Too Much Truth Coming Out - Cant even summarize

Re: The election... This was foretold.

President Obama is surrounded by the dark Ones but nevertheless able to make some progress, and will continue to lay down the foundation for his final years of office. His best work is still to come and he is well aware of his destiny to lead the people out of the darkness. He is a highly spiritual soul, and will with our help and protection work with us to speedily transform your experiences, into ones of happiness and release from the draconian laws that rule your lives. (SaLuSa, Jan. 5, 2011.)
Ready-Reference Guide: There’s No Need to Fear | The 2012 Scenario

CNBC Market Watch ran the story of the $43 trillion lawsuit one time, then it is no longer available on CNBC sites. This happens a lot. The issue is why the story disappeared. Here's the lowdown......

[h=1]CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered, 1 Day After CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit[/h]
By JG Vibes
October 27, 2012

This week financial news organization CNBC gave some mainstream attention to the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History, in which “Banksters” and their U.S. racketeering partners are being accused of laundering of 43 trillion dollars worth of ill gotten gains.

The lawsuit is said to involve officials located in the highest offices of government and the financial sector.

Since this information was surprisingly revealed by the mainstream news organization there has been a very suspicious and deadly fallout at the CNBC headquarters.

Within hours the original page for the article was taken down, and CNBC senior vice president Kevin Krim received news that his children were killed under very suspicious circumstances.

It seems that the murder happened first and then the page was removed later.

According to mainstream accounts the children’s nanny is responsible for the murders, allegedly stabbing both children.

However, those same mainstream news sources report the highly unlikely story that the nanny slit her own throat just after committing the homicides.

Police have released very little information and although a wider plot has not been officially implicated, it seems very possible that these murders are a show of force against the press organization for releasing such damning information about the most powerful people in the world.

Here is some more information about the lawsuit from the Wall Street Journal:

“In the District Court lawsuit, Spire Law Group, LLP — on behalf of home owner across the Country and New York taxpayers, as well as under other taxpayer recompense laws — has expanded its mass tort action into federal court in Brooklyn, New York, seeking to halt all foreclosures nationwide pending the return of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000.00) by the “Banksters” and their co-conspirators, seeking an audit of the Fed and audits of all the “bailout programs” by an independent receiver such as Neil Barofsky, former Inspector General of the TARP program who has stated that none of the TARP money and other “bailout money” advanced from the Treasury has ever been repaid despite protestations to the contrary by the Defendants as well as similar protestations by President Obama and the Obama Administration both publicly on national television and more privately to the United States Congress.

Because the Obama Administration has failed to pursue any of the “Banksters” criminally, and indeed is actively borrowing monies for Mr. Obama’s campaign from these same “Banksters” to finance its political aspirations, the national group of plaintiff home owners has been forced to now expand its lawsuit to include racketeering, money laundering and intentional violations of the Iranian Nations Sanctions and Embargo Act by the national banks included among the “Bankster” Defendants. “
Some of the alleged conspirators are Attorney General Holder, Assistant Attorney General Tony West, the brother in law of Defendant California Attorney General Kamala Harris, Jon Corzine (former New Jersey Governor), Robert Rubin (former Treasury Secretary and Bankster), Timothy Geitner, Treasury Secretary, Vikram Pandit (recently resigned and disgraced Chairman of the Board of Citigroup), Valerie Jarrett (a Senior White House Advisor), Anita Dunn (a former “communications director” for the Obama Administration), Robert Bauer (husband of Anita Dunn and Chief Legal Counsel for the Obama Re-election Campaign), as well as the “Banksters” themselves, and their affiliates and conduits.

It is expected that all news on this subject will be removed from CNBC, and that other news organizations will be discouraged from covering such information.

However, screen shots of the original CNBC article were taken to verify the authenticity of this story.

Assassination and brute intimidation are common strategies for the ruling class to use on people who may threaten their agenda.

Believe what you want to but this is a legit lawsuit with evidence. There are other lawsuits against the Banking establishments. Coincidence?

What are they afraid of? Being caught. Going to trial. Losing their money.

They know they are on borrowed time. There are no limits to what they will do to protect themselves.

