After months on end, I have given in to the slothful speed and personality of this old iPhone, figuring that it would outlive me...
But today ... Oops make that yesterday, my wife and daughter went together and ordered me a new iPhone for my birthday... It should be here in the morning,,,, so the learning curve starts again, sometime tomorrow. They tell me that it will be much faster than this one, but I have fallen for that story before, in school while changing from manual typewriters to the electric ones... I still type 16 words per minute!
Typing teacher was wrong on that promise.
And I have an English teacher that is probably rolling over in her grave, if she knows that I am writing a book, but just in case, I'm going to go sit on her head stone and read it to her, when it's done! She left this world before grammar check and spell check, and I ain't gonna tell her no difference...!!!