US Senator: Big Sis Buying Ammo To Dry Up Supply

Our "progressive" legislature, and Gov. here in Vt. just passed today the provision for illegal immigrants to get drivers license, or as they are calling it, a priveledge card.

The immigrants are primarily employed on the states dairy farms doing the jobs that our states welfare reciprients won't do> they make more sitting home.
The need for driving was that they needed a way to get to the Dr., or hospital!......But unless they pay cash, we are paying the bill, due to they not having Health coverage, Besides the fact they pay no SS, or income taxes. I'm sure it's better than conditions in Mexico, but go the legal route. Our Gov. even told the State police to not turn them over to INS if stopped! Guess I'd better break out a Spainish dictionary, I'm sure they won.t learn to speak Redneck!:BangHead:

Real ID is a slippery slope to "Papers Pleze!" The original plan included RFID chips embeded into driver's licenses. That got knocked out. But as sure as the govt can now use RICO to take your car/property for suspicion of committing a minor crime, RFID chips are coming.

As it stands Police have license plate readers that can pull you out of a line of cars for any outstanding violation or lack of registration. Most parking authorities have the same ability. That tech can and will be used to track you.

As it stands, RFID readers are in most major department stores. Those rewards cards you carry are embedded with a chip. Just as retailers know when youv'e stepped into one of their stores and what departments you visited, the govt will know exactly where you are, and what you are doing. IOW the tech exists to interfere with your personal liberty. And now, so does the law that allows it's use.

But we are all safer right? We signed on to this to be safer.

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The biggest threat is the attack on our Bill of Rights by the left/Dem, the attack on the 2nd amendment is the most immediate threat...

He didn't want it, don't make me laugh. If he didn't want it he would have dropped it when it failed in the senate, instead he and your party are going right back after the 2nd amendment and our rights with a vengeance.....

I don't trust him or the left for even a moment, their ultimate goal is to disarm all American citizens....

We are American patriots who believe in our God, our freedoms, the Constitution and our BOR, he believes in none of them....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

My party? You know something about me that I don't?

Define American patriot?

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