Tunnels and more just found in New Ross, N.S.

castle.webphelm o.webpThis picture of the red cross over the Tree of Life shows were the 2 Grave Stones were found and were the Herm was found later. The Herm has been moved 11' to the edge of the property were it sits now. Please check my other post on page 4 for pictures of Templar Graves and what Joan found.

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RennesLocator2.webpNew Ross castle.webp

This is the drawing made of the area of Rennes Le Chateau by the Priest there who studied the layout when renovating

See the similarity Dennis?

They are exactly the same.......Do you see the cross on the left drawing, notice the outline around the cross,

Isnt that the shape of your "Cross Stone".....:laughing7: ? Looks like we have a match.

They are the same here in the Bayer's Lake Mystery Wall Carvings as Rennes Le Chateau as well....The whole area is littered with these clues


Here are the walls where this carving is taken from

BayersLake.webp Where a tower once stood

Helm Stone.webp

Here's how they look exactly alike from the side by side....The crosses are very lined up and the one on the bottom shows the curved ridge of the outline perfectly matching..

I am positive that this is a carved stone that is meant to feature the looks of the area in Rennes Le Chateau near the Graveyard there next to the chapel, and also be used as a marker to the identity of the location as being french of origins.

It looked like it was sticking out of the ground like a random stone, not laying flat like the other gravestone covers.

And here at Bayers Lake as well. The Tree Of Life shown perfectly, a scale representation of your castle layout

Bayers Lake Tree Of Life Layout.webpNew Ross castle.webp

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The writing looks like this a little, from the Spirit Lake Stones found in Maine.

Spirit lake map-stones.webp

Helm Stone.webp

Or even here a little

Bedford Heiroglyphs.webp
From the Bedford heiroglyps

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BAAAAAaaaaaa WAAAAaaaa HAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

finderskeepers ,, you crack me up dude , So Scott Wolter conned you into a film deal with him and you went for that charade artist

well , you may as well , since both you and he work on other peoples knowledge and draw attention to yourselves like you thunk it up
all on your own .

Truth is man , the old OakIsland.uk forum is where people first found out that Oak Island was a KT deposit

they found that out from a mystery poster who used the handle " Hippie "

Then they figured out from what Hippei Posted, that Hippie had the most valid info on Oak Island , especially since hippie provided
clear connections between sites the Templars had visited , that matched Roslyn artifacts .

Meet Hippie , he also was approached by Scott Wolper , and he told Scott to go bite a Rock

Hippie's real birth name is Roger A. Snow

he post here on this forum as TREASMINDER2 ( that's right , it's me )

He post in various Treasure Forums as Roger_Snow55

Cracks me up , Hollywood and the goons

FK , National Treasure , the movie, was scripted from my post at a Treasure Forum : " ALT "
HAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HA !


Dude , there is no GLORY where there is no Honor

do you know what that means ?

No ?

It's a Templar adage ( go ahead and quote me and claim you found that out through research on your own )

I'll help you out with a prediction

I predict you will spend most of your time and ALL of your Money as well as investors money ,,, and come up ZIP !

and you will suffer Obsession over treasure for all your days and the Nightmares that come with
that Obsession .

You , like Gollum , Like Whyte Eagle , Like so many fakers and dreamers KNOW NOTHING of value and glean from people
for glorifying yourself with

Yes , it is prevalent all throughout your Post : GLORIFYING YOURSELF ,,, self Glorification is the Affliction of the Fool

Just as Wolter , just clowns that deserve the torment they'll do to themselves .

Now the disclaimer

I tell it just exactly as it is,

real simple , I speak fact and truth, as all Humans should

if you cannot handle the truth

then don't live a LIE and you'll improve .

I love the diagrams, they seem to show a pattern of some same discoveries. I hope there is someone there who can show them what this might be showing.

Truth is man , the old OakIsland.uk forum is where people first found out that Oak Island was a KT deposit

The truth is, when you dig for clues and find nothing there, when the facts show there are movements TO and FROM the Island ........You go to another location.

Just because the guys on Oak Island didn't find anything, means that they are not concerned with the possibility or they would have made some effort already.

Finder's Keepers has years invested into the New Ross area and secured the site without calling out "Knight's Templar".

The only reason the Knight's Templar were associated with Oak Island is the proximity to New Ross, where there are actual finds being located.

At this point it is basically producing more evidence than any of the other finds in Nova Scotia.......

NOTHING on Oak Island shows signs of Templar activity.......NOT A SINGLE THING.

NOTHING on Oak Island shows signs of Templar activity.......NOT A SINGLE THING.

