Trespassing with permission?

kyrock said:
I don't know what state you live in, but from what I have been told and how I was raised, you told question or harass a police officer. Just blows my mind!

Well when the cop is being a moron and saying ur in the wrong and ur not I'm gonna hold my own too, more than likely she was a loser in high school and thinks she is awsome now cuz she has a badge

I don't think all police officers are perfect. Some do like to push people around with their badge....I guess you just have to play it out and see where it goes...

Please stop the attacks on the police, we have members that are current or former law officers. When someone says " all" are this or that you are including members here. It is the same as saying all Irish, British, Americans white or black are a specific way and it simply is not true.

To talk about a specific official is not the same as saying "all".
Please do not be offended by this simular story. I have the utmost respect for LEOs as I work everyday with them. However, when I lived in Utah, a particular Sherrif used to follow me and stop me repetedly, and I do not know why. I am a very safe driver and respectful. He stopped me several times with weird excuses, like, for instance, one time he said my trailer cable was hanging down in frount of my lisence plate and he couldnt read my plate. I proceeded to get out to fix it and he almost came unglued. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?" He said? "I am going to fix the cable so I dont get stopped again, because I dont like being late for work." I replied. He had his hand on his gun the whole time he watched me fix the little wire hanging down in frount of my plate.

About a month later, at work mind you, I had hired a man to fix the concrete fence surrounding the property I worked at as it was starting to cave in on our neighbor's property. The property was very large, about a half mile long worth of fence, just on the back side. So when he got done, I jumped in my truck to drive the fence and inspect it to see how he did. Now, this property has a public street that intersects it, and as I drove accross that street, this same Sherrif comes tearing in at a high speed (the speed limit is 5mph) with his lights on and blares his siren at me and gets so close to my bumper that I thought he might hit me. So I stopped, and he got out and said: "Well I pulled you over because you have no lisence plate." (This was a new truck I had JUST bought, and the sticker was in the window) "But I did notice your sticker in the back window now that I walked up here, but Im writing you a ticket for no seatbelt." I said: "Is this a joke?" He said "NO". I said, this is private property, you cant give me a ticket for not wearing my seatbelt here, you dont have jursitiction to do so." He said: "Well, you crossed that public street back there, and you werent wearing your seatbelt, so you are getting a ticket. And if you continue to give me lip, I will drag you out of your truck and cuff you and take you to jail."

He stopped me several other times (3 more that I can remeber), but that is the only time he wrote me a ticket. I moved to another city and transfered to another property at my job because of this. I do not understand why some people are so aggressive. I know how dangerous being a LEO can be. But some LEOs scare me frankly. It makes me sad that I am afraid of somone I am supposed to trust. But it is nice to know that the several LEOs I work with, are really great people, and NOT like that scary seemingly crazy Sherrif from Davis county Utah.

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Individaul cases I don't have an issue with, it is when attacks are made on all police officers at same time.... as in "all police are power hungry" ect.......

I don't know what state you live in, but from what I have been told and how I was raised, you don't question or harass a police officer. Just blows my mind!
I don't know if I read your response correctly or not but are you suggesting that I shouldn't have given her any attitude back and simply lowered my head and admit guilt even though I was guilty of nothing?

Silverfinder99 said:
I don't know if I read your response correctly or not but are you suggesting that I shouldn't have given her any attitude back and simply lowered my head and admit guilt even though I was guilty of nothing?

U did the right thing. I woulda done the samething, sometimes I dnt know when to shut my mouth when something like that happens to me. Lol i had a guy giving my wife crap about me MDing a spot, I kinda went off the handle on him just for the fact he was yelling at my wife instead of me. She was just standing there with our dogs.

U did the right thing. I woulda done the samething, sometimes I dnt know when to shut my mouth when something like that happens to me. Lol i had a guy giving my wife crap about me MDing a spot, I kinda went off the handle on him just for the fact he was yelling at my wife instead of me. She was just standing there with our dogs.

Yeah I hear ya. I really wish people would mind their own business and let us enjoy our hobby. Except for the kids, I love it when the little ones follow me around and get amazed at how that machine new that pull tab was there. To bad the big kids won't learn a little from the little ones.

Silverfinder99 said:
Yeah I hear ya. I really wish people would mind their own business and let us enjoy our hobby. Except for the kids, I love it when the little ones follow me around and get amazed at how that machine new that pull tab was there. To bad the big kids won't learn a little from the little ones.

