Valid points. I think the papers, boxes, and jewels, and coins could have been booty from robberies, etc.Agreed but from all the "OTHER" stories concerning what might have the apaches hiding gold looted from stage coaches/settlers/ or this point in time anything was possible....even outlaws hiding the booty It seems like a heck of a lot to melt that much down but the Spanish were experts at those things
I ,along with most Hunters here agree that there is nothing there NOW...........Uncle Sam, LBJ......someone got it all. Too many theories to prove anything other than someone got away with it, someone of HIGH STATURE that could cover their tracks LEGALLYif, if, if there was ever really anything in the peak, it is gone-long gone. so, if anything ya gotta get back in somehow, and re-dig to see if there was anything there in the first place. there should be lots of evidence there yet. go to bloody hands and dig it out. take very heavy equipment along. look for a connecting tunnel. that is all there is left to do and that is- find out if there was anything there at all. anything recovered is long gone pardner so, now, go find away to prove it was real at all. anything held by private hands means nothing anymore-too much time has passed to validate it. now, just go about finding a legal way to dig up at the peak, yeah, right, good luck. that is how i feel about it since 1973 when i saw the peak in person. only once,but i have always wanted to gain entrance to her insides ever since.
The large cache(s) of bullion always was/is in the Caballos, IMO. Noss, a career lying criminal, sociopath and likely murderer, likely salted Victorio Peak with the story we all know in order to misdirect snoopers. The Caballos have been closely watched since Doc's days, continuing to the present.I ,along with most Hunters here agree that there is nothing there NOW...........Uncle Sam, LBJ......someone got it all. Too many theories to prove anything other than someone got away with it, someone of HIGH STATURE that could cover their tracks LEGALLY
I understand this logic but if the Governement KNEW thast Victorio Peaka ruse on Doc's part, don't you believe Uncle Sam would have torn up the CABALLO's in search alsoThe large cache(s) of bullion always was/is in the Caballos, IMO. Noss, a career lying criminal, sociopath and likely murderer, likely salted Victorio Peak with the story we all know in order to misdirect snoopers. The Caballos have been closely watched since Doc's days, continuing to the present.
Noss's VP scam became useful not only for him to be able to continue to draw attention away from the true caches in the Caballos, but it also was a convenient way to bilk investors for easy pocket money. Doc - always the grifter.
When Doc's chickens came home to roost in 1948, his scam legend then became quite useful to the US Government as a clever way to be able to fence the gold the Army stole from Europe during WWII. Having to explain where all that gold came from was a nasty problem for the govt. After all, the peak was govt. land by that time and if ever caught with the loot, the govt. was then able to claim, "Lucky discovery of Spanish gold on public land. Doc proved it in the 30s, sure, but now it's ours."
The govt. chewed up the mountain to prove they'd been searching for it for years. It's likely there never was any gold in Victorio Peak, save Noss's bait saltings. Where the war spoils gold disappeared to after that is speculative, but you can bet it wasn't checked into Fort Knox.
Unfortunately, a lot of time has passed since those days and much conflicting testimony forces the curious to choose whatever story that most satisfies our beliefs, which we must take on faith, since we weren't there. I doubt we'll ever be certain exactly what transpired in the Hembrillo Basin.I understand this logic but if the Governement KNEW thast Victorio Peaka ruse on Doc's part, don't you believe Uncle Sam would have torn up the CABALLO's in search also? Just a speculation on my part, nothing more
still, show me one item, just one, not stuff in an old noss family picture but just one item that we all know is the holy grail of objects that there is no question that it came from within the peak. there is no such item guys, now for us it is truly just a legend that is to believed in with blind faith. i wanted to believe but i do not anymore. over 50yrs have passed for me on this story. i was out there in the very early 70,s. back then you could very carefully snoop around the whole area. there is nothing. just nothing. the g thought there was something so they tore it apart. no one can prove anything came out, just stories to tell and add to a legend. this is just how i feel anymore.Unfortunately, a lot of time has passed since those days and much conflicting testimony forces the curious to choose whatever story that most satisfies our beliefs, which we must take on faith, since we weren't there. I doubt we'll ever be certain exactly what transpired in the Hembrillo Basin.
A couple things affect my opinions re VP: 1) I never believe anything the government claims about anything. Nothing. 2) Noss was an active and controversial figure in the Caballos well before his scamming at Victorio Peak. The Caballos' history re treasure caves has been alive a very long time prior to Noss and is still alive today.
still, show me one item, just one, not stuff in an old noss family picture but just one item that we all know is the holy grail of objects that there is no question that it came from within the peak. there is no such item guys, now for us it is truly just a legend that is to believed in with blind faith. i wanted to believe but i do not anymore. over 50yrs have passed for me on this story. i was out there in the very early 70,s. back then you could very carefully snoop around the whole area. there is nothing. just nothing. the g thought there was something so they tore it apart. no one can prove anything came out, just stories to tell and add to a legend. this is just how i feel anyA G
still, show me one item, just one, not stuff in an old noss family picture but just one item that we all know is the holy grail of objects that there is no question that it came from within the peak. there is no such item guys, now for us it is truly just a legend that is to believed in with blind faith. i wanted to believe but i do not anymore. over 50yrs have passed for me on this story. i was out there in the very early 70,s. back then you could very carefully snoop around the whole area. there is nothing. just nothing. the g thought there was something so they tore it apart. no one can prove anything came out, just stories to tell and add to a legend. this is just how i feel anymore.
