Underground targets excavated.

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Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

i may be mistaken reb but i think you may be just a bit off...while your site sounds promising you will need to locate the drillhole pictured below, along with the other one that lines up with this one, before you can even get in the ballpark...and i don't think you need bother detecting/scanning paved walkways......have a great day........

oh, and thank you roy dallas for posting the very informative {but now deleted} post concerning your work on the codes..it will keep me studying for a long time !!...locate something new around every corner...i can post only a few pictures of these {if you would like} that would not give your location away but will be glad to if you so desire..........if interested let me know {via pm} when you dig as i would love to come over, shake your hand, pat you on the back, and watch over your shoulder !!.........gldhntr


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Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

nice pic rando, took that yourself i presume........ :sign10:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

no foul...no problem...be a bad predicament to be in it looks like....glad i got my boots on ;D

Re: Underground Image at Exact Beale Cipher Coordinates

The map coordinates are:

Nowhere close to Bedford County (the C2 solution text is a metaphor for the real location) and also nowhere close to 9 miles northeast of Danville, VA........ TJB.

Re: Underground Image at Exact Beale Cipher Coordinates

Franklin said:
tjbeale said:
The map coordinates are:

Nowhere close to Bedford County (the C2 solution text is a metaphor for the real location) and also nowhere close to 9 miles northeast of Danville, VA........ TJB.
Then your other post on other forums and some post by other posters of your post must have had the wrong latitude and longitude? As for the drilled holes they have been followered before by a man claiming to have recovered the treasure or the treasure has flown as he put it in 1985. Roy Dallas aren't you the son of the man with a family in a station wagon spoken of by Peter Viemeister in his two printed books of the Beale Treasure?

I have a copy of your forum before your deletion of it and by the way it is still on the Internet in several places. You know you saying TJB was Thomas Jeremy Beale and the two jeremy's and the key and solution to the ciphers. I have also copied different locations for your solutions to the ciphers------such as 1 mile south of Buford's where sheep grazede before 1840 (per your own "The Beale Key" Part Two: The Author's Signature maybe you did not post this either as it is signed by yours truly-----a cemetery in Murry Hollow on the Beale Trail as well as a mansion in Pennsylvania. So which is it---------none of the above I suppose as for the longitude of your triangulation it runs 9 miles east of Danville through 3 miles southwest of Lynchburg, Virginia on into Pennsylvania. It seems you have changed the treasures location several times as well as the type of treasure--------in several places you state it is CSA Treasure and not the Beale Treasure and now you are going to excavate the Beale Treasure.

Also as for your gpr scans, any alluvial hollow in Bedford County has sediment with black soil and the metal you claim to have located under the ground is large iron boulders and the holes drilled you claim that will lead you to the treasure is holes drilled by hand while dynamiting for the iron ore in Murray Hollow and hundreds of other locations in Bedford County. I forgot you said the Beale Treasure was not located anywhere in Bedford County---my mistake or another one of your mistakes?

I am not "the man in the station wagon", and I'm not related to P. Veimiester any any way..

I have never posted on any forum other than this one.. I have only one website..

It sounds like you had read my website a few years ago when I posted two papers outlining the circumstantial evidence pointing to E.A. Poe as the author of The Beale Papers. If you read the first installment of the eight that outlines the specific path to the solution, you would understand how I came to the conclusion that the ciphers were not a hoax and not related to Poe - I was wrong in claiming Poe's involvement..

"A mansion in Pennsylvania" must be realted to another person's posts... Not mine...

I posted the location of the treasure ONE time on my website - the eighth installment - and pulled it after 1.5 hours due to an offer from my current partner.

I have no experience in interpreting GPR scans - that is why the scans were examined by an experienced professional. Nor was I involved in taking the scans. They were done on-site by my partner. The professional says the objects are NOT mineral deposits. So - we will soon see....TJB

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

got em riled up now it looks like.... :wink:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

gldhntr said:
got em riled up now it looks like.... :wink:


I suppose I hit a nerve.....

Go ahead and post any pics you want - and I'll consider your request "to look over my shoulder"...


Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:D With ALL this info "posted"... the FEDS will be. :D :coffee2:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

Rebel - KGC said:
:D With ALL this info "posted"... the FEDS will be. :D :coffee2:

Interesting comment Reb - implies you think there may be a possibility..... TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

i personally think the feds know well of the existance and location of many treasures, including ones such as this....with the bottomless pit of money via our taxes to work with i would think that not only could they read your liscense tag or detect bomb factories from space but also locate anomolies such as a buried treasure with ease...might be why so many supposed treasure locations are within parks and such, in which type places they are also so concerned about anyone detecting or treasure hunting within their boundaries........
i have never given the codes much thought...don't know the location or even the existance of many of the spots being mentioned here {murrys hollow, where sheep grazed, etc}......never even heard of jeremy, although research into the family in question is right interesting, like the one that committed suicide ''by throwing himself down in a frantik fit'', and possibly more :wink:..............
i do know that if my location of roy dallas' target is correct it is not in bedford, nor 9 miles from danville..i will be the first to state i could be wrong {although i don't think so} as i have been many times regarding many things........he freely posted the info online so i figured with it being public knowledge i would check it out...i did, with permission from landowner...on a subsequent visit the property in question had been well posted against tresspassing...talking with the property owner {who might just have been armed with a 357 or such on his side every time we spoke}, i learned that my permission to the properties had been revoked even though all i did was walk around and do electronic surveys {no digging} and take pictures.....i further learned that only two people had any permission any more to be on property {maybe dallas and associate ?} and was told very plainly that tresspassers would be detained until authorities could arrive and take control of the situation...that was good enough for me...at this point i returned to roy dallas' website and only then learned of the post in question being removed shortly after i read it...until i see otherwise i will continue to think RD is correct, mainly judging from the things i saw and evaluated on the site {which as i said could be my wrong interpretation}...
in relation to the comment concerning ''a mansion in pennsylvania'', i think you are confusing roy dallas with another fellow, a mr bauman, who has a completly different outloook on the codes which may also in itself be a viable conclusion of at least a portion of the codes as his work is right interesting from what of it i have seen..........
as for the scans i posted here, it is not mineral, as the equipment that was used makes this impossible, not to mention that the area these were done in is not an area of large iron deposits anyway....
and last but not least, if, there was a fellow that *followered* the drillholes i know of and have pictured here, he did not need *follower* them very far for there are only two, exactly 3.14 feet apart, and if he was by chance *followering* them in bedford county, i would suspect they are as you think, merely blasting holes, and he was quite a distance away from where he needed to be.........have a great day ...gldhntr.........

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

"How exactly were you able to determine the distance between the two holes within 88/100ths of 1/16 of an inch?"

Don't want to speak for Gldhntr, but if his measurement between the two holes was 37 and 7/10ths of an inch = 37.7 inches = 3.1416667 feet..... Now, without getting into the thousands of an inch, I would say that 3.14 is pretty accurate..... And - a very significant number in the ciphers..... as is 666... TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:o 666? LOL... all THIS for DAN GOLD 79.22.X.X? Rebel Gold if I ever heard of it, HA! :D :wink:
:icon_sunny: 8)

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

Rebel - KGC said:
:o 666? LOL... all THIS for DAN GOLD 79.22.XX? Rebel Gold if I ever heard of it, HA! :D :wink:
:icon_sunny: 8)

Nope - this is the gold that the "party of thirty" brought back to Virginia in wagons from their 2 trips on horseback of about 4,000 miles each (round trip) through hostile indian territory - and without the mention of any significant difficulties..... :wink:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

"No, I believe tjbeale is trying to use the number representing the DEVIL. As for your other significant number the 37.7 inches does not equal the equivilant of pi so don't try to make it equal that so to make you location look more authentic as a freemason site. But I will take your other number you posted and use that for the latitude and whala I have the location."

pi is not the mathematical concept upon which the ciphers are built.... However, if you look at the 314th number in C1, you will find "the beginning"...

666 is not related to "the devil" in the ciphers. When translated by the key it means "the hiding place"... and - any number of trips to Santa Fe are pure fiction... but the ciphers are not... TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

Franklin said:
Well if I wanted to look at the 314th number actually I would have to look at number 315, right?