Umm, how about the dating of the coconut fibre to the 14th century. Unless we think the boys are lying about the identity and c-14 dating this definitely shows a Templar presence. Important to remember is that there were no native coconuts anywhere in the Atlantic Basin at that time (nowhere). Also, we have the drilled stones which were probably used as moorings. If there were Templars at Charing Cross (New Ross) they had to have come through Mahone Bay. Btw, it was a man named Ross who built one of the roads to New Ross. Cheers, Loki

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Umm, how about the dating of the coconut fibre to the 14th century. Unless we think the boys are lying about the identity and c-14 dating this definitely shows a Templar presence. Important to remember is that there were no native coconuts anywhere in the Atlantic Basin at that time (nowhere). Also, we have the drilled stones which were probably used as moorings. If there were Templars at Charing Cross (New Ross) they had to have come through Mahone Bay. Btw, it was a man named Ross who built one of the roads to New Ross. Cheers, Loki

In what way does it show the identity of a European planting coconut fibers?

Are you aware that the study taken with the fibers also had an "estimated" date....one that also had variations added as its tolerances would vary up to +/-200 years in these dated samples. And did you know that when you take a recent sample, the factors are more inconclusive, as the older the decay, the easier it is to identify and pinpoint a time of consistency in the carbon particules. It shows that the fibers 'could' actually be from the 1600's as much as they were 'dated' to be from the 14th century.

Where are the marks by the templars on the coconut coir to prove they made it? Nowhere.

And yes there were coconuts there on these islands before Columbus came here to the Caribbean , just not on Oak Island. You cannot tell me that every coconut tree on the East coast is from the efforts of Imperial Colonization and Slave farming and act like its fact here in this forum.....sorry, that's a fabricated story just like the term 'Money Pit' itself.

The coin found in the Episode.....'The Stone at 90'.......... was literally unreadable, and was shown to have the same exact likeness to another "Cross" from a later coin series as well.

In fact there are a few countries who pressed their coins with crosses and the coin they presented as evidence was the poorest quality coin that I had ever seen shown as factual evidence of an origin being templar. Nor were there any coins shown with a date as old as the supposed coconut dates in the 14th century.

These facts are the loosest based investigative leads to go on, IMO Loki.

I think what Dennis has found is the closest thing to a tomb system, and Templar Castle reminiscent of the old Templar designs, and the confirmation can be seen for yourself in the side by sides I posted.

The marks there are arcane and made from old languages, seeming to be from an older time period altogether before the eras of early 'explorers'. In fact it is reminiscent of the original foundation of Rennes Le Chateau.

To see that the Laginas are walking around the island proclaiming that because they have hit a piece of wood cored from the bottom of an excavated pit, that they have hit the "Chapel Vault" is even more ludicrous.

A Chapel Vault is built out of solid stone.....kinda like what Dennis has shown us the blueprint to above.

Its obvious that they are stealing the show from Dennis, if they are using your site's terminology in the Oak Island dig.

They must think they can tunnel in underneath your Vault from way out on the Island with that big truck.......LOL.

Season Three Spoiler !!! - TreasureForce will approach Finder's Keepers and tell them that he needs to come to New Ross right away, to tell them about a secret tunnel underneath the whole complex.

As if they didn't know about it already......:laughing7:

Geez....they have practically taken the whole New Ross puzzle and created another 'History' legend for everyone to watch on TV, ignoring the facts and re-crafting a tale on Oak Island.....?

Dennis...........Doesn't that make you mad when the little guy gets stepped on !

In what way does it show the identity of a European planting coconut fibers?

Are you aware that the study taken with the fibers also had an "estimated" date....one that also had variations added as its tolerances would vary up to +/-200 years in these dated samples. And did you know that when you take a recent sample, the factors are more inconclusive, as the older the decay, the easier it is to identify and pinpoint a time of consistency in the carbon particules. It shows that the fibers 'could' actually be from the 1600's as much as they were 'dated' to be from the 14th century.

Where are the marks by the templars on the coconut coir to prove they made it? Nowhere.

And yes there were coconuts there on these islands before Columbus came here to the Caribbean , just not on Oak Island. You cannot tell me that every coconut tree on the East coast is from the efforts of Imperial Colonization and Slave farming and act like its fact here in this forum.....sorry, that's a fabricated story just like the term 'Money Pit' itself.

These facts are the loosest based investigative leads to go on, IMO Loki.

Samples taken by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution were identified as coconut fibres and dated by them to the 11th or 12th century many years ago. Recently (2013) the Michigan Group had the material tested, shown to be Coconut Fibre and C-14 dated to between 1260 and 1400AD (that is the range of error, not 200 years either way).

From "Coconuts in the Americas" published 2013, authors, Charles Clement, Daniel Zizumbo-Villarreal, Cecil Brown, Alessandro alves-Pereira, and Hugh Harries; "It has been clearly established that the Portuguese introduced coconuts to the Cape Verde islands in 1499, and these supplied the Atlantic Coasts and the Caribbean in the 1500s".

Coconut Fibre itself was manufactured into coir in India for the purpose of both a packing material for shipping and rope. It is also known to resist rot very well. India, in the 11th and 12th centuries was heavily into trading with Egypt as well as many other Eastern Mediterranean countries including Palestine and Cyprus, both countries connected with the the ships of the Knights Templar. A large contingent of Templar ships left Cyprus in 1307, these same ships would have been of the 18 said to have escaped the arrests later that same year in France.

