Victorio Peak Documents, Symbols and Artifacts

If one claims to be an expert at analyzing facts and evidence, I would then question them when they fall short of doing so when it comes to their own claims, even as they try to hold others to a different standard. The same thing would apply when they present their opinion and the hearsay they wish to focus upon as "factual evidence". Like I said, round and round we go.

Yup - a psychologist. Round and round, all right. Please ignore me and go about your business if this causes you angst. Or - add something to the conversation.

This is from one of my mines. It s typical of the mines of Sonora / Chihuahua. It s not Tayopa, but shows a typical Dore bar values in associated metals. Note the high values of Copper as well as Lead, & Zinc.

When they are first cast those values remain in the mass. Most mines were not equiped to refine the goodies, so they just send the 'Dore' bars to Mexico city for refinement, or in the case of Tayopa, to Rome for further processing.

These represent the typical values of the bars in the Caballos

.Escondida.webp.Escondida state assay sampling..webp

This is from one of my mines. It s typical of the mines of Sonora / Chihuahua. It s not Tayopa, but shows a typical Dore bar values in associated metals. Note the high values of Copper as well as Lead, & Zinc.

When they are first cast those values remain in the mass. Most mines were not equiped to refine the goodies, so they just send the 'Dore' bars to Mexico city for refinement, or in the case of Tayopa, to Rome for further processing.

These represent the typical values of the bars in the Caballos

View attachment 1124091View attachment 1124092

I guess these are unrefined ore samples in ppm, if I'm reading the assays right. The first is damned good ore - maybe 90 oz/ton gold and 450 oz/ton silver, more or less. The copper, lead and zinc probably are more of a hindrance than a benefit at those values (less than 1%). This equates to about 2 oz gold and 10 oz silver, more or less, in a 40 pound sample, comparable to the Caballo ingots in precious metals. Remember though, the Caballo ingots had already been crude-smelted and carried 70% copper. It wouldn't take too many boatloads of this ore to put you on easy street.

Here is the Title of that mine SDC., good for 50 years, renewable. Tayopa is the same.

View attachment 1124331

"Invalid Attachment" - couldn't open it. Anyway, why aren't you developing or selling the claim?

The sample values are terrific, but are they for strictly vein material or for a full-face sample? When you dilute the vein sample values by considering the valueless waste that needs to be mined and removed along with the pay rock, the true tonnage values plummet drastically. That's why eager miners can sample themselves into bankruptcy.

Another issue is logistics. A potentially profitable property without infrastructure becomes increasingly marginable with the problems of a remote location. Then comes the red tape issue - dealing with government requirements, and increasingly in Latin America, social issues. Mining, like everything, is all about money - what it costs to operate a mine vs the value of the recovered minerals. If there's not enough profit - move on.

At the sulphide level the vein is composed ot two intersecting smaller veins. total width is 12'. and since all of the equipment was stolen because of a labor problem with the previous owner, that presents a serious problem. It is situated 500 meters from

a state maintained all weather road with hi tension power lines. 45 miles to a RR shipping spur.

As for selling it, it is only composed of some 80 + acres, too small for big co's, and for junior exploration co for presentation to the larger co. It has been labeled as a terrific Mom+ Pop mine.

We are considering opening it under a co-operative co with the local Miners, scheduled to a 5 - 10 ton a day production rate. to start with.


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I guess these are unrefined ore samples in ppm, if I'm reading the assays right. The first is damned good ore - maybe 90 oz/ton gold and 450 oz/ton silver, more or less. The copper, lead and zinc probably are more of a hindrance than a benefit at those values (less than 1%). This equates to about 2 oz gold and 10 oz silver, more or less, in a 40 pound sample, comparable to the Caballo ingots in precious metals. Remember though, the Caballo ingots had already been crude-smelted and carried 70% copper. It wouldn't take too many boatloads of this ore to put you on easy street.

Correction. I miscalculated above (off by the percentage adjustment, a factor of 100!). I guess I was too hasty and distracted by my upcoming vacation. My error, sorry for the confusion. The ore runs about an ounce or so of gold and 4 or 5 ounces of silver per ton. As Don Jose reminded me, it's still real good pay dirt.

It sounds like you've got a plan. Cooperatives are good because all members share in the profits. Good luck and stay safe - it's a tough job.

SDC, you know your beans about mining. I am extremely impressed

You would be fascinated with the Geological occurrence of Tayopa, explaining why it is so rich ad why it escaped the myriads of seekers.

SDC, you know your beans about mining. I am extremely impressed

You would be fascinated with the Geological occurrence of Tayopa, explaining why it is so rich ad why it escaped the myriads of seekers.

