Video 4 - The Peralta Stone Maps with Frank Augustine

Hal and Frank - thanks for the encouraging words. I really wasn't looking for any response to my comments, but now and then my fingers just type what's in my head at the moment and that's what happened here :).

Nothing either of you said was anything I don't already know deep down, but all of it was full of good reminders about life in general - especially about living in the moment and life being too short. I'll keep reminding myself of those 2 things and hopefully get out of this funk I'm in :).

Paul one day we will long for what we do now. That last hike or search where things are pure and adventure is at hand.
The world is full of toxic hateful people. We need to escape and recharge. Just maybe win a gold nugget.
For those who cannot escape physically for one reason or another Ryan and I are creating these videos. The best feeling in the world is getting behind the wheel and heading out on a adventure. You see it's all in our mind. For some Google Earth is their escape. For others Tnet. A dream of finding gold. Gold that will end all our problems. Though it would only bring more. For others it just the challenge.
So if you are a toxic hateful person reflect and allow others their escape. Life is too short.

Daaayyyuuummmm Frank... that was very eloquently stated, my sentiments exactly. :thumbsup:

You and Ryan keep the videos coming. It's always nice to see the scenery on that side of town... :headbang:

ryan...any attacks on your videos on this forum are done out of jealousy....99% of the folks here like and look forward to your videos....the other 1% are just angry because they didnt think of it first

I totally agree, I have come across many people like this whilst dealing with many legends I have pursued over the years and I found it was best to just ignore their ignorance.

Paul one day we will long for what we do now. That last hike or search where things are pure and adventure is at hand.
The world is full of toxic hateful people. We need to escape and recharge. Just maybe win a gold nugget.
For those who cannot escape physically for one reason or another Ryan and I are creating these videos. The best feeling in the world is getting behind the wheel and heading out on a adventure. You see it's all in our mind. For some Google Earth is their escape. For others Tnet. A dream of finding gold. Gold that will end all our problems. Though it would only bring more. For others it just the challenge.
So if you are a toxic hateful person reflect and allow others their escape. Life is too short.

Here here I'll drink to that.......

Join Frank Augustine (sgfta) and I as we explore the legend of the Peralta Stone Maps. We are one of the first to ever show Tumlinson's site on Video - and the only folks that have made our findings public with never before seen discoveries. We also venture to Herman Petrash's old cabin where we see some strange markings - that we could use your help on. For those that live out of state, we also went to some abandoned mines in the Superstition Range for you to peruse.

Thanks for the support with my video and all the folks that supply me with information. In specific for this video, Garry Cundiff.

Here is the link to the YouTube site where you can see this video, as well as all of my others.

-Ryan :icon_salut:

Great work on the videos! Hope to see more from you guys! :icon_thumright:

Well, I watched the Video.

The Narrator talked a bit like he was tired or had a hangover from to much beer the night before.:laughing7:

I have been to that exact stone map dig site with the large grave like holes. It was the first place I searched for the origin of the stone maps many years ago.

I see the comparisons with the stone map letters and Travis's carvings. Looks to me like he was obsessed with the stone maps so he carved symbols similar. I really don't think he knew the letter "A" used an angled cross bar for a pointer which is common Spanish Treasure map lettering. I really don't think he knew Portuguese and Spanish slang which is what's on the maps.

Where is the Fifth Map?

I knew of the existence of the fifth map before I heard it was originally found by him. That's the map that explains the "Key" which I know is a keystone for reading the final in the field map. You see with freemasonry everything is another map.

The site.

The dig holes and artifacts Frank found I have seen and picked up myself. I picked up the same ore sample while I was there! The holes were created by a back hoe which would have left many scratches or even broke that piece off the fifth map. I believe Travis may have used a back hoe and almost destroyed the fifth map and Frank has the corner of what was once the fifth map.

The Needle.

You can't see the Needle from there it's true. But Travis said he was just trying to see the Needle from that location he may not have seen it and peed on that first map which would explain the yellowing.:laughing7:

As for the Narrator's assertion that no one has actually found a Treasure with the use of the Maps all I can say is the Maps are not Treasure Maps. They were for finding Mines which may contain Gold Ore. It was common practice to leave processed Ore in abandoned or used mines depending on which as easier for the miners. As per Ron Quinn's treasure find in Southern AZ.

