Victorio Peak Documents, Symbols and Artifacts

Ha! I’m about a year late, but I just did the same thing. Saw a pic of the crown and knew I’d find its real source with a quick google image search. Took less than a minute. How’d it take almost 9 years since the original post?! My question is, was Ova and Co trying to pass it off as an actual photo of the find, or did she find that photo and use it to say the tiara found was similar to the one in the photo? Big difference. Outright deception versus helpful description.

Edit to add: continued reading this thread, this has been addressed. 5 years ago lol. My bad.

Outright deception IMO. It's a well-known Noss family tradition.

Chalice carved into the side of Victorio Peak including a shadow carved "7" at the crux at the base of the finger rock on the left. Taken as a screen shot of an old photograph.



Excellent photo, thanks for posting it. Looks like the type of work i have seen before.

Hello All,

Attached are two screen grabs of Victorio Peak and the "Chalice" seen up close and from further away including a Shadow "V" circled.





Another great photo,thanks for posting it. Lots of great info. and facts in those.

A great video here. Lots of drawings of the different openings and fault tunnels on the peak.


I've let this BS go on for faaaar too long! LOL

Steve (SDCFIA) tends to take a narrow focus on things that Doc did that were questionable and/or deceptive. He tends to ignore or conveniently forget the voluminous evidence that proves him wrong. Love you brother, but you are stuffed on this one. HAHAHA

Don't get me wrong......I have never been under the impression that Doc was a beacon of morality. I don't think that Doc was a LOT different than many depression era rural men. Little formal education and being part Indian (in rural New Mexico) was a bad combination. He was a hard drinker. Didn't trust hardly anybody.

1. Capt. Leonard V. Fiege, Airman First Class Thomas Berlette, and a Civilian Dispatcher had read all about VP and went exploring. They found a small cave opening that led to a larger cave that contained three large stacks of gold bars. They were afraid if they took ANYTHING they could lose EVERYTHING. They piled rocks in the entrance and left. They spent several years trying to go through "Official Channels" to get ownership of the gold. I have the polygraph test results from both men that proved one of two things fairly conclusively:
A. They were BOTH telling the entire truth as they knew it.
B. They were BOTH such good liars, that they BOTH beat a government administered polygraph test.
I also have a sworn affidavit from Leonard V. Fiege as to the entire story.

Chapter 2-7a Letter - Leonard Fiege to Sam and Norman Scott 1975 (14).png

Chapter 2-7c Letter - Leonard Fiege to Sam and Norman Scott 1975 (14).png

2. Capt. William "Orby" Swanner was not only a Military Police Captain, but was the Operations Officer for White Sands Missile Range (and not prone to flights of fancy). He was first tasked in 1961 with opening up a way into VP. They were spotted and ordered by a NM State Court to cease digging. Too late Swanner and crew had gotten into the lower caverns. It took several years for the Government to take the gold out. After witnessing the removal of approximately 93 million troy ounces of gold from VP over the four day Thanksgiving Weekend of 1973, he signed a notarized affidavit to that effect. The Air Force called him a liar and said he was NEVER under VP. He replied that his name and service number were sooted onto the wall of the Lower Chamber with his Carbon-Arc Headlight. I have a picture taken during Operation Goldfinder I of Capt. Swanner's name and service number EXACTLY as he described.


3. There are rare and little known interviews with two men named Dick Moyle and Lloyd Tucker. Moyle worked for Fred Drolte (The One-Armed Bandit). Moyle was Droltes most trusted security guy. Drolte was a gun runner and a contract employee for the CIA. Moyle tells of how Drolte told him (before the start of the 1973 Thanksgiving Four Day Weekend) that he was given they keys to the back gate at VP and was taking his personal Deuce-and-a-half with trailer and was meeting "people" there (short version of the story. The whole thing will blow your mind). Tucker was a spelunker that Doc hired him to put together a team to see just how far down VP went.