Don Jose perhaps this is of interest. This plant working gold alluvial deposit. Add a rock crushing plant with this setup, you would have good little set up.



Don Jose perhaps this is of interest. This plant working gold alluvial deposit. Add a rock crushing plant with this setup, you would have good little set up.

View attachment 1126720



HAHAHA Finally, the most elusive of critters! The wily Kanacki. Welcome. I have heard so much about you from the other two points of the Unholy Triangle (or is it the unholy threesome?). Good to finally meet you ..... sort of.


Hello Golum

Yeah dropped anchor for awhile. It rare indeed to have trio together as guests at Amy's wedding. I hope the walls of the church hold together for the unholy trio:dontknow:

Getting Crow to go to church is like getting teeth pulled. Maybe we should have hard hats :laughing7:


Golly, ask Kanacker to show you the Haka dance that the unholy trio performed in the New Guinea highlands. The one that they are going to perform at Amy's wedding, seeing as how she is going to be married to a broken down, has been, foot ball player

no, I am not jealous, after all she had her choice / chance --- what does a lil matter of 60 - 70 years age difference matter ? :dontknow:

I could always convert to a religion that allows multiple wives. :laughing7:

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Hello Golum

Yeah dropped anchor for awhile. It rare indeed to have trio together as guests at Amy's wedding. I hope the walls of the church hold together for the unholy trio:dontknow:

Getting Crow to go to church is like getting teeth pulled. Maybe we should have hard hats :laughing7:


HAHAHAHAHA As I was reading your post, the following scene was playing through my warped head:

Crow on the way to the wedding!


I started researching the Fiege story a few days ago and I’m trying to put together the portion of the story of Fiege’s discovery site.

You have to start someplace!:)

I’m trying to get my arms around Fiege’s Cave.

A photo has been posted previously showing Orby Swanner’s writing on the inside of a cave.

Would I be correct if I said this cave is the same one that Fiege found?

Is this cave known as Soldier’s Hole?

Is the cave on the east side of Victorio Peak?

I think it was hinted that there were several other inscriptions inside this cave. Can those initials or other information regarding the inscriptions be shared?

Did Fiege enter the cave on the 1961 exploration?

How far below the Peak is the Soldier’s Cave? Perhaps GPS location and elevation?

Is the cave also known by other names?

I hope someone can put me on the correct track and let me know where I have jumped the rails!

Thanks in Advance,


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HAHAHAHAHA As I was reading your post, the following scene was playing through my warped head:

Crow on the way to the wedding!


HAHAHAHA YEP! Hardluck and I thought about wheeling him in trolly lift, strait jacket, mouth guard, like Hannibal Lector off silence of the Lambs. I think Amy would never for me if we did.:laughing7:

Garry some sensible and pertinent questions. The ideal questions to start with. I am sure Gollum and few overs can inform you on those questions.

Cheers Kanacki

lots of good questions, one that I have also wondered about, from the begining of my studies of the victorio peak stories I was always sure that fiege's cave and Doc's were two different caves
for some reason i allways thought Fieg's cave was on the northeast side of the peak and down low dont recall if it's from something I read or just a mind set kind of thing.
Also after the thanksgiving weekend seige on Hembrillo basins reports said there was evidence of blasting at the peak and about a mile east, from google earth there is not much to be seen
amile east of victorio peak.

''donethat'' was there in 1977, I believe he was representing the rights of the apache nation, he may kow the general area fieg led them to.

went back and did a little reading found three accounts where fiege says the cave he found was on the east side of the peak, i got to wondering ( was fiege even there in 1977) after reading - he was, he was first let back in to the area in 1961, different stories couldnt find the cave, found it and nothing there, found an old spanish iron mine. when Fiege and Norman Scott went in 1977 they found two cavern rooms with a campsite and old dynamite in one Fiege said alot of work had been done since he was fist in the cavern - shoring and timbers and such.

Hi Garry
double space your text , ex-military Garry ?

a book in process ?
if so , Jump on the Psychiatrist that Hypnotized Fiegie to forget with memory blocks , referred to as Azrael Memory Blocks named after the Angel of Death Azrael .

I underwent the same exact brainwashing as Fiegie , false claimers never experience such , just people like Fiegie and I who actually discovered genuine sites , You are best served to study Fiegie's claim , rather then Douthit and Noss , his was real .it's in the books, where Thayer Snipes talks about running into the Psyche in Soccorro or Carrizozo , years later . Thayer was My Dad's buddy . interesting circle of people , all of us , having contact with each other over the years , good story .

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