Tumacacori Mission Mines RE: Sister Micaela Molina Document

HighPlainsSifter said:
Greetings, is this still an active thread? I live just north of Tumacacori and I nugget shoot all the time there. I have found a sort of hidden canyon with caves and such, just south of Tumacacori...any interest to anyone?
I am.just e-mail me Buck

Well I sent you a PM Buck, but I am not sure why? I live in this area and didnt know if there was any interest in the lost opata mine. Whiole I am sure land marks have changed since the 1600's, it would be pretty cool to look for it As I am laid off....I have um.....time?

Gentlemen: Milton was an author, and was the model for the phrase "literary license". For one he had never been to Tayopa according to his description.

Don Jose de La Mancha

WELCOME TO TREASURENET HighPlainsSifter! :thumbsup:

yes the oroblano area is here next to the old mining town of Ruby....but has nothing to do with the opata mine eh?

High Plains Sifter,

Welcome. While I haven't posted here in a bit, I do keep an eye on things. Where do you live? Tubac? Green Valley? Sahuarita? I was just there in May.

If you're nugget shooting around Tumacacori Mountain, you're not going to find much. No native mineralization there. If there were, the Spanish would have chewed up that mountain 300 years ago. The only place South of there, you must be talking about is Javelina Canyon near Fresno Spring. That is the site of Gary Oliver's Treasure Trove Permit. Lots more than just caves there. You can only access it (unless you're a good mountaineer) via Peck Canyon Rd.

If you believe the Molina Document here are the directions to the Opatas:

It is three leagues from the mine of La Purísima Concepción to the mine of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. About halfway down the road in the same direction is what is called The Mine of the Opatas. This mine has one tunnel of four hundred rods and running south along the same course. The ore is mixed with pebbles and after three hundred rods is cut off by a trench. A very large tableland runs from the mouth of the mine toward the setting sun. On its west side is a very large canyon ending on the south side. It has a bore mark that is a half-rod deep. Standing on the south side, you can see the mark on the other side of the canyon. Going one league north from this mark is the Mine of the Opatas of Tumacácori. This is the mark. To the west on the other side of the sierra is the mine of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.

The leagues used for land are different than those used for the Seas. A land league is between 2.18 and 2.48 miles. Just do the math, find the landmarks, and VOILA!

ALTHOUGH............there is another story that the Opatas Mines was reopened by the Opatas Indians and worked out. All that is supposedly there now is a 25 foot deep hole with another 90 or so feet of surviving tunnels underground.


The Guadalupe or Tumacacori Mines
Are for real
According to new discoveries
This is where, the so-called Dutchman got his gold, and his Peralta Stones, left east of Apache Junction, identify.

Documents from many other sources talk about the same mines and at different time periods they were called by different names. People are looking for many mines that they believe are different but really they are one and the same, that is due to people trying to protect it by telling you so much truth but steering you in the wrong direction. Also there were a lot of documents that had a lot of stuff left out of the story and in some cases false stuff was injected into the story or on the map purposely so that if it fell into the wrong hands it would not benefit the wrong person, but it was good information as long as it was in the hands of the right person who knew what was false or understood a few things that were left out.

There were other cases where things were added to the map to confuse things and send the enemy in the wrong direction.

I believe that the upper Tumacacori is a real place and that the Guadalupe Tumacacori mines document was rewritten with perfectly clear descriptions left out that would have put you in the right place to start with to begin looking, this was done after 1850 by a man and possibly a wife or lady that assisted him. I believe this man killed a Spaniard and a Dutchman, and after using a lot of different aliases it was believed that his name was Jacob Waltz or something to that affect. It is likely that, that may have been at least part of the name of the Dutchman he killed. According to this man's diary the Dutchman and Spaniard were on their way to turn him in to collect the reward for his capture. The German or Dutchman, of the peoples group of about thirty miners or prospectors, is probably in a grave with the Spaniard on my ranch.