:laughing7:Hey Bob. I understand your concern but as long as you continue to wear your tin foil brain wave sheilding hat everything will be ok.:laughing7::laughing9:

I get it now........ :laughing7:


I new I had this thing laying around for something! :tongue3:

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U.K. Prosecutors poised to arrest and prosecute the LIBOR Bankers. For manipulation of money markets. There are similar lawsuits her in the US. Like the big one CNBC was forced to deny exists. This is happening world wide. And no amount of disinformation or obfuscation can prevent the legal systems to bag the bad guys.

Source: Bloomberg

U.K. prosecutors are poised to arrest former traders and rate setters at UBS AG (UBSN), Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc (RBS) and Barclays (BARC) Plc within a month for questioning over their role in the Libor scandal, a person with knowledge of the probe said.

Police, directed by Serious Fraud Office prosecutors, will act in the next month, said the person, who declined to be identified because the matter isn’t public. Arrests in the U.K. are made early in investigations, allowing people, who may not be charged, to be questioned under caution.

The SFO has 40 people working on the probe into manipulation of the London interbank bank offered rate, a benchmark for financial products valued at $360 trillion worldwide, and has involved the City of London Police, said David Green, the agency’s director.

“Significant developments” in the case are coming “in the near future,” Green said yesterday in an interview at his office in London, without giving further details and declining to comment on possible arrests.

The SFO opened the investigation in July at the request of British politicians after Barclays was fined a record 290 million pounds ($462 million) for rate manipulation. Regulators across the globe are investigating claims banks altered submissions used to set Libor in an effort to benefit traders, or so the lenders would appear financially healthier. .......

LIBOR Arrests now Manifesting | The Golden Rule

The basis for the Trillion Dollar lawsuit are based on factual evidence summarized on this site:

Part II: The Off-Ledger, Occult Economy
Operation Golden Lily, The Black Eagle Trust, 9/11, The Dragon Family, the $1 trillion dollar Keenan federal lawsuit, and the Global Collateral Accounts

*The purpose in establishing this section of the website is to bring together news and information from a wide array of sources reporting on this particular angle of global affairs, which is extraordinary in scope. These individuals include: The Unwanted Publicity Information Group, David Guyatt, Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, E.P. Heidner, Neil Keenan, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Drake Bailey, Winston Shrout, and a select few others.

October 25th, 2012
$43 trillion Federal RICO mortgage fraud lawsuit filed

On October 25th, 2012, an astonishing 912 page RICO lawsuit was filed in New York District Court by Spire Law Group, LLC. This lawsuit includes hundreds of plaintiffs who are calling to task the knowing and malicious attempts by a large number of corporate, banking, and government entities working in tandem to instigate a nationwide mortgage foreclosure crisis for huge financial profits. This lawsuit is an attempt by the plaintiffs to return $43 trillion to the United States Treasury. The lawsuit is also calling for a full and complete audit of the Federal Reserve Bank. News of this lawsuit hit the mainstream media via an article posted on Market Watch, viewable HERE.
The introduction to the lawsuit states the following:

"Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the venue where the 'banksters' control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York)-known as the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.0) of laundered money by the 'Banksters' and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers-now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of the 'Banksters' located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self interests."

Cease and Desist Order January 2012 that identifies major players and what's at stake:

Cease and Desist letter for the New World Order February 9, 2012 by The Golden Rule


Date: January 5, 2012.

To whom it concerns:
By virtue of the Collective Agreement between Garuda Memorial Hilton Indonesia with Green Memorial Hilton Geneva, and Certificate of Guarantee, UBS Certificate of Geneva, it was agreed and understood that the ownership of the hereinafter stated precious metal, with legal receipt and consistence with current law, that each of the mentioned persons who signed thereon within the time period (1961-1972), and those attending and not signing thereon, it was agreed to protect and understand the ownership of all the funds and assets saved in Union Bank of Switzerland and stipulated hereinafter.

All of them are saved within a code and receipt, as had consistence with shipping and ownership receipt of Union Bank of Switzerland, then, according to the receipt of personal ownership and was agreed who could represent that ownership, these being;

1. Ownership of Name, Mr. SOEKARNO, (Grantor) Position I., thereafter his designated heir;

2. Ownership of Name, Mr. KIYAI HADJI DJAWAHIR, (Grantee) Position II., thereafter his heir son;

3. Ownership of Name, Mr. SENO EDY SOEKANTO, (Heir Son from Grantee),Last Holder Family Heritance Guarantee of Signatory, Ownership,Position III. (organizedunder the‘SOEKARNO TRUST’).

