Video - Journey to the Bat Cave

Bill it isn't thread control, it is enforcing TN rules. Members only need to stop the sniping, mocking, insults and veiled insults..

Thread control is the eye of the beholder.

I wasn't referring to moderation TH I was referring to moderation being manipulated by intentional or unintentional circumstances of the writers into a set direction by the people who may or may not be aware of the rules but can attain a said outcome based on the personalities there of.

Many of us have traits that make us who we are and get to know those idiosyncracies using them for a certain outcome of a preconceived response to attain manipulation. Since one word rules are so vague and can be taken many ways from the eyes of the beholder or nudged, smeared to appear in certain ways in many eyes it makes it a personal preference.

Unless moderators have some master rule book that explains each one word rule and how it pertains to Human nature or can read one's mindset in their written word your job just gets tougher. You almost have to read between the lines and make a judgment call not looking back and that's the hard part.

Like I said, an explanation of my words.

Bill it is easy to tell when someone is breaking the rules and when they are trying to imply an insult rather that say it out right.

Our rules are simple, it boils down to treat other members with respect, when that stops it violates our rules..

Sharing this picture

It's the "Tin Type" image that folks will say is Jacob Walt(zer) in his younger years.

Using it in my next video - but thought it was too cool not to share here as well.

Looks like old family photo's I have in boxes. No Dutch in my Family. Although my wife's family was German and so was Waltz. What was his real German name I wonder?

Walzerhiem? Waltzgilber? Nuggetgrubber? Oroshitzer? Claimenjumper? Stealenzeore? Killendemexcans?

My favorite is:

Jacob Walzupppp!

Who knows?


Above names were fake and meant to cause no harm or environmental contamination. Author assumes no responsibility for names misspelled or
names that my resemble your name or names of relatives you may or may not live with. No disrespect was intended and no animals were harmed in the fabrication of the above names. All people associated with the construction of the names were unwilling participants and had nothing to do with any of it.

Lol, dont forget, scratchy water eyes, upset stomach, shortness of breath, loss of ability to focus, loss of bladder control and bad breath.:laughing7:

Looks like old family photo's I have in boxes. No Dutch in my Family. Although my wife's family was German and so was Waltz. What was his real German name I wonder?

Walzerhiem? Waltzgilber? Nuggetgrubber? Oroshitzer? Claimenjumper? Stealenzeore? Killendemexcans?

My favorite is:

Jacob Walzupppp!

Who knows?


Above names were fake and meant to cause no harm or environmental contamination. Author assumes no responsibility for names misspelled or
names that my resemble your name or names of relatives you may or may not live with. No disrespect was intended and no animals were harmed in the fabrication of the above names. All people associated with the construction of the names were unwilling participants and had nothing to do with any of it.


I like your disclaimer, but I don't think it goes far enough. I think that each person should have their own customized disclaimer page. In order to read that person's post, everybody would have to read and agree to the individual terms of everybody else's disclaimer before reading their posts. HAHAHA


Looks like old family photo's I have in boxes. No Dutch in my Family. Although my wife's family was German and so was Waltz. What was his real German name I wonder?

Walzerhiem? Waltzgilber? Nuggetgrubber? Oroshitzer? Claimenjumper? Stealenzeore? Killendemexcans?

My favorite is:

Jacob Walzupppp!

Who knows?


Above names were fake and meant to cause no harm or environmental contamination. Author assumes no responsibility for names misspelled or
names that my resemble your name or names of relatives you may or may not live with. No disrespect was intended and no animals were harmed in the fabrication of the above names. All people associated with the construction of the names were unwilling participants and had nothing to do with any of it.

No Dutch in your family tree? Are you sure there are no Weisenheimers? (kidding!) :occasion14:

My moms maiden name was Goltz.
And get this what was the last name of the lady at the milk ranch, or the circle u before it was the circle u.
Rowe i believe.
My last name.
Oh forgot, my grandfather lived in Boston,. and was a Mason.

Ryan after reading several members on here and people getting banned it seems that this thread has just about run its course.

I have 2 spares on my PU all the time.
I have mag wheels on my truck and 2 stock cheapo rims from the junk yard with decent tires. Not great,just good enough to get me home.

Getting one flat tire 17 miles up a dirt road in the superstitions....annoying.

Getting 2 flat tires 17 miles up a dirt road = $750 tow bill

The things I do to make these videos...

Getting one flat tire 17 miles up a dirt road in the superstitions....annoying.

Getting 2 flat tires 17 miles up a dirt road = $750 tow bill

The things I do to make these videos...

Dutchman Curse.
It keeps the tow companies in business. Looks like someone peppered the road with nails a common practice with rival Dutch Hunters. Spike the road
Spike your drinks, Spike your claim.