The Dutchman and Spaniard were mad at this fugitive because he had staked and claimed the whole area of the mines. This Spaniard could not own a mine in the US after the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty of 1849, and was allying to be the silent partner of the Dutchman from the peoples group; the fugitive even though he had claimed the area could not protect it due to the law looking for him. So the Dutchman of the peoples group, who had recently become a US citizen in California, was attempting to nock the fugitive out of the picture in hopes of having great wealth, but there were others in the area besides the fugitive who were working with some Indians to protect the mines. These others with the help of the Indians had already sacrificed quite a number of people, under the leadership in-part of the fugitive, to protect the mines and to keep their area from becoming a cesspool of low-lives, as they saw happen in 1848 gold rush in California. The Spaniard and the Dutchman were not the first to bark up the wrong tree, that were killed by Whites allied with Indians.

I have copies of maps that were taken from other Spaniards that tried to ally with other Whites to take control of the mines. So the fugitive who ended up with a Dutchman's name spent quite a bit of time hiding the mines, the Indians also did their share, not all of these Indians were Apaches.

So before this fugitive (called the Dutchman today) died, he said that he had left a lot of clues to the place of his mine (he also left diaries and journals and other documents that told the greater truth that were not related to the gold he had, but the truth about why he was a fugitive). The Guadalupe or Tumacacori document was one of the clues he left behind, plus what is commonly called the Peralta Stones etc, which were found between the Apache Junction and Florence. This man was a hard working and industrious man for the younger part of his life. He knew or believed, what he was shown was of the greatest importance, he covenanted with the Indians, when they showed him the place, he would help them protect it and use only what he needed for his personal use. This man had a fairly large family before he became a wanted man by the US law, and the Indians knew where his family was, they would have taken the lives of his family, starting with the firstborn, if he would have violated his agreements.

The Apache Indians may not have known about these agreements he had with another tribe, which had shown him the site. He went to great efforts to tell his story without it jeopardizing his family, or the covenants he made with the Indians while he was alive (a covenant made with your life is no longer considered binding after your death, by some). In one of the mines there were records, which the Guadalupe document was taken from, they were rewritten so that someday what he had seen could be known for the betterment and the benefits of those who were truly saints of his faith. Those who have a background in his faith have a lot better chance of understanding the Guadalupe documents and the so-called Peralta Stones etc, if they know much about the history of the people of their own faith. It is not hard to recognize who the so-called Dutchman was in real history, if you are tied in with those who are learned in the original faith.

I bought a ranch, which this man crossed over when he was hiding from the law, and own things that this man once had. This may sound crazy but I bought this ranch because I believed it was once owned by the ancestors of king Solomon, due to some of the oldest Hebrew writing in the world, which is near the area. From what I have learned from the ancient writings and other things in the area, I am convinced that the Tumacacori mines are the mines that in ancient times belonged to the queen of Sheba, who supplied Solomon with gold. I believe that the Jesuit priests who took their treasures and buried them there were convinced likewise. There were already treasures there before the Jesuits added to it. This place of Bathsheba, which means House of Seven or the House of the Seven Cities of Gold, the gold of this place, is mentioned on the lead crosses dug up by the Santa Cruz river north west of Tucson in the 1920s. The lead crosses dug up there talk about places and things that are not properly understood by the scholars who have examined them, if they knew about the places that the lead crosses represented people could understand what the cross on the back-of one of the so called Peralta Stones represents. So if someone says that the Guadalupe document was written by one who understood English and not Old Spanish they are correct, but to say that the story is false and the mines don't exist would be a lot less than the whole truth.

It has not been a month since I visited the patio that is fifty Varas square (that is mentioned in the Guadalupe document), I went a hundred or so yards above it and out of two handfuls of dirt, taken from the soil above, and panned it. Out of that came four yellow pieces of heavy metal and about four times that many pieces of silver metal, and some of the silver metal was really bright and brilliant which would indicate to me, it would have to have a high percentage of gold in it. I have eight gold nuggets, which were given to me by someone who's friend had found quite a few of them; he found them while he was staying on my ranch long before I bought it. Some of these nuggets are an inch long and were not creek worn, and with a whitish gray quarts imbedded in some of them. When I bought the property I did not know that the gentleman who had lived on the property, had found gold nuggets.

Tumacacori is a bad pronunciation, by the Indians or others, of two Spanish words that identify a place at my ranch. The so-called Dutchman went to great work to tell his story and to lead the wrong people away from where he got his gold. The name Ramon brakes down into two names, in ancient times, and literally means the same thing as the name Solomon just in a different language. In working my property I dug up a smelter that was about fifteen feet long, it was obvious that someone buried it to hide it. I found the rock foundation of a cabin with a rock corral next to it and what was left of an adobe furnace on the other side of the cabin, I kicked the surface of it to expose more and found pieces of black, glass looking slag. This and other things fit the stories that they say the Dutchman told. As I looked around, on the south side of my property there was a peak, shaped like the top of a hat, I found what was left of a two-room house at its base, and I have also found a number of old places that have been mined.

