Video - Journey to the Bat Cave

@Bill Riley - That would be going completely over the top for me. While a few of you may think of me as "Ryan the Debunker" - the truth is this: Its given me a reason to go out into the mountains - to enjoy the scenery and REALLY push myself physically. Frank mentioned in another thread that he has respect for me for going up "the bat cave trail" - let me tell you all - the hike to the bat cave is NOTHING compared to the hike getting to it. In the series, the guys went from the water - that route is quite easy. Going other directions - that is no joke and almost made me rethink everything I was doing out in the mountains. I have parents - brothers and sisters that are VERY worried about me walking around out there - climbing over boulders - hanging over 60ft drops that could kill / paralyze me - all to make a YouTube video. Im not going to go install some hidden camera with the intent of catching someone to place on YouTube. I've already received one threat - i don't have the desire to get a collection of threats going - just to make videos for T-Net. Let's be real.

@sgtfda Once again - thank you Frank....I'm glad you like the videos. While you have 6 - and I have 2 - I think its fair to say that the both of us had a lot of fun making them. It's great to get away from the computer and spend an entire day out in the brush. I would invite many of the members here, the "know-it-all's" to put in the same effort that I have.

Just a thought Ryan my camera is for Treasure Hunting nothing more.

But it would be kind a funny watching someone getting punked at their own game!

To me your more like "Ryan the Narrator" kind of like Robert Flack in unsolved mysteries!

My wife always worried about me going out in the mountains until she paid for a life insurance policy on me for 1.1 million!

I'm worth more dead then alive!

Now she encourages my hikes pushing me out the door with out food or water and telling me if Survivor Man can do it so can you!

Seriously, I would like to go too that Pit Mine myself with a detector and gold pan. I

have a set up with a small gold pan and one gallon of water, a bowl with a small screen for cleaning it out while prospecting.

I can do sampling all day with out needing water for panning.

If I got thirsty I suppose you could filter it through one of those emergency water bottle filters and drink it!

I'm glad you are getting out more sitting behind a computer all day for living is tough.

I always question myself when I go out into the Hell called Superstition Mountains.

Lets not dramatize it to much though. Many have gone in there hiking and came back fine.

I've see those game cameras all over the place when I go hiking it's not anything new your probably on one from your hike.

Bill get yourself a garret super sluice gold pan. Perfect for dry panning. No water needed. Watch the dry panning video on utube

Speak of the devil, this one got me good, and those are heavy duty carhartts I'm wearing.

Went through it like knife through butter.

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Cholla is bad, but I've gotten to the point where I can avoid it most of the time, the plant that REALLY kills me is the Yucca with the really sharp and hard tip (someone told me it's called Spanish Bayonet). Every stinking time I hike out here at one point or another I get nailed in the calf by one of those and I swear at least twice it dropped me to my knees like someone jabbed a sewing needle directly into a nerve!

Ralph was hiking with me the other day and reminded me that if I were ever to fall directly into one of those Yucca plants, it could seriously gut me and leave me bleeding internally.

I HATE those things!!!

Ryan, I have at time been at odds with some of the people on T-net because I grouse about the fact that too many here are comfy chair theorizers, and not boots on the ground explorers. I have even started threads where I talked about how things were going downhill around here because we had too many people talking about all kinds of zany theories and not enough people actually going out and searching for lost mines and lost treasure in the field.

I know you are new to all this, but in the short time you have been appearing on T-net you have certainly shown an aptitude for stomping on the terra. I know I was not the only person surprised and delighted when you claimed you would go out and video areas covered in the show, but then actually went out and reported back here with the goods. It became apparent to all in short order you meant business and were determined physically and mentally to do what you claimed you would. I wouldn't place too much stock into any threats you have received, and I look forward to your future efforts. Don't be deterred by those who would have you stop. You will be rewarded by the friends you make in here and out there, and the things you learn in both as well. I know I have, and I wouldn't have missed any of it.

Bill get yourself a garret super sluice gold pan. Perfect for dry panning. No water needed. Watch the dry panning video on utube

I've tried dry panning and can't get it down.

I usually pack in a dry washer like me here in Geronimo's hidden canyon full of gold.

This Canyon is high up and invisible from the air or ground. You'll see my Keene 140 I have a puffer dry washer too. This Canyon is only available in the dry season and only accessible by rope in and rope out. A huge boulder slide rendered the ends of the canyon both ways impassible by climbing up or down so rope is the only way.
Gold Bug 2 was no help to much magnetic sands. Beautiful bright gold came out of this place. It's honey combed with Africanized Bee's and you can only stay a few hours before they get testy. In an hour of non serious dry wash we had a few grams.

