US Senator: Big Sis Buying Ammo To Dry Up Supply

obama care will happen.

And it will be a big F deal. There will be many hurt by it. Sure most will not know why, they have smart people lying to them about the rising costs. But some may actually figure it out!

My guess is the materials used for making our commercial ammo is now being sucked away for the ammo ordered by DHS.Lots of brass, copper,lead,powder to fill an order of over 2 billion rounds.

That is the crux of the supply issue.

Negative ?... it`s more like not being asleep at the wheel

No, they are being negative - talking about things getting worse. Now they may have that POV because they are, as you put it, not asleep at the wheel, giving them a clear view of the future. That's why i'm asking them, why are they so negative. What do they see?

No, they are being negative - talking about things getting worse. Now they may have that POV because they are, as you put it, not asleep at the wheel, giving them a clear view of the future. That's why i'm asking them, why are they so negative. What do they see?

Native Floridian I think it's more what we don't see that has some of us concerned.The stockpiling of rounds by the government for no reason is alarming to me.I want to know why and no one can tell me its because of what happened in Connecticut is an appropriate or legitimate answer. I've only just started target shooting for fun with my husband and not having enough .22 when I want it is akin to someone taking away my marbles for no reason. doesn't matter how Wall Street does if you aren't invested in stocks. Most Americans these days are trying to just get by day to day. With job shortages, the high price of food and gasoline along with the welfare state of this entire country and using our hard-earned tax money to buy the votes of the non-productive, most don't have extra money to put into the market. If the DOW goes up 200 points today it probably means Exxon has reported a booming 1st quarter.

I think the shortage of 22 bullets is, at least in part, caused by hoarding. (me included) The 22 has been touted as the perfect "survival" weapon. It's very quiet compared to other calibers and, if you have to live on the small birds and animals that you can manage to shoot, the 22 doesn't blow away the target like a 7mm mag would. :)
One of my 22's is a bolt action that can fire LR, Longs and Shorts. It is tube fed and will carry 22 each of the shorts, 17 longs and 15 long rifle. The 22 is also the most popular "plinking" round so I think, along with being the "survivalist's" choice of calibers, that has created the shortage.

Why are you guys so negative?

I was putting the 16 election on the economy. i do that because usually the economy is the decider.

What could be worse?

I'm sure you guys noticed this but since the stock market bottomed in 1932 everytime it has gone down it has come back and gone higher. Over that time we've had world war, korea, vietnam, cold war, presidential assasination, presidential resignation, impeachment. oil embargos, double digit interest rates, savings and loan crises, FDIC running out of cash, real estate collapse, terrorist attacks, 911, mortgage collapse and a bunch of stuff i've left out. And thru it all the stock market has come back and gone higher.

So tell me what wiil happen over the next 3 years that hasn't happened over the past 80? What's gonna change?

What can happen over the next 3 years, are you joking? The destruction of the ideals, rights and freedoms this country was founded on, or the fight to keep them....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I think the shortage of 22 bullets is, at least in part, caused by hoarding. (me included) The 22 has been touted as the perfect "survival" weapon. It's very quiet compared to other calibers and, if you have to live on the small birds and animals that you can manage to shoot, the 22 doesn't blow away the target like a 7mm mag would. :)
One of my 22's is a bolt action that can fire LR, Longs and Shorts. It is tube fed and will carry 22 each of the shorts, 17 longs and 15 long rifle. The 22 is also the most popular "plinking" round so I think, along with being the "survivalist's" choice of calibers, that has created the shortage.

That's an interesting concept packer backer and one I had not really thought of. Colt makes a great .22 lr and I'm a darn good shot with it too so I guess if worse comes to worse i can be the hunter gatherer as well as the chef!

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Yeah Coily, usually a single shot, a pump or a bolt action 22 will be capable of firing lr, longs AND shorts which gives you more choices instead of just being able to use Long Rifle. I have found shorts and longs lately where the lr's are hard to find. 22 shorts are usually sub-sonic making them VERY quiet when you don't want to be heard also. doesn't matter how Wall Street does if you aren't invested in stocks. Most Americans these days are trying to just get by day to day. With job shortages, the high price of food and gasoline along with the welfare state of this entire country and using our hard-earned tax money to buy the votes of the non-productive, most don't have extra money to put into the market. If the DOW goes up 200 points today it probably means Exxon has reported a booming 1st quarter.

Even if you are not invested in the market, how Wall Street does, does matter. Or at least it should. If nothing else it is an economic precursor. It foretells the economic winds of change - for better or for worse. You can use this for your own purposes.

