treasure location

I love your enthusiasm and "Never give up the fight" spirit Bob!

I'm just not buying into any of your theories.

If you ever do make it to Arizona. Be sure to look me up and we will down a couple together. Hell I listened to Kenworthy, Ward, "Crazy" Jake, and a long string of others that most people have never heard of. Although I could never tell for sure where the "dazeling" stopped and the "baffeling" started it was all interesting and entertaining. If the whiskey is good... The barmaid is pretty... The atmosphere is temperature controlled... and you are picking up the tab. I'll sit and drink with you until your wallet is empty, whether I believe anything you are telling me or not! :D



Jim Hatt said:
I love your enthusiasm and "Never give up the fight" spirit Bob!

I'm just not buying into any of your theories.

If you ever do make it to Arizona. Be sure to look me up and we will down a couple together. Hell I listened to Kenworthy, Ward, "Crazy" Jake, and a long string of others that most people have never heard of. Although I could never tell for sure where the "dazeling" stopped and the "baffeling" started it was all interesting and entertaining. If the whiskey is good... The barmaid is pretty... and the atmosphere is temperature controlled. I'll sit and drink with you until your wallet is empty, whether I believe anything you are telling me or not! :D



sorry i dont drink ..jim , i did drink 151 and i still like fresh lemon aid..

sounds like your answer is NO if you want to go on expedition 5 PM me .. if not good luck to jim you may be the only trustworthy preson i have met out of the dutchhunters .. well done ..

i would not lie to you jim .. yes, i do know where the mine is ..

I already told you Bob,

Just bring me a baseball size chunk of Dutchman, Ore and I will back you to the hilt!
But if you want me to sit and listen to your stories...
You are going to have to lay your VISA card on the Bar first. :laughing9:



You once told me you have copies of all my posts on DUSA.

"There is only one person in this forum that is always drawing the discussions OFF TOPIC with personal insults and attacks. (while a number of "anonymous" bystanders act as his cheering section).
The very same tactic was attempted in the DUSA forums, but the individual didn't get very far with it there did he?"

You're welcome to copy and post those times I did that on the site. On the other hand, just send the offending posts to someone you trust, like Paul or Somehiker. They can confirm them here, or send them to me personally.

I won't give up my source, without their permission. You know who they are, but as always, you will play this gave until you get tired. Some of your old "friends" don't really want to get any more name calling, cursing phone calls from you.

You know the kind of thing I am talking about, like the time you wore out your welcome at a "friend's" home, and when he politely asked you to end your visit.....well, you know how that ended.

Can you name the "anonymous bystanders" who "act as his cheering section"?

A man is known by the friends he keeps, and in your case, those he loses.

Joe Ribaudo

joe... jim is going to be your friend and you two and CuP are going on expedition 5 or you can all leave the sites now because if you dont straighten this out now ,i will fill the mine in with a few tons of rock .. do make my self under stood .. to all 3 of you !

all 4 of us or none !

Oh, i gotta join this post. I just want to see what comes next! LOL

Two experienced Dutch Hunters "goin at it"!

Add "White Goodman" in there for good measure: "With all you thunk you thought I once knew that was known. Nobody makes me bleed my own blood"!

This is getting good!


Dirty Dutchman said:
Oh, i gotta join this post. I just want to see what comes next! LOL

Two experienced Dutch Hunters "goin at it"!

Add "White Goodman" in there for good measure: "With all you thunk you thought I once knew that was known. Nobody makes me bleed my own blood"!

This is getting good!


not really because if they dont set their diffrence aside, i am going to fill the mine in with a few tons of rock ..

any you wonder why the mine was not found ,, take a good ook at they have been .. good people pushed beyond their lemits .. and for what . gold .. ok that was aa bad choice to prove my point but the point is GOLD !

WAltz's Gold !

i got enough for me .. lets see if they under stand that

cactusjumper said:

I won't give up my source, without their permission. You know who they are, but as always, you will play this gave until you get tired. Some of your old "friends" don't really want to get any more name calling, cursing phone calls from you.

Looks like your "very trusted" and anonymous sources are bailing out on you, leaving you holding the bag Joe. Apparently they do not want to be held accountable for the dis-information they are counting on you to circulate for them. People who actually know me. Know that I am not prone to cursing as a rule, and that if I ever did get that angry at someone. I would do it to his face and not on the phone.

cactusjumper said:

You know the kind of thing I am talking about, like the time you wore out your welcome at a "friend's" home, and when he politely asked you to end your visit.....well, you know how that ended.

