Too Much Truth Coming Out - Cant even summarize

Regarding the precious metal crisis, too much demand for too little supply, here's a Guru's investment advice:

April 9, 2013 by The Doc. [h=1]Jim Sinclair: You Must Exit the System Imediately, Financial Nazis Are Moving Directly Towards You![/h]

Legendary gold trader Jim Sinclair sent out an email alert to subscribers over the weekend, advising investors that You must now act to exit the system! Sinclair, who as recently as 2 weeks ago advised those attending his NYC meeting that investors have 2 years to withdraw their IRA and 401k funds from the system, has changed the urgency of his call significantly, stating:

You must exit the system immediately because the Financial Nazis struck in Cyprus and now are moving directly towards you. This is simple fact, which if you ignore will be akin to the rise of the Nazis in Germany for those that knew they should, but never made the decision to leave that system.

Click here for Sinclair’s full alert


More advice from "Jim-Willy":

April 8, 2013 by The Doc. [h=1]Jim Willie: ZIRP- The Death Knell[/h]

By Jim Willie
The official 0% rate signals a death knell to the national financial foundation and economic vibrancy, the climax event slow in its pathogenesis following the departure from the Gold Standard in 1971. The official 0% FedFunds rate (call it 25 basis points, no matter) is a direct signal of terminal illness for the entire capitalist structures within both the United States and its Western partners who stupidly or helplessly follow its lead. They followed the US lead in the housing & mortgage bubble disaster with complete wreckage, yet they continue to follow the US monetary lead.
They claim to have no choice. They do indeed have a choice, to discard the USDollar and to sell out of the USTreasury Bond, to impose a Gold Standard.


Nat ROTHSCHILD Murdered! Holy Cow....... Latest story from Ben Fulford..

[h=1]North Korean nukes, Syrian chemical weapons all linked to desperate Zionists[/h] Posted by benjamin

April 15, 2013

The systematic take-down of the criminal Sabbatean Satan worshipping Zionist cabal that seized power in the West through control of the financial system is continuing despite their ongoing threats of mass murder.
The latest casualty, a victim of murder according to MI5, is Nat Rothschild, until recently the presumptive heir to the Rothschild dynasty. This information has not been confirmed by other sources but the most recent public appearance this writer could find of him on the internet was March 26th. If he was killed, then he joins the former Pope, 26 US generals, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and countless others in being removed from the apex of power in recent months.
One possible hint that more cabal purges are in the works is the fact that Japan’s Imperial Household Agency has still not said whether or not the Crown Prince will accept an invitation to the coronation of the new Dutch King Willem-Alexander on April 30th even though an answer was supposed to have been given by the end of March.
This may be related to an intensifying campaign to remove the Windsor (Saxe-Gotha/Rothschild) family from the British throne, the house of Saud from control of the Arabian oilfields and stooge president Obama from the White House, according to gnostic illuminati, MI5 and Vatican P2 lodge sources.
The cabal has been trying desperately to start a major war to keep in power but nobody in control of serious military power is being fooled any more. The people in the pentagon know that it is the Zionist cabal that is behind both the North Korean nuclear threats and the talk of chemical weapons being used in Syria. They are not going to be manipulated into Zionist wars anymore, pentagon sources say.
Skull and Bones closet homosexual Nazi stooge US Secretary of State John Kerry was in Asia last week stirring up trouble but was not being taken seriously. Kerry and his fellow Zionist agent Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad were both