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UncleMatt you can see in the background my pack for carrying the drywasher and vac blower down a rope then back up with all that gear twice. I hope this meets your expectation for a truly Adventurous Treasure Hunter.

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Don't give up Bill. It a good skill to have in the desert.

Your right Frank I'm not giving it up I'll try the pan your suggesting I buy and try all sorts of devices.

I haven't had a Trommel yet. I did get to Dredge for the first time this last year. Me and another member of the GPAA went down there to a creek that hadn't run since the 80's. Did about five grams not bad considering it was my first time owning or using one.

You guys all have good Idea's but I think horning for gold was about the craziest thing I had ever heard!

I give it a try and tell ya about it.

Here's some more on that hidden Canyon.

The passage way was blocked by huge rocks that had slide down this steep sloped ravine until it abruptly ended or so it seemed.

Notice the Faces on the sides of this drop off what looks to be a steep cliff straight down off the mountain.

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Next look at the way the Indians used rawhide ropes tied around the timbers in order too lower braves down the steep slotted hole to access the hidden Canyon many moons ago.
This was the secret pass with the slot hole you can only get down or up with a rope. We never used this. We tied a rope around and old tree stump just out of view. Then took it up and around a small cactus just for safety.

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I agree with you about Ryan.


Stay well, buddy! I'll try and get out that way, before, but definitely for the Rendezvous.


I would argue otherwise, I studied Taekwondo for 8+ years, earned a 2nd degree Black Belt, fought full contact in dojo 2 or 3 times a week for 4 yrs and still remember how to shatter someone's joints and the lethal points on the human body..

Treasure Hunter,

I taught myself some Wushu kung fu from a book called Jeet Kune Do and later went on to train and master Shotokon in the mid-seventies. Our Team all won quite a few Trophies in the day.

Still remember how we won all the tournaments in St Louis.

I Studied for short while under Master Hidetaka Nishiyama while he toured the Dojo's he gave me my first higher belt.

Mike Waters was the Sensei and the dojo disbanded when Mike departed in the 1970's.

You might recognize the trophies below. One is for Taekwondo Blind Musical Nunchakus and the other for Samurai Sword there can be only one is the Sword.

Those are in my house in Tucson and once belonged too my Brother as he followed in my footsteps. Nunchakus were my weapon of choice and his also.

I was just trying out my new Cuddeback Game Camera in my house and shot that pic which made me think of a smelly sweaty Dojo and days gone by.

Take care.

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New Game camera came today It's nice. Has time lapse 20 mega pixel three distances and can take up to 30k pictures before full.

I think I'll capture me some Pixies!

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Ryan, I take you and Frank must be filming Jacob's Ladder out there the weathers cool and old wooden stairways to heaven are easy to spot.
Have Woody bless you both before you go because you know those spirits are about to speak!
Are they friendly Spirit's?
Just Listen!

Nice weather for one more hike before it sizzles. Don't forget the sun lotion just in case the Father, Sun or holy spirit yanks your chains.
Take some nice Video Ryan and don't forget to have those semi naked Dutch groupies pose with a couple of your large gold nuggets in their hands!
Personally, I like it when my wife plays with my nuggets she always gets excited around gold!

Seriously, You should be careful out there. You could get a cactus needle lodged under the skin which may cause a nasty infection.

Or a Skeeter Bite.

Be safe.
You are sending some mixed messages to someone who was threatened. Not sure that I agree with doing so as it could be misinterpreted. Stairs to heaven?

I'm not sure what is going on here :icon_scratch:

under Terms TreasureNet - Rules
You may not.... Post, upload, send personal messages, transmit or otherwise make available any inappropriate, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, vulgar, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, or unlawful content.

You may not.... Abuse, defame, harass, threaten, stalk, or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others.

this may apply to some of these comments


Ryan, I take you and Frank must be filming Jacob's Ladder out there the weathers cool and old wooden stairways to heaven are easy to spot.
Have Woody bless you both before you go because you know those spirits are about to speak!
Are they friendly Spirit's?
Just Listen!

Nice weather for one more hike before it sizzles. Don't forget the sun lotion just in case the Father, Sun or holy spirit yanks your chains.
Take some nice Video Ryan and don't forget to have those semi naked Dutch groupies pose with a couple of your large gold nuggets in their hands!
Personally, I like it when my wife plays with my nuggets she always gets excited around gold!

Seriously, You should be careful out there. You could get a cactus needle lodged under the skin which may cause a nasty infection.

Or a Skeeter Bite.

Be safe.

