Treasure Expo 2007

Dell and Peg; As a Moderator, I would just like to state that I have no objection to the LRL issue being discussed. My issue has always been the negativity that always seems to creep into the arguments both pro and con.
I would also like to state that I am happy that this has not been (for the most part), the case in this thread.
Keep up the good work.


I decided a while back not to get carried away as I have done in the past.
I think I have grown up a little and at 70 it is about time-MY wife agrees ;D ;D ;D

Hmmm... just now caught this thread... sounds inneresting.

Peg, what sort of committments have you gotten so far from the forum denizens?

- Carl

It sounds Like your on to something. ;) Just the other week I was doing some metal detecting
minding my own business all of a sudden the Fox News Channel 32 in Chicago 'IL wanted to Interview me.
I got my 15 seconds of fame. at least 7 coworkers saw me on television. It was a great
conversation around the water cooler. It would be great to bring up the topic to the public.
You can let the local media know. There always looking for an interesting topic to talk about.
I can show the world all the great treasure I have found.Count me in. :)

Saw this at the store a week or so ago and thought "just gotta post it."

This morning the thought hit me that maybe these folks would be interested in sponsoring the gathering?



I love the poster.
It sure fits.
There is a small problem as far as getting them involved. They have to registered with the State of Florida before they can sell in the State.
I wonder if they can sell over the INTERNET.
They sell everything else including DRUGS over the Internet so why not.
Peg Leg

It started off great but like other topics on this forum some have lost interest. But that is fine because of the response I expect from the General Public. I expect to do a lot of advertising in the coming months.
I am also working on having LIVE RADIO from a very popular Radio Station.

Carl my only problem right now is having people who have something to display and talk about come forward. This is the only way I can reserve a space.
I have decided NOT to charge for any space to ANY ONE wanting to show some of the stuff they have collected.
One must remember that TREASURE can be recovered from both Land and Water and covers everything from Bottles to Gold bars or even artifacts that cannot be I.D.ed.
This is going to be just a GET TOGETHER and have some OLD FASHION FUN and to meet people.

Peg leg

Peg Leg said:
I love the poster.
It sure fits.

Glad you like it. Thought you might!

Peg Leg said:
There is a small problem as far as getting them involved. They have to registered with the State of Florida before they can sell in the State.

Oh Maaan! Dang State of Florida and their %$#$%# rules.

But I was actually thinking sponsorsip as in "give us some money in exchange for some publicity and advertising" rather than "send us some beer" despite the title to my post. If someone were to call up to talk with their marketing department and tell them some stories -- "Spanish galleons, shipwrecks, treasure hunting, pirates and sharks" and let them know that this is the first big gathering of a lot of the modern-day treasure hunters and it should be a big deal with lots of attendance and media coverage, it may be possible to convince them they should kick in some sponsorship and get their logo in the Florida eye?

And I notice you say they have to be registered to Sell beer in FL. Sometimes the rules are different of it's promotional product rather then for sale (but of course I don't know about FL...).

Here's their website. The whole "heavy seas" line has some great packaging.

Freak snowstorm here this morning; sometimes lving in FL doesn't sound so bad ;D

Pegleg It sound like a great idea. I wish the best to you and hope your show does well.


I would be interested in attending, and even giving a seminar on detecting technologies. But I have concerns.

The event needs to be big enough to attract both participants and the local public. This is a catch-22 problem, of course. If it's overly small (say, 10 participants) then it's not worth my while, unless I combine it with other activities.

Here are some suggestions based on treasure & gold shows I've attended.

Get at least one big-time salvor involved. Carl Fismer had a nice display at the Texas Treasure Show a few years back, and gave a great seminar.

Find out what detecting clubs are in the area and invite them to pool their members' finds into club displays.

Get metal detector manufacturers involved.

Have seminars through the day. This keeps visitors around longer than just looking at displays.

See if Marc Austin will officially sanction this as a TreasureNet event. If so, secure a top-level forum where it will get far more exposure than a thread labeled "Holiday Inn".