Be it known by all men:

* that Prof Dr. Drs. SENO EDY SOEKANTO, Heir Son from Grantee, PATN, 101371/ Position III., according to the attached Agreement transferred all his rights and entitlements arising from the FAMILY HERITANCE GUARANTEE — and organized under the ‘SOEKARNO TRUST’– to Mr. Keith Francis SCOTT, together with Mr. Neil Francis KEENAN. and together with a THIRD INDIVIDUALwho requests to remain anonymous, hereinafter
referred to as: “the undersigned”;

* that on this Fifth day of January 2012, the undersigned issue the claim of title and ownership as agreed, that the undersigned deny and repudiate any allegation of the lapse thereof and hold their claim above legal repudiation or denial. It is confirmed that there has been consistent claim and recognition of claim by Bank in law and deed from 1972 and thereafter till this day;

* that the claim of Ownership to all the precious metals, monies and other value mentioned hereinafter are hereby Re-Affirmed and Re-Confirmed inviolate and hereinafter set forth;

* further, the undersigned claim the Terms of the Trust implicitly agreed between the signatories of said Agreement have been in continuous default all unpaid fees, levies, interest, and other costs as well as all rights assured under said Collective Agreement due to breach of Treaty and Agreement which the undersigned herewith declares null and void due to failure to perform by the Assignee(s);

* for reason of preventing continuing abuse, theft, fraud, malfeasance and failure to account against the rights and purposes of the beneficiaries (The Nations of the World) of the assets held by the FAMILY HERITANCE GUARANTEE -and organized under the ‘SOEKARNO TRUST’- in trust for the Nations.

The undersigned therefore issue this
Cease and Desist Orderwhich is to serve as legal notification tothe following Parties whom the undersigned deem to have acted inBad Faith, who may not use, or allow use of, or claim title, or have right or control of all and or any assets, or derivatives thereof, in the attached list of funds and assets, Marked “Annex Auntil they provide proof of just account and stewardship to the undersigned — and until and unless the undersigned issue, on a case by case, transaction by transaction basis, a certificate of allowance for the use thereof, such allowance to be given in writing under their hands only in response to a request by a Government Ministry of Finance.

This Cease and Desist Order is issued and effective from this 5[SUP]th[/SUP] Day of January 2012 to all Parties specifically nominated and stated below:


* BAN Ki-MOON, Secretary-General United Nations


* BARCLAYS GROUP, London and Worldwide.

* BAROSSO, José Manuel D., President of the European Commission
* BERLUSCONI, Sylvio, former Prime Minister of Italy
* BERNANKE, Ben S., Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
* BLAIR, Tony A.C.L., former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

* BUSH Sr., George H.W., 41[SUP]st[/SUP] President of the United States of America

* BUSH Jr., George W., 43[SUP]rd[/SUP] President of the United States of America

* CAMERON, David W.D., Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* CLINTON, Hillary D.R., United States Secretary of State
* DAVIGNON, Étienne F.J., former vice-president European Commission
* DRAGHI, Mario, President of the European Central Bank (/ex-GOLDMAN SACHS)
* EMANUEL, Rahm I., Mayor of Chicago
* GEITHNER, Timothy F., United States Secretary of the Treasury
* GREENSPAN, Alan, 13[SUP]th[/SUP] Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
* MONTI, Mario, Prime Minister of Italy (/ex-GOLDMAN SACHS)
* NETANYAHU, Benjamin “Bibi”, Prime Minister of Israel
* PAPADEMOS, Lucas, Prime Minister of Greece (/ex-GOLDMAN SACHS)
* PAULSON, Henry “Hank” M., former United States Secretary of the Treasury (74[SUP]th[/SUP])
* QUEEN ELIZABETH II. / HOUSE of WINDSOR, The United Kingdom & Commonwealth
* QUEEN BEATRIX / HUIS van ORANJE, The Netherlands
* ROMNEY, W. Mitt
* ROMPUY van, Herman A., President of the European Council
* ROTHSCHILD de, Evelyn R.A.
* ROTHSCHILD de, David M.
* RUBIN, Robert E., former United States Secretary of the Treasury (70[SUP]th[/SUP])
* SARKOZY, Nicolas, President French Republic

* SOROS, George

* SUMMERS, Lawrence “Larry” H., former Director of the National Economic Council (USA)




* WORLD BANK (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

* ALL GOVERNMENT offices in the United States, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, France and Japan;

* ALL Commercial and Central BANKS at any location in the world, especially those with a registered office or branch in Switzerland, Hong Kong, Singapore, United States, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan;

* ALL PERSONS, CORPORATIONS or other LEGAL ENTITIES attempting to use these accounts without the expressed written permission of the undersigned.

