself doesn't "look" too bad. It is covered in Guano though, as you can its possible its been rotted out?

If you got to the ladder from the lake, it's not a bad hike to the river bed floor where you go straight up. But let me tell you, when you get to the top of that are out of breath (its an intense hike) ... then you cannot catch your breath at all once you are up there because you are breathing in all the fumes of guano. Its just a bad scenario all around and you want to get out as soon as possible. Then again, I didn't have those handy little medical masks they used in the "series" either...

Clearly there are a lot of people that'd be willing to go up there and I'd def. be willing to help them get there and film the whole thing. Just waiting for volunteers! (@TNMountains, cough cough)

When they get down - and they admit there is nothing up there - the volunteer is taking me to a nice Filet Mignon dinner!

all joking aside, if you'd guide me, I"ll climb it (with GoPro on my head!) assuming no one else films it before I manage to get out there!!

I was planning a Grand Canyon rim-to-rim next year... may I'll do this instead?

Please PM me if you go there. I also know the location of this bat cave, and I can either go with you or meet you out there. I can even help with the needed supplies if you wanted. But of course, you do this at your own risk! lol

Frank! But did he get into that cave? Or was that the highest point?

I enjoy Frank being a part of my posts and I ask (kindly) that no one asks Frank any direct questions about anything in my videos, nor his. He cannot answer them - he has a "gag-order" that he signed from the prod company.

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