Too Much Truth Coming Out - Cant even summarize

I personally draw on a background of historical, cross-cultural, and enlightenment studies, years spent as a refugee adjudicator, time spent researching life on the spirit planes, study of the space coalition’s messages, and a commitment to truth. Nonetheless I’m not an enlightened author and am not qualified to be, nor do I wish to be considered, a spiritual teacher.

Well, with credentials like that, how can we any longer doubt.::)

There is no going-back. Only going forward. All chains on Humanity have been released. Destroyed and the evil doers will be facing trials. Wall street is gone. The Federal Reserve is gone. All records that forced us into slavery are gone. Galactic operation Sand-Man (Storm Sandy) was initiated to allow galactic access.

There is no more media watchdog. No threats to publishing the truth about our slave owners. We are FREE. Here is a message about Sand-Man:


Beth Trutwin

The Great Dissolution of 2012 A Message from Sananda, November 2, 2012

Greetings! This is Lord Sananda. There are many areas of your lives in your money system, real estate, the courts, law enforcement, government, medicine, Wall Street, Homeland “Security,” and many others all tied into to these where a grand scheme of keeping Earth as a prison Planet has carried on too long.

The Greatest Forces of Light have been monitoring Earthʻs progress toward Ascension as she moves forward to become the 33rd Member of the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. Since the Bomb was dropped it invited the Galactics to intervene on certain levels. There was an agreement formed after the last great war approximately 5000 years ago where nuclear weapons that were detonated on Earth effected surrounding Planets with a blast that was so large it caused devastation to our nearest neighbors and came very close to wiping out Earth altogether.

Starting in 1947
when the United States Military messed with their aeronautical radar systems causing a crash of several Galactic Federation Ships and recovering ETs the race for space from Earth was on. The U.S. Military had already recovered Hitlerʻs maps to Inner Earth and was in a competition to form Moon and Mars Bases as soon as possible. President Eisenhower created by Executive Order the Central Intelligence Agency to monitor Extraterrestrial Activity which became the basis for funding the Secret Space Program. NASA was created as a cover story and was kept always at least a decade behind the National Security Agency (NSA) Astronaut Program which were the American Astronauts who colonized the Moon and Mars. The Moon images from the 1960s and 1990s have been downloaded and created into two movies viewable online free which show the structures on the Moon and how the Moon surface changed in the last 30 years.

The race to have nuclear weapons was a way to fund the Secret Space Program. Krushchev began the Cold War as a way to reduce the cost for his Military. With the threat of Nuclear Missiles, Navy Ships, Jeeps, Jets, Bases and the food to feed soldiers was less necessary. When President JF Kennedy sent the Cuban Missiles back it ended all modern threat of Nuclear War. However, for the next 4 or 5 decades the threat was kept in place with little resistence.

In the meantime the decades old threat was made into tiny packages of Nuclear material which has been sold on the black market to any thug in any smaller country who had the means to pay the price continuing the poison risk to Earth. The tampering at Nuclear Facitlities by Extraterrestrials was a program to contain and eventually disarm all Nuclear Missiles and this program has been complete some time. Each time the agreement from 5000 years ago has been violated in some way by the few who wish to control the many, it has opened the door for the Galactics to assist Earth and so we have in large and growing capacities.

First we had to be called from within the Matrix and asked for help. Later we sent millions of our own to live as humans who had their Galactic memories and abilities intact to help from within the Matrix. And so it has been and lead us to this Now.

The storm which caused power to be out to millions in New York City and surrounding Metro in New Jersey and Conneticut and others in the North East U.S. was for a purpose. It allowed Galactic Technology to undo to all of the clandestined illegal activities.

Wall Street
was the number one casuality of the Sand Man or Sandy the Huricane. By holding the high winds over Manhattan so long a two day shut down of the Markets allowed the Galactics with computers from their Ships to dismantle the trading of Birth Certificate Bonds. Wall Street and specifically 55 Water Street were dismantled from the inside. Maritime Law which holds your Birth Certificate Bonds as the Gross National Product and you as a slave from your moment of Birth into the Maritime system was wiped off their screens. All of their records are gone. All of their bank accounts balance to Zero.

Where before they held your secured registered Birth Certificate and Libor number, it has disappeared. You are dissengaged from the system. Fifty-five Water Street held all the records for the Birth Certificate Gross National Product listings for over 190 Countries on Earth and those too have been wiped out. You are no longer a number which is cashed in upon your Death.

