Tunnels and more just found in New Ross, N.S.

The Tree of Life is shown in this post with the layout of the Castle at New Ross.. They look the same . Please check out the arms of the cross in red and see both stone graves are on the cross. If this castle is laid out like the Tree of Life then it had to be built by the Templars. So many things line up to the cross and other parts of the tree. The castle is just over 250' long and 155' wide.


  • tree x3.webp
    tree x3.webp
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  • castle 22.webp
    castle 22.webp
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I know the finders keepers personally and confirm they are genuine people giving credit to where it belongs. I am grateful to their efforts and hard work, as would be Joan, who accidently discovered the area, which many other claim to be their findings - such is the human greed. I am sure, at the right time and right place they will disclose the truth and I shall stand by them. "Truth alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time. I must continue to bear testimony to truth even if I am forsaken by all. Mine may today be a voice in the wilderness, but it will be heard when all other voices are silenced, if it is the voice of Truth" - M. K. Gandhi.

The cost of doing a search of the vaults under the well alone will cost us.

1, 3D scan of the well to know 100% of the location of the vaults to drill. $6,000.00 day 1 then $4,000.00 each day after.
2, Drilling Rig to air drill down 90'. $7,000 + cast pipe + set up time= $9,000.00 for 1 day for 1 hole. If we miss the vault we drill a 2nd hole. O Ya we have 2 vaults at this location so more holes. If we hold off on drilling until Oct we save $2,000 a day.
3, Then there is the cost of digging 70' of dirt out of the well safely, then brace the walls of the well and pump the water out.

This won't happen over night, this site will be done by the right people to make sure its worth the cost. We plan to return again soon to line things up for drilling.

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OK what is the Hope Stone, Last year we did a dig at the same site where we did a TV show for the History Channel looking for gold, tantalite , gems , etc. During the dig we found many gray stones (magnetite ) that looked to be tantalite so we took them home to have them checked out. When we washed them down we found one that looked like it was hand cut and in the shape of a keystone with drawings on each side. This Hope Stone is made of magnetite ( iron ) and we located it with our metal detectors, all of the gray stones read gold / silver yet a magnet will stick to them
. For years Joan Hope tried to prove that a castle from the 1360's was at this site and last year we had Scott Wolters and a film crew on site and we found more to prove something big was built there. We returned in June and drill at the site for core samples then in Aug we did a dig close to the Holy Well and among the gray stones we found this one . This stone measures 6"long x 5 3/4" high x 1 3/4" front x 3 1/2" back. Since it was found at the Holy Well it had to come from the tower above the well. From its size it looks like it could be from a smaller opening or window . The drawings on both sides could of been made by the Templar workers as they built the tower , this will be up to the experts to decide. A geo. on site thought these where from a meteorite but test are still being done. Since Joan Hope was the founder of this castle I have called it The Hope Stone and I Hope this will prove the Templars made it. I plan to send it back to Nova Scotia .

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That is either a Keystone or a piece of an archway used to build over the breakaway wall you found and put a camera through in the well.

(you should know that being from the Keystone State...LOL)

Notice the arches how finely cut they are, even back in 1340? The Templars built much larger Churches and had ornate everything. They were not cavemen in 1300's Dennis, cmon.:laughing7:


Just shows that there is a different story to how great the Templars were in their architectural prowess ....even back then. And each country had their own architectural identity as well.

Reconsider the origins of your site for a second. The site was temporarily built for something, and then was broken down as relics were buried in underground chambers. This can only be said to be the cause of something French of order, as very few of the English Architectural designs were made from the Tree of Life, and the English settlements coming afterwards were settlements there originated from Military Orders, holding a different design altogether, just look at the Forts they built in Nova Scotia.

As compared with the original French Chapel designs that would feature buttresses as additional supports for the buildings themselves, the building footprints designed in the old way of the Tree of Life

We have evidence of Rennes Le Chateau in the carvings throughout the area that I found matching your New Ross 'Blueprint' at Bayers Lake, with mapped sequences making their way through 7 steps to the Lion's head as Amundsen has theorized from Shakespeare's hidden codes.

