Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here

Old Dog said:

In your second picture...
it looks to be one of two signs
both are used as the designer intended????
#1 Could be a Leo the Lion astrological symbol,
#2 could mean simply (reading left to right)
follow the trail up and to the right (around and then down follow the curve )

Thorm Thanks for your imput. In pictures 1 2 & 3 they were cut in the top of large flat rock ledge's.
Its hard to tell if # 2 is upside down or not. Ed

Early on in this thread, Springfield posted a map chiseled on rock that was quite a challenge
and he knew it, and since I was bold enough to open the barn door and say that I could
diagnose some treasure signs, Well I worked on if for hours and typed up a pretty good
solution and when I was proof reading it for errors, I forgot where I was and hit the delete
key and the whole damn solution dissapeared, I was crushed, but knew that if I did it once
I could do it again, and to my dismay , hours later, days later, I hit the damn delete key
trying to edit in the preview.
At any rate once I did finish it I had it looked at by a collegue here that I trust and he pretty
much came to the same conclusion on most of the high points of the map and their solutions.

So I sat on the map for some time, because Springfield had thrown me a bone, but rather
contentiously, I might add. kind of a snooker bet, but I wanted to work on it and
show folks that I have some savvy when it comes to these signs and symbols after 20 plus
years, and was chomping at the bit to post it, but then Springfield would ultimately gain with
the solution now to dig up the goods,. Well I am not greedy and didnt break the codes on
the map for any fees, but I figured that if he were to find out that the solution was real...
that he mighty want to kick me down an 'atta boy' so I thought on it for a while
and decided the best thing to do was to post it here, and leave out just a tiny bit the final
solution a training example, so that all of those who are interested can learn,
and if old Springer wants to dig up the goods I will send him the final pieces of the puzzle
and not post the final clues until he has had a chance to go in the field and have the opportunity
to actual dig up the goods first. Then when he is done with the site, I will post the last few
tiny pieces of the puzzle, Now remember that you are free to work on the final solution and that
is is solvable so dont think that you can't do it.. I did, that means in is not impossible. 'see what
I am saying'? Ok cool here we go.....long delayed but well played the solution to what I call
....the NIGHTMARE MAP..because it just looks like chicken scratchings, a treasure hunters
( if someone can post the map from Post #7 Old Dog revered this map for us all and it made it stand
out better so Old Dog or someone Please post the map again next to this post so peoplel will not have
top scroll back and forth so far just to follow along. Thanks. rangler

here is solution for the first map..

u]mapa numero ono[/u]

Take a look at the 'cross' looking item with the outline..This is NOT a cross..not Templar.
but it is the an Amerindian/Mayan/Aztec symbol for 'Venus' the evening star - The Jesuits copied this sign from the natives as they are wont to do..they incorporated all the cultures signs that they were among.

The reason is...That if they put an Amerindian mark down, the natives would think the
gods did it..If a white man saw it, they would think the Indians did it.

Thus it is protected for good..and the Indians would think that this is a Sacred spot and would return over
and over again - down thru the is evidence at this rock, with the many layers of time..

Now the large Venus sign with the outline..I suspect that it can be confirmed that it is Jesuit by taking a compass heading on the sign and it will read a Cardinal Point, heavily weighed towards North. My bet from this angle anyway.
This was done to make some very important albeit subtle points with regards to other signs on this rock

Case in Point..look over to the right now and see the other Venus looking sign with the outline unfinished This is not an accident..this is purposeful..and deliberate..nice form of camouflage..

Here you will find that the cross is NOT a cross as the first glance my seem..remember the correct orientation is with the Venus sign.(light bulb going on)..this is an X.....roman numeral for 10
and that little bit of unfinished outline is a 3 ..
so you multiply the 3 and the 10 you get 30 then you add the 3 and you get 33!! Why am i so happy? 33 is the years of Christ. Gotta love those Jesuits! They have a one track there it is ,,simple.. 33 degrees is the direction

Now look at the winds and terminates pointing to the Venus Sign (unfinished) showing that is the next step in the solution.Most of the stuff you buy off the shelf..will tell you that this Spiral means to go Left and it does in this instance..but not always, here I think would be really means "go down"but the arroyo would be down from this the reason i am splitting hairs is I dont know the compass orientation..if the arroyo is 33 degrees then nuff said..