involved in the “October surprise” sabotage of the 1980 rescue mission of US hostages being held by the Iranian government, according to MI5. During the Iranian hostage crisis Ahmadinejad was one of the hostage takers. Ahjadinejad reported to CIA agent Tim Ozman (aka Osama Bin Laden) who in turn reported to George Bush Sr. during that operation according to both CIA and MI5 sources. Kerry worked on the US side of this operation to ensure the hostages were not freed until after Bush and Reagan were elected.
It appears that Kerry’s visit to Asia was timed to coincide with a psychological warfare operation that was scheduled for April 13th but was aborted. Japanese TV stations had cancelled their regular TV programming for what was supposed to be a special announcement at 9 PM on the 13th. Several Japanese government offices also sent out false reports on that day that North Korea had launched a missile. However, nothing happened and the official North Korean news agency website was taken off the internet for a while when it became clear the North Koreans were no longer following the Zionist script.
Obama’s messengers had given North Korea $3 billion to stage provocations but the North Koreans stopped cooperating when they found out that Israeli nuclear submarines were planning to stage nuclear terror attacks to blame on them, according to Japanese military intelligence.
Here is a message to you Kerry: you are a common criminal and you are going to go to jail along with your Nazi buddies.
Pope Francis has the idea that George Bush Sr. (Kerry’s boss) will be charged with something soon, according to an Italian aristocrat close to the Vatican. The new Pope also does not support Obama, according to this source.
Perhaps that is why anonymous sources in the UK and Brussels fed a well-meaning but misguided group known as the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCC) information supposedly linking Pope Francis to the acquisition of Exocet missiles in Argentina during the Falklands war.
While it is almost certain that P2 lodge members were involved in the missile deal, the Catholic church at the time spent most of its considerable energy and influence stopping the Argentine fascist junta from invading their neighbour Chile and trying to save innocent Argentines from regime murder squads.
The new pope these days is evading his security guards and running around in a disguise of jeans and a sweatshirt trying to find out what is really going on, according to a Vatican source.
The source admits the former president of the Vatican bank was engaged in money laundering and that money laundering was still going on there. “The Vatican has been laundering money for different kings and armies for centuries,” the source said adding that “after it is laundered it can be used for good.”
The other person under attack these days is Queen Elizabeth and her family. A gnostic illuminati source says the Saxe Gotha/Rothschild dynasty had criminally seized the throne and had to be removed. One of their members sent the following UK TV documentary as partial proof:

It basically says the kingship was usurped centuries ago by Edward IV. Other sources, including the daughter of abdicated King Edward VII, say the line was usurped again in the 19th century by the Rothschild and the German Saxe Gotha families.
This may all be true but, in Asia the belief is that whoever sits on the throne at present has the de facto “mandate of heaven.” It is up to the English people and the Privy Council to decide who sits on the throne.
The increased attacks on the Queen may be linked to an intensifying investigation of the aborted nuclear terror attack on the UK Olympic Games last summer. The investigative trail has now led to former London Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner John Yates. Yates caused the wrongful arrest of the top SAS anti-terror agent in London by falsely blaming him of leaking information to the press that was actually leaked by Yates. Yates is now in Bahrain teaching the government there how to suppress demonstrators.
Yates did a post-graduate in applied criminology at Cambridge along with Sarah Thornton, the woman who was promoted after UK bioweapons expert David Kelly was killed in her district.
We have also been contacted by MI6 to let us know that when, as we reported previously, their agent Alexander Moore went to the Australian Embassy in Tokyo and asked them to inform Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of an impending nuclear terror attack against Japan, the embassy never passed the information on to Rudd. Instead they sent it straight to Washington and that led to Rudd’s removal, MI6 says. Rudd himself was only aware of plans to use new energy technology to turn Australia’s deserts green.
One final note, Google has been confirmed to be evil because it is actively hiding truth about cabal mass murder. That means several top Google executives are now destined for jail or even worse fates.


To see what our new world will be, check out Home | Thrive

The video is free. Watch it and you will see how the Free Energy from the Keshe Organization will change the world forever. Get up to date on how we can change our lives forever. We do not need fossil fuels or nuclear power plants. This is real and the free technology is now being developed her in America and around the world. Groups are being formed to study the technology and engineer it into as many useful purposes as possible.

Changing the world FOREVER was when 9/11 happened...

Bob, better get a better physic.I read Ben's post until he got to the "rescue mission" part. It failed because a chopper pilot failed to pitch forward to keep the ground in sight when moving so a c-130 could take off. He ran into the side of said c-130. No secret agents,no plot,just Murphy's Law. After that I quit reading and put NO value to what I read before. If there is anything incorrect in the post, the rest is probably crap.

April seems to be an active month for the ptw. Smoke and mirrors. Create one situation to deflect another more serious action. From Jean HAINES 2012: What's the 'real' truth? | To find out, I hold a finger in the breeze.