Chapter 3-18b Document - Sworn Affidavit by Dick Moyle Re Drolte and F. Lee Bailey March 15, 2...png

Chapter 3-18d Document - Sworn Affidavit by Dick Moyle Re Drolte and F. Lee Bailey March 15, 2...png

Chapter 3-18e Document - Sworn Affidavit by Dick Moyle Re Drolte and F. Lee Bailey March 15, 2...png

Chapter 3-18f Document - Sworn Affidavit by Dick Moyle Re Drolte and F. Lee Bailey March 15, 2...png

Chapter 3-18g Document - Sworn Affidavit by Dick Moyle Re Drolte and F. Lee Bailey March 15, 2...png

Chapter 3-18h Document - Sworn Affidavit by Dick Moyle Re Drolte and F. Lee Bailey March 15, 2...png

Chapter 3-18i Document - Sworn Affidavit by Dick Moyle Re Drolte and F. Lee Bailey March 15, 2...png

The Moyle Interview cleared up something that has been bugging me for years. Swanner entered the lower caverns in 1961, but every story has the actual gold removal Thanksgiving Weekend of 1973. That means the Government was exploring VP for 12 years before the theft. I guess they wanted to make sure they got everything in one take (from more than one place).

4. TONY JOLLEY: Jolley was a Cow Hand and Rodeo Rider. He had met Doc many years earlier working the rodeo circuit. By his admission, Doc told Jolley that he had taken about 300 gold bars from VP. He had a deal with a man named Charley Ryan to buy all the bars. The day before he had overheard Ryan bragging that he would get the bars and not pay a penny. Doc had already told Ryan the approximate location of the bars and wanted to rebury them before the next morning. Doc ran into Jolley at a gas station and asked him to help. Here's part of the interview (the whole interview is 1.5 hours):

Tony Jolley Interview with Alex Alonso

5. MOST IMPORTANTLY: The statement of Willie Douthitt. Willie was a friend of Doc Noss. After the story of Willie and Buster's Cave of gold bars in the Caballo's got into the newspapers, Willie was kidnapped twice and tortured to get the cave location. In Willie's own words, they had him hanging by his ballsack from a pipe in the ceiling of the basement of a building. Doc found out about it, went in, shot the guard and let Willie loose. In gratitude, Willie let Doc look at a map that he had murdered a boy named Jack Reynolds for. This was in late 1932-early 1933. This map showed seven treasure caves. Willie got one that contained (in Willie's words) about 2000 forty pound refined gold bars. That left six. It took Doc about five years to find the first cave under VP. Photographs taken by Doc show the inside of a cave in the Caballo's. VP is in the San Andres. No known refined bars came from VP. Everything I have seen were dore mine pours. Steve has said those copper bars were refined to get the little gold that was in them. When and where? Doc was surrounded by people day and night. Nobody has EVER said that Doc refined ANYTHING. Besides, is there ANY evidence that Doc even knew HOW to extract gold from copper? NOPE! Steve is just trying to justify the fact that many pure gold ingots Doc had distributed to several people that were refined bars. These likely came from a different cave Doc had found in the Caballo's based on Willie's Map. After VP and the Government had destroyed his life, its no wonder he kept the second cave a secret. Willie's big secret was that when he left N.M. in 1933 after his kidnapping and torture, he waited until 1943 (ten years later and in the middle of WWII). He grew his hair and beard, rented a car, and drove to N.M. Most of the young men were off at war, and he was not recognized. He went and recovered a gold bar or two and went back to California. That was his habit every year for many years. When Willie died in 1996, his estate was valued at $3.5 million (and that's not counting the $1.5 million his girlfriend found in the house after he died.

I guess that's enough for now.

Best - Mike


  • Chapter 3-20k Interview - Lloyd Tucker by Mike Laurance Re Various - taken in Reno  September...webp
    Chapter 3-20k Interview - Lloyd Tucker by Mike Laurance Re Various - taken in Reno September...webp
    34.3 KB · Views: 109
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I left out one page of the Dick Moyle Interview. It regards the "chair" Drolte spoke of. It relates another story that Drolte HAD to know about. I am researching this connection a little further before letting it out.

I almost forgot to post regarding the reason I am back now: The Tiara. If you watch the entire interview with Ova (1977), she says she doesn't know if the photo was of the actual Tiara (Crown) or one from a book that looked similar.

If you look at what Alex said regarding this subject, it was the same. Nobody alive knows exactly what the picture was of.

But it is interesting that another part of the treasure was supposedly described by Ladybird Johnson as being Russian China that she was supposedly the rightful heir to. How could she have known this?


I'll stand by all my previous posts on this subject over the years - if any archived material exists, of course.

