Video - Journey to the Bat Cave

resolution copper can take thousands of acres in the hewitt canyon area and use it to dump toxic tailings on...but a regular guy gets in trouble for digging a small hole or picking up a few rocks to take home...i guess if you have money you can do whatever you want on our public lands..but if your cant

Well we will see how soon before they Injun-up to the superstitions.........

Don't you think that's far worse than anything any of those "environmentalists" are doing?

Whoa hold me back I am aloud to "walk" on these lands that have been grabbed for what too protect a fish, a bird, a plant or an insect? How much ground could I cover on foot, on a weekend in say the 109 million acre wilderness area. Man they are doing us such a favor.

No I don't at least the copper mine are using the land for something besides a door stop or a trophy to be admired from afar.

Apparently the mining company is at least willing to talk to the special interest groups about the situation. That may not me much but it is far more then any environmentalist group I have ever had to deal was willing to do. With them it is we take leave..........end of story.

And yes the mining company is going to protect their property to keep people coming onto their claims. Just as the BLM does with all the property they hold so dear. And as well the environmentalist who don't even own the property want to do.

Deducer, just out of curiosity have you ever owned a mining claim and worked it either for profit or just as a hobby?

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If you don't like guns, wasp spray, bear spray, mace, pepper spray, stun flashlight, stun gun, non lethal but affective. Even a simple water pistol with vinegar or jalapeno juice will ward off a Mountain Lion, Bear or Claim Jumper.

Like Cuban's experience my Brother in Law and I were metal detecting in a canyon with a hidden mine with an old cliff dwelling above that was once full of dynamite, blasting caps, tools.

We hiked up the canyon after a fresh rain and no tracks but ours were on the trail in the wash going in.

On the way back I looked down and noticed huge mountain lion tracks right on top of our foot prints!

The Cat was stalking us from behind and we never knew it!

We both were armed but it made no difference.

The both of us were terrified that the big cat could be on our trail and attack us with out even enough time to pull our weapons and fire!

The canyon we detected was about ten foot on the sides and eight foot wide so the cat could have jumped on one of us from above and snapped our necks with one bite.

Those cats are so quiet no wonder most hunters use dogs to trail them humans would have a tough go of it.

After it was all said and done we realized the cliff dwelling was it's lair and we were the intruders!

Those of you who where snake chaps move over I'm wearing neck chaps!

Eric Deleel is the guest on Gold Radio Talk:Gold Prospecting Talk Show tonight (4/14/15) at 7PM EST. The show lasts about 1-2 hours. Eric is the member of the team on the"Legends of the Superstition Mountains" show that allegedly found the Jesuit cross in the bat cave! You can call up the show live and ask him questions!


Well we will see how soon before they Injun-up to the superstitions.........

back in the 70's there were no houses on the west side of the look on google earth and see how many houses are there.....same deal..i guess the developers are allow to tear up the wilderness and build houses...but we cant even drive on the roads out there now...they are all closed off

Just my take on the gun issue but I feel you have it backwards. Its not 50 years of being armed and living in constant fear. Its 50 years of being armed and being confident in the ability to adequately defend yourself and others. The constant fear would come from NOT being able to adequately defend yourself.

With gun ownership comes responsible handling and familiarity with the weapon. One has to make decisions and prepare themselves long before an instance for deadly use arises. Its not a toy for a bluff or a prop to enlarge one’s ego. Its made to kill. To kill either human or animal. And; if that’s not something you can (well ahead of time) come to terms with, then guns shouldn’t be your weapon of choice.

One has to have already resolved to use the gun to kill if the situation comes into being. It must be an instant reaction and not something weighed at the time. There isn’t time for that.

I’ll give you a glimpse of a real life situation that solidified my resolve on gun ownership years ago. A young family lived not far from here. They were advertising a vehicle they had for sale. A man came and looked at the vehicle and said he was interested in purchasing it and would return with the money to purchase. They husband said he would be way for a few days and to return on such and such date to finalize the purchase.

The man returned in the night while the husband was away. Broke into the home and molested the wife. The young son, about age 4, awoke during the scuffle and told the man “I’m going to tell my Daddy” and ran for the door. The man charged for the son and the woman broke away and ran for a kitchen knife. Her only means of defense. Dragging the son back with him the man was able to wrestle the knife from the woman. He used that knife to cut first her throat and then the son’s. This the villain told in his admission of guilty.

If only she had a gun to run to instead of the knife. The what ifs of that very real story are a lesson. Sure there is the other side of the story of the dangers of having a gun. But; when push comes to shove……….my choice is having the gun.

As to animals you may encounter……. I don’t know about Arizona but around this part of the country rabies is becoming all the more prevalent. Animals with rabies lose their natural fear of humans and attack rather than shy away. In that situation I want to drop that animal long before it’s in close enough range to sling saliva in my direction. Beating it off with a stick may work but chances are you are going to have enough contact that the series of belly shots for the preventative drugs would be in your future. And; the animal is going to be just as dead as it would have been if you had dropped it at 30 paces. A well placed shot avoids the animal passing the disease to you and other animals they encounter before the disease takes its course.

