🥇 BANNER Treasure coins...cut spanish silver, and 1659 marevedi in the same hole !!

Blak bart

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Jun 6, 2016
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Oh brother....got down to a well known treasure beach. I knew they were in the middle of a beach renourishment that will seal this spot under rock, brick, and concrete. There was a slim chance that between back hoes and excavators that I might be able to sneak in and get a coin or 2 before this spot is done for good !! Well it was worth it and I got a 1659 marevedi and a cut spanish silver in the same hole...within 4 inches of each other !! What a thrill !! 20210215_193300.webp
Both coins are uncleaned and as dug.....you can see that they were free of saltwater for the most part, as they are not to corroded. The marevedi is killer with all sorts of counter stamps and markings ive yet to decipher. Ill have to start researching to understand what im seeing. I guess there is a slight chance that this coin is a 1559...?? Not quite sure yet. Not sure how these coins were made but almost looks hammered. 20210215_193231.webp20210215_193217.webp
The cut silver does not show much right now but I can see some details struggling to come out. The faint print of a cross is there under a sulfide crust. Distinct cut marks on 2 sides....still wondering what denomination it is....not sure if ill ever know. What a thrill...getting right up in there during the dig and snatching some coins out !!20210215_142334.webp20210215_142344.webp
Big shout out to islamoradamark.....thanks for sharing the excitement with me and digging with me !! Wooo hoooo !! Treasure coins !! A little bitter sweet knowing that many other coins were dug and loaded into dump trucks and hauled away....at least I saved a couple of them....got a nice Concho or rosette also....got to take a pic !! Thanks for looking and happy hunting folks !! Woooo hoooo !!

Rosette, Concho, not sure ??
20210216_081539.webp 6.6 on the cobb !!

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Upvote 12
That 6 pack deserves a 12 pack :):occasion14:

Roger I brought the road crew 2 cases of modelos. I had a great experience with everyone involved.....ill never forget doing the happy dance with my road crew buddies.....I didn't even look at that pillar dollar for more than 2 seconds, before I pressed it in his hand. I was dancing while he stared at it in disbelief. When they left I did the happy dance with islamoradamark with a full size cobb !! A dance party on the highway !! Those guys enjoyed the beers and we all had one together....it was great !!

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Now we go into full hyper mode tracking the sand.....there's still hope, and I drove around trying to locate it. Foreman is working on it so we can get permission. I would like to take the forman along and hunt the sand....I told him we will put all the coins and treasure in a pile and split it at the end....just find the sand for us and let's all go and get treasure!! I still have hope.

I forgot to mention the stellar black glass case gin that islamoradamark got yesterday....its an epic piece of glass that was pulled by the excavator intact !! It was way down there !! I'll have to take a pic for the thread....its a beauty !!

So now the question is are you gonna finish cleaning up that pillar dollar? Looks like it has a lot of detail remaining .

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Wow :) Look at how crisp the date is :occasion14:

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Check out the planchet mark across the middle of the back side....I thought I hit it with the digger, but when I read up it says they often had some faint marks left from the blank disc before pressing !!20210219_073921.webp

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My billionaire boss sat there fondling that coin for an hour yesterday in disbelief.....I feel like I'm on treasure tour....explaining the 1733 fleet and showing the treasure off.

Good lawd.....it is a beauty. Im thinking I might mount one and sell one.....I have 2 1733 pillars now, and plenty of gold bands to melt for a bezel. I have a buyer also for the second one if I choose that route. I could by the saw mill I always wanted if I sold it....pretty decent numbers being tossed around !!

My billionaire boss sat there fondling that coin for an hour yesterday in disbelief.....I feel like I'm on treasure tour....explaining the 1733 fleet and showing the treasure off.

While he's drooling ,get him into it :) 642.webp

Trying to load pics of bottle....having problems getting them to come through.

Man I'm so sad to know that this is the end of this spot for a long while....I was also pleased to know that they are burying even more coins now....the line has shifted and some coins are being sealed under bricks again !!

This legendary beach has given coins to many people going way back to the 60s. If you guys ever watch expeditions unknown you will notice Josh has a diving partner named Bradley williamson....he's pretty successful and famous....he found a 11 foot gold chain here that made a name for him and started him on a treasure hunting career. I know of others that got hundreds of cobbs here over the years. Its not a secret....I won't say the name of it but its not hard to figure out. Tracking all the stories and legends concerning this beach, I realized as the coin count went up that it was more than just a few coins here....a substantial treasure is under the roadway here and perhaps a thousand or more coins have been recovered here over the decades. Its sealed up like a drum so mark and I will move on to hopefully even better pickings. Still got a couple days of looking but we are through the best of it !!

2 types of buyers...numismatic collectors who would balk at the condition, and treasure collectors, who are drooling over it. This coin has the entire story and drama of life and death survival of 1733 fleet disaster survivors. After all we are in galleon ally....multiple galleons within a 5 mile radius. These treasures were brought to the beach by survivors and salvors....thats why it looks so much better than the 1732 one I found in the water....that coin is rarer but not as good condition. So got to gear it toward the treasure collector for a sale.

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