I have a site wear the stone maps come into play very nicely. Even has a cut insert in solid rock that the heart stone would fit perfectly.
It's right next too the keystone which has to be removed for the map to be "Viewed".

Once that is done you wait for the right time of day and year for reading the map by act of the Sun and Shadow.

The mines nearby have very rich silver and gold ore. I showed samples on another thread on here for hard rock mining.

I plan to film it later this year before and after I remove the "Keystone".

Will I give it up for people to see?

Probably not.

This is not the proper venue for posting real finds and discoveries.

But it is good if you like hearing long tales of yesterday.

Bill since both people in video are members here and you knew this before you posted, why would you start your post by insulting the narration?

I must say Ryan is a joy to work with. We complement each other. He has a rare talent and makes for a excellent search partner. Has a very good eye for things. I'm looking forward to additional videos. A future search with detectors may turn up some things. When I detect I search every square inch. A habit from my crime scene days. I find it best to keep a open mind on projects like this. Ryan agrees. When you start finding items that could connect with a legend it makes for a interesting search. I like to do my homework first. Check out a area then go over it with the proper equipment. What Ryan and I find will be presented and everyone can form their own opinion. As with any search of this type you will not always find things. But it great when you do. I have some great sites for the future and I know Ryan has some search areas also in mind.
so seeing how you are making videos for youtube does that mean you are done with that legends show on tv?

Victor & Bill,

Your antagonistic comments are becoming out of hand - rude and child-like. From Bill accusing me of being drunk / hungover during my narration to Victor calling the police department and trying to post confidential information about the death threat I received here on T-Net. It's ridiculous and offensive.

The intention of my videos, even the latest one with Frank, is to present information for the viewer to decide. I am not a treasure hunter - I have never promoted myself as such. I am fascinated by legend and enjoy telling stories of legend via video in regard to the Superstitions and many more sites in the future.

Victor - you seem to have an unhealthy obsession with the rock we found. I am unsure why? In our video, if you would have paid attention, Frank posed a question - and said "could this be part of the stone maps?" It was a question...not a statement. We have never said "this is 100% a part of the stone maps" - we said, "look what we found and what do you guys think?"

I will continue to report each one of your attempts to derail my threads - make light of my character - the characters of my friends - or people I work with - to the moderators. Hal, you've already been banned - and Bill has received multiple warnings.

You are absolutely welcome to be a part of conversations, and we would all enjoy that, but making snide / rude / attacking comments that have nothing to do with the intention of this thread - but my personal safety or integrity will not be allowed.

Both of you two have been on my ignore list for quite some time - however, I am thankful for the friends that look out for me, on this forum, and alert me to your shenanigans and attempts to get a rise out of me.

I don't have the intention of responding to either of you again and I politely ask you to be mature and respectful going forward.

Thank you....


"look at what we found and what do you guys think?"

I think that I have been fairly positive about your videos. I don't remember making any negative comments about you or your work. The suggestions that I made were relevant and you certainly seem to act on them. Age of treasure chest stone, etc. So, put your personal insecurities aside and let's stay focused on the stones. You can't be upset if someone challenges your claims. That's what we are here for. You wrote that Franks red rock was chiseled. I simply asked for proof because I saw no visible signs. Do you honestly expect people to take your inexperienced word as the last word? That's not very realistic. Expect to be challenged when you make claims that are relatively important. Bill did not complain when I asked him to explain his ideas about the rock. Why should you? If you can't prove your statement, be honest and simply say so. No shame.

Now about your sad phone call and persistent misinformation about my stupid post. You keep telling people that I phoned the police in Scottsdale checking up on your story. If that were true, there would certainly be a record of it. Why not call and check it out before you embarrass yourself further. It is simply not true and you may want to think about repeating that accusation. It never happened Ryan and anything I posted you had already posted yourself. Except how to confirm your story. I check everything that people tell me. I do my own research and research EVERYTHING. No shame in doing your own work. Give it a try.