Now, you can add the coin and the mooring holes for vessels on Oak Island.

Then you talk about Templars at New Ross and at the same time can tell me there is no sign they were ever on Oak Island.

Sorry, but you have to look at the whole picture! Cheers, Loki

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Meet Hippie , he also was approached by Scott Wolper , and he told Scott to go bite a Rock

Hippie's real birth name is Roger A. Snow

he post here on this forum as TREASMINDER2 ( that's right , it's me )

Yes , it is prevalent all throughout your Post : GLORIFYING YOURSELF ,,, self Glorification is the Affliction of the Fool

Just as Wolter , just clowns that deserve the torment they'll do to themselves .

Now the disclaimer

I tell it just exactly as it is,

real simple , I speak fact and truth, as all Humans should

if you cannot handle the truth

then don't live a LIE and you'll improve .

Seems to me that you would do well to have a little more humility yourself.

How much do you think a boat weighs floating back and forth with the massive tidal swells there.?

Why would you need 'mooring stones' that a single person could pick up and move?

drilled stone1.webpdrilled_stone.webp

How do you expect they were able to navigate such a huge galleon with their 'Knights Templar" wealth and the "Ark of the Covenant" to the island.......and anchor it with those two stones.....

You couldn't anchor a small 4 person rowboat with those two.....the waves would take them out to sea with the ship.

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Besides if you cannot see the markings that are carved into the stone on the left you cannot see straight.

There is a Star of David surrounding the hole and having some correlation to a map marked into the stone.

How much do you think a boat weighs floating back and forth with the massive tidal swells there.?

Why would you need 'mooring stones' that a single person could pick up and move?

View attachment 1202808View attachment 1202809

How do you expect they were able to navigate such a huge galleon with their 'Knights Templar" wealth and the "Ark of the Covenant" to the island.......and anchor it with those two stones.....

You couldn't anchor a small 4 person rowboat with those two.....the waves would take them out to sea with the ship.

All of what I wrote about coconuts and the dating of the fibre and this is all you could come up with? Why not also tell me, you were correct on the Coconut Fibre Loki, I stand corrected.

There were several stones with drilled holes, some large and in the water. I would premise there would also have been some small boats probably built on site for going back and forth to the mainland as I'm sure the causeway was not there in 1308.

I used to anchor my uncles rowboat with a stone about the same size as those two when I was a kid. You do realize that the tides on that side of the Province are nowhere near as large as those in the Bay of Fundy don't you?
You are not one of those that thinks they were survey markers are you? If so they don't seem very permanent do they?

Also, IMHO, the Ark of the Covenant was not found by the Templars because if it had been, being devout Catholics they would have turned it over to the Church.

Cheers, Loki

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The well at the castle is called the Holy Well and it has the only safe drinking water in the area . This well never went dry. Other wells get their water from down deep in the bedrock and their is uranium in this area so the water is not safe to drink. For years everyone tried to figure were the water in the Holy Well came from . For years we been tracking small tunnels 5' under the area that bring water to the castle . The water comes from a pond up hill next to a area we believe was a round Templar Church. Some one dug a 5' deep trench from this area all the way down to the castle then it splits up. Some go to each tower, then to the bath area to the left of the Holy Well, then to the Holy Well. The water runs under the Norse House and splits up and runs to two towers. Ya they were busy digging . OK when did they have time to dig. Well they had all summer to dig the 5' tunnels but had all winter to dig the deeper tunnels . They used all the high grade clay from the tunnels for mortor to build the castle. Having water at each tower was a major help for them to make mortor. So the water to the Holy Well comes from rain water that ends up in a spring just 50' from the top of the mountian and runs to a pond then down a man made trench tunnel to the castle. I believe they dug a trench 5' deep ( just below the frost line ) then put smaller stones or gravel in the trench and filled it all back in with clay. The smaller stones or gravel will let the water pass and the high grade clay will keep the water in the trench. We had the clay checked out by the Government and it is the highest grade found in Nova Scotia. That grade was mined out for land fills years ago. Water runs off this clay , we dug a 12' deep hole just 6' from the well with a backhoe and the clay was hard and dry . Great for mortor. New Ross sits on 120' of this clay then bedrock. The water in the well sits 5' below the surface so their is no way for water down at bedrock at 120' to make it to this well. We used a dye in the well on our last trip and nothing came out yet. Next trip we will use a dye in the pond up hill and track it to the well.

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coins.webpThere has been over 50 coins found at the New Ross Castle by Joan Hope. Ron ( Joans Husband) showed me just a few he still had, the Gov. took some and he gave some away after Joan's death. Some of the coins could not be dated or ID but the date run from 1750's to 1780's in one find , then another dig she found coins from 1790's to 1810. I would of like to seen the coins they could not ID, maybe a Templar Coin was there.
There has been at least one clue supporting Knights Templar.

Gary Drayton's find of 2014.

A coin!

The Templar Coin Video - The Curse of Oak Island - HISTORY.com

View attachment 1202715

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