Please stop the attacks on the police, we have members that are current or former law officers. When someone says " all" are this or that you are including members here. It is the same as saying all Irish, British, Americans white or black are a specific way and it simply is not true.
To talk about a specific official is not the same as saying "all".
Please do not be offended by this simular story. I have the utmost respect for LEOs as I work everyday with them. However, when I lived in Utah, a particular Sherrif used to follow me and stop me repetedly, and I do not know why. I am a very safe driver and respectful. He stopped me several times with weird excuses, like, for instance, one time he said my trailer cable was hanging down in frount of my lisence plate and he couldnt read my plate. I proceeded to get out to fix it and he almost came unglued. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?" He said? "I am going to fix the cable so I dont get stopped again, because I dont like being late for work." I replied. He had his hand on his gun the whole time he watched me fix the little wire hanging down in frount of my plate.
About a month later, at work mind you, I had hired a man to fix the concrete fence surrounding the property I worked at as it was starting to cave in on our neighbor's property. The property was very large, about a half mile long worth of fence, just on the back side. So when he got done, I jumped in my truck to drive the fence and inspect it to see how he did. Now, this property has a public street that intersects it, and as I drove accross that street, this same Sherrif comes tearing in at a high speed (the speed limit is 5mph) with his lights on and blares his siren at me and gets so close to my bumper that I thought he might hit me. So I stopped, and he got out and said: "Well I pulled you over because you have no lisence plate." (This was a new truck I had JUST bought, and the sticker was in the window) "But I did notice your sticker in the back window now that I walked up here, but Im writing you a ticket for no seatbelt." I said: "Is this a joke?" He said "NO". I said, this is private property, you cant give me a ticket for not wearing my seatbelt here, you dont have jursitiction to do so." He said: "Well, you crossed that public street back there, and you werent wearing your seatbelt, so you are getting a ticket. And if you continue to give me lip, I will drag you out of your truck and cuff you and take you to jail."
He stopped me several other times (3 more that I can remeber), but that is the only time he wrote me a ticket. I moved to another city and transfered to another property at my job because of this. I do not understand why some people are so aggressive. I know how dangerous being a LEO can be. But some LEOs scare me frankly. It makes me sad that I am afraid of somone I am supposed to trust. But it is nice to know that the several LEOs I work with, are really great people, and NOT like that scary seemingly crazy Sherrif from Davis county Utah.