Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here

Bob said....
I found this while out hiking the other day kind of weathered bad but still usable I think, What do you make of it rangler?

posters note: bob strikes again and thoughtlessly deletes his pics...making this reponse out of context..

Awesome pic Bob..I can't believe it!! IT looks like a Salvador Dali painting! Really one of the best hoyo's I have ever seen..except for the 'puppy' hoyo you posted a few weeks ago.

Well the heart shape is still there..but it has a Butterfly image superimposed over the top, very unique, never saw this before..but the Equilateral Rectangle is also a thing of beauty.. without that perfectly proportioned rectangle I would dismiss this as natural. The confirmation IS the hoyo but the perfect sides confirm the hoyo as well.

The other thing that was very exciting to see was the boulder on the near ridge line behind the heart hoyo
rock , it has a classic notch in the center, made for you to line up the hoyo..the division of the line that up with the notch..then hike to the notch and sight down over the hill to the next sign further down the trail.
It is usually a square that that signifies a vault..but because of there predilection to use one sign for double
meaning..I think this means vault and the final geometry at the lay out.

Be sure to photo close ups of this rock..look for the usual suspects, letter, numbers, faces, ect. And in case
you don't know the drill by now..take pics at High Noon with your back to the sun..5 megs or better so you
can blow them up big time...ok ok I know you got it..sorry..I am a broken record sometimes..but that is the
life of a instructor.

Let us know what you see..thanks again for posting that great pic.

"when I look out my window , what do you think I see,,when I look in my window many people to be..must be the season of the witch".......Donovan 1966

Your diagnosis is going to take longer that the is pretty complicated and you
are very deep inside the site..up to your assets in alligators haha

Right off the bat that template you found is right on with what I have learned about the
Jesuit/Spanish type sites that the template were drawn out long before the Jesuits left
for the new world, so I can confirm that piece of data for also explains the comlicated
layout at the Omega sites..

By the way that drawing on the spot where the feather 'flight' or fletching would be..that part that
looks like the Kings Crown..well that is the Jesuit Sign for "Metallica" no not the hard rockers but the
roughly smelted gold ore..still mixed with the Silver and copper, ect..the first smelting of the raw
ore into more easily transportable bars. I have found that sign a few times , once in a beautiful Sun
Sign on a boulder. I did notice however that the rock carving did not follow the template in this case
so maybe they buried finished goods, like you are suspecting Sinclair of doing..He certainly would not
be bringing crude Metallica back across the Ocean, So we do have an idea that does pass the logic
More later Kidd it was a hard day at the office..haha..thanks for the questions everyone,,and Kidd
I will post more later on about your site..but it is complex..could you perhaps provide a diagram
if that is not revealing too is kind of confusing just where everything you describe it..

Oh and a tid bit here before I go..that last pic of the obviously quarried was done very early
with drills and pegs..using the natural cleavage of the stone to spit it. No explosives, no black powder.
It some cases they used water and let it freeze and split the rock, but in this case, the holes were not big
enough for water so pegs would have done it..guessing 1700's does this fit with your time line?

"Keep skunks, lawyers,naysayers,pessimists,critics and bankers at a distance"...old cowboy

Your a savvy it for a screen saver is a done deal, the book very far down the trail,
To write a book may take more commitment than this single traveling guy can muster but hey
I might want something to do when I am old and gray and not worth much may take
a life time to write that last chapter!!!
(edit note: Bob came back and deleted his posts and pics - making this reply superfluous
and kinda out of context, I will leave it here for awhile for what good folks may get from the information
As far as your pic of the you have some good spots to hike need to get on with
working your stuff out..get the Alpha identified, follow to the Omega, get your final geomentry
and write you own damn last chapter!!!

The cube, yes but I like more is the DOG, the Black Shadow dog..the Guardian of the Cache
Look for the White Dog..plot your site on a zoomed in topo..better yet go online and find
an interactive you can plot by gps instantly..find the pattern..then take two m&m's
and call me in the

Besides being a Square, the Cube has an additional meaning..But what I like most of all is the
Mushroom in the background of your is CONFIRMATION of the Square..I will tell you
what that is later. IF you can show a pic without the 'mushroom' cropped out at the top..

