I'm on the mend now, but for 36 hours, I wondered if I was more dead than alive. For a few of those hours I didn't care which side I fell on, as long as it stopped.
Not much strength left, but my mind is coming out of the fog.

My son-in-law had to hire some help to move his heavy stuff to the house that they bought. I guess it averaged out okay. I did a bunch of the dirty jobs getting the house ready for my grandkids. That might have been what lowered my normal flu resistance.

I had to go get my truck out of his yard so the lawn people could mow this morning. He came to pick me up, and offered to just take the key and move it to the street. He looked at me like I was crazy when I said that he couldn't drive it. He stands about 6' 5" and weighs close to 300#.

Weekender can attest to why I said he couldn't drive it... Before I left with it, I had him try. He got one leg in and under the steering wheel and could not get his head in the door. For a moment I thought that I would have to help him get out.

It hurt to laugh, but he needed to know that even big stuff can't exist without little stuff.


Well I spent yesterday working on an old HP. I was going to format and restore, but there I much in it that is hard to part with... I know I can save them but that's two days work that makes no promise of success.
So I've tried to load the book in it as is and it seems to have loaded it ten to twelve times and it stops to tell me that I'm out of memory... I'll try tomorrow with a different thumb drive to see if that fixes it. If not, I'll try to download the Microsoft word program into my daughter's lap top and try try again.

I have to get it saved where I can work on it... I have 2 editorial no-nos on the first page already plus fix my plural of the word for bear ( Thanks Jose!).

I don't want to have my publisher or editor to think I'm a blithering idiot, even if it's true.


At last! It is in the working laptop and can be edited, but it's a rough row to hoe. It appears to have every version and correction trapped in it, in blue and red...
It took an hour to correct the headers and footers on it, but once I figured it out, all of them corrected automatically.

Still lots to do, but I'm back in forward motion.


100 pages done. The last 120 will be harder, as large portions are in blue, and I need to figure out how to change them back in black, without deleting all of it and re typing it.
Any one dealt with this before?

Any help will be much appreciated.


Which software are you using? If it's one I'm familiar with, I can probably help.

It was in windows Xp pro, in
Microsoft works.....
I saved it to thumb drives. Now it is in
Microsoft 9 (loaded from a disc from a Dell... This is now in a HP with Windows 10.....

I don't know how I got it saved?!?!?!
But it did, and against all odds.

It's a pain to redo the small spots, but now it's half chapters, at a time.


Microsoft works is a standard windows program so ... if you already know how to change the font color, do this:

Place your cursor anywhere in your text document. Press and hold the Control Key <CTRL>. While holding it down, press the a key <a> once, then release the control key. <CTRL> + <a> translates to "Select All"

You will see that all of the text in your document has been selected. Now just change the color of the font.

When you are done, press and hold the <CTRL> key then press the <d> and release both. <CTRL> + <d> translates to "Deselect All"

Very important to remember: ANY changes in text formatting you make while all text is selected will be applied to ALL text. That includes chapter names or other items which may be in larger or smaller fonts. Example: If you change font size, all text will be formatted in that text size. If you change the font, all text will be formatted in that font. The only exception is if you have used "headers" or "footers". These would not be affected by the preceding instructions unless you are in the process of editing them.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Chadeaux.

It does help, and I may do that once that I finish the corrections within the story.
I have discovered multiple text errors that are causing me to delete several pages and in one event I have had to delete almost an entire chapter....

Much of the colored text are repeats, within a chapter, that have been deleted previously.

There is much that simply must be rewritten...

Also, I am not sure if the mass cure will change the photos or not( they are in color).

I must admit that the problems in the last part of the book, have been caused by the cycle of going out on an expedition and trying to record the events while recovering from the physical pain, with full doses of medications.

I believe that the key to the solution is to make notes as soon as I get home and write after I heal enough to reduce my dosage.

I have much to repair in the last half of the story, and at the moment, most of the errors are highlighted.
I have been slow to pick up on it.

Thanks for the help. I do appreciate it.
I'm still learning...


Shouldn't change photographs because if you are editing text that is the only thing it will affect.

Thanks again Chadeaux!

I ripped thru all of the errors that were marked then did the mass change and now I'm in the black!!!

I'm pretty sure that I deleted everything that was medically induced insanity.
My wife has agreed to proofread all of it before Weekender and I return to write the next( and maybe final ) chapter. We still have what's left of a five year contract to return and clean out the last vault....
It's still possible, but I need to get the GPS cords on the property lines.
One corner is very close to mark!!

For now, I'm happy to have a clean copy.

Thanks for the help!

Wow. USDA farm service agent, with a much better map program, cleared up some mud that I've been trapped in for a very long time.

Hats off, to local agent.

Three birds ( one turkey, one swan and one owl ) and a star will guide the next leg of this story.

I can hardly wait to see where they send us!


Sittin' on a fence is never comfortable, especially with short legs. I have been on one for quite a while. So I think I'm going to try out a few different covers for the book, and maybe even a title change while I'm at it.

Not without motivation.
With all of the recent problems with my old laptop, and new possibilities with new programs to explore, there are more options that didn't exist in my old world.

