Back to the old log house....
The stairs led to the attic, where we all slept. ( seven at that time) where I remembered waking up several times during the winter, to the sound of Mom dusting snow off the numerous quilts on each bed, before trying to wake us from our nightly hIbernation.
We would group up in front of the new fangled wood cook stove that dad bartered from a neighbor just before winter set in.
This was the first fire lit each morning, and the fire that was kept alive year round. It was in a leanto built on the original house. It still had its dirt floor as I remember.
One day during the summer, a wild boar wandered in the open door while mom was making a pot of tea. She turned around as he let out a grunt and Mom poured the pitpure of boiling water on him as she struggled to get above the hot stove without burning herself. Fortunately the hog lost interest after getting scalded, my brother and I took after him with one knife and a stick.
We failed to catch him as well.
Life in the woods.