My discussion is not to try to convince those opposed to fire arms to become carriers. In fact, I believe that is dangerous if they are not of a mind set to do so. It’s to try to instill tolerance for those who have made the choice to be responsible carriers. There is wisdom on both sides of the issue.

I understand the sense of power that a firearm offers. I own guns and taught my young-ins to be crack shots. So, I am "pro-responsible gun ownership" even after Sandy Hook and hundreds of other pointless shootings. I just think that anyone needing to carry a gun at the hip lives in a perpetual state of fear and to deny so, would be disingenuous. That is sad.

My last word on guns. Liability insurance on each weapon should be mandatory. So, keep buying the American ones.

Hal I carry a loaded .45 95% of the time and I live in no fear at all....

Hal I carry a loaded .45 95% of the time and I live in no fear at all....

I would argue that you have only suspended your fear of being unable to defend yourself but, the fear that is driving you to carry that weapon is very real and always with you... except for 5% of your time (bath time?:dontknow:
Its your right and a well earned one.

How has my thread been turned into a gun thread? Make it stop.

Ryan they got carried away, trying to tell you about safety in the mtns
looking forward to the next vid and imgs, think safe and stay safe

I would argue that you have only suspended your fear of being unable to defend yourself but, the fear that is driving you to carry that weapon is very real and always with you... except for 5% of your time (bath time?:dontknow:
Its your right and a well earned one.
I would argue otherwise, I studied Taekwondo for 8+ years, earned a 2nd degree Black Belt, fought full contact in dojo 2 or 3 times a week for 4 yrs and still remember how to shatter someone's joints and the lethal points on the human body..

I would argue otherwise, I studied Taekwondo for 8+ years, earned a 2nd degree Black Belt, fought full contact in dojo 2 or 3 times a week for 4 yrs and still remember how to shatter someone's joints and the lethal points on the human body..
With these skills, you don't need the false confidence of a firearm. You just need to get in close. I hope that it never comes to that but if it does, you have the advantage.

I was raised in Newtown, CT. I also just happened to be there days before the shooting revisiting memories from childhood. My best friends brother was one of the first to respond to the shootings. He is now forever touched by what he witnessed and I would even say he is now a secondary victim. Actually, many who responded are today victims of the shooting. So, there, in that pile of obliterated tinny bodies is my argument for responsible gun control.

Ryan, I just purchased a powerful 20 megapixel bush game camera with a lock box. Can be used for monitoring people going to a from a site. It has HD Video and can take up to 30k photos motion sensor day or night in color.

They don't cost that much but it might help if you hike in first and set it up before hand so you can see who's been going there? That would put your mind at ease before you do the actual Video at each site.

Actually, if you think about it, you could use the Video from the bush camera and show the people trying to trail and bush wack your operation as part of the trip!

Expose those troublemakers.

I've seen strange things happen over the years.

@Frank, I bet you have some stories. That would be interesting to hear someday...

@Ryan, thanks again for your videos and the work you did to get all that.

as interesting as the gun stories are, i would like to revist, the ladder at the bat cave
i may have found someone who might of seen it in the 80s, does anyone know a
Karl Sidinger, looking into Hal Croves rafterB mine, i found this listing of a claim in
the bat cave area.... PERALTA CANYON VIEW, Karl Sidinger | Maricopa, Arizona | The Diggings? and Karl wrote a
book, CORE WORKS - SIDINGER so does anyone
know this man to ask him if, he saw the ladder in the 80s when he was staking claim
in the area

The ladder dates from about 1950

ok, just from the imgs, it looks more 70s to me, i know dry climate
helps preserve, have you ever climbed it

I'm a big fan of Ryan's videos. I can see a series of videos on areas of interest in the Superstitions. I can even see one on dutch Hunter weapons. We all show up and demo our favorite. Hal can demo his balloon. Perhaps one on how to find gold in the area. That is badly needed.
You never know but I doubt someone is waiting in the bushes to shoot Ryan. The bugs are too bad now. Went on a little ride with Cubfan in the mountain to test my jeep Mon and show Paul around. Tom K and Keith followed in their jeeps as back up in case I had a issue. Every time we stopped here come the ear bugs. It was fun though and Tom as always had a story or two. We all had a great time. When I put my 45lc on Tom asked what was that for. I told him someone might be hiding in the bush waiting for Ryan. That gave him a good laugh. I put the gun on anyway. I've seen strange things happen over the years.
It would have to be tethered. I have seen you shoot.
: )

If you are such a fan of Ryan and his videos, perhaps you might explain everything in orange. You sure play one mean game Frank. Be careful not to tear your trousers when hopping that fence.

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