The rock incorporation - the natives were using RI long before the Spanish came to the New World..a great example of the SJ using the local cultures indigenous signs as their own. So if RI is to be used in this instance then there is an arroyo running north (or up) with two canyons coming together 'upstream' a ways..( I am sure this is dry) therefore the Spiral is pointed towards the arroyo..but in this case it is a false trail..the SJ loved to sent you off to the outback as far away from the goods as possible..and yes friends they were very devious..they would actually place a death trap on a false trail to add insult to injury..caution is advised.

Under the Spiral you will see a "U" This is the vault..the nine lines coming out of it..are the depth..
dig nine varas/feet/meters/brazas/fathoms/yards/rods/chains/paces/ they used all of these!

If you look to the left and down from the U you will see two black dots..with a bar or line connecting them
this is the symbol for "look" You are to look for the panel that contains the 'final' sign that locates the vault.
This is the xxx xxxxx will be xxxx xxx on the xxxx and xxxxx.... It also tell Exactly the distance to find this final sign,but I have not revealed that just yet.

So there you are folks.
I have left out a few tiny protect the innocent..this was a teaching exercise and as
any good treasure hunter will tell you - we can't tell you EVERYTHING!!! Beside the object was to teach you how to solve the signs not give you a location to go out and dig.

I might be wrong..always call ahead to make sure the treasure is still in the ground..haha
remember....I am only a..


D29The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us
and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.

Springfield's map from 1st page of this post (as reversed by Old Dog)


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Very Nice Rangler, Thanks !!!

Thanks to Canadian Trout :thumbsup: for the quick post of the map - appreciate that very much mi amigo!

Your welcome Victorio....

Its nice to know your view regarding the treasure hunters here in the Philippines and how you defend the existence of the 'Yama treasure'. As a small time gold digger i have found some unusual stones in one of the mountains here....need help to know the meaning of these signs or markers.


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rangler said:
..... here is solution for the first map....

Thanks for your input, R. Following are my thoughts about your thoughts concerning the map. These are my opinions only, maybe right, maybe wrong.

Take a look at the 'cross' looking item with the outline..This is NOT a cross..not Templar. but it is the an Amerindian/Mayan/Aztec symbol for 'Venus' the evening star - The Jesuits copied this sign from the natives as they are wont to do..they incorporated all the cultures signs that they were among.

Good observation, R. Outlined, even-legged cross=Venus=Lucifer=Quetzalcoatl=Templar=Masons=Others, IMHO. It's a mark of possession.

...If a white man saw it, they would think the Indians did it....

I agree. Hidden in plain sight.

....the Indians would think that this is a Sacred spot and would return overand over again - down thru the is evidence at this rock, with the many layers of time..

Correct again, for reasons related to the creation of the carvings, IMO.

Now the large Venus sign with the outline..I suspect that it can be confirmed that it is Jesuit by taking a compass heading on the sign and it will read a Cardinal Point, heavily weighed towards North. My bet from this angle anyway. This was done to make some very important albeit subtle points with regards toother signs on this rock.

Correct again. The mark of possession is aligned with the cardinal directions.

Case in Point..look over to the right now and see the other Venus looking sign with the outline unfinished This is not an accident..this is purposeful..and deliberate..nice form of camouflage..

Not camoflage at all, but extremely important, as you say. Has more to do with topography, IMO.

Here you will find that the cross is NOT a cross as the first glance my seem..remember the correct orientation is with the Venus sign.(light bulb going on)..this is an X.....roman numeral for 10 and that little bit of unfinished outline is a 3 .. so you multiply the 3 and the 10 you get 30 then you add the 3 and you get 33!! Why am i so happy? 33 is the years of Christ. Gotta love those Jesuits! They have a one track there it is ,,simple.. 33 degrees is the direction...

No offense, but this part is nonsense, IMO.

Now look at the winds and terminates pointing to the Venus Sign (unfinished) showing that is the next step in the solution.

Reverse it. The 'unfinished sign' points to the spiral, IMO

The rock incorporation - the natives were using RI long before the Spanish came to the New World.. Boy, how true this is. a great example of the SJ using the local cultures indigenous signs as their own. So if RI is to be used in this instance then there is an arroyo running north (or up) with two canyons coming together 'upstream' a ways..( I am sure this is dry) therefore the Spiral is pointed towards the arroyo..but in this case it is a false trail..the SJ loved to sent you off to the outback as far away from the goods as possible..and yes friends they were very devious..they would actually place a death trap on a false trail to add insult to injury..caution is advised.