Nope - just reverse 314 to 413 and look at the 413th number in C3.... TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:D ALREADY found an error in yer "post" tjbeale/Roy Dallas; according to the "JOB PRINT" (aka THE
BEALE PAPERS), Thom. J. Beale went out WEST "with a party of 30". HOWEVER! To get back to Virginia, BOTH times... he had to leave some guys behind (to do more "work"). "DAN GOLD" does NOT sound like the "Beale Treasure"... BUT! CSA Treasury in Danville, Va.; THAT is why Todd Hall is
so very interested... Mexican GOLD coins buried there. Brit. SILVER coins were "enroute" down south, with Prez. J. Davis, who also had some MEXICAN Gold coins to pay the Rebels to "carry on". :D
AND! 3.14 IS the number of Pi, used to build the pyamids, etc. "The hiding place"... becomes FREEMASON'S SAFE HOLE! :D :wink:

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

:icon_thumleft: ;D OK, YOU two carry on, then... ;D :coffee2: Coffee?

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

Not sure coffee will help - more likely an aspirin.....

I'll attempt to make it plain one last time:

RD did not say to combine 314 and 315, thus reducing the total numbers in C1. He said that IF you combined C1 313 (6) and C1 314 (66), the result would be - 6 66 = "the hiding place". Both numbers would still count in the C1 total of 520 numbers. Then reverse 314 to 413 and look at C3 413 = 66 ("the beginning" again). Reverse 313 to 313 and look at C3 313 = 802 = "Treasury" (BTW - all C3 numbers are reversed.) So, using the code behind the ciphers we now have a "beginning" in C1 at sequence 314 and a "beginning" in C3 at 413, and a "treasury" in C3 at 313 - exactly 100 numbers from 413....

The value of pi to four decimal places (3.1416) was correctly calculated in 800 a.d. - and the decimal system has been used by mathematicians and engineers for hundreds of years... yes, even American engineers.... TJB.

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

"How exactly were you able to determine the distance between the two holes within 88/100ths of 1/16 of an inch?"

''Don't want to speak for Gldhntr, but if his measurement between the two holes was 37 and 7/10ths of an inch = 37.7 inches = 3.1416667 feet..... Now, without getting into the thousands of an inch, I would say that 3.14 is pretty accurate..... And - a very significant number in the ciphers..... as is 666... TJB''............that explains it good enough for me atwell........

666 is no reference to the devil...beside what tjb has posted i think it also relates ''entrance'' although not in the same context you would think....further, 667 relates ''danger''...could post alot more but i see no use what with the skeptic crowd and all :wink:

anyone still hung up on tjbeale, the big treasure story, the trips, the box, the bull, is only wasting their time...reason you can not locate enough info on any one person to be able to say he was tjbeale is mostly due to the fact that he is nothing but imagination, but used quite well to explain a thing or two along the way to the informed ;D.......

reason i have an interest is due to the fact the info was posted, its close, and i was bored :D

the ''mistakes'' in the ciphers are not mistakes at all, only something to draw attention to certain things.....

''Because I use an american ruler that has 16ths and 10ths as in the metric system ''
the metric system is quite english....

''Also by your photo on the bealekey site I can justifiably state that the site is on the Dan River near Danville, Virginia.
...now we are getting deep...and just how do you discern that atwell ?

if its not in with the old line of thinking it is wrong it looks like tjb....time will tell, and they ain't gonna be happy............gldhntr, yes, todd hall

Re: Underground targets in images to be excavated soon

I give up - this will be my final reply to any of your comments.

I didn't say that YOU said to combine C1 313 and C1 314.

RD correctly noted the C2 count in some of the C2 copies on the internet had an error... That error has nothing to do with C1 and C3....

Of course, there are many errors in the original Beale pamphlet and the C2 coding - for very special reasons...

I did not say Rebel was wrong - my only point is that the correct value of pi to 2 decimal places is 3.14. AND the correct value of pi is 3.1416 to 4 decimal places... It has been calculated to many, many more decimal places beyond 3.1416. The cipher's author was only interested in the 3 digit number 3.14.....

It appears RD's website has established a possible excavation date, so time is about to tell.... TJB.

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