I'll stand by all my previous posts on this subject over the years - if any archived material exists, of course.
Did you read the material I posted? HAHAHA

I thought of you while reading Lloyd Tucker's Interview:



Sound familiar buddy? HAHAHA Not certain, but I think he is saying that after 15-20 minutes underground, and seeing that thing.....he had a urinary rocket assisted escape from underground!

Its a crazy interview. I'll post the page and more info regarding the "chair" Tucker spoke about. AWESOME tie-in!



Here is the missing page of the Dick Moyle Interview:

Chapter 3-18c Document - Sworn Affidavit by Dick Moyle Re Drolte and F. Lee Bailey March 15, 2...png

Okay, so the tie-in was with Private Fist Class Robert Jones' Story about finding a cave with several stacks of bullion, and a large golden (jewel encrusted) throne in the back, at Fort Huachuca in 1941. Isn't it interesting that Fred Drolte and the Secret Service knew about it? The throne was either sold to or given to a wealthy person somewhere in the Caribbean where the picture was taken (from my understanding).


Hello All,

Attached are two screen grabs of Victorio Peak and the "Chalice" seen up close and from further away including a Shadow "V" circled.



View attachment 1681931

View attachment 1681932

That "Chalice" pic was from a photo I posted on a thread in the Superstition Mountains Legends forum and it absolutely isn't from Victorio Peak, not even from the same state. I don't appreciate you poaching my photos and trying to pass them off as yours. Nice try though.


Yeah, I see what you mean but low-res photos don't provide the detail needed to judge whether the shape is natural or might be manmade. I can monkey with the image and wonder if that entire rock face is just showing block fault erosion that formed the chalice shape (below). Of course, one could say that someone enhanced/deepened the fault lines to emphasize the shape, and better detail ought to show that if it were true. I admit I'm biased here because my idea of what Victorio Peak is and what happened there is different than what most believe.
View attachment 1682524
Block faulting

It absolutely is hand-carved and points towards something.


Effing incredible .. crazy that a POTUS wielded that kind of agency to enable the removal of that much wealth, presumably for his own gain. That amount of bullion is equivalent to the national reserves of some small countries. I can't imagine this happening in our current era where multi-million dollar media deals entice White House staffers to spill their guts on what happens behind closed doors.

So where the f--k did the wealth go? Are Nixon's grandchildren living like Arab oil sheiks or did he use it to pay off all those political favors he no doubt incurred when he made his back door exit from the Presidency ? Surely someone has tried to follow the money. Or has too much time passed between the 70's and our modern Internet Era ?

Effing incredible .. crazy that a POTUS wielded that kind of agency to enable the removal of that much wealth, presumably for his own gain. That amount of bullion is equivalent to the national reserves of some small countries. I can't imagine this happening in our current era where multi-million dollar media deals entice White House staffers to spill their guts on what happens behind closed doors.

So where the f--k did the wealth go? Are Nixon's grandchildren living like Arab oil sheiks or did he use it to pay off all those political favors he no doubt incurred when he made his back door exit from the Presidency ? Surely someone has tried to follow the money. Or has too much time passed between the 70's and our modern Internet Era ?

Believe it......or Not.... :coffee2:

"In one of the most closely guarded crimes of recent history, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of tons of gold bullion were secretly and illegally removed from caverns on White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, the beneficiaries allegedly including former President Lyndon Johnson and individuals connected with the U.S. Army, the Central Intelligence Agency and organized crime...

... Lyndon Johnson’s name loomed large in the information that Freedom uncovered, with various sources claiming that the president was instrumental in the planning and execution of the removal of the gold. The charges concerning LBJ’s involvement included the following:

A retired White Sands Missile Range security guard, residing in El Paso, Texas, indicated that he observed Johnson and former Texas Governor John Connally spending about 10 days in the desolate area around Victorio Peak in the late 1960s. According to the security guard, Johnson and Connally headed a team which brought in sophisticated excavation equipment to remove gold from the peak, “the most modern I’ve ever seen,” he said. “They even brought in their own security guards,” he added.