The target is northerly, yes. The rest you've said does not apply, IMO

Under the Spiral you will see a "U" This is the vault..the nine lines coming out of it..are the depth..
dig nine varas/feet/meters/brazas/fathoms/yards/rods/chains/paces/ they used all of these!

Very asture, R! The 'nine' has nothing to do with 'distance', however, IMO.

If you look to the left and down from the U you will see two black dots..with a bar or line connecting them
this is the symbol for "look" You are to look for the panel that contains the 'final' sign that locates the vault.
This is the xxx xxxxx will be xxxx xxx on the xxxx and xxxxx.... It also tell Exactly the distance to find this final sign,but I have not revealed that just yet.

So there you are folks. I have left out a few tiny protect the innocent..this was a teaching exercise and as any good treasure hunter will tell you - we can't tell you EVERYTHING!!! Beside the object was to teach you how to solve the signs not give you a location to go out and dig.

I might be wrong..always call ahead to make sure the treasure is still in the ground..haha remember....I am only a..


Pretty good stab, Rangler. If you weren't so hung up on all this Jesuit stuff, and the 'King's Code' nonsense, you'd be dangerous. I've got my own ideas about these carvings, and of course I could be all wet. There's a lot more to the bigger story than just these carvings, which are only one piece of a puzzle. IMO, the people who created these signs were more interested in topography than hard, fast rules of distance and angles, although these factors are evident too when you begin plotting this stuff on maps. Thanks.

Maybuhay - The photos of the items you found are pretty well camouflaged, you have
a good eye for this stuff, if you recognized them for what they are.

the first one is of course a foot, and it simply means "travel on" in the direction
the the foot is pointing, hope you took the compass heading or remember it.

the second one is the holes, this is a direct take off the of the Spanish/Jesuits
in that this triangle looks to be set at 60 degrees corners, and if you look close
you will see an "X" on the right hand imaginary line from the upper hole to the
lower right hole, this is where on the triangle that you must look for on the ground
where the goods are buried. Look for half buried rocks or boulders, possible trees
of the old and unusual kind.

The last one looks like a horses or cattle foot. and if it is split then cow, solid then
horse, cow stands for East in Spanish Treasure Code and the Horse is a death sign
Remember the Japanese changed the signs most of the time, to suit their culture
and tendencies.

For example the Spanish might use 330 degrees as a favorite "treasure heading"
, but the Japanese would alter this to be 90 degrees
as this is due East and that my kababayan is the symbol of the Rising Sun, which
as you know is their battle flag!! See what I am saying homie?

When you find objects in the future, always photo them " in situ" ie as they sit!
before you move them, and lay a compass down to show their orientation , as
this is critical to gaining all the data that they intended to show for a sucessful

Sometimes these small carved rocks are found on the way down , when you dig at
the correct spot, these examples here are rather crude, and apparently small, so
you might be finding the "litter" from a previous dig, if they are just laying around
on the ground. If you found them on your way down , while digging then you might
be on top of the correct spot. Use caution as many obsticles were placed in the path
of a digger to kill or maime or injury him , like poisen dust, glass vials that can be
broken with the pick or just stepped on, water traps using clay pipes from a water
source, or just the water table itself, smart diggers always dig in the dry season to
When looking for your triangle look for slash marks, made with machete high up on
some palm trees, very old japanese mango trees in combination with rocks and boulders
look for turtle shapes, drill holes , ancient Kanja writing characters. Most of these sites
are within a stones throw of a water soucrce, a stream, spring, or river. Water traps are
used in every single instance that I know of.

Good luck and keep us posted if you find any more artifacts.
Salamat for posting here and welcome to the "club"

Stilldign, :o " YOU TOO " keep the good Work !!! Mis your post !!! TAKE CARE. :thumbsup: Victorio


Thanks for the kind words my friend, it is so nice to see you here
StillAlive and StillKickin lol, We all miss your most informative posts
I have learned much from you and hope to learn StillMore!

I know you must be busy on lots of projects but your absence is
noticeable and I would hope that you will rejoin us on a regular basis
when time permits it.
Your tip the last time you posted about - when I ask you for the sign
of the Pozo was exactly right on - and when I passed this on to a member
here he found a perfect symbol of that sign almost immediately, We both
were amazed! It was the key - and that lead to bigger and better things.