Lol how about it. Few months ago I had about 4 kids like 10 yrs old fallow me around, luckly I dug bout 4 matchbox cars and small
Toy gun that was broke I gave those finds to the kids they loved it. They said they were gonna tell there parents they wanted a detector for Xmas.
Maybe those people that wanna harass us sould try it and realize how exciting this hobby is.

just one small thing you may not know under Arkansas law [FONT=Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]You have 30 days to register your vehicle. If you’ve just moved to the state, that means you have 30 days from the date you established residency. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]being your insurance card showed that you were in the state for 90 days you under the law did lie to her
[/FONT]from the day you change your address on your insurance you had 30 days it did not matter to the courts that you did not move out of texas for 90 days your insurance card was all the proof they needed to show that you established a residence in arkansas 90 days ago[FONT=Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]
she could have easily giving you a ticket
and that my friend would of cost you a lot more then an hour of your time


I would have been compelled to tell :censored:.

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just one small thing you may not know under Arkansas law [FONT=Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]You have 30 days to register your vehicle. If you’ve just moved to the state, that means you have 30 days from the date you established residency. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]being your insurance card showed that you were in the state for 90 days you under the law did lie to her
[/FONT]from the day you change your address on your insurance you had 30 days it did not matter to the courts that you did not move out of texas for 90 days your insurance card was all the proof they needed to show that you established a residence in arkansas 90 days ago[FONT=Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]
she could have easily giving you a ticket
and that my friend would of cost you a lot more then an hour of your time


Yes I completely aware of this but like I said in my story I completely explained the circumstances to her. Does that change anything no. Did I lie to her no. Could she have written a ticket absolutely. In fact I wish she would have that way I'd have her name and badge number to take with me to file a complaint. On the other hand, if she had of simply came up and been courteous and written me a ticket for those issues and been on her way I would have taken it with a smile, paid my fine and slept a lot better. Is it my fault that I haven't changed my vehicle registration or license info, yes, but only because I was waiting on birth certificate but that's not the issue. The issue is her attitude and how she handled a situation that was not a situation. The only law is was "breaking" is not being able to change my documents on their time line. This was clearly a case of her throwing her badge and gun around.

I thought it was mildly apologies.

Silverfinder99 said:
Yes I completely aware of this but like I said in my story I completely explained the circumstances to her. Does that change anything no. Did I lie to her no. Could she have written a ticket absolutely. In fact I wish she would have that way I'd have her name and badge number to take with me to file a complaint. On the other hand, if she had of simply came up and been courteous and written me a ticket for those issues and been on her way I would have taken it with a smile, paid my fine and slept a lot better. Is it my fault that I haven't changed my vehicle registration or license info, yes, but only because I was waiting on birth certificate but that's not the issue. The issue is her attitude and how she handled a situation that was not a situation. The only law is was "breaking" is not being able to change my documents on their time line. This was clearly a case of her throwing her badge and gun around.

She's just on a power trip, and you got caught in her line of fire. I have a buddy that's a cop and he'll even come out and tell you there's one or two of them on every force.

Very well said Tom & Treasure Hunter, fly under the radar if possible!! I'm not one to argue with an officer if I'm in the wrong. I man up and take it, however when an officer gives an attitude repeadetly even after I try extremely hard to be polite, it gets the best of me and I can get snippy back. Although I agree 100% (especially with me being new at md'ing) why poor gas on a fire? As previously stated even with permission. (gray area) I’d try not to make the owner regret it, after all they’re doing us a favor with nothing to gain.......I wouldn't want to give the owner grief for nothing in return...

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I dont know Treasure Hunter I only encountered one police officer in my lifetime and I worked closely with them for over ten years who treated the common citizen with respect until they were found guilty. First I would change my license to the state of Arkansas to reduce friction and yes I would file a complaint knowing full well her and the rest of the police department will now be harassing me constantly. Me myself I would call the Department of Homeland Defense and let them know you were out enjoying a hobby by the airport and noticed a female officer talking to some shady looking characters of maybe a middle eastern decent. That would keep her busy for a while. Remember the Police motto: Never do anything to tarnish the badge. I seen first hand at what lengths they will go through to make sure things are covered up.

In all professions there are good and bad. the police . The police force is no exception.There are some overzealous officers but they are usually weeded out due to that very character flaw . My experience with officers personal and professional has been positive. When something goes wrong who is the first person you call . Thats right. As for to protect and serve ., I think they are doing just fine

I'd have asked for a meeting with her chief, and if that didn't result in satisfaction, write a letter and ask for it to be in her personnel file.

Above that, in our society, there are elected officials that control their budgets. Police Commissions, mayors, aldermen, etc. Do your homework before you decide on a contact.

We all have a stake in good law enforcement, and you may find that there are some in the department that will be glad of an opportunity to address her behavior.

Good luck, and HH!

This was not a traffic stop so why all the vehicle related questions? The best thing for the average citizen is to remember you have a right to remain silent. Exercise it.

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