A retired U.S. Army officer said that while on duty at the provost marshal’s office on White Sands Missile Range during the period of LBJ’s presidency, he was visited by four men in a late model Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham who sought permission to drive to Victorio Peak. One man, a Mr. Moon, said that he was from the White House Secret Service detail and he showed the officer a green, laminated card which stated “Secret Service, Division of the White House.” Another man, an engineer named Dick Richardson, told the officer that he was a boyhood friend of Lyndon Johnson’s and that he had personally counted 18,888 gold bars in one stack in a cavern at Victorio Peak, each bar weighing about 60 pounds.3

Bill Shriver, before his death, told this writer that he had a copy of a transcribed order from Lyndon Johnson describing in detail how the president wanted a military escort to handle the supply of gold taken out of Victorio Peak and taken to his ranch. Shriver also said that he had copies of other “presidential messages, several initialed by LBJ,” dealing with the clandestine, illegal removal of the gold.

A source interviewed in Mexico stated that it was common knowledge in the towns of Jimenez and Camargo that Johnson’s 110,000-acre ranch in Chihuahua served as a storage area for a very large amount of gold flown in by a four-engine, propeller-driven aircraft in the late 1960s.

Still another source reported knowledge of aircraft movements of the gold from Chihuahua to Vancouver, British Columbia, during the period of Johnson’s presidency. According to this source, a B-24 was used to transport at least seven loads of the peak’s gold, with up to 20 tons of gold moving in each load.

Another source, who asked to remain unidentified, stated that he had personally interviewed several men who had brought a large load of the peak’s gold to Johnson’s ranch.

According to this same source, Victorio Peak “was just like a private vault to certain high-ranking people.” They would “go in periodically and get what they wanted. They would have the proper persons on guard duty.”"


Effing incredible .. crazy that a POTUS wielded that kind of agency to enable the removal of that much wealth, presumably for his own gain. That amount of bullion is equivalent to the national reserves of some small countries. I can't imagine this happening in our current era where multi-million dollar media deals entice White House staffers to spill their guts on what happens behind closed doors.

So where the f--k did the wealth go? Are Nixon's grandchildren living like Arab oil sheiks or did he use it to pay off all those political favors he no doubt incurred when he made his back door exit from the Presidency ? Surely someone has tried to follow the money. Or has too much time passed between the 70's and our modern Internet Era ?
I'm of the belief that Pres. LBJ took all of the Victorio Peak goodies and stashed them at HIS Ranch

"...The ranch has a well‐maintained airstrip and a hangar. Within the last five years, at least 18 wells have been dug on the land, according to the farmers. "


Believe it......or Not.... :coffee2:

"In one of the most closely guarded crimes of recent history, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of tons of gold bullion were secretly and illegally removed from caverns on White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, the beneficiaries allegedly including former President Lyndon Johnson and individuals connected with the U.S. Army, the Central Intelligence Agency and organized crime...

... Lyndon Johnson’s name loomed large in the information that Freedom uncovered, with various sources claiming that the president was instrumental in the planning and execution of the removal of the gold. The charges concerning LBJ’s involvement included the following:

A retired White Sands Missile Range security guard, residing in El Paso, Texas, indicated that he observed Johnson and former Texas Governor John Connally spending about 10 days in the desolate area around Victorio Peak in the late 1960s. According to the security guard, Johnson and Connally headed a team which brought in sophisticated excavation equipment to remove gold from the peak, “the most modern I’ve ever seen,” he said. “They even brought in their own security guards,” he added.

A retired U.S. Army officer said that while on duty at the provost marshal’s office on White Sands Missile Range during the period of LBJ’s presidency, he was visited by four men in a late model Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham who sought permission to drive to Victorio Peak. One man, a Mr. Moon, said that he was from the White House Secret Service detail and he showed the officer a green, laminated card which stated “Secret Service, Division of the White House.” Another man, an engineer named Dick Richardson, told the officer that he was a boyhood friend of Lyndon Johnson’s and that he had personally counted 18,888 gold bars in one stack in a cavern at Victorio Peak, each bar weighing about 60 pounds.3

Bill Shriver, before his death, told this writer that he had a copy of a transcribed order from Lyndon Johnson describing in detail how the president wanted a military escort to handle the supply of gold taken out of Victorio Peak and taken to his ranch. Shriver also said that he had copies of other “presidential messages, several initialed by LBJ,” dealing with the clandestine, illegal removal of the gold.

A source interviewed in Mexico stated that it was common knowledge in the towns of Jimenez and Camargo that Johnson’s 110,000-acre ranch in Chihuahua served as a storage area for a very large amount of gold flown in by a four-engine, propeller-driven aircraft in the late 1960s.