And what on earth gave you the impression that Frank and I are "working together"?

I appreciate your public show of concern for me - but its not necessary. I do find the comments that you wrote in your post completely unnecessary though - and would tend to agree with Hal Croves on this one - it seems odd.

Your post is a mix of weird innuendos that have to do with my safety. Wooden stairways to Heaven? Father, sun or holy spirit to yank my chain? Then you end it with sexual innuendos about your wife?

You're probably just trying to be "funny" - but I think its time to stop.

You are sending some mixed messages to someone who was threatened. Not sure that I agree with doing so as it could be misinterpreted. Stairs to heaven?

Jacob's ladder Hal It was his dream and it was a reference to the Bat Cave and Jesuit's.

Father Sun and Holy Spirit? Jesuit, Chains of Bondage? Sun Block, Ra?

Cactus Needle lodged under skin Chevy Chase at Wally World,

Dutch Girls holding Gold, I don't think I have to explain that it's just plain Dutchman Fun.

My Wife now she's fun. She was the one holding the Camera in that canyon picture where we repelled down the hole.

You can read it many ways but your right Hal it's not intended for a threat never was.

GEEZ Lighten Up you guys WTF. (WILLING TO FORGET)

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Jacob's ladder Hal It was his dream and it was a reference to the Bat Cave.
I was only trying to warn you that your humor is sometimes difficult to interpret. I will mind my own peas and Q's.

Gee, I never knew you were a moderator?

I'm so sorry Ryan,

I hadn't seen a response in a while and you said Frank was going to be in your Video's.

You seem to have a lot of Groupies you bragged about,
You have 11k of them to be exact.

If my weird sense of humor doesn't suit your style so be it but don't school me in what you think I should do we have and open forum here you don't run threads.

but I in part Do moderate !!!! & I suggest you's all stop Sniping at each other,
or whatever you call it or you all may be looking for something else to pass your time.

as I said, I don't know exactly what this is all about as it seems a bit cloaked in secrecy .
or you's may have already earned a vacation.

My suggestion is dicuss the subject of the title & Not each other.

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Ryan, I have at time been at odds with some of the people on T-net because I grouse about the fact that too many here are comfy chair theorizers, and not boots on the ground explorers. I have even started threads where I talked about how things were going downhill around here because we had too many people talking about all kinds of zany theories and not enough people actually going out and searching for lost mines and lost treasure in the field.

I know you are new to all this, but in the short time you have been appearing on T-net you have certainly shown an aptitude for stomping on the terra. I know I was not the only person surprised and delighted when you claimed you would go out and video areas covered in the show, but then actually went out and reported back here with the goods. It became apparent to all in short order you meant business and were determined physically and mentally to do what you claimed you would. I wouldn't place too much stock into any threats you have received, and I look forward to your future efforts. Don't be deterred by those who would have you stop. You will be rewarded by the friends you make in here and out there, and the things you learn in both as well. I know I have, and I wouldn't have missed any of it.

Hear hear.................drinks al around, I totally agree with this.

but I in part Do moderate !!!! & I suggest you's all stop Sniping at each other,
or whatever you call it or you all may be looking for something else to pass your time.

as I said, I don't know exactly what this is all about as it seems a bit cloaked in secrecy .
or you's may have already earned a vacation.

My suggestion is dicuss the subject of the title & Not each other.

One member is already on timeout for not heeding warnings to stop the mocking, insults and sniping, as Jeff said he will have company if it continues..


From now on I'll explain my Metaphor's Innuendo's and Sarcasm's right in my jokes so as not to offend anyone. They will all be in plain language with explanations and examples just so we have no misinterpretation's.

I think were getting awfully close here to thread control through over reaction to harmless dull rhetoric.

I believe since everyone's on edge worried so much about proper verbiage or retaliation by reporting that even harmless jokes are now considered offensive. This dulls the conversation down.

"Inappropriate, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, vulgar, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, or unlawful content"

That pretty much is in the context of other previous posts if any and the intention of the poster if none are there no two people think a like.

In my mind I committed none of the above offenses. To me it's all in context of the person who wrote it not a third party or even the person whom it was intended for if they take offense to it just because they can't understand it.

Next time just ask me to explain what I said.

None of what I posted was meant to harm, violate, harass, be profane or vulgar, be inappropriate, threaten, abuse or break laws.

But if you go by the other word we could all be in hot water by simply not doing our home work and saying something inaccurate!

We're only Human. Not good ones at that.


Bill it isn't thread control, it is enforcing TN rules. Members only need to stop the sniping, mocking, insults and veiled insults..

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