Joe Ribaudo

I'm afraid i don't recall anything like that ever happening in my lifetime Joe. Again... If your source would like to step out into the light... Tell his story and put his name on it. We will sort out the facts from the fiction right here in front of everyone.

My guess is that will never happen and you will be left holding the bag again.

One of these days the moderators here will get tired of your MO, and put an end to your participation in the forums. That will leave you no where to go, but your own defunct little forum, where all the "Armchair" guys hang out, and discuss all the "Tempting parking spaces" along the road to success.

I think you better start looking around for some new "very trusted" sources who understand the meaning of "accountability". Your old ones don't seem to be holding up to the test for truth and accountability.




Dun da dun dun, dun da dun.....Oh cool, pick me! Pick me! :hello:


BB you're a "classic", you need to have your own sattelite radio show!


did i tell you dirty dutchman how nice it is to have you here on the site ... have you been in the mts ...? :coffee2:

You did not tell me BB, but thanks....i think...

Yes i have been into the mountains a few times. I have only been researching the Lost Dutchman for a few months so i have been in there about once a month since i started.


Dirty Dutchman said:
Two experienced Dutch Hunters "goin at it"!

Be quiet Travis I'm busy over here! :laughing9:

Besides I disagree with your opinion of Joe being an experienced Dutch-Hunter. Nobody ever heard of him before he started posting in the online LDM forums. When he started posting, even Tom Kollenborn called me to see if I had any idea who he was?

His actual limited experience in the mountains barely qualifies him as a "Talker" and a long ways from being a "Walker".

I have asked him many times how many trips he has actually made into the mountains, in his 40 or 50 years of experience he claims to have out there. I never get a direct answer. Maybe you can get one from him and I will stand corrected?

He is just an average "Joe" who delivers wheelchairs for his wife's business, and has delusions of himself someday amounting to something more. On the Internet... Anyone can create a false "persona" of themselves, and become anything they would like to be, but can't cut the mustard for in real life.

Some people recognized this a long time ago, and began to "use" him as a vehicle for spreading dis-information in support of private agendas within the LDM community. He still has not figured that out, but I think he may be getting close now... Now that his sources are bailing out on him, and sinking further into the shadows. :laughing9:



Dirty Dutchman said:

Dun da dun dun, dun da dun.....Oh cool, pick me! Pick me! :hello:


BB you're a "classic", you need to have your own sattelite radio show!


news at 11:00


can you climb DD .. no joke .. real caverning asscenders .. full harnies.. light gear .. repell and asscend

mutli leeds ...?

Dirty Dutchman said:
You did not tell me BB, but thanks....i think...

Yes i have been into the mountains a few times. I have only been researching the Lost Dutchman for a few months so i have been in there about once a month since i started.


what skills do you have


hikeing ..


minning ..?

how far away do you live


No, i am not an "experienced" climber. I am a hiker, golfer, boxer, can handle a gun, play guitar, sing country music, and have been a horseman my whole life. It's cool though, we wont need climbing gear where the mine is. LOL

Yes i live close enough. Hold on.....Yep, the Four Peaks are still there!


you did not answer so your not a rock climb not a big thing ,, the mine shaft is only 14 ft deep .. but i do got a few other climbing task ..and cave searches to do ..

you never know if these guys can get over the past and get there future in front of them ..

you just never know ..


I will save you some time, I will NOT partner up with ANYONE. Nice try though, i'll give you "props" for that.



Actually, there were two sources for that last story. One was the man it happened to, and the other was one of his best friends. I don't need to mention either name, as you know who they are.

What I will do now, is put you back on ignore where you belong.

Joe Ribaudo

Is it just me or does "Casca" spell just like BB? Maybe you guys can "partner up".

"The good stuff" LMFAO!


cactusjumper said:

Actually, there were two sources for that last story. One was the man it happened to, and the other was one of his best friends. I don't need to mention either name, as you know who they are.

What I will do now, is put you back on ignore where you belong.

Joe Ribaudo

I know a LOT of people Joe. But since I am not familiar with the stories you are circulating, I am unable to pin them on anyone.

Bring your "very trusted" sources out of the shadows, and let's hear what they have to say... with their names clearly on the bottom of their stories. One, or both at a time, it does not matter to me.

I know what you are, and where you are coming from, and it's high time everyone else did too. Putting me on ignore is not going to prove anything. Where is your written proof you threatened me with. Why are you not putting it up in the forums for everyone to see?

There is nothing wrong with running a "Bluff" Joe. But when you are "Called" on it, it is time to show your cards, or fold them and throw 'em away.



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