The Akashic Field - The real "Permanent Record"
Solar Winds give us the shivers.
Irish banksters announce senior bondholders will get wiped out. 100% Loss. Irish Pensioners got Cyprus'd
False-Flag Terrorism. Everyone knows they are "inside jobs"
Armed attack at Tennessee nuclear plant
Video of Missile attack on Texas plant.

Alternative news sources and the internet make it very hard to maintain coverups of these false-flag attacks. A missile attack from a an army helicopter is hard to spin. Especially if the copter pilot was caught in the plant explosion and got fried himself. There is the original 911 tape talk about that. Hang on to your hats folks!

I've read about magnetic north moving towards Moscow and this event probably has something to do with it. Earth's Magnetic Field Wobbles to the East...

Earth's Magnetic Field Wobbles to the East by ZS Livingstone (March 27, 2013)

Earth's Magnetic Field Wobbles to the East
Ediotr's Noe: This may be the most important item that ZS Livingstone has ever posted at, as the event described below will affect everyone on the planet. If enough people become aware of the impending magnetic pole shift and its ramifications as explained here, we can avoid a great deal of apprehension and fear that will surely follow in the wake of this event. Our Illuminated governments and Doom & Gloom promulgators, in general, will seize upon this event as a sure sign of the 'Wrath of God" or the "End Times" British Israel hoax or an inbound rogue planet, or perhaps assign blame to extraterrestrial forces, a la Project Blue Beam, and use that as an excuse to attempt to consolidate all political power under a single, One World Government nightmare administered by the Illuminated Satanists of Zion in order to "protect" us. But we're not going to allow the fear promoters and government liars to seize this liberating event in order to further promote their control and enslavement agendas. To be forewarned is to be prepared: physically, psychologically, and emotionally. Spread the word. ..Ken Adachi]
By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
Earth's Magnetic Field Wobbles to the East by ZS Livingstone (March 27, 2013)


March 27, 2013

Earth's Magnetic Field Wobbles to the East by ZS Livingstone (March 27, 2013)
re. -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

Netanyahu summoned to China. Confronted with evidence of his blackmail threat to destroy Japan's nuclear facilities. And is being charged with the Japan 3/11 undersea nuke attack. To sweep it under the table he must agree to cease middle east war-mongering. As an added note, Netanyahu dropped a nuclear bunker buster on Syria before leaving.

UK Police and Crime Commission have sacked heads:
This is part of a wider police investigation into the cabal that fooled the UK government into participating in the invasion of Iraq. The heads of MI5, the London Metropolitan Police counter terror squad and of UK Special Forces have all left their posts, according to an MI5 source. Several journalists have also been arrested, he said.

Then Prime Minister Tony Blair has already been investigated and has basically sung like a canary. Blair has already implicated many EU leaders as having accepted bribes in exchange for allowing the Soviet Union modeled EU to gradually usurp the sovereignty of European nation states.

This of course, is a preliminary to investigations that will finally bring justice to the perpetrators of the 911 terror and mind-control attack against the US. The wheels of justice will roll towards George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Frank Carlucci, Michael Chertoff and the entire fascist cabal that seized control of the US following the rigged year 2000 election, according to patriotic CIA and Pentagon sources.

When you have a supreme court that has been threatened and intimidated into submission, a Congress and Senate that have been mostly bribed and a President who is a puppet, then going through them is not a realistic option in dealing with the criminal fascist takeover of the US.

If the American people are to be freed, the military need to temporarily take over the key centers of power. They need to send troops to occupy the following places: the Federal Reserve Board branches, the Congress, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the major media companies and the Council on Foreign Relations.

The military take pride in the fact they have never interfered in government since the founding of the United States. However, they need to realize that never before in the history of the United States has the country been surreptitiously taken over by a foreign power.

Netanyahu summoned to China, cabal purge begins in UK

So there it is. The world understands our position and sees no way out but this. Who would ever guessed we would ever be in this situation. God save us all...


Video of Israel nuke dropped in Syria. Looks like a nuke, sounds like a nuke and cameras treat exposure a nuke. WTF?

