Underground targets excavated.

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Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

tjbeale said:
Excavation planning completed.


All eight installments will be reinstated at the appropriate time.

A final message from RD:
"Barring unforseen circumstances the resources have been committed, and the time is finally approaching... Whatever the result, it's been a great 6+ year adventure for an old guy.... I've always said that elevating the Beale Papers to their place in TH history was more important than a treasure/empty vault. IF I'm right - this one phrase (a rose among weeds) tells the reader how to solve the ciphers. "... the GAME is worth the CANDLE and we will play IT to the END."" TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

just to clear up a few things in your post atwell.....#1, the scans i had performed in the cemetery in danville i ''had'' performed...i personally just watched...these were done with an OKM unit called the WalkAbout......and for your future reference the scans look nothing at all like the latest ones i have posted on this thread............#2, the scans i have posted here came from using two different detectors, one, a whites tm808, the other a fitzgeralds maxi pulse plus...these were used in conjunction with an arc-geo logger built by tim williams {a great little unit i might add}....these were run through 3 different types of software..........#3, yes you have seen my posts asking for information concerning the scans...once, i was asking for a friend...after getting the logger myself, and never getting a reply to my earlier post concerning reading these type scans {as they are quite different from what i have worked with*see above}, i asked again for help in reading these scans...either because no one here really knows, isn't inclined to help, or just plain don't like me, i got no response save one from carl moreland, who i have found is always there to help if possible....so i decided to seek help elsewhere, found it, and could care less that no one here responded with anything that might could have helped, even though it seems as if there are several here using the same equipment....no big deal.........#4, you, the newspapers, the television stations and the various websites, all have stated that i found, or said i found, ''the Confederate treasury''...whether it is due to sensationalism or just plain old stupidity i am not sure...i have said from the start, to everyone involved i found a very small part...i do not understand what part of ''very small part'' is so hard to understand....#5,, if every treasure hunter went public with everything he knew or dug up i do not think there would even be a hobby named as such as detectors would be made illegal........i went public ONLY due to the fact that i was told by a couple of city councilmen that the city managers/mayor would definantly be interested ONLY if i went public with it.....so i did...no big deal...get over it....#6, in reference to your postscript at the bottom of your last post, you are hilarious...how do you think your now deleted post wholeheartedly apologizing to everyone on this thread because you *knew*thought*whatever* that RD was right and had found the beale, could have hindered roydallas' chance at making a recovery ?...he already has a target location as provided by the codes and verified by electronics...he already has sole permission to detect/dig..and by this point i am sure he also has contracts covering everything except spilt milk....more likely deleted so you wouldn't need try explain what you were doing running around in circles in bugs and mosquitos, looking for stones, just because some man you do not know told you you needed to go and look for them, yet he never told you why ?..i am sure i would exert so much on a who knows from an i don't know......and i just wonder what in the world this all had to do with the beale ?, especially since you know well the beale is near bedford, not in danville..that is why you have been rambling all around bedford since the late 60s isn't it ?.....well if its any help to you, the pic i put on here is of no stone...it is a boulder, no, a large boulder weighing a few thousand pounds at least.....#7,,,,and since you do not know, don't have a clue, you are going to get on here posting every spot you can think ''in the city of danville, below the depot a little'', hoping for someone to say ''you have found it you are famous''...haa...seems like i saw this ploy before a few times...in fact i think i still have several of them in my pm box if you need your memory refreshed.........RD has broken what you couldn't...no need getting all upset over it....i personally hope he does keep it under wraps if for no other reason that to keep certain people off in the hills around bufords punching holes.....have a great day.......gldhntr

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Yo ALL! Luray Caverns... AH! Da memories; Page County, MY "home" county! 'sniff'... :D THOSE caverns were "linked" to GRAND CAVERN, in Grottoes, Va. with a NETWORK
of caves, and a UNDERGROUND river (legend); BUT! I NEVER took the time to go "spelunking"
(speleology); the "hole" in Broadway, Va. was AWESOME! ;D :wink: ANYWAY... BACK TO B. T.;
on page 196, of P.V.'s book, THE BEALE TREASURE: NEW HISTORY OF A MYSTERY... you will find a MAP of Bedford County, with "sites", that "ppl have dug". I suspect that it is "bits & pieces" of CSA
Treasury & "assets", as stated by numerous natives of Bedford County, in the NORTHERN part, up in the mountains, etc. At least FIVE "sites" are on FED land; Thom. Jefferson Nat. Forest/Blue Ridge Parkway. THREE others are along Rt. 501 NORTH, with the JAMES RIVER, adjacent to it. About 20 "sites" as of 1997; probably MORE, since then. :D :wink: SO! Good luck, RD, et al. Gotta read
some MORE! :icon_thumleft: :coffee2: :read2:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