Remedy may be obtained by way of providing true account of the accounts set forth in “Annex A” hereto attached — and/or obtaining the specific approval of the undersigned.

Signed : January 5, 2012


………………………… …………………………

Keith Francis SCOTT Neil Francis KEENAN

List of funds and assets:

Reference: Family Guarantee Heritance.​
(His Heir Son from Grantee),​
Last Holder, Signatory, Ownership, PATN, 101371 / Position III.​
For the Gold of Certificate Guarantee, Platinum of Certificate Guarantee, and Obligation of Certificate Guarantee, All the writing in the Black Book registered.
Guarantee Secret Code No. 754008979933/GIS/441.
FC – 719098 – Union Bank of Switzerland – GTF – 91 – NVS
Reference Code No. M550–7825-9096- M5307-8259-069.34200313.
Statement Code No.
Heritance Code, No.​


Reminds me of the guy in Tx. 15-20 yrs. ago that showed up at bank w/100K note. I forget how man million dollars worth of them he had. Apparently legit notes, not counterfeit anyway. Never was heard from again. If that lawsuit is real it will never go anywhere.

Reminds me of the guy in Tx. 15-20 yrs. ago that showed up at bank w/100K note. I forget how man million dollars worth of them he had. Apparently legit notes, not counterfeit anyway. Never was heard from again. If that lawsuit is real it will never go anywhere.

The lawsuit is real and appears to have a plethora (love that term) of documentation. In including contract signed by JFK. It's about Gold. How the bankers being sued, borrowed money using this gold as collateral. As they didn't actually own the gold, the agreement stated they could lease it for 4.0% per year.

The lawsuit states that bankers colluded to misrepresent the interest owed and never paid the agreed annual interest.
The ledger for this True Bill is based on the rate of 4% per annum of the principal amount of leased gold which was 2,420,937,400 kilograms of pure gold the total amount since 1961 to present is as follows:

times .04
96,837,496 per annum

times 51 years
4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold

Property assets to be returned as settlement and closure

4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold
The lawsuit claim for damages include full payment of the 4%/annum for fifty odd years. From the 1961 contract that JFK signed as well as Switzereland and the Asian trusts. Interest payments in pure Gold bullion. Here is a copy of the documant JFK signed:


  • Gold07.webp
    20.1 KB · Views: 264
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Timeline as of 11-11-2012 by RTS....

The good people who know more of what's going on and especially WHEN have this message from yesterday 11-11-2012. Great advice. I keep a hard copy of what I think will be the most historical events happening now. As the internet is vapourous. :)

Removing The Shackles

Sunday, 11 November 2012

[h=3]Update Nov 11: Remember Everything[/h]
You know I don't quote people on RTS very often any more, but I want to say that Poof's update today was spot on. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend you do, right HERE. Hell, you don't even have to speak cryptic this week to understand him!! Like Poof, I want to again remind you all of the incredible sacrifices that have been made to bring you the freedom you are about to have.

I'm still on silent mode for the moment. The last moment. There are still huge things happening all over the place and it's only getting faster and faster. The changes will blow your mind.

AS I've said many times before, I understand the frustration and the anger - I spend a lot of time in those places and I know what's going on, so I can only imagine how much more frustrated and angry everyone else is! This is not an easy thing that is happening. This is not an instant thing that is happening. This is not an American thing that is happening. Did you catch that? This is a GLOBAL thing that is happening. This isn't just about the US elections, and the US government, and the US Federal Reserve and other American Banks, nor is it about the US Constitution, or the US Criminal Cabal. This is about the WHOLE WORLD.

....that was a hint by the way.

Once the new financial system kicks in, everything changes. Radically. Once the new financial system kicks in, everything will roll out like precision clockwork. EVERYTHING.