Still another source reported knowledge of aircraft movements of the gold from Chihuahua to Vancouver, British Columbia, during the period of Johnson’s presidency. According to this source, a B-24 was used to transport at least seven loads of the peak’s gold, with up to 20 tons of gold moving in each load.

Another source, who asked to remain unidentified, stated that he had personally interviewed several men who had brought a large load of the peak’s gold to Johnson’s ranch.

According to this same source, Victorio Peak “was just like a private vault to certain high-ranking people.” They would “go in periodically and get what they wanted. They would have the proper persons on guard duty.”"

Hey Kentuck,

Yeah, I didn't talk about it, but when Capt Fiege and AFC Berlette found the cave under VP, they were with a Civilian Dispatcher named "SHRIVER". I wondered whether he was a relative of the Kennedy's.


Believe it......or Not.... :coffee2:

"In one of the most closely guarded crimes of recent history, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of tons of gold bullion were secretly and illegally removed from caverns on White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, the beneficiaries allegedly including former President Lyndon Johnson and individuals connected with the U.S. Army, the Central Intelligence Agency and organized crime...

... Lyndon Johnson’s name loomed large in the information that Freedom uncovered, with various sources claiming that the president was instrumental in the planning and execution of the removal of the gold. The charges concerning LBJ’s involvement included the following:

A retired White Sands Missile Range security guard, residing in El Paso, Texas, indicated that he observed Johnson and former Texas Governor John Connally spending about 10 days in the desolate area around Victorio Peak in the late 1960s. According to the security guard, Johnson and Connally headed a team which brought in sophisticated excavation equipment to remove gold from the peak, “the most modern I’ve ever seen,” he said. “They even brought in their own security guards,” he added.

A retired U.S. Army officer said that while on duty at the provost marshal’s office on White Sands Missile Range during the period of LBJ’s presidency, he was visited by four men in a late model Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham who sought permission to drive to Victorio Peak. One man, a Mr. Moon, said that he was from the White House Secret Service detail and he showed the officer a green, laminated card which stated “Secret Service, Division of the White House.” Another man, an engineer named Dick Richardson, told the officer that he was a boyhood friend of Lyndon Johnson’s and that he had personally counted 18,888 gold bars in one stack in a cavern at Victorio Peak, each bar weighing about 60 pounds.3

Bill Shriver, before his death, told this writer that he had a copy of a transcribed order from Lyndon Johnson describing in detail how the president wanted a military escort to handle the supply of gold taken out of Victorio Peak and taken to his ranch. Shriver also said that he had copies of other “presidential messages, several initialed by LBJ,” dealing with the clandestine, illegal removal of the gold.

A source interviewed in Mexico stated that it was common knowledge in the towns of Jimenez and Camargo that Johnson’s 110,000-acre ranch in Chihuahua served as a storage area for a very large amount of gold flown in by a four-engine, propeller-driven aircraft in the late 1960s.

Still another source reported knowledge of aircraft movements of the gold from Chihuahua to Vancouver, British Columbia, during the period of Johnson’s presidency. According to this source, a B-24 was used to transport at least seven loads of the peak’s gold, with up to 20 tons of gold moving in each load.

Another source, who asked to remain unidentified, stated that he had personally interviewed several men who had brought a large load of the peak’s gold to Johnson’s ranch.

According to this same source, Victorio Peak “was just like a private vault to certain high-ranking people.” They would “go in periodically and get what they wanted. They would have the proper persons on guard duty.”"

I choose "not". Way too hard for me to accept scientologists' publications as source material.

Did you read the material I posted? HAHAHA

I thought of you while reading Lloyd Tucker's Interview:

View attachment 1987071
View attachment 1987072

Sound familiar buddy? HAHAHA Not certain, but I think he is saying that after 15-20 minutes underground, and seeing that thing.....he had a urinary rocket assisted escape from underground!

Its a crazy interview. I'll post the page and more info regarding the "chair" Tucker spoke about. AWESOME tie-in!

Thanks for the new / summarized material.
Maybe you will be at Moon Lake this year.
It has been a few years since the Don's.
You might be interested to know that some of the Severn Heirs might have been in chain of command over the polygraph examiner:
Any comments on the cannon mentioned in the link article?
The Tucker Cryptid encounter part is crazy! THAT would be the best picture never taken.

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