Trail Signs and Monuments-Spanish or Somebody Else

Great story, dog. "Wildcat" Mountain, eh? Sounds familiar to another treasure story in that general part of the US. I know how much you like place names. I wonder how that place got named and by whom.

Here's the best part of the story, IMO, and something readers might take to heart: “…This sentinel doesn’t stand on top of the gold,” the man said. “So, when people see this ghost they aren’t going to find anything. That’s the whole point, he decoys them away! The ghost throws people off the trail so to speak.”

Thanks Sdc. Yes, this story has KGC/Organization written all over it. I also thought the decoy sentinel was a good touch. I always have a hard time finding when and by who, a place name originated. I’ve always had to dig deep but never had much luck. Wildcat is a KGC place name. There is also a Wildcat Bluff in Arkansas that has a KGC connection. There is a Wildcat Hill in northern Colorado that has a bald top covered with small rocks. The rocks have been cleared in one area, to form a huge heart. Thing is, you would have to be in an aircraft to see it.

Thanks Sdc. Yes, this story has KGC/Organization written all over it. I also thought the decoy sentinel was a good touch. I always have a hard time finding when and by who, a place name originated. I’ve always had to dig deep but never had much luck. Wildcat is a KGC place name. There is also a Wildcat Bluff in Arkansas that has a KGC connection. There is a Wildcat Hill in northern Colorado that has a bald top covered with small rocks. The rocks have been cleared in one area, to form a huge heart. Thing is, you would have to be in an aircraft to see it.

Here is something for you Mdog, i dont know if it will help. The Dents run story of the missing civil war Union gold, in Elks county Pa. Not very far from Dents run, is a place called Wild Cat hollow. I never seen any signs there marking it, but the locals called it by that name. I use to go camping with friends there, and when we would go to the local greasy spoon. They would say the area we where camping in was called Wild Cat hollow. Maybe the Dents Run coordinates will jive with your research.

Here is something for you Mdog, i dont know if it will help. The Dents run story of the missing civil war Union gold, in Elks county Pa. Not very far from Dents run, is a place called Wild Cat hollow. I never seen any signs there marking it, but the locals called it by that name. I use to go camping with friends there, and when we would go to the local greasy spoon. They would say the area we where camping in was called Wild Cat hollow. Maybe the Dents Run coordinates will jive with your research.

Thanks Dog. You must be talking about the Wildcat Hollow just east of Mount Jewett in Mckean County, Pennsylvania. There is a treasure story about the place and it takes place during 1893, during the Panic of 1893 and about the same time of the Wildcat Mountain legend of Wisconsin. Here's the story from Tnet.

There are two Wildcat Hollows in Mckean County and I think you want the one just east of Mount Jewett.

wildcat hollow.webp

wildcat hollow 2.webp

Palmerville used to be right about where the red dot is.

McKean County, Pennsylvania 1911 Map by Rand McNally, Bradford, Smethport, Kane, PA

Wildcat Hollow is also east at a heading of 84.43 deg. from another place of importance, hundreds of miles away.

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I like the tri cornered rock part of the story. Sounds like another KGC site, east of the Mississippi River.

There must have been a lot of KGC gold being moved around during the Panic of 1893.

Mdog, i actually lived real close to Kinzu Warren along the river at one time. This would be close to Benzetta,Elk county. Iam not sure if Wild Cat canyon was on the map we had or not. But i do remember the local yokels, calling the area where we camped Wild Cat hollow. Thanks for the link.

Thanks for the pictures, Mikel. Do you have any idea what the headings are from the other two points on the triangle to the vault. Just curious if one of them might be 85 degrees, or close.

Mdog, sorry for the long wait. but it may very well be worth it.
because we have been working off of a work line that doesn't match true north, and the hydraulic event that changed so much of the bluff line, not to mention the new evidence that have turned up since that time.... There have been changes in the actual line that is left.

BUT, I believe that i have found three points of a triangle with the magic number ,< 90* and >85* !!
the baseline stems from the Owl arena, at about 88* +/-, to the vault.

Then return to the Owl arena and travel north until we cross the Work Line and find the marker that we named "The Smile Marker" (because it resembles a smile ) made notable by a single sandstone cube that is sheltered by a large flat stone to keep it dry. among other reasons.

At that point, return to the vault and we have a complete right angle triangle +/- a degree or two.
These are the only points that i can find that will create that setup. With the old terrain and the changes in the terrain, I'm not sure if the triangle could be found with a compass, but it is there, thanks to GPS.

And we have marveled at the accuracy that we have found to be true on many, many other markers.