Summer is more challenging because of vacation travel.

Get committments! Otherwise you will end up with a big empty room.

- Carl

I think Carl hit it on the head, Peg. Some of his advice has been offered before by others as well. No one cares if you or anyone else is "busting their butt" - in this case, results is all that matters.

I tell you what. I love your idea. You've got a great start. I'd love to go and so would many others here. It will be a blast if it can be planned well. The first one needs to be a hit. Here's what I can do...I'll help you put a strategic plan together and we can begin a new thread AFTER the plan is together. Please don't rush out and start another thread just yet. There are plenty of folks here who will indeed help if they know just what you're asking of them. Let's break the plan down and make the necessary contacts. Once confirmed, THEN we'll post here again under a new thread and have more than a box full of scribbled ideas everywhere. I'm committed to seeing this work.

I'm dead serious. Deal?


A seminar can just be a salvor giving a slide show on his recoveries, as Fismer did. Or a detector manufacturer talking about new products. Or someone demonstrating artifact cleaning techniques. It's an opportunity for visitors to hear more about what they are being shown. Most folks will present seminars for free.

Like Darren and others, I really like your idea. I think you should try to get Marc to sanction it as a TNet event. Take up Darren on planning. Then get it on the front page of the forums. Line up some solid commitments from forum denizens. I'll be glad to do what I can.

4 months might not be enough time... these things are often planned a year in advance, and calendars might be full, esp. with the pro salvors. Consider delaying it if it will add significant value.

- Carl

Hi Peg...

I've been following this thread from the beginning and I have committed myself to flying down for the gathering and maybe a few few dives at the Jupiter Inlet, if they'll have me. What ever I can do from up here in Maine, just point me in the direction that I can help best.

I have few bottles that I can bring down from my collection, but I'm a bit suspect of packaging up my collection and putting it on a plane... would love to share them, but I'm afraid of damage. Do we have a central place where they can be shipped??? I'd insure them and pack them well, just need some ideas...

As soon as you're locked in on dates and discounted rooms, people will probably be calling for reservations. but whatever I can do from up here... I know a lot of bottle diggers and collectors. Maybe I can find someone down south that will be able to set up a table of collectables from bottle digs. Let me look around and check with the members on the Bottle forum.

Stay safe,


Happy Easter everyone.

If you want to ship and store ANYTHING you can send it to me and I will store whatever items you want to send right here at my house.
I have a storage shed that I built as a wookshop which I do not use anymore and there is plenty of room. It withstood the Hurricanes very very well except I had to replace a few tiles on the roof.
ANYONE that is needing storage space I have more than enough to go around and I have GOOD insurance as well.

Hey Peg Leg, I haven't mentioned anything but I certainly plan to attend. I will also bring along several other treasure hunters from the Tampa Bay area. We have a lot of treasure hunting equipment for sale. Maybe you could set up a table to sell equipment and charge a small percentage to help cover your costs.

Salvor 6
That is another great idea
If you can give me some idea of what may be available so I can provide the space

Dell I will accept ANY and ALL DONATIONS.
Cash or merchandise does not matter.

Make all DONATION checks out to:


I now have a STAFF of EVENT HELPERS.
This means that if you have ANYTHING connected with Treasure Hunting, Treasure Finds that you would like to sell the Event Staff will handle the sale for you for a commission.
BUT I must know what the item/s are and the bottom line asking price.
If you are unable to make this event you can send the items to me for storage for the event. If the items do not sell I will return them to up BUT you must pay all cost for shipping PLUS insurance. I WILL DO THE PACKING

Peg Leg,
You are doing a very good job. You seem to be the leader here. Just remember, the leader always gets kicked from behind. But, they stand tall and continue to lead.
You may get a few negative posts. But, personally, I don't believe they could do half of the great job you have done in making this event come true.
We want to attend very strongly. I'm hoping to get a few days off from work so we can make it a little vacation.
We just mailed a donation even if we are not able to attend, it's a worthy event.
Rusty N Mate

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