Post here my brother, I need your help - and we all need your wisdom,
we got your back! -

Springfield wrote.....
Pretty good stab, Rangler. If you weren't so hung up on all this Jesuit stuff, and the 'King's Code' nonsense, you'd be dangerous. I've got my own ideas about these carvings, and of course I could be all wet. There's a lot more to the bigger story than just these carvings, which are only one piece of a puzzle. IMO, the people who created these signs were more interested in topography than hard, fast rules of distance and angles, although these factors are evident too when you begin plotting this stuff on maps. Thanks.

Thanks for the feedback and the complement Springfield, I appreciate it very much, I dont think we are that far apart
as far as the basic field work is concerned, As for being hung up on the Jesuits, it may be true, but for me, it is them
who have been teaching me, thru the last two decades, i am only a willing student. Oh and I am dangerous, but
few know it for a fact. As far as the Kings code, there had to be a common key or thread that ran thru the code for
it to be viable, it had to be the same for the ones who laid it down as for the ones who dug it up, thats the pure logic
of it all. simple. to the point. period. It is always the code and the key! The King is not going to authorize the code if
he didnt hold the key. Matter of financial logic here.

I am interested in the bigger story if you are at liberty to inform, otherwise I respect your decision to keep it close
to the vest. I agree with the topography, it is the overarching point of most signs, but the wild card is always the
distance and direction, which can only be expressed with precision with distance and angles.

I for one am happy to see that we can work together to a common goal and let the smaller differences of opinions
kinda slide for the greater good. Dangerous IS if WE get our heads together on a single project and apply all of
our effort and abilities to focus on a ultimate goal.

I am game whenever and wherever you are!

This one tiny point of contention.....
Here you will find that the cross is NOT a cross as the first glance my seem..remember the correct orientation is with the Venus sign.(light bulb going on)..(that means) this is an X (not a cross).....a roman numeral for 10 and that little bit of unfinished outline is a 3 .. so you multiply the 3 and the 10 you get 30 then you add the 3 and you get 33!! Why am i so happy? 33 is the years of Christ. Gotta love those Jesuits! They have a one track there it is ,,simple.. 33 degrees is the direction...

No offense, but this part is nonsense, IMO.

No offense taken, since it reveals how the Jesuits think and is very valuable as a teachable moment -however, since I am doing this via long distance and cant prove out my theories like I normally do
in the field before I come to the conclusion for the solution, YOU certainly can the next time you go there.. just take a compass
bearing at this mark of 33 degrees and see where it leads you..this is leg work I would have done on the site, before I made
the remark that this is what they meant. In terms of the way the Jesuits used numbers , clues, anagrams, cryptic puzzles this is not nonsense at all but is in fact the modus operendi of this group and their activities!
thanks for the chance to work on this, it was fun, and I would like to offer some more
solutions for the other marks as well - in the near future.

Rangler Wrote

" I for one am happy to see that we can work together to a common goal and let the smaller differences of opinions
kinda slide for the greater good. Dangerous IS if WE get our heads together on a single project and apply all of
our effort and abilities to focus on a ultimate goal. "

You Said It My Friend, That is True Knowledge !!!

heres a cple pics to look @..1st has a perfect Vara size verticle triangle lower center..2nd has horse?dog? upper center i also have a better pic of the black heart in the lower rh corner of 2nd pic..Gg


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Your pics are very dark and taken on a day with no sun, makes it very difficult to see much
of anything, however after manipulating the pic for a while, I did see the triangle, at first
I dismissed it as a natural geo glyph as I could not see any confirmation marks, as is necessary
to know that the sign is real and not an act of Mother Nature, well I did find to my surprise a
very nice figure "8" kinda slanted to the left at the top point of the triangle. This puts it squarely
in the realm of man made and a nice treasure sign.

What is better if you look directly 'up' above the triangle to the ONLY white rock on the whole
cliff face, you will see a couple of things, you must zoom in to see these, but there is no doubt
that the top half of a skull is apparent, from the eye sockets up, and behind this is an Owl!

Above the Owls head is a letter "C" and now we have the makings of an Alpha Monument!

The letter 8 stands for a cache, the owl confirms the 8, the skull says you are close to the burial
spot, the C says, perhaps within a 100 varas/yards/brazas/etc.!

