Nasty stuff Mikel. Fight it!
Hoping you are found in the clear when tested.
Hoping you are found in the clear when tested.
Thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers.
The swelling and inflammation are beginning to stop and I don’t think that it has grown in the last 24 hours.
That is the best news so far.
The massive dose of antibiotics is what has slowed me down. ( to be expected)
But I know many people that are much more in need in our area.
The incredible flooding of the Arkansas River and the entire river valley continues to rise and some of our TNET family have been busy helping their neighbors and family.
They need our support and prayers, as they work to regain a sense of normality. My prayers are for their strength and safety as they are the help, until help arrives.
God bless them.
Roy2bears, it took a long time too find the right information, and I was able too crack the coded stone. Once I realized that the priests in the time frame that we believed was correct, were using the “Vulgate “ translation of the Bible, early fifteenth century.
I realized that the symbols were a mathematical equation and I expected to crawl into the area where the stacks of stones were placed.
Because I had seen them once before, I believed that they were leading to Weekender’s vault.
Before we could get there, the edge of the the bluff was destroyed by some type of hydraulic forces that changed the bluff, forever.
All is not lost due to that, but we believe that the area around it we’re contrived and constructed, under the guidance of the Spanish and Jesuit priests.
Our focus is now on an area that may predate the rest of the site.
It remains another mystery!!!
It happens when one sets out on a quest... one encounters questions...
And new thoughts and patterns.
So for now, we must think in Latin, which is Greek to me!!
The early symbols created a simple math equation..
2+3=5. 5 is generally considered to refer to silver, but I believe that there may be a little Gold there as well.
Thanks for your interest.
I am curious about your coded stone. Since the bluff has been destroyed, do you care to share the the info on the stone or maybe a pic?
Mikel, you said it right about ''strange tree'' in fact, fiction probably would have a tough time keeping up with this one.
Looks to me like a live oak. I have some in my yard, they are probably 90-100 years + in age.
Just for fun, (when you have time) read up on how they grow. THAT is amazing.
Okay, it’s time for a slightly different form of sign translation.
This is for the folks that like to interpret trees.
I started out facing north +/-* and made the first one a panorama, just because there’s a lot of strange manipulation of the limbs and roots.
There are a few duplicates, with color and light filters to make some of the really stand out.
I have walked around the tree so many times, looking upward that my neighbors think I hav a problem with my neck.
I’m not going to interfere with much information about the tree other than it’s well over a hundred years old and that two grown men cannot reach around it.
The only diagnosis that I have, is that it is one strange old tree!
Have fun with it.
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Enjoy [emoji4]
Well I have to admit that the pictures didn’t capture enough of the light from the ground. The details of the roots and limbs being manipulated, didn’t show up worth a hoot.
Maybe I can get some better lighting on a different day.
Howdy Mikel,
Glad to hear that it all came out good. About a week ago, I just heard about the lone star tick, now that one is scary. If bitten by one, you will develop an allergy to red meat, which includes beef and pork. One also has reactions to dairy products. Can't even imagine not being able to eat beef, pork, or cheese, and ice cream for the rest of my life.