At one of these places, there were a bunch of turquoise colored rocks I gathered up about a half a dozen tubs of the rock, and melted some of them which produced what looked like pure red copper, I was surprised to see such a high amount of copper come out of such a little bit of rock. I found another big smelter at the place where the map shows the pure conception and within fifty Varas it appears there is a covered over tunnel, halfway between that and the Guadalupe mine I noticed a place that had been dug out with a dump below it and found several pieces of slag with metal in it, and east of it several hundred yards was where you could tell there used to be an old road running North and South, and to the west side of the road there were three places where people had lived and it looked as though there was what was left of a furnace next to each of them.

There are things on the Peralta Stones that identify the place and the person who manufactured them, that tie in with the story and the name of the person or lady who people claim got the documents or copied them from Spain. On the so-called Peralta Stone the one with a horse on it, there is a river partly circling across, which represents the correct Santa Cruz river, as the river is drawn on the stone in front of the horse it is a map where the Santa Cruz river circles a natural cross on my property. It would be interesting to know who created the copycat one by Tucson. The last name of the lady that is claimed to have gotten these documents from Spain, was Molina, if you look at the rock map with the horse on it with the Santa Cruz river in front of it, hidden in the hair of the mane is the English name for Molina, which is Mill, her husband the fugitive had a mill north of the mine, and you have an N hidden in the hair on the face of the horse. I could point out a number of things that tie the Guadalupe document and maps with the so called Peralta stones and the person that was a fugitive who had familiarity with the place that the stones and the documents describe and fit, and who was there in the 1870s and on.

The two points that were brought down over the Guadalupe Mine left the top of a fifty Vara square work area looking like a big heart, and just off to one side of the patio, working area, there is a big cut where hundreds of tons have been moved, in an old mining operation, it is big enough that water now drains through it when it rains heavy, and if you are not doing your homework you can stand in that cut and not even know that it is an old mine, and this matches the cut on the so-called Peralta Stones next to the place where the heart fits in.

There is a sink hole that is about fifteen feet across that has settled another two feet since I bought the place, which fits the place, that the so called Dutchman, claimed he covered with timber. I talked to the previous owner and he said the place has been sinking for quite some time, thirty or forty years. If the Dutchman covered his with juniper logs they could easily have rotted away by this time and the dirt and rock will be settling into the tunnel. For someone to make a document and draw a map that fits like a hand in a glove would have to either have seen what I have seen or been the greatest psychic in modern time, that is, if the Guadalupe documents are a fraud and the Peralta Stones are not true. The truth in this matter is a lot stranger than fiction. The key to the world's greatest treasures is to put truth, reality and the respect of the rights of others first, and not cave in to our appetites and greed, only then will our vision to understand ancient or old documents become clear.

I bought the ranch to protect history, not to find gold.

I am also the Discoverer of the real Ezekiel's Jerusalem (The one that Tiberius the Emperor of Rome made so insignificant that it would no longer be recognized, see records from the British Museum and archives of Paris).

I find it ironic that everyone is looking in the wrong places for the right thing, do to all kinds of people benefiting by steering people in the wrong direction, such as selling maps and stories that are misleading, or people trying to protect sacred places from thieves that would plunder and destroy such. The world would have true riches if they put what was right ahead of their greed.

R.W.L.J (the Real Written Lore of Jerusalem)

RWLJ said:
The Guadalupe or Tumacacori Mines
Are for real
According to new discoveries
This is where, the so-called Dutchman got his gold, and his Peralta Stones, left east of Apache Junction, identify.

Documents from many other sources talk about the same mines and at different time periods they were called by different names. People are looking for many mines that they believe are different but really they are one and the same, that is due to people trying to protect it by telling you so much truth but steering you in the wrong direction. Also there were a lot of documents that had a lot of stuff left out of the story and in some cases false stuff was injected into the story or on the map purposely so that if it fell into the wrong hands it would not benefit the wrong person, but it was good information as long as it was in the hands of the right person who knew what was false or understood a few things that were left out.