I had hoped, years ago, to eliminate most of the possibilities listed in the thread title by now.
I'm pretty sure I can scratch "French", and " Jesuit", but KGC raised its head due to a somewhat cryptic sign and when placed on a KGC thread got things stirred up for a few days and then the well ran dry, all of a sudden like.
Not like there was nothing being seen, but more like nothing was being said.
Since I was looking beyond it to the next signs, the silence became deafening.
The expedition work is becoming more time sensitive and research in county records is getting a little more friendly.
My goal is the same...
Get done before I die!

I just think a new look and maybe a small change in the title, might be in order.
Time will tell.


Sittin' on a fence is never comfortable, especially with short legs. I have been on one for quite a while. So I think I'm going to try out a few different covers for the book, and maybe even a title change while I'm at it.

Not without motivation.
With all of the recent problems with my old laptop, and new possibilities with new programs to explore, there are more options that didn't exist in my old world.

I had hoped, years ago, to eliminate most of the possibilities listed in the thread title by now.
I'm pretty sure I can scratch "French", and " Jesuit", but KGC raised its head due to a somewhat cryptic sign and when placed on a KGC thread got things stirred up for a few days and then the well ran dry, all of a sudden like.
Not like there was nothing being seen, but more like nothing was being said.
Since I was looking beyond it to the next signs, the silence became deafening.
The expedition work is becoming more time sensitive and research in county records is getting a little more friendly.
My goal is the same...
Get done before I die!

I just think a new look and maybe a small change in the title, might be in order.
Time will tell.


Mikel. I've got what looks like a Spanish influence here. But there is some thing else mixed in with it. I've got symbols that just don't fit with some of the others. I'm really looking into the KGC aspect pretty hard. I seen the the silence you received and I am starting to believe that the KGC influence is there and it's as much a secret today as it was when they where active. Keep going and your knowledge and input are very much appreciated.

Orangeman, I hope the rest will join us here and if the KGC folks want to watch and/or comment here, they are welcome as well.

Who knows, I might find a few more pics.

BUT not the star... Still too private at this time.


Well I'm getting emails from different parts of the country. It looks like the KGC can work in all sorts of stone and trees.
Their hands and minds are well scattered.

They seem to still have their hands stirring the pot, even today.

So much to learn.


Mike you have either Jesuit or a possibility of the Knights Templar. I'm leaning towards the Jesuit . It's all very similar to what I have as in stone workings. The effigies are the same along with what it says. I haven't seen that marker I look for yet. You will have to get more photos. Close to dark with angled pictures will show more definition. Or lighting from different angles. Can you take without flash ? Don't know if there enough light. Camping lantern works goods on low.

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I have theories about the whys and the wherefores on so much as well as the age issues.

I'm sure that there has been a group or groups of Christian based people involved with the core of my site, just unsure as to when and which group.
Nor do I know whether they were genuine about their belief about Christ, or if the simply placed the crosses there to throw hunters a curveball to send us off trail!!

I am insure about whether the keystone was trying to send us to this owl or not. I will not be able to answer those burning questions until I get back on site and get an azimuth that sends me to the owl.

I am not convinced that owl signs are truly Christian based, since "Graven images are condemned in the Bible".

This OWL is a well carved statue and has many other symbols carved into it, that it cannot be ignored and they tell a new story that must be read in conjunction with the rest of the story.

Remember that early in this thread that I mentioned the old claims that were posted adjacent to the properties that we have been working now ( closing in on fourteen years)

If the owl has gone unnoticed for this long .... Who made it and placed it there????

This site has been an issue for centuries and has much done in the last century even the last half century.

It may turn into a race for the last vault at some point....

Still much to learn.

Last edited:
I have theories about the whys and the wherefores on so much as well as the age issues.

I'm sure that there has been a group or groups of Christian based people involved with the core of my site, just unsure as to when and which group.
Nor do I know whether they were genuine about their belief about Christ, or if the simply placed the crosses there to throw hunters a curveball to send us off trail!!

I am insure about whether the keystone was trying to send us to this owl or not. I will not be able to answer those burning questions until I get back on site and get an azimuth that sends me to the owl.

I am not convinced that owl signs are truly Christian based, since "Graven images are condemned in the Bible".

This OWL is a well carved statue and has many other symbols carved into it, that it cannot be ignored and they tell a new story that must be read in conjunction with the rest of the story.

Remember that early in this thread that I mentioned the old claims that were posted adjacent to the properties that we have been working now ( closing in on fourteen years)

If the owl has gone unnoticed for this long .... Who made it and placed it there????

This site has been an issue for centuries and has much done in the last century even the last half century.

It may turn into a race for the last vault at some point....

Still much to learn.




Folks in the mountains of our state know how to not talk. There may be people in know that know your around and they're helping to keep things confusing as possible. I killed a deer on a bench when I was sixteen. I went back to that place this year and there was a diamond shaped stone two foot tall standing with in in sight of where I was sitting. It wasn't there 30+ years ago.

O-Man, were you well educated in s/s when you were 16???

I was not... But oh, had I been!!!
Heck, I wasn't educated when I was 46.
Even now it is a struggle...


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