Treasure Expo 2007

I hope this is not another CONCEPT that fads away after the excitement has gone.
This Project seems to have grown quite large. Actually to large for a few to handle by themselves.
I feel that the FIRST get to gether should be a lot smaller and no bigger than what would cover the bottom Meeting Hall. There is plenty of room at this location for about 50 booths and there is space for another 50 upstairs and another space for about 20 out back near the beach area.
If this is going to be a BIG DEAL then I suggest using all the space available and there wil have to be some others involved to help in this GET TO GETHER.
I suggest that we start off small and grow from there. I see NO reason in getting Professional Promotors involved-this would cost a ton of money.
All I wanted was some Treasure Hunters to get together and show some of the things that they recovered and to show the general public what Treasure Hunting was all about.
Even then I expect to get T.V. coverage and newspaper coverage and maybe even a few Magazines.
"You have to crawl before you can walk".
Peg Leg

Good idea "Peg Leg"... starting off small and all. I suggest then that a date be agreed upon as well as a location so we can try to put things into motion. What about invitations or did you just want to leave it open and kind of pass the word on through the forum?

I don't know how much I could do from up here in Southern Maine, other than send some lobsters... ;D

Thanks for your ideas... this is a good one for sure.


I was thinking out loud as usual.
But it IS doable.
Of course I do not really expect all that many THers to come (the first time anyway) but I may be surprised -hope so.
I will start contacting Vendors in the morning.
I do not know but a few THers and am looking for some REAL HELP HERE.
Anyone that want to get involvoled PM me and lets talk about it.
My Friends this is NOT my Project it is for ALL the Treasure Hunters around the world.
If it is held in one of the Meeting Centers I think wse can charge no less than $1.00 per person and children under 10 are FREE but IF WE HOLD THIS GET TOGETHER outside THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE.
Let me hear what you think.
Peg Leg

Well Peg..Im sure up to it.I am a bit new here on the net but Id be glad to come and support.Id love to meet and greet a few of the other T Hunters on the net.It would be nice to put a face to the name of someone.
Id also be able to help you if you wanted help.Let me know.You should still have my cell number...give me a jingle.....LETS PUT IT TOGETHER PEG...IM WILLING IF YOU ARE!!!


The best way to make this a success is to use convention planners who know how to make it profitable thru booth sales, advertising, etc. Unless there's someone on this forum with convention experience, consider these guys or call someone else. It won't hurt to request info...

Contrary to popular opinion, make it big the first year. The widespread interest is already there. Get a big name speaker and more than just Kellyco as the sponsor. Let all the MD companies have a chance at co-sponsoring...or give one exclusive rights for a hefty price. Kellyco is primarily a distributor, not a MD company.

Of all your ideas, I believe in this one the most and would be thrilled to come!


I agree Darren! But, it is a tall project to get off the ground!

I certainly think there is a big interest.


Peg Leg said:

I am looking for the following people to help:

Peg Leg,

Nothing on your list I can contribute, but one of the hats I wear is research geek and in that life I've written a lot of papers, articles, and grant proposals. Although I'm picking up a lot here in the forums, I'm still muy-newbie and probably don't know $#it from $#inola, but if someone can feed me information I can turn out decent-enough material. Might come in handy...


The Sun Tree Country Club is where Captain Shuffe had his public show.
And it was in a Very nice atmosphere.
His Show was mentioned in the Florida Today Newspaper in advance. $10 admission, and his presentation was Sold Out! 200.
Holiday Inn Cocoa Beach has room for about 500. It's last 3 major Parties were all big hits and made Newspaper headlines.Themes "UFO","Marti Gras", and "Pirate"!
I would suggest the help by a young man who does the Hilton, Cocoa Beach, to setup any pirate decorations.
He made the Best Pirate themed party I have ever seen at the Holiday Inn in Cocoa Beach last October. We are talking about something 'better than Disney'. He has $1,000's of pirate theme in a storage.
1.Sun Tree is on location!
2.Hiltons redheaded banquet manager is the man! If your looking for the theme.He has some cool stuff.
3.Evening meetings are the Best discussion times.
I recently worked at the Holiday Inn Oceanfront Resort, 3 years, that is how I know.

Here is the space available.
Bottom Ball room.. 56' x 72' cost...... $300 a day
Top Ball room 53' x 104' cost.....$500 a day
Back deck 50' x 50'..... FREE
Not bad at all.
They provide the tables and do the set up.
More later
Peg Leg

Everybody is talking about a Convention type gathering. They are talking about something that would cost a small fortune and would require a good number of people and to be honest I do not think that there would be enough HELPERS available to do the project right.
What I was considering was a few Treasure Hunters that maybe had a few artifacts that they would be willing to display and maybe even sell. This is why I was thinking about the BACK DECK because it was FREE and there was a Bar right there and a small Restaurant as well. It would be a perfect place for a small get together and have a few drinks AND a chance to show their artifacts and blow a litte smoke with the tourist.
My friends I do not have the funds nor will I sign a committment to be responsible for the MONEY it will take to do a Convention type event.
If someone else wants to do this thing then I will provide whatever I can to help but if there are those that want a CONVENTION then have at it and the best of luck.
There are number of local THers that are more qualified than I am and that have the funds to go this route. I just wanted to start with a small get together and grow from there.
I also did not think of having guest speakers-for what and to talk with whom- most here are as well versed in Treasure Hunting as whoever the Guest Speaker would be.
SO if there are those that want to have a little get together and show some artifacts they have collected over the years then by all means DO IT.
One last thing when the weather gets better and the ocean calms down I expect most will be out diving so what do you have left THE GENERAL PUBLIC who knows nothing about Treasure Hunting but will come to see what there is and mybe spend a few bucks on a trinkets, coins, books or video or just listen to what you have to say.
That is my opinion for what it is worth.
Peg leg

I will persure thizas get together from that point and see what happens.
Peg Leg

well count me in for sure, all i need is a date and time and i'll be there, sounds like it is going to be a blast

Let's do it in Key West!!!

We now have direct flights from Atlanta to Marathon and Key West.

If we are all going to get together, why not in the most spirited treasure/pirate town in the US! We could get Mel Fisher and Pirate Soul to sponsor and I have plenty of contacts here.


Chagy is out of country, but may be checking email later...

Hello Pegleg
I am willing to pay for the meeting rooms when you get this all set. Just let me know what you need. This should be a blast. With all the treasure hunters on the treasure coast you should have a great turnout.

Morning Scott,
THANKS my friend. This sure saves me a lot of time and planning and I can now plan on having this EVENT sooner that expected. Still have a number of things that need to be done before a date can be set but there is light at the end of the tunnell and getting brighter each day.

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