A G R E E Dstill, show me one item, just one, not stuff in an old noss family picture but just one item that we all know is the holy grail of objects that there is no question that it came from within the peak. there is no such item guys, now for us it is truly just a legend that is to believed in with blind faith. i wanted to believe but i do not anymore. over 50yrs have passed for me on this story. i was out there in the very early 70,s. back then you could very carefully snoop around the whole area. there is nothing. just nothing. the g thought there was something so they tore it apart. no one can prove anything came out, just stories to tell and add to a legend. this is just how i feel anymore.
That’s the rub bobinsd. Find access to a cavern in those mountains and maybe, just maybe, there’s something hidden there. There are plenty of caverns in the western states that have been explored. For some reason, no one seems to be able to find any openings in those mountains.Are there even any caverns such as those described?
Did you join just to attack SDCFIA, every one of your posts are directed at or attacks on SDCFIA?Oh look, another decade passed and here's SDCFIA continuing to malign the character, facts, and knowledge around Victorio Peak and Doc Noss. You claim you care about the Cabellos but after 10 years you're still in here dogging on ol' Doc Noss and trying to point fingers away from Victorio Peak. You're hiding something, SDCFIA. Your story holds no water.
You joined 24 hours ago and all of your posts since were directed at, challenge and about SDCFIA on 5 different threads.Attack? Your version of "attack" is quite interesting. Nowhere in any of my words would you find an "attack." QUESTIONS and OBSERVATIONS are not an attack. You WILL, however, find that SDCFIA does nothing but ATTACK the facts, history, and story of Doc Noss. There's your attack.
I've said all I needed to say about SDCFIA after reading through countless posts of his. In my opinion everything he says about Victorio Peak and Doc Noss should be ignored as it's seemingly done to throw people off and provide misinformation. He seems to have a lot of concern and care over Victorio Peak. In fact, here he is, decades later still trying to malign Doc Noss on the same forum. Anyone who reads his posts can see exactly what I mean.
Of all the things there are pictures of allegedly from Victorio Peak, I find that slag pic the most fascinating.You are correct. I should have stated what the assay said, "sample". I find myself saying this too but will be more careful as to the words I use, thank you for that. The bars are often mistakenly called gold bars, it's more exciting but they were not pure gold. The assay gives the most probably purity of all the bars Noss found. Letha described to us that Doc had a small hammer that he kept in his pocket on his numerous journey's to the room(s), he would use the hammer to ping the ends of the bars so to determine which had the most gold. Crude but effective. I have attached a photograph of Ova holding a sword and some other items. The sea fan looking thing is "slag", or run off from crude sand molds. Ova kept this piece after Doc brought it out. I can tell you, I have it in front of me now, it's not pure gold. When scratched it looks "copper like" and I would be willing to bet this matches the assay report.
They took it because they probably thought it contained gold.Of all the things there are pictures of allegedly from Victorio Peak, I find that slag pic the most fascinating.
It strikes me as an unusual thing to go to all the trouble of recovering, particularly given the difficulty of removing items from the peak coupled with how large and awkward that hunk of slag is.
One has to wonder why, of all the things that were supposed to be in the cave, this was an item they chose to bring out? It seems there were many other smaller, more valuable items, particularly if jewelry and coins were in abundance.
That said, it seems equally likely that of all the things someone might fake, a big piece of slag wouldn't be in the top 10 list. The idea that it would even occur to someone to fake a big piece of slag like that seems unlikely. To me, this alone lends a great deal of credence to the legitimacy of the Victorio Peak treasure.
Read somewhere that Noss destroyed a lot of that for fear of leaving a paper trail for others to claim the treasure as their own later. THAT make a a lot of sense but one can't help but wonder what he may have destroyed that could have shed light on the origins of the treasure itself.They took it because they probably thought it contained gold.
I’m more interested in the documents, trunks, and jewelry that were in the cavern.
True. That crown for instance and some other items with Carlota on it always made me think some sort of robbery of Maximilian & Carlota’s Crown Jewels.Read somewhere that Noss destroyed a lot of that for fear of leaving a paper trail for others to claim the treasure as their own later. THAT make a a lot of sense but one can't help but wonder what he may have destroyed that could have shed light on the origins of the treasure itself.