This is good solid stuff need to get organized focus on the best site and get busy
I will back you up on all symbols you need help with..for goodness sakes..take the next step
get some work done before the ground freezes and you have to sit all winter waiting for the
spring thaw...(editors final note: I guess helping him with decoding his signs, and
offering to back up with any more help he needed - still did not motivate him - to do
nothing more than delete posts and pics- that would have at least helped others,
I guess greed and fear are hard to overcome for some types of folks..

"Speak your mind, but ride a fast horse."

hmm i wonder why this was carved also.


  • cube.webp
    89.7 KB · Views: 16,527
Are you anchoring the Seal of Solomon with drill holes in each rock?
If so then perhaps what you have is a miniature diagram of the Omega
final geometry lay out..that will have the diamentions that you posted in
your previous post

I saw this once before on a complicated Final Geometry in Texas, 20 years ago.
This is the model of what you are to look for..if you have diagrammed your site, ie
plotted it on a map or graph paper,,but like I tell everyone who understands, that
online interative topo maps are the takes your gps way points and plotts
them exactly on your guess work..when you plot each drill hole or monument
you will see the pattern start to emerge, way before you could down on the ground
at boot level.Plus with gps coordinates you will never lose an important spot on the ground

The reason you need gps and interactive maps and the Jesuits didn't was of course
they were hiding the goods which is 1000 times easier than finding them.

The reason the Jesuits among others used the Seal of Solomon is that it hides things
on such a mirad of points and conversions that is it really a labyrinth that the ingenue
would get lost in and give up way before they could dig enough random holes.

You have a very complex site and it will take up years of your time trying to figure it
out at ground level..get a birds eye view, with gps, way points, interactive topo..and get
to plotting your points of interest.

Usually the Alpha is the most northernly point..sometimes a place that is easily defensible.
The rest of the site should all lay generally south. Cardinal points are normally used. Some
groups favored certain compass bearings (degrees)

If you do indeed find out that your have the Seal of Solomon as your final layout, let me
know because I have one I have worked on and I know one groups favorite spot!

" "I have vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals." -- Butch Cassidy

Rangler, I have seen here on this site Somewhere, where they have a row of rocks in a straight line. I think they call them snakes. I have a Photo But I'm having trouble posting it. Could you tell me what those rocks in a row mean, and how would I know which direction the snake is going.

i thought i encountered a snake which was actually a stone wall. on one end it had a very large boulder shaped like a snake head. i then realized that a portion was missing which was the middle section . the tail section was forked into two stone walls. then i soon realized this was not a snake at all. it is an arrow. just like one when it pierces a heart. the middle section is usually missing too. . it points to a cave within 50 feet of its head. this is only my theory from what i have encountered. so it only points one way. food for thought.

good food for thought and you are thinking right in my opinion...
some say the snake is a danger sign...that may be as they used one
sign to mean multiple things, but for me it has been a directional sign.
Usually the head is the pointer, or the arrow head in the case of the
arrow, if no discernible head,then perhaps the larger rocks in the line
up are at the head...also look for shadows in the rocks that make up
the snake,I have seen rock walls built that do nothing , go no where
and were only apparently built to hide some very important shadows
in..ones that lead directly to the Omega Monument.

it leads to the chevron and the alpha/ omega stone's well it points to one of the two alpha /omega stones from what i see these two stones are each an alpha and an omega.

This map is in North West New Mexico approx 100 feet from a Spanish Trail that crossed northern New Mexico.

Any thoughts about what it might mean?


  • image0.webp
    182.7 KB · Views: 7,147
Wow, that's a real map! :o Do you have any closer pictures of the markings on the top right?


Do you notice any similarities between this rock map and other well know stone maps?


rochha said:

Do you notice any similarities between this rock map and other well know stone maps?