The second pic, shows the animal face, but it is not a dog or a horse, but a hippo!, Yea , I know
but trust me on this - this is not my first hippo hehe, it can only be, the ears are very small, the
eye is tiny and placed at the 'water' level, the mouth is rounded and very large. The hippo in the
wild is VERY territorial and defended his space virgorously they are quite a dangerous animal.
Possibly standing for a death trap - and or a fairly large cache!

There is a 'L' or a backward '7'
on the face of the hippo along with a letter 'T'.... the L is 50 in Roman Numerals and the T
stands for a few things, 1.Thomas, 2. Tesoro, 3.Tau - do your research on these and learn another
piece of the puzzle.

You have a good eye for this stuff having spotted that triangle, it is very subtle and could have
been easily overlooked! A close up of the heart would be nice to see if you want to post it.

I would guess that this cliff face is facing South and if so, you want to go south to look for the
Omega monument. It will be way smaller, kinda subtle as well, be sure to take any pics at high
noon, give or take an hour, when the sun is out, with your back to the sun, especially look for
an shadows, hoyos, where the Jesuits liked to hide the most important signs, since this is now past the
winter equinox, and the sun had dropped below the 300 degree mark, so shadows will not
appear until later in the year, this is how they hid their clues for months at a time!

Look for faces, boulders, letters, ( letter M ) at the Omega site, the triangle shows the cache to
be buried at the number 2 position of the triangle ( see kenworthy on numbers ie triangles)
Find the Omega, the look for the triangle, then look for the number 2 point on the triangle.

Of course be forewarned that this cache might be gone, as this was directed to the King of Spain
to collect his Fifth as taxes on a local mine somewhere. The Kings :icon_king: men were pretty efficient
at recovery, but this one could have slipped thru the cracks. Good Luck :thumbsup:

If you need any more assistance, I can hold the flashlight while you dig? :icon_sunny: hehehe

"A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping-stone to the optimist."....... Eleanor Roosevelt

Ty Rangler for your insights.
Let me start out by saying I 1st came across this site viewing signs & posts from JACKO..after his Passing i didn't come in as often.
I had PM'd him a fair bit @ that time & he told me just go out & take some pic's of interesting looking places along your trail.( there is a well known Gold area with in 5 miles of this site).
those pics were taken @ about 7pm back in the summer of 2005. i looked them over @ that time & didn't see anything worth a second look. how ever after reading OD's thread here ( Basic Spanish signs.Link below)I went out & looked around the area which is the only way into this country & found a turtle trail marker with a confirmation mark..didn't have camera with me that day. & have returned since on rainy & cloudy days & cannot find the confirmation mark again..dam.It is almost spitting image to OD's Post # 104 in thread,149002.100.html

i did take some pics of it but sun doesn't stay up very long here right now & they are way 2 dark to show.

I showed this site to a buddy cple months back & we both have discussed this thread (above link)so other night i showed him the pics above & he was the 1 who spotted the triangle.(have to give credit here our I will def hear about it).

I did see the 1/2 skull but not the owl or the C I also ignored the eye

as for south of the triangle there is only about 100m of terrain remaining there until u are greeted with an impassable position in any direction. it will be at least 3 months before I could stand @ the hippo or triangle i would think.

here is the other pic of the Black heart below the hippo.( Hippo just out of view here)lil diff angle has a surprising affect..BTW these pics were also taken approx 150-230 M's away..thnx for lookin Gg


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Your statement....." as for south of the triangle there is only about 100m of terrain remaining there until u are greeted with an impassable position in any direction."

this confirms my speculation :....... "the C says, perhaps within a 100 varas/yards/brazas/etc.!"

My error was leaving out the meters as one of the measurements that the Spanish used! So right at the edge of the
impassable area! This is the location of your Omega, due south or a SE angle.

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” ...........Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C

I made a sketch as my pics turned out awful. The place is very hard to get to and I didn't want to waste any time. I have therefore made a sketch of the pics you see. The two symbols in the upper left and right are D's, one forward and the other is mirror image.
APPEARS to be an olla(?) with a definate cross perched on top with an "x" in the middle of the cross. A line down the center through a "double" D, the two (aforementioned) upper left and right D's as well as a lone D in the lower left (all inside the "olla" / upside down bell(?) or ???)

Today was my first time spotting this one and STUMPED. Thanks in advance for any stabs at it.

Looked at it again after posting. Kind of looks like the cross at the top is meant to "connect" with the lower sharp thingie to form a sword through something?


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Do you have bigger pictures? The scratchings do NOT look very old.

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