When the Executives arrived back at their desks and turned on their computers an Error Screen explained to them that their trading days were over. In the meantime a dummy system has been installed running on the other computers throughout the offices. The workers do not know it, but they are no longer trading on any system that is real. They may as well be playing Ms. Pacman. The Stock Market has been dissolved.

The Police Force NYPD Blue.
The vast majority of Police in NYC are corrupt. On the morning of 911 those who were to Announce NESARA Law were shot dead by Police in the Twin Towers Lobby. Shortly after explosions dropped the lobby covering the dead bodies. Throughout the City Police have been bought out by the Cabal to run false flags and look the other way. Had the Terrorists inside the White House not had the cooperation of NYC Police then they could have never hidden 911 was an inside job from millions of people. The Police control mass transit, emergency response, video surveillance, helicopter security, vice, drugs, gambling, evictions and on and on having their hand in every segment of society with deleterious effects. A dismantling of illegal surveillance and other activities by the Police had their books wiped - all their record keeping has disappeared and they will not be able to recover the records of those nonviolent falsely accused. Those Police valiantly upholding the law are known and will continue their good works.

The United Nations.
The United Nations Soul Control is the Pope and the Vatican Bank. They decide which Nations will receive financial aid and every nation is considered a not-for-profit entity. All of the American Nations in North and South America and the Caribbean are overseen by the Organization of American States a policy setting entity for the United Nations. All those working illegally as representatives of Countries have been removed from their posts. Their computer access has been removed. Later Indigenous Peoples will be represented by their peers, not Attorneys or Members of the Vatican or State Department in these posts. As we knew it, the United Nations has been dissolved.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
The computer system for valuations and a switch over in currency has been in place a long time. The computer records of all loans tied to Governments, Corporations, Individuals, other Banks and Private Firms has been uploaded and Indictments are pending. The Fed has been dissolved.

The Media
have been controlling mass consciousness through constant exposure to news of a sexual nature, political scandals, and pop culture. What movies are produced, video games, youtubes, twitter, facebook, songs and television shows are all controlled by the few controlling the many. We have gone in put into place an infrastructure for Media that is directly linked to the Communications from our Ships. Only the Truth will be broadcast and this is available at the flip of a switch now.

With these changes put into motion during the storm, operation Sand Man, we may focus on the Spiritual Aspects of October Surprise. For those of you wondering the Presidential Election will go on as scheduled. This is not necessary, but rather a act of Divine Mercy. If October Surprise cancelled the Elections it would be too disruptive for the Collective Consciousness. It has been determined the transition will be easier with the Election going on as scheduled.

The next consideration is The Peace Portal of 11-11-12 -
the last great Energy Influx of this year prior to 12-21-12. We are opening now to the Rose of Cosmic Consciousness. Allow yourself to feel completely supported by Divine Grace. Focus on your Sacred Heart and feel the Energy of Divine Love flowing through you and anchoring into the Earth under your feet. Know you are Source Energy on Earth facilitating change over to Zero Point. Know that you are the vehicle through which Source Energy flows down through the Central Sun, through You and into the Earth.

This Energy on 11-11-12 will pour in as the greatest influx of Light we have been able to integrate through You. You will be able to handle this new Energy and incorporate more than ever before. This is what is required in the Sequential Flow of Events leading to 12-21-12.

When The Peace Portal of 11-11-12 opens You will be invited to Hold The Light for The Planet and All Beings on Her for exactly 40 days until 12-21-12. The more you know, the more responsibility you have. The more you have to share, the more you are expected to give away to those in need. If you hold knowledge, you are invited to share it with others. If you hold access, you are invited to share it with others. If you hold gifts or money or healing abilities you are invited to share all you have to offer as freely as possible. This is Your Mission to Be Love and Share Love. You are invited during these 40 days to repair and heal relationships as you feel Guided. Sometimes healing a relationship means letting go.

Know what it means to bow with a completely open heart.
As Earth moves through these Changes under the Protection of Divine Grace acknowledge the Light in the Heart of Others and they acknowledge the Light within You. Dedicate your every waking hour to thoughts of change over. Become It. Merge With It. Bring It into the Physical Realm. We are Here and Ready to Land. Bow to Grace in the Portal of Peace 11-11-12. Namaste. Call On Me and I Will Be There Guiding You Through Each Step. You Are Loved Beyond Belief. This is Sananda from the New Jerusalem through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 2, 2012. © All Rights Reserved.