There were other cases where things were added to the map to confuse things and send the enemy in the wrong direction.

I believe that the upper Tumacacori is a real place and that the Guadalupe Tumacacori mines document was rewritten with perfectly clear descriptions left out that would have put you in the right place to start with to begin looking, this was done after 1850 by a man and possibly a wife or lady that assisted him. I believe this man killed a Spaniard and a Dutchman, and after using a lot of different aliases it was believed that his name was Jacob Waltz or something to that affect. It is likely that, that may have been at least part of the name of the Dutchman he killed. According to this man's diary the Dutchman and Spaniard were on their way to turn him in to collect the reward for his capture. The German or Dutchman, of the peoples group of about thirty miners or prospectors, is probably in a grave with the Spaniard on my ranch.

The Dutchman and Spaniard were mad at this fugitive because he had staked and claimed the whole area of the mines. This Spaniard could not own a mine in the US after the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty of 1849, and was allying to be the silent partner of the Dutchman from the peoples group; the fugitive even though he had claimed the area could not protect it due to the law looking for him. So the Dutchman of the peoples group, who had recently become a US citizen in California, was attempting to nock the fugitive out of the picture in hopes of having great wealth, but there were others in the area besides the fugitive who were working with some Indians to protect the mines. These others with the help of the Indians had already sacrificed quite a number of people, under the leadership in-part of the fugitive, to protect the mines and to keep their area from becoming a cesspool of low-lives, as they saw happen in 1848 gold rush in California. The Spaniard and the Dutchman were not the first to bark up the wrong tree, that were killed by Whites allied with Indians.

I have copies of maps that were taken from other Spaniards that tried to ally with other Whites to take control of the mines. So the fugitive who ended up with a Dutchman's name spent quite a bit of time hiding the mines, the Indians also did their share, not all of these Indians were Apaches.

So before this fugitive (called the Dutchman today) died, he said that he had left a lot of clues to the place of his mine (he also left diaries and journals and other documents that told the greater truth that were not related to the gold he had, but the truth about why he was a fugitive). The Guadalupe or Tumacacori document was one of the clues he left behind, plus what is commonly called the Peralta Stones etc, which were found between the Apache Junction and Florence. This man was a hard working and industrious man for the younger part of his life. He knew or believed, what he was shown was of the greatest importance, he covenanted with the Indians, when they showed him the place, he would help them protect it and use only what he needed for his personal use. This man had a fairly large family before he became a wanted man by the US law, and the Indians knew where his family was, they would have taken the lives of his family, starting with the firstborn, if he would have violated his agreements.

The Apache Indians may not have known about these agreements he had with another tribe, which had shown him the site. He went to great efforts to tell his story without it jeopardizing his family, or the covenants he made with the Indians while he was alive (a covenant made with your life is no longer considered binding after your death, by some). In one of the mines there were records, which the Guadalupe document was taken from, they were rewritten so that someday what he had seen could be known for the betterment and the benefits of those who were truly saints of his faith. Those who have a background in his faith have a lot better chance of understanding the Guadalupe documents and the so-called Peralta Stones etc, if they know much about the history of the people of their own faith. It is not hard to recognize who the so-called Dutchman was in real history, if you are tied in with those who are learned in the original faith.

I bought a ranch, which this man crossed over when he was hiding from the law, and own things that this man once had. This may sound crazy but I bought this ranch because I believed it was once owned by the ancestors of king Solomon, due to some of the oldest Hebrew writing in the world, which is near the area. From what I have learned from the ancient writings and other things in the area, I am convinced that the Tumacacori mines are the mines that in ancient times belonged to the queen of Sheba, who supplied Solomon with gold. I believe that the Jesuit priests who took their treasures and buried them there were convinced likewise. There were already treasures there before the Jesuits added to it. This place of Bathsheba, which means House of Seven or the House of the Seven Cities of Gold, the gold of this place, is mentioned on the lead crosses dug up by the Santa Cruz river north west of Tucson in the 1920s. The lead crosses dug up there talk about places and things that are not properly understood by the scholars who have examined them, if they knew about the places that the lead crosses represented people could understand what the cross on the back-of one of the so called Peralta Stones represents. So if someone says that the Guadalupe document was written by one who understood English and not Old Spanish they are correct, but to say that the story is false and the mines don't exist would be a lot less than the whole truth.