He has also found rocks correlating to a scalar map of the tree of life, pointing a branch at your site from Oak Is as you have said here. The other branches point to the other areas precisely. One to Hobson, one to the Bayers Lake, one to the Tomb I found and other locations easily charted if we take into account the whole of the info and look at the maps more thuroughly with their systems of mapping overlaid.

Just like the hidden Drawings on the Poussin paintings show

We then have discoveries you made showing the layout of a "Chapel".....not a castle.......this was the exact replication of the Rennes Le Chateau Drawing Sauniere even tried to blueprint and study. Including the large stone you found with the cross at the top of it. The Dolmen or whatever it was called.

The Castle theory was Joan's.........you have shown me enough facts to prove without a doubt that this was all a Rosicrucian Mission, and the site at New Ross was lid out like the design of a Chapel to be worshipped in, while the crew of Samuel Champlain charted their temporary settlements, and placed these discoveries here. They were literally crafting the mystery itself.

The mystery is complete, now its up to find out what is down there and at my sites. Dont hesitate to call me.

Notice the arches how finely cut they are, even back in 1340? The Templars built much larger Churches and had ornate everything. They were not cavemen in 1300's Dennis, cmon.:laughing7:

The Castle theory was Joan's.........you have shown me enough facts to prove without a doubt that this was all a Rosicrucian Mission, and the site at New Ross was lid out like the design of a Chapel to be worshipped in, while the crew of Samuel Champlain charted their temporary settlements, and placed these discoveries here. They were literally crafting the mystery itself.

What exactly is a Rosicrucian Mission?
Cheers, Loki

What about the possibility of "christianized" viking greenlanders?

What about the possibility of "christianized" viking greenlanders?

Possible, of course, but the dating of the coconut fibre seems to disprove that as the Vikings did not trade in the Eastern Med. during that time period. Then we have what Finderskeepers has unearthed at New Ross, or as I call it "Charing Cross".
Cheers, Loki

The Varangian Guard was in operation until almost 1400 AD. There were leaders of Scandinavian desent throughout most of Europe by that time.

And with the thought of the Gothic Monks at the heart of the establishment of the Knights templar. As well as the visigoths establishing themselves at rennes le chateau before it came into the hands of the order. Then taking in to consideration the Cathar conspiracy, there is much to consider.

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On our next trip we plan to enter one of the tunnels with a camera to locate something to carbon date to answer this question.

You seem to really be on top of this and we appreciate the actual moment by moment accounts rather than weeks or months lapses. Nice job and hope you guys find your proof positive.

The Varangian Guard was in operation until almost 1400 AD. There were leaders of Scandinavian desent throughout most of Europe by that time.

And with the thought of the Gothic Monks at the heart of the establishment of the Knights templar. As well as the visigoths establishing themselves at rennes le chateau before it came into the hands of the order. Then taking in to consideration the Cathar conspiracy, there is much to consider.

I don't understand what the Varangian Guard or Scandinavian descent in Europe has to do with Viking ships trading in the Eastern Mediterranean and then taking their cargoes to Vinland.

How were the Cistercians Gothic, except in their architecture of course?

I didn't think the "Order" (you do mean Templar, right?) ever actually controlled Rennes le Chateau, although I'm sure they were there in some form.

And, what do you consider the Cathar conspiracy?

Cheers, Loki

Here's what I know about the KNIGHTS of the Temple; they became GNOSTIC Christians hunted down by "The Church", MAINLY in France. Book of JOHN is a GNOSTIC "Book"... with POSSIBLE "clues" of interest. Having Coffee in the Java Zone, "PRU"... PONDERING-R-Us.