And though I don't have the stat at my fingertips to back this up, i believe that the majority of Americans are invested in the stock market. Not as active investors or traders but thru their 401k plans and pension plans.

Lastly, not to get into a big debate about the stoclk market, unless you are broke, living on public assistance or living paycheck to paycheck, everyone on this board had the opportunity to turn the wealth building engine of the stock market into a wealth building opportunity. That you bought metal detectors instead? I'm as guilty as any. i wish i had invested just half the money I've blown on crap. (not that metal detectors are crap, just that they won't help feed me when i;m too old to walk the beach finding treasure)

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That which made us great, the ideals, the very heart of our freedoms the liberties that set us apart from all of history is at stake. The fact that many are oblivious to this peril we face gives credence to the how. The when is now, the why is unthinkable. If any who read this find themselves confused, I strongly suggest a deeper study into our heritage.

What can happen over the next 3 years, are you joking? The destruction of the ideals, rights and freedoms this country was founded on, or the fight to keep them....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

TH, i've been hearing about these threats for years and years. Well before the current administration. Gotta tell ya, the view from the center hasn't changed. Left side pushing social change, right side pushing for less government. The 2nd amendment thing is new but not a fight that Obama wanted. He's in it now. Truth is, it's a losing battle. He knows that. But it's kinda like the Marlin's playing baseball. The effort has to be made. Constiuencies have to be satisfied.

Real ID continues to be the biggest threat to your personal liberty. Why not a Real ID Watch Dog thread?

TH, i've been hearing about these threats for years and years. Well before the current administration. Gotta tell ya, the view from the center hasn't changed. Left side pushing social change, right side pushing for less government. The 2nd amendment thing is new but not a fight that Obama wanted. He's in it now. Truth is, it's a losing battle. He knows that. But it's kinda like the Marlin's playing baseball. The effort has to be made. Constiuencies have to be satisfied.

Real ID continues to be the biggest threat to your personal liberty. Why not a Real ID Watch Dog thread?

The biggest threat is the attack on our Bill of Rights by the left/Dem, the attack on the 2nd amendment is the most immediate threat...

He didn't want it, don't make me laugh. If he didn't want it he would have dropped it when it failed in the senate, instead he and your party are going right back after the 2nd amendment and our rights with a vengeance.....

I don't trust him or the left for even a moment, their ultimate goal is to disarm all American citizens....

We are American patriots who believe in our God, our freedoms, the Constitution and our BOR, he believes in none of them....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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nf, could you hook us up with some real ID info? I am not being a smartalec. Real ID is a huge problem.

Wiki says.
REAL ID Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The REAL ID Act of 2005, Pub.L. 109–13, 119 Stat. 302, enacted May 11, 2005, was an Act of Congress that modified U.S. federal law pertaining to security, authentication, and issuance procedures standards for the state driver's licenses and identification (ID) cards, as well as various immigration issues pertaining to terrorism.
The law set forth certain requirements for state driver's licenses and ID cards to be accepted by the federal government for "official purposes", as defined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. The Secretary of Homeland Security has currently defined "official purposes" as presenting state driver's licenses and identification cards for boarding commercially operated airline flights and entering federal buildings and nuclear power plants.
The REAL ID Act implements the following:

  • Title II of the act establishes new federal standards for state-issued driver licenses and non-driver identification cards.
  • Changing visa limits for temporary workers, nurses, and Australian citizens.
  • Funding some reports and pilot projects related to border security.
  • Introducing rules covering "delivery bonds" (similar to bail bonds but for aliens who have been released pending hearings).
  • Updating and tightening the laws on application for asylum and deportation of aliens for terrorist activity.
  • Waiving laws that interfere with construction of physical barriers at the borders.

I am still looking it up, I remember the left going crazy about it back then, Probably because it would be harder to get a fake ID( psst, hard for criminals to get a fake id), but I always err on the side that is not on the left, if I can. I will keep digging.

thanks Dave.

thanks Dave.

You are welcome my friend! I hate to say it. but the ID looks to be another problem. On the face it seems like a good idea, but like the patriot act it can and will be abused by administrations that care nothing about your liberty.

Sorry about the previous posts, I believe our liberty is at stake, and this is another tool to bring about our constitutional demise.

It really is terrible that we have choices like Bush Sr, Bush Jr, McCain, and Romney, And they run against fanatics like Gore, Omama and Kerry. We pick the lesser of the evils, but they are still progressive evils.

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