Well, I watched the Video.
The Narrator talked a bit like he was tired or had a hangover from to much beer the night before.
I have been to that exact stone map dig site with the large grave like holes. It was the first place I searched for the origin of the stone maps many years ago.
I see the comparisons with the stone map letters and Travis's carvings. Looks to me like he was obsessed with the stone maps so he carved symbols similar. I really don't think he knew the letter "A" used an angled cross bar for a pointer which is common Spanish Treasure map lettering. I really don't think he knew Portuguese and Spanish slang which is what's on the maps.
Where is the Fifth Map?
I knew of the existence of the fifth map before I heard it was originally found by him. That's the map that explains the "Key" which I know is a keystone for reading the final in the field map. You see with freemasonry everything is another map.
The site.
The dig holes and artifacts Frank found I have seen and picked up myself. I picked up the same ore sample while I was there! The holes were created by a back hoe which would have left many scratches or even broke that piece off the fifth map. I believe Travis may have used a back hoe and almost destroyed the fifth map and Frank has the corner of what was once the fifth map.
The Needle.
You can't see the Needle from there it's true. But Travis said he was just trying to see the Needle from that location he may not have seen it and peed on that first map which would explain the yellowing.
As for the Narrator's assertion that no one has actually found a Treasure with the use of the Maps all I can say is the Maps are not Treasure Maps. They were for finding Mines which may contain Gold Ore. It was common practice to leave processed Ore in abandoned or used mines depending on which as easier for the miners. As per Ron Quinn's treasure find in Southern AZ.
I have a site wear the stone maps come into play very nicely. Even has a cut insert in solid rock that the heart stone would fit perfectly.
It's right next too the keystone which has to be removed for the map to be "Viewed".
Once that is done you wait for the right time of day and year for reading the map by act of the Sun and Shadow.
The mines nearby have very rich silver and gold ore. I showed samples on another thread on here for hard rock mining.
I plan to film it later this year before and after I remove the "Keystone".
Will I give it up for people to see?
Probably not.
This is not the proper venue for posting real finds and discoveries.
But it is good if you like hearing long tales of yesterday.