Victorio Peak Documents, Symbols and Artifacts

The Story in treasure books about that pack train and Horse Head Gap are wrong details . She was not in a Coach and she was not
with a Royal Guard going to the american side . She left before the Revolt took over the port at vera cruz . she left and boarded the ship
in safety . She made it back with all of her belongings . You can read about her on line . if you want i can post some links .


Carlota took her family jewels that she inherited back to Europe. What she didn't take were things made specifically for her as The Empress of Mexico or Maximillian's Wife.


From History of over throw of Max , President Johnson in support of Juarez
paraphrase this from wiki " When Johnson could get no support in Congress, he supposedly had the Army "lose" some supplies (including rifles) "near" (across) the border with Mexico.[10] . done paraphrase .
This is interesting in points of several parties involved with the pressure to have France leave mexico .
we understand so little about the Men of those times and the motives behind them . For Benito Juarez was against the power of the Church in Mexico for it's
taking land from poor people , and also he was a Mason which not many American people today know that fact .
why is this interesting is because of where these Supplies were " Lost " also have land marks with symbols carved in them .
very interesting is who all was involved in the revolution backing Benito . the stores delivered left near to border areas by U.S. Soldiers for pick up by the Nationalist and the store of gold left by the nationalist to pay for the Arms . the secret codes these people used to communicate with each other during the
smuggling operations . This was during the time at the end of the civil war , when The French dominance of Mexico was viewed as encroachment
upon the U.S. sphere of influence by a Foreign power . The U.S. President could not get the support of Congress to send Juarez Arms , Johnson formed a group
of clandestine military personnel to smuggle arms to Juarez . Johnson used the Men who knew the territory best , the men who were stationed there
during the civil war , he employed men from both sides of the U.S. Civil War . Union and Confederate . were they all known as the Knights of the Golden Circle ?

I do not believe so . Johnson formed a secret service near the end of the Civil War , and the were all Masons . They were given the title Knights Of Pythias and after the civil War they carried on in the employ of the president Johnson .
I think this is why so many of you that treasure hunt in the South West come across so many symbols that look Masonic sometimes .
you may be interested to think about the symbols not being made by Jesuit or Spanish peoples . You may also like to see the icons of St. Charles Order .
The topic for this thread is for symbols and documents so i think i put this in the correct place .

Mr. Cummins and other men saw Rocks set up that look like stuff from Egypt . Yes i saw things like that too in mountains when I hike with friends
in Arizona and new mexico in a lot of places . some like Mr. Cummins talk about are Stele like monuments in D.C.
these are Masonic if you know about them . The Knights of Pythias were to counter the Souths Knights of the Golden Circle during the War and after the War
they continued that when Maximillian invited any ex-confederates and all Europeans to immigrate to Mexico . read wikipedia more details.
many people think a lot of things are from KGC because they do not know about KP ' knights of Pythias "
many think maybe the pack train of Maximillian was met by confederates on the run and they killed the Maximillian men and stole everything .
Uniforms of rebels on yankees can fool people . The pack train of Maximillian was not transported by French Soldiers for they could not be trusted because most had already left back to France for Napoleon III when he called them back because of the Prussian threat to France . the Guards were Maximillians personal
men who were all Austrian Men , even though Hapsburg held domination over both . I read a long time ago in a forum a question about the word
BOVEDA and what it meant and what tongue it was . no translation for that word in Spanish so they said .
no it is not Spanish dialect . The study for the word should be for the era of the middle times of 1800s . east european dialect .

Adtofca is a well versed student of mine , one would think , he may even be one of my Sock Puppets

Visible to a Moderator of any forum , is a posters IP , the Operating system the poster is using ,
Adtofca and I swap laptops ( I have seven laptops myself ) we both use various OS distros , such as Win 7, Apple Mac Os X ,
Win Vista and XP Pro

and sometimes we use Kali Linux when we have fun in mind .

no doubt adtofca has read through files on my laptops , I educate Him , he in turn educates me on
penetration distros.

now , we both educate each other and friends on those distros .

A few , now know as much about treasure as I do

the data I passed , unlike the Garbage Crap that others have collected , is valid material .

I think we have a new generation of knowledgeable Hunters again .