So, YES it does exist. Among many other documented points.

Now, the task is to compare it to others.....



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Mdog, sorry for the long wait. but it may very well be worth it.
because we have been working off of a work line that doesn't match true north, and the hydraulic event that changed so much of the bluff line, not to mention the new evidence that have turned up since that time.... There have been changes in the actual line that is left.

BUT, I believe that i have found three points of a triangle with the magic number ,< 90* and >85* !!
the baseline stems from the Owl arena, at about 88* +/-, to the vault.

Then return to the Owl arena and travel north until we cross the Work Line and find the marker that we named "The Smile Marker" (because it resembles a smile ) made notable by a single sandstone cube that is sheltered by a large flat stone to keep it dry. among other reasons.

At that point, return to the vault and we have a complete right angle triangle +/- a degree or two.
These are the only points that i can find that will create that setup. With the old terrain and the changes in the terrain, I'm not sure if the triangle could be found with a compass, but it is there, thanks to GPS.

And we have marveled at the accuracy that we have found to be true on many, many other markers.

So, YES it does exist. Among many other documented points.

Now, the task is to compare it to others.....



Thanks Mikel. I have a load of questions but you'll probably be using the answers in your book. I can wait.

As long as it took me to find that, one, triangle I’m not sure that I could keep up with the follow up questions.

There are two dozen more markers in the first two square miles.

MDOG, you have me thinking 🤔, maybe wondering is a better word.
Where does my triangle fit in?

Just knowing that it exists and matches the design that you explained has tossed my mind into a tornado of questions, that frankly, I don’t know if I will able to understand the questions or the answers!!

I’m quite sure that the other ones are much larger.

In studying the information from the Spanish Code (well translated) I have answered an old question about the strange pit that was dug In the middle of nowhere, yet it was dead center of a line that I had laid out into my TOPO map, before the County had the perfectly lined up stones,pushed over with a road grader. It would have been a perfect crime, had they actually graded a little bit of the road while they were there...
But I digress,

The pit is exactly deep enough to be just over my head and twice as far as I can reach from side to side!
I am exactly 66”tall! Which is exactly the dimensions required that were the Spanish law/code. The word Estrada has come up a few times, but I cannot remember it’s translation.

Feel free to advise me here on thread,
I am not embarrassed, that I cannot remember everything, or where I wrote it down... cheap wiring harness is giving me fits lately.

Ore from the hole was to be assessed before the Spaniards could setup their stake marker!!

That had been a mystery to Jim and I , for the last year or so before he passed away. It became mine too figure out, alone after that, and I most likely, never would have figured it out had you not posted that site.

A great gift of knowledge that I will always appreciate.

Today’s lucky discovery was one that I really wasn’t looking for nor expecting......!!

I made a trip to our local recycling center today looking for some cheap shelves, and came across these.... both for $5 !
I’m putting the US , one above the TV.

Erasable markers work on both.

Subliminal messages!!!
I am going to color code It somehow.
But not tonight.

To quote our fearless leader, “Perhaps Mariana. “, Sir Don Jose is still the best writing stylist and I wish that my story building will have some of his voice turn up from time to time!


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MDOG, you have me thinking 樂, maybe wondering is a better word.
Where does my triangle fit in?
I made a trip to our local recycling center today looking for some cheap shelves, and came across these.... both for $5 !
I’m putting the US , one above the TV.

Erasable markers work on both.
View attachment 1688087View attachment 1688088

Subliminal messages!!!
I am going to color code It somehow.

You made a good buy. If you put a piece of plastic over your maps, you can mark your trails with non permanent magic markers.

What are you thinking on your triangle? Did you ever check for artifacts around that vault?

You made a good buy. If you put a piece of plastic over your maps, you can mark your trails with non permanent magic markers.

What are you thinking on your triangle? Did you ever check for artifacts around that vault?

First question... they already have a clear plastic liner built to a perfect size. On the subject.... I keep a plastic spray bottle full of the highest concentration of alcohol, to remove the difficult spots. Works great.

Second question: yes, Down in the pit with Jim’s old double box. And all of the surrounding hole with my Fischer.

I’m surprised that he didn’t pick up a little of the ore.

I have to admit that I’m at a loss for good information.
I never expected that I would find one on our lil site.

There are so many triangles on the map that I am more inclined to work the intersections of the lines, especially when I have three or more hitting spots that are important.

But I want to read up and find out why they laid out that way, then move through the ones that are close to our site.

