Mike the full article makes it clear exactly where they are, the reference to Van Nuys only states that Holmdahl left at 8 to make his way back to Van Nuys. Which is where he lived. Actually there is a little clue in the snippet where it opens "and California"
But really it does not make a lot of difference where they were, what is important is that I was able to establish Holmdahl and Noss had spent time in each others company.
I do not wish to turn this into a 17 tons thread, but I believe there is a better than strong possibility the two are linked.
This is just a theory but as I have stated elsewhere it is a theory that at least has some circumstantial evidence. I believe that Holmdahl found a Cache that was hidden by Villa, in all likelyhood in Mexico, at least there seems to be much evidence of Holmdahl actively looking for Villas treasure.
I believe it is possible that Noss played a part in as much as he was possibly helping Holmdahl.
I believe it is possible that Noss took the things that he had been given and "salted" Victorio Peak with them. He then "accidently" stumbled upon them whilst out "deer hunting" in the company of witnesses.
Indeed all the things that came out of Victorio Peak can most likely be traced back to Mexico and old Spain.
You have listed some of the things that came out, I had also heard about armour and boxes (possibly wells boxes) and boxes of mail.
If you look at the nice picture of Docs grandaughter holding some of the bars that were "reportedly" taken from the peak you will note something very interesting.
Mr Noss had managed to remove boxes, armour, crowns, swords and that great big piece of slag from his access point in Victorio Peak.
But in order to remove those little gold bars that fit in the palm of your hand he needed to blow the entrance up. Why ?
Other than those little bars that are reported to have come from the peak, where are the pictures of the large bars, or even a large number of the small bars ?
When you consider the existance of so many pictures of all the other stuff, do you not wonder why the portfolio does not contain pictures of those ?
Now for another strange coincidence, in 1949 Noss is shot dead. Shortly after the secret service are questioning people about gold being offered for sale to the government. Holmdahl is among them.
And his associates as clearly indicated by the secret service investigation you posted.