By law, you only had an ok from the Manager, and not Permission from the Airport Authority, a Manager can not act in place of the Authority, reguardless of his title or Business card. So She had grounds to question all of this. Also, premission to have a Vechicle on Gov. land also requires proper liscense, registration and yes- insurance as per Goverment regulations, so in Truth you are very lucky she did not bring you in for further questioning.
I agree with you it was an un-necessary hasel on her part and her attitude un-called for, but- you should also take responsibility for yourself ahead of trouble- and know the laws before you start that kind of activity.
You well know that Detectors cause eyebrows to rise, and anything you do to with them causes suspicion. Reguardless of what rights we all think we have, we all have our own common sense to use before trouble starts. The incident shows what happens to all of us, when we do not prepair properly to hunt.
A friend of a friend is not legal authority for use! we all need to be smarter than this.
I am sorry for the tone of this. See, I love to hunt too, and I am also red in anger about our lost of rights- but please think here- we are already loosing our rights to hunt as it is, so things like this make it harder on all of us to keep the places to hunt on. Please be smarter than this next time- we all really do have a responsibility to do that. Get the proper permissions first. Not a Business Card, and not your personal ok to bring extra buddies.
Like I said sorry for the tone here, but it is a perfect example of what not to do.
I wish you the best and no bad hunts for your future in the Hobby.
Jon in nashville