The remains of the cabal have tried their last card trick. Provoking WW3. Who knows what will happen. I expect Israel will no longer exist in any form. Hope the US can stay out of it. Oh, adding to the mystery are the seventeen or so SAC Nuke commanders fired from their posts. Unable to launch missiles from Minot and other spots. Hope that is due to some unauthorized response they were planning. Infighting in the less all you military must be fierce. Just remember your sworn oath. Defend and protect the constitution of the united states. God bless our brave fighting men & women. Never before have they been called to duty to save our country.

55 dead in Syria? Make that tens of thousands

User Rating:
/ 3
Category: Jim Stone Created on 09 May 2013 Written by Jim Stone Hits: 1115
As I predicted, the elite establishment is lying about the number of dead in Syria. For the record: Russia, within an hour of the blast, had a dead reporter and the surviving reporters specifically stated they counted over 300 dead in the first hour. If anyone knows about death toll numbers, they go UP after the first hour, in Japan they initially said 300 confirmed dead. Then Syria reported the complete loss of 2 entire military divisions, and the Aleppo airport to three huge blasts "of a weapons type they had not witnessed before". So the real death count (could) be in the tens of thousands, and Syria might not even have a real military left.

Israeli nuclear attack on Syria, bomb 2 of 3


Unofficial damage report (got out during initial chatter) - 2 entire military divisions and a key airport.

Here is the video the above captures were taken from.

As you can HEAR, the blast was 3.8 KM away and behind a mountain, and it still got FAR brighter than the sun from horizon to horizon and even in the shadows on the ground. The blast totally clipped ALL CAMERA SENSOR SITES TO WHITE, EVEN ON THE GROUND, A CLASSIC NUCLEAR BLAST.

Ah, but the shills are in overdrive, calling this a MOAB. Don´t be a DUFUS by believing them. WHY do all the "expert opinions" omit the moment of criticality frames and show the blast only after it has almost totally faded to black? Because that is what a moab would really look like, FADED ALMOST TO BLACK, compared to a nuke. They are not going to try to make their cases with any frames that instantly vet their lies.

Farganne sent me a couple of messages which amounted to a question and answer - "Why are Russia and Syria silent about the nuking?" Answer: Nuclear Blackmail

A version of this article was first published on

Last edited:
What do you think? Still believing in fairy tales? No such thing as world takeover?

[h=2]RT Headlines: USA, May 16, 2013 . . . they’re enough for me. The sickness increases, and I don’t really want to read too much more. . . ~J[/h] Posted on May 16, 2013 by Jean
May 16, 2013 19:16
CIA approved AP report that triggered investigationThe Associated Press and the administration of United States President Barack Obama are at odds over whether or not the AP’s publishing of a May 2012 article on a foiled al-Qaeda bomb threat put the US in danger.
Monsanto CEO trashes company’s opponents over ‘elitism’
The chairman and CEO of Monsanto Co. condemned opponents of his major biotech corporation by accusing them of ‘reverse elitism’ being spread through social media. Washington DC considers $250k insurance for gun owners
Washington, D.C. already has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the country, but the city council is considering a bill that would require prospective gun owners to purchase a $250,000 liability insurance policy.
Six killed, scores injured as tornado sweeps through north Texas
Officials in northern Texas say that a massive tornado that ripped through Texas has led to at least six fatalities, with over 100 more injured.
Bloody confession: Tsarnaev ‘wrote note’ inside boat prior to arrest
Battered and bloody, Boston bombings suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev reportedly scrawled a confession inside the hull of a boat police found him in after a day-long manhunt. The note says the April marathon bombing was revenge for US actions against Muslims.
Radioactive goldfish found in Ohio nuclear plant
Two radioactive goldfish were found swimming in a juice pitcher of nuclear reactor water in an underground steam tunnel at an Ohio power plant. Investigators are baffled as to how the radioactive fish remained unnoticed in the ‘secure’ facility.
Hunger games: Critical health fears as Gitmo strike marks Day 100
Five critical, 30 force-fed, 102 to 130 taking part – data that makes for grim reading as the Guantanamo hunger strike enters its 100th day. More information on their ill health has been made public as detainees’ lawyers speak out.
US tax agency chief resigns over targeting of conservative political groups
US President Barack Obama announced Wednesday that the acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service has resigned in the wake of news that the government financial agency targeted conservative political groups seeking tax relief for extra scrutiny.
New Orleans police arrest two Mother’s Day shooting suspects
Police have arrested the suspected Mothers’ Day shooter who opened fire into a crowd in New Orleans Sunday, injuring 19 parade attendees. Several hours later his brother also got detained and charged.
Detroit business paid employees with crack
A tire shop in Detroit, Michigan is in trouble with the law for allegedly compensating employees with crack rocks instead of paychecks.
US seizes top Bitcoin exchange as crackdown begins
The US Department of Homeland Security seized a payment processing account Tuesday belonging to Mt. Gox, the largest international Bitcoin trader, claiming the monetary exchange service falsified financial documents.