It's great that you have found friends here on TNet and even better that your opinion of those friends have changed for the positive. It seems that your belief about all DLM hunters being losers is fading and I for one am happy about the change. No TNet member is a looser Ryan. And the old timers that "have nothing to show for all their efforts" are not losers either. Are you sure that you have been completely honest with these friends? I hope so Ryan, as they are good people. Ya, even Frank. ; )

Integrity is a great word Ryan and great idea. We should all strive for it.

So, there it is. Now, can you tell us when Hal Croves was banned? I don't ever remember being banned. I am sometimes slow and perhaps I missed it. No need to apologize Ryan, but you may want to correct that statement. TH? Please confirm.

Honesty Ryan. It is a great and powerful thing.

So, no chisel marks? That's all I was after.

hal..are you a psychic? do you know we dont have an explanation ?...i cant speak for ryan and frank but i dont give a rats rump about that i've stated before i'm positive those stone maps are forgeries...i dont sit around and waste time trying to figure out a rock...unless it has gold in
Dave, relax. Your posts are becoming scattered and a bit difficult to understand.
If you can't speak for Ryan or Frank, why do you try?
It's ok to have an opinion and it's ok to sit around and write about it. But, there is no need to attack those who disagree with you.

I am going to give you a big hug when I finally meet you.

Bill since both people in video are members here and you knew this before you posted, why would you start your post by insulting the narration?
Bill has an unusual sense of humor. I enjoy it even when I am on the receiving end.

Great work on the videos! Hope to see more from you guys! :icon_thumright:

Marc - that's very kind! Thanks so much! Make sure to stick around - there are many more coming your way!

Gentlemen end the bickering and attacks or I will issue timeouts to all involved...

Gentlemen end the bickering and attacks or I will issue timeouts to all involved...

I hope that my post was not taken as an attack. We have to be allowed to correct posts that are misleading, slanderous, and incorrect. BTW, was Hal Croves ever banned? This is a perfect example.

Thanks TH

who is bill? its a legitimate question about the show. i pm'ed you a while back and you said you were tied up in some contract. i need your expertise with a detector and gollum with figurin out where the stuff would be stashed. the three dots on the wall can be seen through a peehole by a treasure symbol.. it triangulates something.. i told you its the valley on the perfil map. i cant believe i have to twist somebodys ****ing arm to walk into the area that everyone is looking for.

I can't speak for everyone but it is wise to be cautious in choosing your partner to hike into those mountains. Adolph Ruth was not choosy about who he went in with and ended up dead, and this has happened in very recent years too. Get to know the guy (or gal) a bit first before you trust them enough to go into the wilderness with anyone. You don't want to find out your partner is not a good guy.

Some of us live a long way from the Superstitions so can't just go at any time we like, others might live close by but have work, other commitments etc. Anyway just thought I would suggest to be choosy about your partner, someone might want to go with you for the wrong reasons.


ryan wrote:
(Still waiting for someone to email me that has used the stone maps and has legitimately found something)

dont hold your

Bill has an unusual sense of humor. I enjoy it even when I am on the receiving end.
Its not humor when it violates our rules, no matter who enjoys it. Members can offer alternative views, theories and challenges as long as they are done with respect, when they are not done with respect they are in violation of our rules.

To get the thread back on topic (it's always the same two that try to derail it) let's keep discussing the Tumlinson site. I'd like more dialogue from folks that have been there. Cubfan has. Somehiker has. They've both supplied photos. Does anyone else have any photos / impressions of the area they'd like to share?

Has anyone ever used a detector out there? Any findings that you'd be willing to share photos of?

(Still waiting for someone to email me that has used the stone maps and has legitimately found something)

TH, that is an unwarranted attack on a TNet member. How should I deal with it? Do I need to derail the thread again defending myself?

I'm definitely seeing that! I really want to hear the side of someone that believes they are real and can substantiate it!

It's easy to find the doubters and skeptics - the other side has been as elusive as where the stone maps lead.

Such is the story...
ryan..i know quite a few people that swear up and down the have the maps all figured out...they are all dead flat broke though...go figure

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