Here's what I know about the KNIGHTS of the Temple; they became GNOSTIC Christians hunted down by "The Church", MAINLY in France. Book of JOHN is a GNOSTIC "Book"... with POSSIBLE "clues" of interest. Having Coffee in the Java Zone, "PRU"... PONDERING-R-Us.

Quite correct, the 4th Gospel almost wasn't admitted into the Canon because of its Gnostic nature. I don't agree that the Templars became Gnostic though. I do believe they held a secret garnered in Jerusalem and confirmed by the Cathars that concerned the existence of a Jesus bloodline, and this information is what a small group from the inner circle carried to New Ross, landing first at Oak Island.
IMHO, the book called John was actually authored in its first form (probably oral) by Mary Magdalene. No bible scholars today accept the disciple John as the author.
Cheers, Loki

No bible scholars today accept the disciple John as the author.

No credible Bible scholars today accept that ANY of the original disciples authored ANY of the books of the Gospel. The earliest (Book of Mark) was written 70 or more years after the death of Christ

No credible Bible scholars today accept that ANY of the original disciples authored ANY of the books of the Gospel. The earliest (Book of Mark) was written 70 or more years after the death of Christ

Thats quite a statement Charlie. Crediting one person as an author of a certain scripture is itself ambiguous. Certainly the various books of the canon were written on papyrus much later then the fact. There really are not any manuscripts or parts of manuscripts known that are even that early (I think you meant 70ad and not "after death" didn't you?), I think P-52 being the earliest extant part of a text we have today.
When I said that Mary Magdalene was the author of the 4th Gospel I mentioned "oral" because that is probably the way these thoughts were handed down, with somebody at a later date writing it down, with much editing of course.
Cheers, Loki

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Actually, I was referring to the first "full" version of Mark that is in the Codex Sintaticus (printed on vellum) that is dated to 330-360 AD. It is thought earlier fragments of what became the Book of Mark go back earlier to when Nero was persecuting the early Christians - which would put it around AD 60 to 68. That and the still hypothetical "Q Source" were to become the earliest Gospel.

"AD" Anno Domini wasn't established until 525 AD, so we're not really sure what years Christ walked the Earth. ;-)

Actually, I was referring to the first "full" version of Mark that is in the Codex Sintaticus (printed on vellum) that is dated to 330-360 AD. It is thought earlier fragments of what became the Book of Mark go back earlier to when Nero was persecuting the early Christians - which would put it around AD 60 to 68. That and the still hypothetical "Q Source" were to become the earliest Gospel.

"AD" Anno Domini wasn't established until 525 AD, so we're not really sure what years Christ walked the Earth. ;-)

Whatever the dating of the first written manuscript of Mark the point I was making was that the manuscripts probably were first authored in the 1st century as oral tradition. Mark is the most interesting as it is known that the last few verses concerning the resurrection were added at a later date and the other two synoptics (Matthew and Luke) were copied from that.
As for "Q", I expect it to turn up some day, perhaps it was carried to Nova Scotia by the Templars. Maybe FindersKeepers will come up with a copy.

We don't know the exact years is true, but I was correcting your "70 years after the death of Christ" to 70AD, as I was pretty sure that is what you meant.
Cheers, Loki

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The cost of doing a search of the vaults under the well alone will cost us.

1, 3D scan of the well to know 100% of the location of the vaults to drill. $6,000.00 day 1 then $4,000.00 each day after.
2, Drilling Rig to air drill down 90'. $7,000 + cast pipe + set up time= $9,000.00 for 1 day for 1 hole. If we miss the vault we drill a 2nd hole. O Ya we have 2 vaults at this location so more holes. If we hold off on drilling until Oct we save $2,000 a day.
3, Then there is the cost of digging 70' of dirt out of the well safely, then brace the walls of the well and pump the water out.

This won't happen over night, this site will be done by the right people to make sure its worth the cost. We plan to return again soon to line things up for drilling.

Drill Rig unnecessary with guys that truly know what they're doing and working with the right equipment and eye.

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