3 or 4 of which , had membership here until Banned

too bad for you all

Boveda is of Languadoc dialect , southern France , Home of King Richards Mother .

hmmmm , was that a wooden statue of King Richard in Victorio Peak ????

ask George Soros , I am sure he has some of that Trove in his Collection .

Oh, you guys like crazy stuff? Here's a one-stop shopping list from another forum - something for everyone here:

"The glyph I talked about is in Palomas Gap closer to the west passage opening just above the road, if you can call that a road. It is a petro of a bird with a twig in its mouth, just like the one in the Utah glyph on the other forum. I believe that it directs the observer to a location higher up on the top of the mountains. Ive been up there and it's tough even when coming in from the Big Apple. Im relatively sure that the treasures in that whole area were located by the KGC and reburied or closed up. Most of them are in my records. The KGC had an entire cadre of researchers who went to Spain and Mexico to do research.

Have you been to the cave about 100 feet south of Bat Cave. Its down about 50 feet from the rock face. They call it Jimmys hole. It very interesting as it is very well and intentionally concealed many years ago. It basically is a volcanic blowout that is many millions of years old and it was covered very carefully. I think that at one time by the Indians. It looks like it use to go all the way into the mountain. But its blocked now by this vocanic ash, that sticks to everything. They say that when it is very quiet in there you can hear the clanging of a metal door or something. Ive heard it and its spooky.

Heres the start of the story and this is going to be long. Its called Seven is the Holy Number or it is also known as the 7 Lost Cities of Gold. I will post it separately.

A guy named Doc Noss found it and it eventually became his demise. I involves the Hembrillo Basin and Victorio Peak. I should also mention that Victorio Peak Treasure is one the treasures of the Four Kings. The four kings are Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. Its comprised mostly of Emperor Maximilian's personal treasure that was moved there by the KGC plus the lost treasure of Padre LaRue which is actually the lost mine that is in Victorio Peak. There is also treasure that the Indians stole from the Spanish who tried to cross the Joranado, which was a treacherous passage in its day. The huge Spanish gold pack trains would try to hurry as fast as they could between Albuquerque and El Paso, the doorway to the north. They normally followed the Rio Grande but if you know the area between the River and the Caballo, aint no way.

The way the treasure was discovered is there were 4 KGC Codices brought out of Victorio Peak by Doc Noss aka Tom Starr in 1932-1933. Noss got one map from someone who stole it from J. Frank Dalton aka Jesse James, at Rush Springs, Okla. in 1932. There was a Negro named Myler who was charged with the chest of KGC maps that Dalton had in his possession. Some how this Myler was tortured and killed to get the maps. Joe Hunter had several of the maps but couldn't break the code. Anyway, Noss is befriended by a young Indian boy who has a old Spanish treasure map, drawn on a skin, that was found in a piano by an old Indian woman who raised him by the name of Mrs. Peron.

The Spanish map showed the location of a treasure buried at the base of Granite Peak in a solid rock Spanish vault. The boy befriended Noss who had a truck and they went off together to find the vault at Granite. The story goes that they found and opened the vault and Noss goes crazy and murders the boy and throws his body into the vault with the treasure. He gets some bars but has a hard time selling them because it was illegal to own gold in those days. Also in the vault was a map showing the location on the KGC depository in Victorio Peak, which Noss also locates. The treasure is so vast that Noss starts to go nuts about it tries to move some bars but every time he gets someone to help he winds up killing them too. Everyone goes into the hole. Must be crowded in there. Eventually Noss takes on a partner and they get in a fight and he kills Noss. But the story doesn't end here.

As I said some of the treasures at Victorio Peak was the old Padre LaRue lost mine Maximilians treasure and the Indian treasure stolen from the Spanish. Now the mystery. It was said that some of the treasure was part of the treasure from King Solomon's Temple, brought to the new world by the Knights Templar. Who knows. Anyway, the treasure is exposed and made public by Pope Pius the III who disclosed it in a edifice. This cost him his life and he was murdered after being Pope only for 79 days."

That's odd
wonder ,,
Pope's ?


Uber ready ?
what's taxi fare to Rome I wonder

It was said that some of the treasure was part of the treasure from King Solomon's Temple, brought to the new world by the Knights Templar.


who would say something like that ?

Oh , yeah that's right , I said that , about every treasure in the History Books

and now we get to watch T.V. shows about it ..

( s******s under shirt )

Got something for this

hang on
be back with it

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Ever see the Photo of a Stone like this ?