It has not been a month since I visited the patio that is fifty Varas square (that is mentioned in the Guadalupe document), I went a hundred or so yards above it and out of two handfuls of dirt, taken from the soil above, and panned it. Out of that came four yellow pieces of heavy metal and about four times that many pieces of silver metal, and some of the silver metal was really bright and brilliant which would indicate to me, it would have to have a high percentage of gold in it. I have eight gold nuggets, which were given to me by someone who's friend had found quite a few of them; he found them while he was staying on my ranch long before I bought it. Some of these nuggets are an inch long and were not creek worn, and with a whitish gray quarts imbedded in some of them. When I bought the property I did not know that the gentleman who had lived on the property, had found gold nuggets.

Tumacacori is a bad pronunciation, by the Indians or others, of two Spanish words that identify a place at my ranch. The so-called Dutchman went to great work to tell his story and to lead the wrong people away from where he got his gold. The name Ramon brakes down into two names, in ancient times, and literally means the same thing as the name Solomon just in a different language. In working my property I dug up a smelter that was about fifteen feet long, it was obvious that someone buried it to hide it. I found the rock foundation of a cabin with a rock corral next to it and what was left of an adobe furnace on the other side of the cabin, I kicked the surface of it to expose more and found pieces of black, glass looking slag. This and other things fit the stories that they say the Dutchman told. As I looked around, on the south side of my property there was a peak, shaped like the top of a hat, I found what was left of a two-room house at its base, and I have also found a number of old places that have been mined.

At one of these places, there were a bunch of turquoise colored rocks I gathered up about a half a dozen tubs of the rock, and melted some of them which produced what looked like pure red copper, I was surprised to see such a high amount of copper come out of such a little bit of rock. I found another big smelter at the place where the map shows the pure conception and within fifty Varas it appears there is a covered over tunnel, halfway between that and the Guadalupe mine I noticed a place that had been dug out with a dump below it and found several pieces of slag with metal in it, and east of it several hundred yards was where you could tell there used to be an old road running North and South, and to the west side of the road there were three places where people had lived and it looked as though there was what was left of a furnace next to each of them.

There are things on the Peralta Stones that identify the place and the person who manufactured them, that tie in with the story and the name of the person or lady who people claim got the documents or copied them from Spain. On the so-called Peralta Stone the one with a horse on it, there is a river partly circling across, which represents the correct Santa Cruz river, as the river is drawn on the stone in front of the horse it is a map where the Santa Cruz river circles a natural cross on my property. It would be interesting to know who created the copycat one by Tucson. The last name of the lady that is claimed to have gotten these documents from Spain, was Molina, if you look at the rock map with the horse on it with the Santa Cruz river in front of it, hidden in the hair of the mane is the English name for Molina, which is Mill, her husband the fugitive had a mill north of the mine, and you have an N hidden in the hair on the face of the horse. I could point out a number of things that tie the Guadalupe document and maps with the so called Peralta stones and the person that was a fugitive who had familiarity with the place that the stones and the documents describe and fit, and who was there in the 1870s and on.

The two points that were brought down over the Guadalupe Mine left the top of a fifty Vara square work area looking like a big heart, and just off to one side of the patio, working area, there is a big cut where hundreds of tons have been moved, in an old mining operation, it is big enough that water now drains through it when it rains heavy, and if you are not doing your homework you can stand in that cut and not even know that it is an old mine, and this matches the cut on the so-called Peralta Stones next to the place where the heart fits in.

There is a sink hole that is about fifteen feet across that has settled another two feet since I bought the place, which fits the place, that the so called Dutchman, claimed he covered with timber. I talked to the previous owner and he said the place has been sinking for quite some time, thirty or forty years. If the Dutchman covered his with juniper logs they could easily have rotted away by this time and the dirt and rock will be settling into the tunnel. For someone to make a document and draw a map that fits like a hand in a glove would have to either have seen what I have seen or been the greatest psychic in modern time, that is, if the Guadalupe documents are a fraud and the Peralta Stones are not true. The truth in this matter is a lot stranger than fiction. The key to the world's greatest treasures is to put truth, reality and the respect of the rights of others first, and not cave in to our appetites and greed, only then will our vision to understand ancient or old documents become clear.

