Treasure Expo 2007

YES you can do that.
This is the only way I will be able to tell who won.
Peg Leg

Just got a confirmatin from R. Westrick.
He will be at the EXPO on the 28th and 29th and give a SEMINAR TWICE ON THE 28TH. He will also have a display of artifacts.
DBM will have a display and be available for questions
POLLY-L will set up a Monitor and show videos of their operation along with a display of artifacts.
SEAHUNTER will have a display.
SALVOR 6 will have a display.
There will also be a number of other groups and Clubs that will be having a display.
Peg Leg will also have a small display.
I am working on the PHOTOS.
More later
Peg Leg

Just received a phone call from Ken Hughes.
He is bringing up a Treasure Hunting Club and notifying his club members all across Florida.
Ken has written several articles about shipwrecks along the East Coast.
He is an Archaeologist and has worked many sites on land.
He worked the Jupiter area in great depth and can tell you that there are at least 2 ships buried under the parking lot and that the State of Florida knows this.
He has a lot of information that would be of interest to Treasure Hunters.everywhere.
He knows Dell Winders and used to publish Dells stories in the club newsletter.
Looking Good.
Peg Leg

Well my friends the clock is ticking and time is almost here.
I still have a few loose ends to tie up but not that big a deal-just takes a little more time and a few more meetings and this EXPO is ready.
Peg Leg


You have really pulled this together. I will definitely be there and it sounds like it is going to be a great success. I think there were a few of us in the beggining who were skeptical if you (or anyone) could pull this off so quickly. My hat goes off to you! You really have been working hard!

I spoke with Ed and plan on bringing the Pulse Star II down to work the beach behind the Holiday Inn. The bad news is, I went and checked it out last week! Did you see the new Radar and Electronics I bought for the boat! ;D ;D ;D

Just kidding!............I haven't spent it yet! :o :o :o LOL

I was beginning to think that maybe somebody had checked the area for real. It does not matter as long as they tell me what they think is there or not there.
No I have not seen the new electronics but I bet they are State of the Art.
Thanks for your kind words concerning the EXPO. There were many times I thought about giving up but my wife stayed behind me all the way. She IS the greatest.
Here is a little something.
I am planning to have an EXPO 2008 and in fact I already have 30 tables reserved with not a single Commercial Vendor involved-not yet anyway.
I could not have gotten this far without all the donations and help from those on this forum.

Your boat is really looking GREAT.
Can't wait to see it in the water and you guys bringing up some Treasure.
Peg Leg

Robert , Did I hear right ? You're donating your new boat and electronics to Don to raffle off for a door prize ??? Only kidding, have a nice 4th everyone and I'll see you all at the Expo.

I am expecting quite a lot of people to attend this EXPO who do not go to Sea to search for treasure so I have decided to give DOOR PRIZES of Grem Grade GOLDEN TOPAZ. These stones were recovered from TOPAZ MOUNTAIN in Utah by me a number of years ago (when I was into prospecting).
These stones are not all that big but the four of them total 140 carats and are Gem Grade stones.
Two will be given away on Sat and two on Sunday.
What do you think?
Peg Leg

The last time I was at the Holiday Inn I was talking with one of the managers of the restaurant there.
He told me that a few weeks ago he went down to the beach for a little walk while on break.
He was just off the boardwalk and tripped over an object in the seaweed.
The object turned out to be a piece of wood with nails in it.
He went to his car and brought it to me for a look.
It turned out to Copper nails driven about every 3 to 4 inches.
It was in pretty good shape but that was not what interested me-IT WAS WHERE THIS PIECE OF WOOD CAME FROM. Right in front of the Holiday Inn property-according to what I was told and I believe him because he had no idea what it was or how old it may be. Of course my imagination went insane. Could it be from the SHIPWRECK that I am going to try and locate or was it washed up from a wreck somewhere else.
I love a mystery.
I am going to take a closer look this Thursday and see exactly where this item was recovered from.
I BET there is more under the sand.
We will see very very soon.
Peg Leg

Don, I appreciate all your efforts in putting this together. Being a previous organizer of rather large non-related events I know what it takes. I do not post much to this board (but probably should more) but instead use my limited spare time to catch up on the latest and greatest.

Anyway, in support of your efforts I would like to "donate" two 2 reale Spanish cobs known to be from the early 1600's mint in Seville Spain for use in the raffle. I figured one on each day would work nicely and encourage additional "donations".

I admire your continued devotion to the project and possibly you could employ my skills in future events. I am a doer and not a talker.

It’s good that my buddy Rob Westrick will be presenting, we have collaborated and butted heads for the last 6 years or so. He is an excellent archaeologist and probably saved me (and himself) from at least one diving adventure on a wreck he was surveying for the state, the El Infante off Tavernier. Thanks Rob.

I will send scans of the coins I plan to donate Peg Leg, and will get them in the mail prior to my Friday arrival if you like.