??? Jan. 11, 2010; Well...? :dontknow:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

Rebel - KGC said:
??? Jan. 11, 2010; Well...? :dontknow:

Serious work has just begun. Does anyone believe that whoever created the complexities of the codes (and narrative) would make the extraction "a piece of cake"? Further updates (no b.s. included) will be published when RD and partner approve. TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D OK, THANKS for the "pics" on RD's web-site... GOOD LUCK! :coffee2:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

Franklin said:
How many dump truck loads of rock, dirt and sand have you recovered? :hello2: Back to: :read2: :read2: :read2:


See my post of Jan. 11Th. Why the impatience? Just keep up with RD's website - he updated it this afternoon..... TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

Franklin said:
The new update today, say that important artifacts were found at 6 to 7 feet, then why have you not dug down to the level where your wanted targets are to be? You do know a lot of these holes or targets shown by OKM machines have been dug down to as much as 7 to 9 metres with no target found?

- You didn't answer my question.
- I don't know what an "OKM machine" is.
- If your questions are sincere, why not send RD an email and ask him? TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

Franklin said:
To answer your question. I see no post made by you on Jan. 11th. As far as impatience as you call it, you should be the one impatient you are the one on here posting your pictures, and inground research, but very little else I might add. To ask you a question again to see if you will answer my question. If you have dug down to 6 or 7 feet to find important artifacts why did you not dig on down to your suspected iron or gold targets?

Sorry - it was Jan. 12th.
I believe it is Gldhntr that posted pics here.....
One more (and last) time - if you have serious questions, you should email RD. TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

My own opinion is that TJB has shown enough integrity that if they find nothing he will be gentleman enough to admit it here .
It will be up to him to prove me right or wrong when they finish in their own time .
Not some third party's agenda .

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

??? Wonder what he DID find; at least, we could "date it"... WHAT were the artifacts found? BTW, TJB, aren't YOU... RD? :dontknow:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

??? RD web-site update; what WAS the 1st artifact? NO "pic" posted... :dontknow:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:icon_thumleft: Franklin, TY... did that, and saw it. :wink:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

truckinbutch said:
My own opinion is that TJB has shown enough integrity that if they find nothing he will be gentleman enough to admit it here .
It will be up to him to prove me right or wrong when they finish in their own time .
Not some third party's agenda .

Well said! - Those following this project should expect no less. TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:o ALAS! MORE snow!! (blows RASPBERRY). :coffee2: :read2:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

What would the definition of a " Vault " be?

This could be one definition.

1 a : an arched structure of masonry usually forming a ceiling or roof b : something (as the sky) resembling a vault c : an arched or dome-shaped anatomical structure <the cranial vault>

Each of us can get different meanings from different words.

And a " Vault " can be underground.

But, doe's a " Vault have to be man made. Or can it be a creation of nature?

Beale was an intelligent, and articulate man. Sometimes the first clue, or starting

point of many clues. Is actually the X it's self.

And, an intelligent man could hide something in plain site. Knowing that the

average person, will take any knowledge of, or clues they have. And, over

analyze them. To find the secret, out of site, hidden treasure.

Roadquest :coffee2:

"A Cheyenne legend exists about gold and silver being taken from the West and buried in mountains in the East, dating from roughly 1820"

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:icon_thumleft: Where can I find that "Cheyenne legend"? Wanna read it... :read2: :coffee2:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

??? BLUE BOOK? You mean the "NEW MYSTERIES" book... yeah, got that, wanted MORE info,
is all; is "the legend" on the "Net"? ??? :dontknow:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

To all of those who have been involved in a serious multi-year TH project:

Wouldn't you love to have Franklin's encouragement? TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

Franklin said:
tjbeale, I have a lot of encouragement. I never stop hunting until you or someone else shows the gold to the world. You and others that say they have solved the codes come and go, I will still be hunting until I find and recover it. The landowner where I want to dig has given me the go ahead this coming April---------we will see whether you or I come up with the Beale Treasure. I know the Beale Treasure expedition really happened that is why I am not worried about you digging up the Beale Treasure in Danville and say it was CSA Treasure.

and best wishes in all your endeavours... TJB.

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