Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here

thanks for the kind words..I too am happy to see
Old Dog. here.he is a very wise and level headed treasure
hunter and I have learned a lot from his posts.

I think that between the two of us we can offer
some great help to folks and their sites.

Hang in there...


"patience is a virtue"

I thought I would put my two bobs worth in on these glorified maps on rock which you are all swooning over. T/hunting since 1982 it has gradually come to my attention that all those "grafiti covered rocks"are exactly that " grafiti" to put you off the scent.

The Jesuits were much smarter than that. They mimed the shape of the rock to duplicate the area of the cache or caches. To pin point the exact position of the site, x amount of paces in the direction of a cardinal point then by digging down about 3 inches you will know whether you have to keep probing to be directly over the cache.
I have never seen a photo on t/net of these grafiti loaded rocks full size which will give you a reading of the next step to recover the goodies.

The Jesuits were that clever they might have condescended in isolated cases of a tiny man maybe 2 or 3 inches tall almost completely lost among a host of assorted markers which if it turned right or to the west x amount of paces with shallow probing may give you the exact site. Almost exclusively the Jesuits never, never , never used anything but trees , coloured sand, contour shaped petroglyphs and certain bushes planted directly over the caches. About 9 inch long ox bones partially buried, ancient felled trees with the perplexing problem of why spend hours laborously chopping it down and leaving it to rot doesnt make sense unless you dig down at one end of it looking for the tiniest marble sized clue. Occasionally someone asks what was charcoal meant to represent buried at the base of a shaped rock or partially shaped figure of a boat. If you start looking for the unobvious you might not be so easily fooled . Such as why are piles of pointed rocks facing upwards on the side of a hill with some even having elaborite death traps. Also why are small piles of river stones in a small heap at the base of a hill where no stream ever flowed. Why are strange to the area ancient trees ranged in threes exactly 3 and a quarter paces apart. And why do these trees have small vees grafted onto them.

One shaped rock is telling you where to look whereon a thousand small wriggles on a rock are just that. Wriggles. Hetty ( Dowser 501)


  • outside hse 220.webp
    outside hse 220.webp
    10.2 KB · Views: 14,786
Could you lend your expertise to the picture in Post #28?

Nice Aspen tree Bob,
Would you mind telling me at approximate altitude it is?
and what diameter it is?

The reason I ask is if the tree is located in an altitude of less than 6000 feet it may not be Spanish as Aspen seem to have a limited life span at lower altitudes. At the upper (higher) altitudes, aspen trees can be found that live up to and beyond 300 years. If higher than 6,000 feet this could be Spanish.


Rangler: Springfield posted in number 6 a photograph for you to explain. Old Dog posted in number 8 a negative version of the positive by Springfield that provides an enhanced view. I, for one, am interested to learn your explanation for photo number 6. What more is to be done to assist you? As far as I have been able to determine from the rancorous discussion thus far, your original posting is not going anywhere AND this thread should be terminated. Basically, reliable Old Dog has already handled stuff like this in a different thread that has not raised rancor and dissension. Frankly, I am amazed that management of this site has not put a stop to this on-going sumo wrestling match. Decorum, gentlemen, decorum. Diplomatically speaking, you should consider how you protray American people to the rest of the world by this type of behavior. I respectfully invite you, Rangler, to step up to the plate and play the ball game that you seemingly wished to play at the out set. If this were a game of poker, I do believe that Springfield and Old Dog have called the game. Rangler, I personally would like to learn if you have real cards to play, or if you bluffing. I am open minded, have a mind attuned to science and logic. Like roadway bandits of olde in merry old England said, "Stand and deliver !" Please present your interpretation of the photo attached to number 6. Poncho33

Thanks Bob,
No need to take a photo with a tape. At that altitude I have seen many that were as big as 3 feet.
You are just about 500 feet + or - from timberline and that is proof enough.

Hey , I for one would like to see the inscription above that old mine if you can get in to get one.
You have peaked my interest.

Thanks in advance,

Have you found anything of value by decyphering that rock map?

posters note: once again bob circled back and deleted his pics and comments
leaving gaps in the log and adding confusion when there was some clairity...
please people if you post your pics and comments leave them here for the record
and to help those who come after, it is only courteous and a tiny price to pay for
some much need help you needed it.....
( I will leave the post stand for now - for the data it contains so someone else may be helped)
Thanks for the opportunity to be of service..

First off. the "M" is a double meaning like most of the Jesuits Markers..

It captures the image of the 'Mountain' with the peaks but it is translated
as " Travel ON" to the destination..Also

It is the 'Owl' sign in subtle it is a Treasure Collection Room Sign or
a vault.

The 'H' is the symbol for a tunnel , perhaps one that has a false ending..but is
camouflaged to look like the end -but break the false wall and viola. See the H as
being on its side and you see the concept of the tunnel and the blocked wall..

Also the H was a double meaning as all the Jesuits Signs do , so please keep
pushing for double and even triple meanings to squeeze all the data out of the signs.
In this case the H is the symbol for 'High Point'

So if the Mountain with the mine on it, IS the highest one around...then your got it..
but if it is not..then I believe they may want to the high point. where more signs
will be found..perhaps the Omega..this tree being the Alpha.