Feds delay approval of new Monsanto crops over environmental concerns
Gap, Walmart holdout in Bangladesh safety agreement following factory disaster
Obamacare to penalize nearly half a million Native Americans
Boston Fire Chief accused of incompetence in wake of marathon bombing
US 10-year-old gets three years for plot to kill classmate
Authorities hunting for nuclear gauge lost in West Virginia

What do you think? Still believing in fairy tales? No such thing as world takeover?

[h=2]RT Headlines: USA, May 16, 2013 . . . they’re enough for me. The sickness increases, and I don’t really want to read too much more. . . ~J[/h] Posted on May 16, 2013 by Jean
May 16, 2013 19:16
CIA approved AP report that triggered investigationThe Associated Press and the administration of United States President Barack Obama are at odds over whether or not the AP’s publishing of a May 2012 article on a foiled al-Qaeda bomb threat put the US in danger.
Monsanto CEO trashes company’s opponents over ‘elitism’
The chairman and CEO of Monsanto Co. condemned opponents of his major biotech corporation by accusing them of ‘reverse elitism’ being spread through social media. Washington DC considers $250k insurance for gun owners
Washington, D.C. already has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the country, but the city council is considering a bill that would require prospective gun owners to purchase a $250,000 liability insurance policy.
Six killed, scores injured as tornado sweeps through north Texas
Officials in northern Texas say that a massive tornado that ripped through Texas has led to at least six fatalities, with over 100 more injured.
Bloody confession: Tsarnaev ‘wrote note’ inside boat prior to arrest
Battered and bloody, Boston bombings suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev reportedly scrawled a confession inside the hull of a boat police found him in after a day-long manhunt. The note says the April marathon bombing was revenge for US actions against Muslims.
Radioactive goldfish found in Ohio nuclear plant
Two radioactive goldfish were found swimming in a juice pitcher of nuclear reactor water in an underground steam tunnel at an Ohio power plant. Investigators are baffled as to how the radioactive fish remained unnoticed in the ‘secure’ facility.
Hunger games: Critical health fears as Gitmo strike marks Day 100
Five critical, 30 force-fed, 102 to 130 taking part – data that makes for grim reading as the Guantanamo hunger strike enters its 100th day. More information on their ill health has been made public as detainees’ lawyers speak out.
US tax agency chief resigns over targeting of conservative political groups
US President Barack Obama announced Wednesday that the acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service has resigned in the wake of news that the government financial agency targeted conservative political groups seeking tax relief for extra scrutiny.
New Orleans police arrest two Mother’s Day shooting suspects
Police have arrested the suspected Mothers’ Day shooter who opened fire into a crowd in New Orleans Sunday, injuring 19 parade attendees. Several hours later his brother also got detained and charged.
Detroit business paid employees with crack
A tire shop in Detroit, Michigan is in trouble with the law for allegedly compensating employees with crack rocks instead of paychecks.
US seizes top Bitcoin exchange as crackdown begins
The US Department of Homeland Security seized a payment processing account Tuesday belonging to Mt. Gox, the largest international Bitcoin trader, claiming the monetary exchange service falsified financial documents.

Feds delay approval of new Monsanto crops over environmental concerns
Gap, Walmart holdout in Bangladesh safety agreement following factory disaster
Obamacare to penalize nearly half a million Native Americans
Boston Fire Chief accused of incompetence in wake of marathon bombing
US 10-year-old gets three years for plot to kill classmate
Authorities hunting for nuclear gauge lost in West Virginia

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