I see the IV or roman 4 , but the image is cropped, so I wouldn't really consider it much, but I have seen IV on sites relating to bible verse stuff. It could be 111 V or 111 x V =555, or 111, IV or 111 x 4 =444 as well, depending how you look at the trees and the spaces in between, but it wouldn't matter because the actual alignments you go from and go to would get you that in the end. You can drive yourself crazy trying to figure out too much stuff from this, there is just no way of really knowing some of the hints, you pretty much have to stick with the main things that point, line up , and or look and the compass bearing they are on.

Also being a 2d image I can't tell if the trees would line up like I suggested as a goal post and tree to line up inside the uprights. These are typical alignments I have seen being used, as well as a large boulder being a wedge when standing or looking on the top of it and pointing a general direction. Even just the spilt tree being V being used as a gunsite somehow.. it doesn't have show something in the V, it can just be aligned to a compass direction to go to a place anywhere's from less than a 100 feet to several hundred yards, but likely in other units of measurement like varas or spanish feet. There's a ton of variations from site to site, but the varations have things in common as well.

Are you working any sites in your area?

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There are some small markings to be seen and potential for more.

The big stone is the bear, as I see it. That is what I saw immediately when she posted it.
She didn't allign with the stone or the trees. She was just photographing the squirrel that came out to greet her. She posted every creature that she saw in her morning walks, from fawns to spiders and snakes.

I really need to go see that spot and document it for what it is.

#/;0{> ~

I'm always working multiple places Bob. What you learn from one site often carries over to another. You kind of piece things together that are easy to see on one, and harder to see on another, and pick up the way they lined things up and the types of markers they used and you put it all together on a couple of them. Some can't be figured out, some you can narrow it down to a few spots. But a compass and tape also comes into play, and until you start using them alot and on alot of different sites, things won't make as much sense. There are alot more directions than NESW on a compass. And many of them are very common that are seen again and again and again across multiple sites, multiple states. Same types of markers, same specific compass bearings, same distances, just different variations and combinations of them.

Off subject for a note.

My phone will not accept texts untill I can delete a bunch of text histories.
Right now they are being rejected.

Now. Back to our regularly scheduled programs.

#/;0{> ~

I'm back now on iPhone
It's a little different.

But kinda the same...

Did it come with a instructions video? You just about need one with these things. But look at this way,You got the world at your finger tips.

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Lots more options, I just realized that my alarm clock tone is so mellow that it puts me back to sleep before I can turn it off.


Still waiting...

A little bit off subject, I wish everyone a great holiday, that are so inclined to celebrate the Fourth of July !!!

At the same time, please be mindful of those whom have served and are presently serving in the name of freedom.

Many of our veterans suffer with PTSD and to them, fireworks can become the sounds of real life battles.

If you encounter anyone that appears truly terrified by the sounds, an offer of a cool bottle of water and a calm reassurance that they are safe can work wonders.

Be safe and celebrate freedom, where ever you are.


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I'm not sure when it began, but I think that it may be that, when you begin treasure hunting, the speed of time changes.

We become out of sync with those around us. If we have little time available, we outrun others. If we have plenty of time, we tend to slow others down.

It's neither good nor bad. It's just something that you either notice or you don't, sort of like clouds or birds or rocks or waterfalls.

We are different and we can see it, but the others don't.

I think that the others are missing part of the really spectacular moments in life.

Maybe it's just me. I don't really know.


I can relate to that. They are missing some awesome pieces of art hidden right under their noses.

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Hunting legends is a rare passion shared by few. We are out numbered by other treasure hunters that hunt for coins, jewelry, buttons, bullets, bottles, ect. ect. ect. Those hunters don't have trouble sharing their passion with family, like those who have a passion for cars, or other stuff. When we mention our passion we get eye rolls, and smiles from family members. ::) :D

Thank God for TreasureNet

Amen, brothers!

I gotta admit, I did kinda think I was the only one that felt that way. The swan and the skull on my old site were my wake up calls.

I've read about the Chinese being here 4000 years ago and I have seen there handy work photographed on the west coast, so when I see their signs and symbols this Far East, I know I'm looking at history. That's addictive!


We'll, I spent nearly four hours trying to gain right of way across less than a quarter mile of forest on Sunday. Pretty simple negotiating other than the old gal has me painted into a corner to release her from liability if i get hurt.

That kinda needs to be done before i star trail blazing.

She has two mules hooked up to the wagon, pointed in opposition to each other.

Like I need to spend this week trying to get a law degree.

I have a perfectly sound agreement already done but she doesn't like it.


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Waiver of liability seems perfectly normal to me in an instance like that, and seems to me that such is the norm in these agreements - not the exception.

She is ceding to you the right to transverse her property, and in exchange she wants assurance that she won't have to worry about being punished for her benevolence if something goes wrong. You have to admit, too many folks today would use the opportunity to collect from her should they not succeed in their hunt. She can't take that risk and (based only on what you've shared) it does not seem unreasonable.

I would agree to it and use the same caution I do everywhere I go.

Howdy Chadeaux.
We had a clear release of all liability from everything that could happen, other than her allowing someone to go hunting there without informing me beforehand.

Sorry, I thought that I had typed that in,
It's the norm on all of my agreements.

It's the same basic agreement that I have used for fifteen + years, without problems.

All of her objections are seemingly small, but linked together create an enormous chain.

She wants me to clear a somewhat established trail, to prove that I can cross her land, before she will agree to take the agreement to her lawyer to check before she will sign it.

The trail that she wants cleared, adds another half mile to the trip each way, which eats about an hour an a half of important part of every trip. And so on, so on, so forth.

I need to explore a few other alternatives, in case the chain gets to long to drag.


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One hand washes the other. She needs you to do her thing. And you need to use her thing. She sounds like a smart lady. If she allow you to transverse her property and you trip on a stump that's on the trail. She could still be held liable for not having you a clear way of travel. The way the law is this days. Well lawyers, one must cover their donkey well. It's good to see you still on the hunt. God Bless

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You are correct, Bob. The agreement with her is about 60% the release of liability And the rest is assurance that i will be there alone with no hunters, and that she will contact me in advance if she allows someone to hunt on her land.

It's pretty one sided.


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