I bought the ranch to protect history, not to find gold.

I am also the Discoverer of the real Ezekiel's Jerusalem (The one that Tiberius the Emperor of Rome made so insignificant that it would no longer be recognized, see records from the British Museum and archives of Paris).

I find it ironic that everyone is looking in the wrong places for the right thing, do to all kinds of people benefiting by steering people in the wrong direction, such as selling maps and stories that are misleading, or people trying to protect sacred places from thieves that would plunder and destroy such. The world would have true riches if they put what was right ahead of their greed.

R.W.L.J (the Real Written Lore of Jerusalem)

Great! Here we go again!


You are saying that Jacob Waltz wrote the Molina Document? Please tell me exactly where your ranch is? I have friends in Tumacacori. You might even know them if you REALLY own property there. It is a VERY small community.

Oh, and Tumacacori has absolutely nothing to do with the Spanish Language. It is from the Opata Indian Language. :wink:



Thank you for sharing your story!

Mike, yer a kill joy. Bien venidos RWLJ. For some reason I seem to associate your technique and data with another that I once knew ??? More.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa said:
Mike, yer a kill joy.

With each new one, my tolerance gets less and less! HAHAHA


Hello Mike

It has been about five hundred years since the Spanish reached this part of the world and there were Romans and Israelites in this country before that, which is verified by the lead crosses dug up on Silver Bell road, north-west of Tucson and many other discoveries. Languages are borrowing from each other all the time. Then again you may be right the fugitive may have had the lady use names they were familiar with, from the Tucson area, to camouflage the two Spanish words that identify the characteristics of what goes through that Indian temple, honored and respected by many Indian tribes. The fugitive may well have hid things in names that reflected or sounded like the real things. My ranches consist of thousands of acres they would cover more than what is called the Tumacacori mission place, and it is not even close to what was originally, called the Santa Cruz River, the Santa Maria River now is called the Santa Cruz River, the river on my place is the original Santa Cruz River. People tend to get fixated around places that have been set up as decoys.

The fugitive had some previous associates who had the government surveyors trying to get to the mines, who heavily surveyed a whole mountain range that was well over a hundred miles long. When the US government took the southwest the action behind that move, was intelligence they had, that came through the Jesuit Priests and those who tutored our founding fathers under cover, who had infiltrated the Free Masons to gain the southwest so they could have possession of things, they originally had. My ancestor eight generations back quit being a Jesuit Priest, due to the betrayal of the pope and the actions of king Carlos the third. His superior in the Jesuit Order was called a doctor that carved coded messages in stone all across the southwest. Five of such recordings have been found in the Oakland bay area by San Francisco they are in Idaho Nevada Utah Arizona and New Mexico, they personally knew where the Aztecs buried treasures and they buried there stuff less than two hundred miles away, there are records from Mexico city to Canada that identify the roads that the Jesuits carried their treasures to a sacred sight, on.

These Jesuits are the real intellectual fathers that laid the groundwork for the establishment of our constituted republic. My own ancestor and his superior spent a lot of time across the eastern coast and into Canada preparing the colonies to be free from European domination, where they had previously failed in New Spain they succeeded in New England. But by the time that happened the paths of the Jesuits and their Missions had been covered with dust, and lost. If the Tucson area had been the center of their mines and treasure house, the US Government would have taken all of Chihuahua and Sonora. The present day border between the US and Mexico ended all questions in their mind of the more important places of interest. The US government sent surveyors to the southwest under the leadership of those who were looking for the mines. John Wesley Powel when surveying the Grand Canyon area, had containers of mercury in his trunks and had spent a lot of time with the Hopis and others in looking for the mines, that is whey three of his men were killed by Whites not Indians. The fugitive looked in his trunks and saw the mercury before he explored the Grand Canyon, and that information was leaked to the whites that killed three of his surveying crew, they believed that he would continue and broaden his range of searching. The slag from the smelters around Tucson caught the US Army's attention, while the slag from the sacred mines were ground and dumped into the correct Santa Cruz River, and the reason that was not done by Tucson, was because they did not really have anything in that area they were worried about hiding. There are a lot of records in history that tie in with the Jesuit mines, which have not even started to be recognized today by the ignorant masses of people.