Best Regards,
Stan Dilcher

Hi Stan,
That would be great my friend.
Yes this first started off as a little get together and grew into a monster almost over night.
I am planning to have another EVENT similar to this one in 2008-(God willing) and could use all the help I can get.
After expenses if there is anything left it will be put aside for next years EXPO.
Do you know Ken Hughes. He has been around for many years doing Research and Archaeogicial work and has written several major articles about the History of the East Coast of Florida.
He has tons of information concerning shipwrecks on the land.
Thanks for your donations.
Peg leg

Yes, god will "will" you to do this again next year, just as he drove you to be his servant for the show this year.

I would be supportive in any role you deem fit for me. I have done similar events and for some reason it seems to suit me.

Pics of my two humble donation pieces will follow after I sort out some technical frustrations.

I do not know Ken, but would be interested in any references to work he may have published. I will buy or at least seek any treasure book I don't have. I need some early editions of Treasure Quest magazine if you know any sources. I have trade bait.


Don, here are the two coins I am sending you as a humble donation to the Treasure Expo raffle. They were both minted in Seville in the early 1600's and I believe them to be 2 reale denomination. If anyone wants to identify further post away! I look forward to meeting everyone later this month! Stan Dilcher


  • coins 1.webp
    coins 1.webp
    98.4 KB · Views: 328
And the shield side....


  • coins 2.webp
    coins 2.webp
    92.4 KB · Views: 333
Evening Stan,
Nice looking coins.
Let me tell you what I see.
I am no coin expert by any means but I believe the coin on the left is from Philpe III and no later than 1621.
The coin on the right I believe is a little earlier simply because the Shield is different and could be around 1609 but before the coin on the left was hammered.
I cannot see anything that would tell me it was minted in Seville but I will have to take a very very close look of both coins when they get here. I have a microscope and will look very close..
If there is anyone here that has any idea please post it because it would be nice to be able to tell people all about both coins-as close as possible anyway.IF THGERE IS ANYONE ELSE THAT WISHES TO DONATE ANYTHING NOW IS THE TIME TO SPEAK UP.

Met with the Security Director.
He is installing CAMERAS in the display room and a few others here and there. Two will be closed circuit and monitored 24 hours starting Friday the 27th. The COCOA BEACH PD will make visits during this EXPO. I will also provide a few of my own Security people-Family members of course.

The display area will be open Friday afternoon for thos who have displays and will not close until those doing a display has completed what they want done.
When everyone has completed what they want to do the doors will be locked and will not open again until 6:00 a.m. ON THE 28TH.
For those that have extreamly valuable artifacts and are nervious about leasving them in the display room I have made arrangements so that you can lock them away in a special safety deposit box provided by the Holiday Inn and you will have the only key. These boxes are under constant Video camera and watched by two of my Security people.
I understand that there has been questions concerning Security. This is not perfect but is the best anyone can expect and better than most anywhere else.
Gotta go to bed now and get a little rest. It has been a long and hard week.
Have a great weekend everyone.

Don, the guy I got them from had about 25 coins he had bought from an estate sale. He thought they all might be shipwreck coins. When I inspected them I assured him they were not. Unless they had been only sunk a year or two ago. I sent pictures of the eight I purchased to Ernie Richards (En Rada, Plus Ultra) and he said Seville so I didn't bother to research further. You are correct in the shield variants, have the books, but didn't study further. The coins were obvioulsy from a land hoard or European personal collection since all 25 the guy had were pretty much the same. Only one I bought has a destinguishable date, 1609. As a side note Ernie was blown away by me renewing my Plus Ultra subscription with one of the cobs. May send him another this year....

Oh yeah, what do you think about special name badges for Tnet shipwreck forum members? I know you are busy as hell, but I may consider donating the time and materials to produce these if I can get a decent listing of all those coming.

Stan Dilcher

Stan, the only problem with this is that there will be several people helping with the same display and I expect there will be several doing a display that I have no idea who they may be.
Here is a good example:
DBM is going to have a display and I do not expect the CEO to be doing all the work and trying to answer questions at the same time and there will be TONS of questions.
The POLLY-L display will be put together by DiverLynn but there is expected to me a couple of members of the Corp to be there as well.
What I am going to do is provide a stickon tag and those can write there own name on it and if they represent a Corp they can add the name of the Corp as well.
This also lets security know who is doing a display. Each person involved in a display will have to sign in a book I am going to call The Captains Log.
Good idea - maybe next year.
Peg Leg

Is there an itenary on the speakers and times yet? Thanks

That is still being worked on.
Peg Leg

Here is some interesting news.
DiveWrecks (Stan) has volunteered to provide a REPLICA GOLD COIN to those that have a DISPLAY.
This coin represents a FREE SODA, WATER or A COLD BEER or a pitcher of coffee at the Resturant or Bar.
It does NOT get you a mixed drink.
Here is the way it will work.
When you order a drink you present the Gold Coin and your drink is FREE.
Please DO not keep the coin.
This offer is NOT for the Public.
ALSO those doing a display will receive a special i.d. tag. It consist of a photo of many gold coins ll you have to do is sogn the tag and insert in into a clean plastic cover. It has a pin that you can attach this I.D. Tag to your shirt.
What do you think?
Peg Leg

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