Next your Square is a sort of confirmation of the Owl because the ☐ is the symbol of
of the vault as well..coming from the Arcane Symbol for 'earth' but the Jesuits twisted
it a little to mean 'buried in the earth'..seen this one at lots of sites..pretty classic stuff.

Now the 'R' in side the box well, my first impression was "oRo", or "or■" I have seen
this written both ways..fairly typical..that square is not blacked out in real is out-lined
like the bigger one at the last paragraph..but it was out of scale for this purposes..

The 'R' is shaped just a little strange in that the leg of the R is slanted fairly steep
so I am thinking that the that the top part of the R is also a little round more like
an 'O' that being the case,,it is telling me that the 'O' part is to be used two times
once for the R and again for the O to compete the ORO...I have this exact mark
on a mountain top in Mexico Sierra Madres. In 60 foot high the way

Now the 4 marks at the bottom..well they are kinda vague they look like 'stars' or
diamonds..I believe that a diamond means about 2 miles..Correct me if I am wrong
I still don't have that Kenworthy book. So what ever that measurement turnes out to
be multiply obviously by 4 x 2 = 8.. I like the way that works out because as you
may know '8' is the symbol for treasure cache as you get some confirmation
there..which is the Jesuits modus operandi - in all cases..

Oh and this is slight but non the less I have to mention the case of double
meaning..the number 4,(ie the four diamonds) is an ancient symbol for
" upper left hand corner" represented more fully by the open topped four rather
than the one on our keyboards they might be directing you to the left and
upper you are standing looking at the signs on the tree
if you think of the whole lay out as giant square..

So there you go Bob..

If this sign is near the gold mine you speak of..well my opinion is that this mark
stands for the Kings Fifth..and not the mine itself.. I think some mine signs would
have been evident if it was directions to the mine.. I think this is the vault for the
Kings Fifth..and the tunnel sign is ignored.unless the vault is a tunnel in the mountain
separate from the you get closer other signs will be seen..keep a sharp eye and
heads up...look for the Omega marker..turtles, animals, faces , you know..the stuff in all
those treasure books on your shelf.ha!

Now realize that the Kings men, could have taken this all ready and you may be lucky
to find only the empty hole..why lucky,,cause it means you just graduated..and now
you know how to find others and you will run in to one that was not recovered by
the Kings recovery crew.

Good luck Bob.. This is my best assesment from this angle..
I hope your pickup truck has
its azz dragging when you find this one.

Thanks again - it was very enjoyable to do what came on this site to do..!!!

djui5 said:
Have you found anything of value by decyphering that rock map?

djui5, no. Lots of associations to other things, but nothing spendable.

Springfield said:
djui5, no. Lots of associations to other things, but nothing spendable.

So how would we know if anyone deciphered it correctly? I say we use some map that someone has actually found something with, then people can give their opinions and the person who decoded it can tell everyone if they are right or wrong. This could actually be really fun if we could keep the bickering out of it.

djui5 said:
Springfield said:
djui5, no. Lots of associations to other things, but nothing spendable.

So how would we know if anyone deciphered it correctly? I say we use some map that someone has actually found something with, then people can give their opinions and the person who decoded it can tell everyone if they are right or wrong. This could actually be really fun if we could keep the bickering out of it.

The reverse-engineering idea is a great one, dj, but the problem is finding someone willing to come forward.

dsty said:
Whats your thoughts on this one. dsty

What state did you find that in? That is one great looking rock map. Got any better pictures? It's kinda hard to make out.

I'm sure someone will :)

If it is backfilled There is usually a reason,
Like it wasn't worked out.
The Spanish used to ony cover or backfill a mine when there was more to get out.
If the mine was worked out they would leave the hole open and exposed.

Something to think about anyway.


bob631 said:
Strangely enough about twenty years ago I was hiking the hills in the same area and found an entrance that was timbered up but only went back about twelve feet and stopped

For the love of God, please, PLEASE do NOT go back into that tunnel without someone with you and WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR! DO NOT DIG. You can die Bob, seriously. Tunnels are VERY dangerous and just because you found an "R" on a tree DOES NOT MEAN THERE IS TREASURE IN THE TUNNEL. You should always follow your instincts, and if at first you thought it was just a tunnel that was dug short, than that is probably what it is! Check the back end, if it looks like a wall of natural rock, LEAVE IT ALONE!

Miner49er ,

In post #28 ... what exactly are you asking about.
I can see something but the words escape me as to what it looks like.

can you show a picture with a little detail?
Thanks in advance.


I posted some pics on the New Mexico site that has some of the symbols on post # 6 above.

Odd that the same signs are used somewhere else if they are not universal signs

Am I missing something?

What are your ideas on that H.
I have heard lots of different ones and none involved the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)

I saw nothing Jesuit on that tree
Can you please fill me in?
Thanks in advance.


Would someone Please give the meaning of an " H " found at a site.

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