An Invitation to Sunday, 11-11-12 Telecall Event with Sri Svami Purna Maharaj ~ I will be joining this 90 min call and I hope you will too. Please read the Event details here: 11-11-12 Event Invitation We Will Do This Together and We Will Do It With Love ~ PLEASE JOIN US!

ah....wasn't the CIA started by Truman?

I think you are correct. And it was a decision he regretted afterwards. For good reason. Any government agency, once funded and staffed are almost impossible to eliminate. They may change names but the players keep on playing.

CIA blackhats are not immune. In fact they are on the short-list for sure.

Nineteen hours ago (appx) agreements were signed and promises made. Some changes will be made quickly as relief is much needed in certain countries of our world. Technological solutions for many of the earth's problems will happen as fast as we can solve them. Others like serious diseases will also be cured but at a slower pace so our bodies can fix itself.

The dark forces have been emasculated (love that word). No nuclear threats or violent changes. With the dark forces out of the way, our newer economical systems will be changed to minimize problems. All the new systems are in place and they are awaiting the final go-ahead signal. Here is what we may expect in the short run:


REALLY? Free-will, eh? OR... PRE-ordained?

REALLY? Free-will, eh? OR... PRE-ordained?

Who cares? It doesn't matter.

"free will"....."free Willy" I the only one making the connection here? I knew that movie was leading up to something far greater.

"free will"....."free Willy" I the only one making the connection here? I knew that movie was leading up to something far greater.

AGAIN, TY Grand Poobah! COSMIC, VERY cosmic! SHOCKINGLY so...

Well my point was Truman started the CIA not Eisenhower. If the author of that above post can't get that right, how am I to take seriously anything else they had to say? Besides, the "People in the Know" are aware it didn't start in Roswell in 47', it started in Idaho in 44'. Why do ya think the Navy, who were top of the ladder in Intelligence, would have bases out there? Not puttin ya down Bob. God love ya & you can believe anything you wish.

Well my point was Truman started the CIA not Eisenhower. If the author of that above post can't get that right, how am I to take seriously anything else they had to say? Besides, the "People in the Know" are aware it didn't start in Roswell in 47', it started in Idaho in 44'. Why do ya think the Navy, who were top of the ladder in Intelligence, would have bases out there? Not puttin ya down Bob. God love ya & you can believe anything you wish.

True. That is the definition of Free Will. We use our intelligence, guided by our experience to make choices. Regarding the past and how we got here, is not important. The only change we can make is the Future. Our futures.

There is no going back. No need to worry about the threat of crushing debt or foreclosure to scare us. The stock market no longer exists except as a game. Euro Countries crippled by debt will have that debt forgiven. And get on with life as they choose. Not enslaved by the Euros. They are done too.

All assets in the bank of Japan have been converted to Yen. No currency manipulations anymore.

Last week there were battles fought. Fought and won by the Good Guys. Worldwide. We have been recognized as a part of our Galactic Nation. And we will benefit from technology known and used by our government for decades.

A great quote I read recently:
"The world is divided into two parts. Those who have Space Travel and those who don't."

We are promised the truth about the history of Earth and Humans. To finally rid of us the baggage of lies we have all been forced to swallow. And a promised easier introduction to our new abilities and use of technologies.

Our brain halves will be joining as I understand it. The secret knowledge of the Ancients is encoded in us. And with help from our star nation visitors will be accessible once more. If we choose. Or feel safer in traditional beliefs if that's what you want. Your choice.

As most of our old ways of living are gone, we will need to get up to speed on how the new ones work. There will be no going back as "back" doesn't exist anymore.

Choice? Send in XENA! "YIP! YIP! YIP!"

Last edited:
Facebook apparently is selective about what is posted there. Informative posts on Facebook have been disappeared. Including a few of mine. So much for freedom of speech. Who owns Facebook?

Several other sites have evaporated also. Not about Paranormal but Election Fraud. Including this election today. Information so damaging to one Party that not a whiff is allowed. Too late now.

You have no idea what is going on. I mean I don't either. 99.9% crap or misleading information about everything except this new information. No wonder "they" fear a popular uprising in the USA. If 2012 turns out as I hope, and have been promised, this will only be an oily stain in our history. Stay tuned and Keep The Faith.

