Rochha wrote
Not if they were made that way purposely.
Are you serious amigo? Sometimes I can't tell when someone is kidding. If you think about this POSSIBLE "explanation" (which has a serious problem I will get to) you have to wonder WHY such devious purposeful alterations would be done? It makes no sense amigo, at least not to me.
Now for
the SERIOUS problem with that idea - for someone working in the mid-1800's to have deliberately created stone inscriptions using a style of lettering AND artwork which did not come into general use much before 1940, and get it to MATCH that future, then-unknown styles of both lettering AND artwork.....would be a near-miracle. HOW did they know to use those particular styles, so far ahead of time, and get it right?
I give up buddy - we can sure agree to disagree, but I will not try using those Peralta Stones to search for treasures, nor will I recommend them to anyone for that purpose. If you do believe in them, and are using them to search or just thinking about it, my NOT trusting in them might well work to YOUR advantage by helping to keep the competition away!
Gollum wrote
Your statement regarding "why would someone bring something to have it validated unless it was to pull a big fraud" is ridiculous! People have things validated all the time.
Mike you have misread OR misunderstood what i wrote again buddy - taken IN CONTEXT I was saying that
Gollum also wrote
My friend, you are free to believe anything you wish, but don't try to make me see things your way, when I KNOW you are mistaken. PLEASE reread my previous quote regarding what I believe:
I have read your posts and fully understand your conclusions - what I fail to understand is why you would accept a POSSIBLE explanation when nothing is there to prove it, referring here to the statements about Polzer and Desert Arch. examining copies. You are smarter than that, to rely on what might be possible versus a known fact. Please note my reply to Rochha in this same post, if these particular problems had not occurred to you (which I can't believe it has not) then a re-examination will not hurt.
Gollum also wrote
why is it that EVERY time we are on opposite sides, I have to repeat myself over and over? Its exasperating!
I do not ask you to repeat yourself, not sure why you assume that is what is being asked -
what I ask for is clarifications. Don't assume that since you have made a statement, no further explanation is required for a thick-skull like me to fully understand your logic and reasoning.
Good luck and good hunting Rochha, Gollum and everyone, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Your friend,