Dad's Picture .

Last I saw those Pictures was 15 years after they were stolen at my Dads Murder .

Guess who had those Pictures when last I saw them

NOPE , dead wrong Guess

The Person who had my Dad's stolen Pictures in 2002
was Jerry Cheatum ,, of the Ova Noss Project at the Peak ,,,

Jerry Cheatum ,, that's right , Best Buddy of Oren Swearingen ,,

both Mormons

Investors ? yepper , there were Investors in the ONFP ,,,

Jerry and Oren used my Fathers Material ( STOLEN FROM `HIS HOME AT HIS DAY OF DEATH ) To convince Investors

Rest in Peace Jerry and Oren
hope it's not hot in Mormon Hell for you .


SdcFia Quote : " Oh, you guys like crazy stuff? Here's a one-stop shopping list from another forum - something for everyone here: "

Recall when ?

Alright then , as I said back then , These People are almost all of them , Psycho , Delusional , or scamming someone .

We can read through the back pages of the several forums and find the Post where people Offered to Financially Back
an Expedition / Film Doc / Book Project , on my Treasure Woe's ,,

I have to Laugh Man , I just have to .
Screw Ball Greedy people .

Jebus on a Yucca Stalk

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See these Tanks

Here's the Logistics a person is up against to gain access to that particular site and make attempt to recover

from 2002 until 4 years later in 2006 , I had eyes all over me while down .

No chance Man , it's the greed in Man , expect it , deal with it .

So when we speak of " Crazy Stuff " , I believe our finger should be set where it belongs

On the tip of our own Noses .

So often I find people become offended when their Truth is exposed , as though the one to Expose their
Truth is the Bad Guy . Just an Amazing Thought Process to study .

Snowdon , as example , Labeled a Criminal by the Criminals He exposed ,

I just have to say it ,,, Crazy is the New Normal .

nothing else explains it .

EXCEEDINGLY rich copper ore


While as I stated, we can't say with 100% certainty whether it was ore or ingot that was assayed, I can say with a GREAT degree of certainty that it was a bar not ore.

1. It would have had to have been EXCEEDINGLY rich copper ore.

it wasn't ore, it was a dirty dore bar from the first site Doc got into. Letha told where it came from. it was "approximately" 61% copper, 20% gold 8% silver. The rest was impurities.

im still on the fence after 40yrs of reading on this. my big problem with nothing being in the peak is, why did and has the military ripped and rearranged the peak if there was nothing to retrive. was it full of uranium or pitchblend ore or some other kind of valuable items. or maybe it was a military training construction project.


If you were a realist, then you would know that most of what Doc claimed has been (circumstantially) proven true over the years.

To start with, Capt Orby Swanner US Army Military Police that signed a sworn affidavit stating that he personally witnessed the Army flatbed about 93,000,000 troy ounces of gold from Victorio Peak. The Army claimed that Swanner was never there and his story was BS. When Operation Goldfinder got into one of the lower caverns at VP, they found Captain Swanner's name burned into the wall (just where he said it would be).

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Everybody associated with the Doc Noss/Charlie Ryan has been saying that Doc never had any gold to sell to Ryan. He was scamming him, and that was what the fight was about when Doc was shot. Ryan was acquitted of murder, claiming that Doc was going for the pistol in his glove box when Ryan shot him in the head.

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Looks to me like Doc was going to the drivers side of his truck. Not the passenger side where the glove box was.

Now, since everybody thinks Doc was just a scammer, and there was no gold to sell to Ryan ..... weeeeelllllll ........

Listen to the words of the late Tony Jolley:

The man that helped Doc hide 110 bars of gold the night before he was murdered by Ryan.

So Springy, I don't know what your definition of realist is, but I think mine may be a bit different.


Do you know if or when you will be able to post the rest of his video interview?

Not sure what Doc was driving but didn't early Chevy trucks have a driver's side glovebox ? Nowadays these compartments (driver-side) are barely big enough to hold a wallet but you could stuff a lunchbox and more in the dash boxes of older cars before the electronics age. I think in the 1950's a deluxe Cadillac sedan had a vinyl LP record player built in the dash !

Do you know if or when you will be able to post the rest of his video interview?

All those disks and hard drives are still in storage in Los Angeles (I am in Arizona now). I will see if I can get another set on the interviews from someone else I know has them.


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