So what are the similarities ?
give examples please.

many signs on many given maps are the same.
doesn't mean they aren't different.
What is the point of your comment?

I would like to see the Upper right hand corner as well
There may be a symbol I am not familiar with.


OLd Dog,

The stone maps I am referring to are the one's that I believe to be mislabeled. They are well known as the " Peralta Stones ". I beleive they should be called " Jesuit Stone Maps ". If you have a photo of them take a close look at them, specifically the heart insert, and the other map rocks stacked on top of each other . You'll know what I am talking about then. I made that comment to Djui5 becasue I know he is familiar with those stones.

Interesting that the photo of this map rock is 100 feet from a spanish trail in Northern New Mexico. Who all traveled on that trail?


Rochha ,

Not just my opinion but the opinion of many,
the Peralta stones were created just prior to, or just after the Civil War.
The LDM legend is as contemporary as the Stones and just as applicable.

This is just my opinion and is not disputable without documentation.
of which I have none.

Randy is familiar with these opinions.
Knowing that I have chased the LDM legend for many years...
He and I agree to disagree.

I see no similarities.


Old Dog,

Let me point out the similarities ( I think ) for you. Look at the bottom of the heart insert. See the line with dots ( the line actually continues from the bottom two stones that are stacked on top of each other and continues into the heart insert ). Now look at the map rock in question that was posted. See a similar line with dots, or on these particular stones circles. If you follow this link you will be able to see what I am talking about a little better. To me they are similar.

If not………than I guess it’s just my opinion!

I don’t think the stones that you refer to that were made just prior to or after the civil war have anything to do with the LDM legend…again….just my opinion!



rochha said:

Do you notice any similarities between this rock map and other well know stone maps?


That was the first thing I noticed ;D

You've been to this map site before?


Nope..........never have. I noticed the similarities just as you did.

Hope you had a good Turkey day! I did.


Great! We did too!!! It was one of the best years yet. Can't wait for Christmas ;D :o

Treasure Hunters
I can't say when the stones were carved,(Peraltra Stones) One thing I do know is was not 1847.
Any one with adequate treasure hunting experience and able to crack the basic
treasure codes, can quickly come to the correct conclusion that the stones are
real and authentic. To say otherwise to reveal that persons code reading ability!

I have not chased the Lost Dutchman,only in passing - that is to say I have read
just about everything that was written about him, and I read ALL the posts at -
I have however chased the Jesuits for a couple of decades and I have worked on
the Stones, and they are exactly Jesuit in nature, signs and design.

In fact I have located the line with the circles in them - at least a portion of it.
I can confirm what someone said about the circles and the lines, 18 in total I
believe, they are caches, each with an alpha/omega markers at each circle on the ground

I found these because I stumbled upon a site where the Stones were originally hidden.
I know this to be true because, at this site, the map on the stones, comes into focus on
the ground.

Since nothing can legally be taken out of the Supers, not even a rock or twig, and punishing
amounts of paperwork, time and expense - precludes most from applying for the treasure
trove permits.. Only one (1) permit has ever been granted..see Ron Feldman at OK Corral and
his team called H.E.A.T. there is a website still up I believe.

At any rate, I use these markers as learning exercises and have photograped a couple of the
Monuments associated with the circles and lines. It is fun, entertaining and a learning experience
and hey , it gets me in the Supers anytime the weather is right and I have the time.

Oh and as for the Lost Dutchman, well my research showed him to be a surveyor in Germany before
he came to the USA.,some modern surveyor marks are carry overs from some of the Spanish Treasure marks
and I think Old Jacob put two and two together and got four. He cracked a cache, and since it was so
well hidden, he left it there..only to visit when he needed cache (cash) lol and that is why he never
stayed very long in the supers.. certainly not long enough to mine anything. All the rest are red herrings
purposely planted as false information to keep the real secret from getting out..OH much for that!


O1 "How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up!"..... Obadiah 1:6

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