The Dark Cabal are not without strong defenses. These blustering old men and women still attempt to negotiate their relinquishment of control. And allow the new systems mandate to smoothly take affect. As that has not happened, final procedures are in place to topple their power structures. To achieve a minimal set of goals. Energy independence. Free of oil or other fossil fuels driven by limitless free power. Pollution free energy.

The Galactic technology is capable of resolving all current issues instantly. Many Green Light moments had arrived but the continued impasse with the dark cabal stalled them. The cabal want some sort of benefit in return. There are higher authorities that make final decisions. There exists a certain set of procedures to be followed. That final decision has been made. A timetable has been set and we should expect several grand, historic announcement.

Already in motion are plans that will lead to the fall of the dark cabal. A rudimentary new monetary system is in place.

The number of people identified as being in containment – Christine Lagarde, Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, Jamie Dimon, Stephen Harper, Vladimir Putin, Bashar Al-Assad, the Bilderbergers, the entire Committee of 300 and in fact all major and many intermediate players of the global elite –
Time to Say Goodbye | The 2012 Scenario

Your evolution out of the realms of the third dimension has been decreed and there is absolutely nothing that will stop this evolution coming about. At present, there are many physical happenings we are looking toward to see the Light energies finally making their way to the surface of your world and being expressed [on the world stage] as such.
Wes Annac: SanJAsKa – Smile, For You Have Manifested Your New World (Part 1/2) | The 2012 Scenario

Visit the site for in depth explanations. :)

legal recreational marijauna use in your state started when?

The Dark Cabal are not without strong defenses. These blustering old men and women still attempt to negotiate their relinquishment of control. And allow the new systems mandate to smoothly take affect. As that has not happened, final procedures are in place to topple their power structures. To achieve a minimal set of goals. Energy independence. Free of oil or other fossil fuels driven by limitless free power. Pollution free energy.

The Galactic technology is capable of resolving all current issues instantly. Many Green Light moments had arrived but the continued impasse with the dark cabal stalled them. The cabal want some sort of benefit in return. There are higher authorities that make final decisions. There exists a certain set of procedures to be followed. That final decision has been made. A timetable has been set and we should expect several grand, historic announcement.

Already in motion are plans that will lead to the fall of the dark cabal. A rudimentary new monetary system is in place.


[h=1]Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun[/h]

Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

Pink Floyd... Never gets old. :)

legal recreational marijauna use in your state started when?

I hear you. The only people who need better access to MJ are the ones who have medical issues. Older citizens in distress. Arthritis, cancer, nausea etc. No one else has any difficulty obtaining it.

To legally buy medical MJ, those good folks have to register as a drug user on the states database. Pay for a medical Rx, pay a license fee to the state and renewal annually. Why?

Talk about discrimination. Marijuana oil or salve is an effective pain reliever without any side affects. No one has ever overdosed and died on MJ. It is as natural a gift of the earth as Honey.

You can make wine & beer at home with no problem. Adults can buy liquor and get medical Rx for expensive feel-good pharma drugs with no problem. The key word here is expensive. It is about money. Always about money. Fines for smoking. Licenses to sell or grow it. Probably one of the dumbest laws on the books.

Just a reminder that BuffaloBob (Me) is only copying what I believe is the best information about the 2012 mystery. I do seem to have a clearer "connection" to what's going on and occasionally tune-in to other peoples thoughts. Not to read their minds but like saying Hello. A connection we can both feel. I do try to use quotation around my source material, so you know that is not me talking. I used to be able to capture online stuff and automatically show the URL for you to follow. That doesn't work well anymore so I have to remind myself to add the URL.

The hierarchy of info rolls downhill. When it OK to publish, the various sources on the net make it available. And get just as frustrated as us about what-is-going-on. As this latest post from a favorite site indicates......

Posted by Breaking The Silence at 08:17 1 comment: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Labels: Daniel, David wilcock, disclosure, looking glass, project camelot

[h=2]Wednesday, 7 November 2012[/h] [h=3]Update Nov 7th: Breaking the sound of silence[/h]
I know I promised to give you all an update on what's going on, but once again I've been asked to be silent. NO details. Not even any cryptic hints.

This is what I can say: Huge things are happening. In all avenues of the things that you want to know about.

For two days all things have been silent. The kind of silence that is deafening and makes you want pull all your hair out and scream at the phone "RING DAMN YOU!!"

Silent till tonight. We've had a lot of amazing calls, and they are all saying the same thing. (let me tell you, THAT is rare!). Things are moving and shaking.

That's all I can say.

Hoping that I can change the silence for details in the next few

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