It looks like this thread has been cursed too!

Like the Dutchman Mine it may just vanish before our very eyes.

Sorry you had such luck I've been there and know what it's like.

But for $750 I'll drive up there and bring you two good tires and rims, a twelve pack of beer, sandwiches and chips, a mariachi band, new batteries for your cell phone, a couple of dancing girls, four singing doves and partridge in a pear tree!

Glad to see you made it though being stranded is not fun in this heat!

I have 2 spares on my PU all the time.
I have mag wheels on my truck and 2 stock cheapo rims from the junk yard with decent tires. Not great,just good enough to get me home.

Yes! Its one of those things in life you do once.....and only once!! Lesson learned!

Thank goodness for Road Side Assistance with car insurance!

I hardly think Ryan is responsible for people getting banned in any way at all. A thread runs its course when people no longer have an interest in it, and stop posting.

People are getting banned in this thread? ugh

My intention of posting videos is just to show the area - talk about "stuff" - and enjoy the people I meet and the compliments I've received. Ive been having a lot of fun!

If that results in people getting banned....well, its not worth it. I can stop posting videos links if its really causing that much trouble?

Sorry to whomever got banned because of this thread!
Ryan, any member who earns a timeout earned it their selves for violating our rules, it is only their fault, not yours. Enough warnings are issued in threads, there is no excuse.

On another note, using special characters like "#, @, *, $, %, -, _" to bypass our censor still violates our rules, post will be deleted, want matter if it is a single line or a 500 word post....

13K+ views on this thread - 300 replies - 21 pages all in 2.5 weeks.

Thats a pretty fast moving and interesting thread for lots of folks here. I suppose I don't understand the comment.

I go to great lengths to do research, spend hours out in the wilderness, and even more time sitting in front of the computer editing - etc. I like to think I am a rare breed here on Tnet. Lots of people comment - but not many "do-ers".

I had no idea that me posting a picture - of my broken down SUV - while out shooting new content - would bring this response.

My apologies.
Totally lost on what your apologizing about. Your broken down SUV pic has nothing to do with anyone who earned a timeout....


Sorry to hear about your dual flat tires. Not fun.

As to the thread running its course.........don't know about that?????? Although things have been quiet in general, I hope your thread hasn't run its course. I'm looking forward to more video. Doesn't have to be the .......(your know what location). Any location is just fine with me.

In most ways my knowledge of the area is very limited in not having actually been there. Your videos, as well as Bill's, provide the visual with the narrative. Puts a much better perspective on things.

In some ways not being on site helps me stay focused on a target. <LOL>. You'd hurt yourself laughing at me watching your videos. Almost every dip and craves you pass along the way, I'm yelling "Stop, look over there". "That looks darn interesting". I wouldn't average a mile a day if I was actually on foot. I'd get caught up in every interesting turn in the trail and every rock that looked out of place.

Looking forward to your next installment.



Please do continue your work, as Lynda suggested. Her post was definitely on point.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Guess what I found today...the Bat Cave. bat.webp

FYI. My son found the other metal ladder. It is very close to me in this picture. He did not know what it was until he saw a video of it. Someone threw it down the hill.


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Dang ,,,,

Half a dozen or more pages of innuendo, "he said,,she said" crap.
A lengthy "discussion" of weapons,,, threats and other "said" things that have derailed this killer thread.

Ryan really went out of his way to "take" us,,, us who probably won't ever have a chance to see this fabled place and it has turned into ,,,,Well it turned into what it was not intended to be.

Let us all get back on track and let Ryan complete the series of video he desires to do.
And discuss,,, in a CIVIL manner,, without trying to keep "one-upping" each other.

I for one totally enjoyed both videos and the accompanying comments from those who have been there.

Ryan,,, THANK YOU for taking the time to do this,,the nay sayers can just bugger off in my opinion.
Maybe,,,, and that's a big one,,, I will make this "rendezvous" event sometime and meet y'all.. To me that would be so cool to give a handshake to those who have walked the walk
seen the sign and attempted to follow that "sign" to a logical conclusion. (a logical conclusion in the mind and thoughts of those that left the sign).

The story,,, the history and those people who "wrote" it are what's important to me ,,, In this case I could care less about the gold..

Just my observations and thoughts here



It would be interesting to have you do a video of the Stone Map Trail which, according to me, starts at the bottom of Hieroglyphic Canyon and ends in Little Boulder Canyon. The Fish Map also shows Little Boulder Canyon and mentions "Rose Quartz".:icon_scratch:

Good luck,


Sure - send me some information in PM and I'd be happy to go investigate and see what it's like out there - camera in hand if its worthy enough! ;)

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