Umm, how about the dating of the coconut fibre to the 14th century. Unless we think the boys are lying about the identity and c-14 dating this definitely shows a Templar presence. Important to remember is that there were no native coconuts anywhere in the Atlantic Basin at that time (nowhere). Also, we have the drilled stones which were probably used as moorings. If there were Templars at Charing Cross (New Ross) they had to have come through Mahone Bay. Btw, it was a man named Ross who built one of the roads to New Ross. Cheers, Loki
In what way does it show the identity of a European planting coconut fibers?
Are you aware that the study taken with the fibers also had an "estimated" that also had variations added as its tolerances would vary up to +/-200 years in these dated samples. And did you know that when you take a recent sample, the factors are more inconclusive, as the older the decay, the easier it is to identify and pinpoint a time of consistency in the carbon particules. It shows that the fibers 'could' actually be from the 1600's as much as they were 'dated' to be from the 14th century.
Where are the marks by the templars on the coconut coir to prove they made it? Nowhere.
And yes there were coconuts there on these islands before Columbus came here to the Caribbean , just not on Oak Island. You cannot tell me that every coconut tree on the East coast is from the efforts of Imperial Colonization and Slave farming and act like its fact here in this forum.....sorry, that's a fabricated story just like the term 'Money Pit' itself.
The coin found in the Episode.....'The Stone at 90'.......... was literally unreadable, and was shown to have the same exact likeness to another "Cross" from a later coin series as well.
In fact there are a few countries who pressed their coins with crosses and the coin they presented as evidence was the poorest quality coin that I had ever seen shown as factual evidence of an origin being templar. Nor were there any coins shown with a date as old as the supposed coconut dates in the 14th century.
These facts are the loosest based investigative leads to go on, IMO Loki.
I think what Dennis has found is the closest thing to a tomb system, and Templar Castle reminiscent of the old Templar designs, and the confirmation can be seen for yourself in the side by sides I posted.
The marks there are arcane and made from old languages, seeming to be from an older time period altogether before the eras of early 'explorers'. In fact it is reminiscent of the original foundation of Rennes Le Chateau.
To see that the Laginas are walking around the island proclaiming that because they have hit a piece of wood cored from the bottom of an excavated pit, that they have hit the "Chapel Vault" is even more ludicrous.
A Chapel Vault is built out of solid stone.....kinda like what Dennis has shown us the blueprint to above.
Its obvious that they are stealing the show from Dennis, if they are using your site's terminology in the Oak Island dig.
They must think they can tunnel in underneath your Vault from way out on the Island with that big truck.......LOL.
Season Three Spoiler !!! - TreasureForce will approach Finder's Keepers and tell them that he needs to come to New Ross right away, to tell them about a secret tunnel underneath the whole complex.
As if they didn't know about it already......
Geez....they have practically taken the whole New Ross puzzle and created another 'History' legend for everyone to watch on TV, ignoring the facts and re-crafting a tale on Oak Island.....?
Dennis...........Doesn't that make you mad when the little guy gets stepped on !