Underground targets excavated.

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Re: Underground Image at Exact Beale Cipher Coordinates

'''''''''''''You two, working together? "Treasure Map"?'''''''''''''''

naw reb,,,just think of me as an independent research verification specialist........and yes, treasure map to the extreme....or possibly a ''game'', depending on exactly how you percieve it :wink:...play it to the end RD :sign10:...... gldhntr

Re: Underground Image at Exact Beale Cipher Coordinates

??? :D A "game"... is "serious business"... of mis-direction? Hmmmmmmmm... :dontknow:

Re: Underground Image at Exact Beale Cipher Coordinates

Rebel - KGC said:
??? A TREASURE MAP? How so? :dontknow:

Without revealing what was in the final installment posted at Roy Dallas' website:

A map shows the longitude and latitude of a location.
The ciphers can be arranged vertically (longitude) and horizontally (latitude) according to certain mathematical concepts that reveal a specific long/lat coordinate - in other words a map. That coordinate is verified by the author within the original Beale Pamphlet, and is quite visible.......

And yes - that makes the codes a puzzle (game) - and not cryptograms - and most certainly not a hoax. The author named the game (puzzle) when he wrote: "...the game is worth the candle, and we will play it to the end." That phrase sticks out like a rose among weeds - but it is not the coordinate verification mentioned above. TJB.

Re: Underground Image at Exact Beale Cipher Coordinates

:icon_thumleft: Sounds like yer going by "sailors' reckening" of guidance by the stars, or NORTH STAR; ONLY lat. & long. I know of. I have read that FreeMasons of ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONS in the 1860's knew MASONIC ASTROLOGY, NOT to be confused with "popular astrology" of today. It IS a "lost art".

Re: Underground Image at Exact Beale Cipher Coordinates

Rebel - KGC said:
:icon_thumleft: Sounds like yer going by "sailors' reckening" of guidance by the stars, or NORTH STAR; ONLY lat. & long. I know of. I have read that FreeMasons of ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONS in the 1860's knew MASONIC ASTROLOGY, NOT to be confused with "popular astrology" of today. It IS a "lost art".

No "sailor's reckoning" involved.

Doing a little research will reveal that engineers during the civil war could determine long/lat down to the seconds within 4-5 feet..... TJB.

Re: Underground Image at Exact Beale Cipher Coordinates

:icon_thumleft: WILL do... TY! ;D

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon


Astrolory not needed.

What did the original masons build to store the most valued treasures?

The "temple"

Temple = 71 (game atria)

The first number in the ciphers = 71.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

;D King Solomon's Temple = 71? NAW... 7 + 1 = 8... meaning SOLID FOUNDATION; 9 = WISDOM. :coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D :read2:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

while that may be a correct interpretation of what you are taught at some point in masonic initiation and/or ritual, in this case, tjb is correct...there is also another number representing ''temple'' but tjb will have to be the one to inform you of that when he deems it prudent as i am not about to rain on his parade.........g

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

Rebel - KGC said:
;D King Solomon's Temple = 71? NAW... 7 + 1 = 8... meaning SOLID FOUNDATION; 9 = WISDOM. :coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D :read2:

Not familiar with the various "freemason numerology interpretations, number iterations, etc." I was only pointing out the possible use of game atria in the ciphers and a circumstantial observation that they might be written by someone familiar with freemasonry history.

T = 20, E = 5, M = 13, P = 16, L = 12, E = 5 and the Total = 71.


Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

gldhntr said:
while that may be a correct interpretation of what you are taught at some point in masonic initiation and/or ritual, in this case, tjb is correct...there is also another number representing ''temple'' but tjb will have to be the one to inform you of that when he deems it prudent as i am not about to rain on his parade.........g

g: Congrats! As you have probably figured out - that "other number" is the KEY that unlocks the codes....... TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:icon_thumleft: Yer "numbering" is correct; Thom. J. Beale DID say, it was so simple, a child could do it... a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, etc. ;D THEN, the REBEL surveyors (who MAY have been RAM, or even SRM ala Albert Pike), MAY have ALSO used "sailors reckening" (pirates, KT), to create a "VAULT area" by utilizing "landmarks" like Peaks of Otter, Porter Mountain, etc. "SAD thing" is, MOST "areas of interest" lies within the boundaries of Fed land... (aka THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL FOREST). Thom. J. Beale was stated to be a SURVEYOR, also. :coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D :read2:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

Rebel - KGC said:
:icon_thumleft: Yer "numbering" is correct; Thom. J. Beale DID say, it was so simple, a child could do it... a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, etc. ;D THEN, the REBEL surveyors (who MAY have been RAM, or even SRM ala Albert Pike), MAY have ALSO used "sailors reckening" (pirates, KT), to create a "VAULT area" by utilizing "landmarks" like Peaks of Otter, Porter Mountain, etc. "SAD thing" is, MOST "areas of interest" lies within the boundaries of Fed land... (aka THOMAS JEFFERSON NATIONAL FOREST). Thom. J. Beale was stated to be a SURVEYOR, also. :coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D :read2:

"... in the county of Bedford ..." is only a metaphor, and the empty potholes that dot the countryside from Bedford to the Peaks of Otter are a sad, visible testimony to the deception.... TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:D NO potholes in Bedford County, Va. CURRENTLY; yer "reacting" to VERY old info. AND! From "Bedford to Peaks of Otter" implies Rt. 43 NORTH; route used by SOME yanks, during the Civil War, when Gen. Early (CSA), WHIPPED their arse, and "sent 'em packing", back to the Shenandoah Valley. MANY of 'em escaped via the Lynchburg - Salem Turnpike. :D :wink: AND! After
The Confederate War, before Gen. Robert E. Lee died in 1870, he took his daughter up to SHARP TOP, for a WONDERFUL view; after which, they went to see an old friend of his... P. BUFORD! :icon_thumleft:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

Rebel - KGC said:
:D NO potholes in Bedford County, Va. CURRENTLY; yer "reacting" to VERY old info. AND! From "Bedford to Peaks of Otter" implies Rt. 43 NORTH; route used by SOME yanks, during the Civil War, when Gen. Early (CSA), WHIPPED their arse, and "sent 'em packing", back to the Shenandoah Valley. MANY of 'em escaped via the Lynchburg - Salem Turnpike. :D :wink: AND! After
The Confederate War, before Gen. Robert E. Lee died in 1870, he took his daughter up to SHARP TOP, for a WONDERFUL view; after which, they went to see an old friend of his... P. BUFORD! :icon_thumleft:

Rebel - TY. The "pothole" reference was made in an email I received from a guy that has lived in Montvale for many years - I guess he was referring to the many digs that have been attempted in the area over so may years....... Wanted to partner up, but had no serious TH experience. TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

;D YW;True... it WAS like that in the early days of the late 60's or so... AFTER Pauline did HER book, and got the TH'ers "restless"; the natives were "freaked out", "armed & dangerous". The FIRST "case" of PO'ing the natives of the MONTVALE area, is indicated in the Hart Papers, when C. Hart blew out a big old tree, where a "psychic" told him where the B.T. was. The natives of MONTVALE were "freaked out"... "armed & dangerous" for a couple of week. Even the chickens were upset... wouldn't "lay"
ANY egg... just kidding, about the chickens. HA! :D

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D MEANWHILE, we wait for Roy/tjb... :wink:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

And we are waiting for certain environmental conditions to become favorable...... RD.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

another image from test of different software...


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Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:icon_thumleft: :coffee2: ;D THANKS, for the "pic", Roy... looks like paved walk-way of Liberty Lake Park, south of Bedford, Va. and I DID find some carvings on the trees in there. Private property DOES surround Liberty Lake. which is northeast of New Jerusalem, which is LOADED with carvings on trees AND rocks/boulders; even found "drill holes", which I think were "sighting holes". :icon_thumleft:
;D :wink: :coffee2: :read2:

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