According to one record three scouts were sent out in the mid 1800s to explore an area. While they were going along a line of cliffs, they made camp and during the night they were attacked by some Indians, one was killed, the other two escaped with one horse and spent days wandering and came across the place they described as thinking it was rocks covering an Indian storage pit, which were the rocks that covered the middle of the patio that was fifty Varas square between two peaks. When they got inside they could see it was full of religious treasures. The powder that was placed between the rock and over them, after a period of time had settled between the cracks in the rocks, which left it obvious as a concealed place. Before they got back to civilization one of them had died and the other one was found by nicer Indians and taken to a white-mans community half delirious. The man searched the rest of his life to find the place again and never did, but later some Indians showed the fugitive where the place was. If I hadn't had a background in a lot of history, but not treasure history, I could not have recognized the bigger picture. For certain things to come underneath my knowledge is remarkable in itself.

There is a religious leader that is a brake off from a religion that has been around for about fifty years. He came to me and wanted me to show him where the mines were and turn them over to him, saying that his people were the only ones that taught and kept the commandments of god, and that he figured I was like a modern Cyprus who could turn treasure over to him, as the old Cyprus gave treasures back to Israel that had been taken from them. I nicely told the man that if god could tell him where the main sacred mine was, and if he could show me where I had discovered this sacred mine, then I would consider his request. Otherwise I was not going to jeopardize what I had found, to be taken over by a corrupt society. This man knows that I have found the Jerusalem described by Ezekiel, along with what is left of Solomon's temple.

If the people cant see world history strait, they are not very likely to see the documents that are scattered across the Americas, strait. The honorable Jesuit Society, before most of them sold out to world powers, had the intelligence to hide things to where only the honest mind could crack their codes, unless someone stumbled onto it by accident. Or where some of the Spaniards tortured and killed Indians, and a Chief's own child, to learn the whereabouts of the mines. That would be one reason why the Indians rallied their neighbors, and continually destroyed Mexican minors, trying to open the mines, and that is why a few Whites allied with some Indians and butchered a bunch of Whites (who were allying with Spaniards) to protect the place.

So the fugitive with a lady friend tried to follow the path that some honorable Jesuits followed.

The Jesuits history (the Jesus Society) is imbedded in my blood.

This is my way of answering your request.

I would love to tell you where that ranch is, and maybe someday I can, but I am not going to mislead anybody to the best of my ability, but by my experience those who put truth ahead of their appetites can be blessed by the works of those who were trying to be saints of god and sacrificed for what is in the mines of Guadalupe. Those who resurrect the embodiments of the Mosaic and Christian laws, as our constitution was based upon, can have the blessings of what is in them mines. That is why the Jesuits worked with the New England States after they had failed in New Spain. There is no shortcut to having freedom, without applying the laws that give the righteous freedom. You keep them laws and you can show me where my ranch is.

Your friend R.W.L.J

P.S. thank you for what you have done with your website. As you share more with others (on this subject) I will share more with you. If someone still has any of the Dutchman's gold, I am sure the gold I have would be a match. I would sure furnish a nugget for testing. I want to help those who want to put truth and good government first. I don’t consider I am one hundred percent right on everything, I don’t have all the facts of what went on. But if I didn't have more facts than some of these treasure hunters have on these topics, I would consider selling my ranch and retiring and joining them. But on second thought I am not cut out that way.


I ask that you please start a new thread and move your excessively long rambling posts there. Not trying to be a dick, but come on. You are saying that the Lost Dutchman Mine is somewhere down near Tumacacori? REALLY?


I'm pretty sure I've been to this "ranch" before.

Near a bridge, you take a turn onto a dirt road - go down the road for a little ways and........................


May I join you Beth? I'll bring the soft drinks.

Incidentally, not all of the old Spanish were very highly educated, on the contrary. Also most women were heavily discouraged from receiving an education, just to stay in the kitchen, pregnant and bare footed. Macho complex.

Sooo, it is entirely possible that the construction, spelling, punctuation, etc. in the Molina document could be correct and from a partially educated person. After all, one only has to look at some of the posts on internet today. This has no base on intelligence, in fact one of the most intelligent people that I know never finished high school.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hi Beth: you posted --> You never finished high school???
As a matter of fact I was practically kicked out of high school, but that is not who i was referring to. Heck, Even Oro or Ddjuicy are smarter. sigh

Don Jose de La Mancha

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