(I am still battling my words to say our in stead of my site, but Weekender is my full fledge partner!! So if you see me type, me or I, please just read it as our site. He has earned it from the very first time when he stood between me and the edge of the new bluff, and kept me safe and photographed all of the important stuff..)

MDOG if it will easer to Call or send me send me an email,,, I think that you have other ways of helping me with this, I’m al ears, if you want to talk , send me a text. To see if I am home.
Usually I am But I don’t listen for my phone when I am driving.


My maps are up, and my imagination ignites when I walk into my room!

I am going to get a few, fine point erasable markers and some clear tape that will erase, and can be removed easily, just in case, to write and draw on, in case the plastic cover reacts to absorb the ink.

I think that I might use the triangle sides as azimuth lines to see if they create a trail system. So much to figure out!!


Okay this was a high speed and volume thread until I made that post....

What happened?

And I have a question for you.

Is there usually one particular sign that defines the right angle.

On mine the Owl 🦉 arena and the right angle runs North and East.

Let’s get this thread back up to speed!

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Okay this was a high speed and volume thread until I made that post....

What happened?

And I have a question for you.

Is there usually one particular sign that defines the right angle.

On mine the Owl 黎 arena and the right angle runs North and East.

Let’s get this thread back up to speed!

It has been a couple weeks but I've been trying to capture some shadow signs to display. This is a good time of the year to do it, before the leaves start filling out the trees. I've been trying to get them on video but have experienced some technical and sunshine problems.

Mikel, at the place I study, the right angle has several owls of different sizes and forms, carvings, shadows and rocks. There are also 13's, which are supposed to represent an owl. So I would say owls, where I'm at. Mikel, if your spot is like mine, there should be a triangle on top of the bluff, above that trapped owl. There should be something by the owl to give a direction and distance. Maybe even the measurements of the owl.

I'm going to post some drawings with measurements and I'm going to put them in the proper sequence so you can see how they relate to each other.

This starts out with a hole carved through a rock formation.

eye 500.webp af box 500.webp gmhb 2 500.webp carved triangle 500.webp

heart stone 500.webp D rock 700.webp

And then back to the hole. eye 500.webp

Here's the layout on top of the bluff. bluff layout 500.webp

I like Knights Templars as the people who laid out the site. The eye shaped hole is lined up toward the Summer Solstice in June, and the Winter Solstice in December. John the Baptist's feast day is June 24th and St. John the evangelist's is on December 27th. The Summer Solstice is June 21st and the Winter Solstice is December 21st.

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There is a triangle shaped stone about 8 to10 inches thick that is part of a collapsing death [emoji88] trap designed to trip if anyone tries to pull the big owl 🦉 out. And on top
Of that rock there is a knee high full body owl 🦉 facing the opposite direction!!
I thought about taking the little one home with me, but it is just big enough to be a counter balance for some other kind of trap.

Weekender said he would snatch me up by my collar if I tried that.

I feel pretty sure that he meant it. He has been keeping me alive for four years out there, so I’m not gonna mess with it.

We have pretty much pushed our luck too far out there.


There is a triangle shaped stone about 8 to10 inches thick that is part of a collapsing death [emoji88] trap designed to trip if anyone tries to pull the big owl 黎 out. And on top
Of that rock there is a knee high full body owl 黎 facing the opposite direction!!
I thought about taking the little one home with me, but it is just big enough to be a counter balance for some other kind of trap.

Weekender said he would snatch me up by my collar if I tried that.

I feel pretty sure that he meant it. He has been keeping me alive for four years out there, so I’m not gonna mess with it.

We have pretty much pushed our luck too far out there.


Every owl I've seen here has given me a direction to go. Look at yours, real careful and check in that direction for clues. Might be several hundred feet out. Could be another owl.

I like Knights Templars as the people who laid out the site. The eye shaped hole is lined up toward the Summer Solstice in June, and the Winter Solstice in December. John the Baptist's feast day is June 24th and St. John the evangelist's is on December 27th. The Summer Solstice is June 21st and the Winter Solstice is December 21st.

Holy cow!

You’ve been busy. This may sound a little bit simple minded, but does
that small triangle rock in the fifth pic fit into the chipped out spot on the heart, or are they unrelated?

I think I understand most of the rest of them.


Okay this was a high speed and volume thread until I made that post....

What happened?

And I have a question for you.

Is there usually one particular sign that defines the right angle.

On mine the Owl &#55358;&#56713; arena and the right angle runs North and East.

Let’s get this thread back up to speed!

Speed? Don't look at me. I go verrry slow when lost! Usually. :laughing7:

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