....that was another hint by the way.

I just said this to a friend of mine tonight: You can't make this go any faster, so just sit back and pay attention and take notes. You are living in the most amazing moment in history. You are watching the greatest moment in time unroll before your very eyes. Memorize every minute of this. You are going to be telling your children and grand children and great grand children about THIS moment in time for a long long time. What you are about to witness taking place will be in the history books. Remember everything that's happening right now.

There is one more thing that I want to talk about tonight. I have written quite a bit about the fact that words have been implanted in our psyche and brainwashed into our heads. Words like democracy, capitalism, socialism, words like democrat, republican, conservative, liberal, right wing, left wing.... These words are trigger words that have been used for generations to separate and divide people. The ideologies behind these words were created by the cabal for a purpose.

Remember that.

A few months ago I had a discussion with an anonymous commenter here on RTS over a negative post I made about a certain public official. This commenter waxed eloquently about this person and said that I was wrong in my estimation. I responded to the commenter that while I honoured his right to his opinion, my insider information made it almost certain that this person was not the "good guy" that he, the commenter, thought he was, BUT .... if ever it was to come to light that I was wrong, I would absolutely apologize and admit that I was wrong.

... it is looking like I will be making that apology very soon.

Remember this: Some of those people whom you believed to be good, are not good. Some of those people whom you believed to be bad are actually good. When you are in the moment it can sometimes be difficult to see a person actions on a deeper level and realize that while on the surface what they are doing may seem negative, but in reality what they are doing is for the greater good. When I receive intel, it is always coloured by the tellers opinion. So if that person follows the party byline they will certainly imbue their information with the prejudices of that party. This is the biggest hazard of gathering intel: trying to take the personal agenda and biases out of the intel and seeing it as pure information. I can assure you that this is NOT easy.

...I'm not 100% certain that I was wrong, but it's certainly looking that way at the moment.

Keep your eyes open. Very soon you will see the the disclosures of what the Cabal has done for a long long time.

Here is the Poofness post:

[h=3]Poofness Update – Global Reset – November 11, 2012[/h]

Greetings and Salutations,

The time has finally arrived, the folks who live in the rafters have met and put an end to this long wait for this world to be made right. To put our behinds to work doing what needs being done. Talk about being able to do their jobs without a lot of ego, many of these folks have been totally unknown by most, living humbly and seeking no attention as to the true purpose of their existence. Even now they seek no attention for what they have done. No public bows and rah rahs from the crowd. Much personal sacrifice and trying times for whatever reason, they have done their jobs. As I have said many times, this was not run by the us, the us had to go along with the big picture, after all. To curb a big nation with such a focus on ‘might makes right’, they had to be hit in the money dept to make the point. Keep borrowing and not paying back makes the foreclosure people, very active to bring it all into control. No one in the world wanted to see the us go down because of a few greedy people so, all attention was put on the folks that caused it and those blowing smoke up american tail, pumping up the egos so, you wouldn’t look behind the curtain and find their dastardly deeds.

Time has run out and very shortly you find out what’s been going on for over 100 yrs in america. Butts are puckering right now….if I know, so do they. The Raid is already being sprayed to rid the earth of the cockroaches. I’m sure commander cockroach is apoplectic by now, I know karl rove was tues night. Romney was ‘gobsmacked’ at the results. Best advice, never think you can plumb the depths of an infinite mind and out think it. Your opinion counts for nothing in such an exercise especially if your opinion is based on ‘religious thought’ laid out by the power brokers of this planet.

Remember this, ‘in the last days, every knee will bend’.

They got kirby vacuums running at the us treasury since friday as some are being pulled out and being replaced. This is being done because the constitutional treasury is being readied to go active. Banks are certainly getting their faxes on changes they need to kick in. No more us corporation running the the country. Their charter hit ground in the world court, broke and foreclosed upon. China has already started to revamp the yuan so it covers more than china….as countries in asia decouple from the peg to us dollars. The world’s going metal and the us must follow suit or become the roman empire.

Santana Carnaval / Let The Children Play - YouTube

Have fun you all, consider your self and your future. There is Much before us to do.

Consultations until I can’t.

Love and Kisses,

Posted by enerchi at 11/11/2012 05:23:00 PM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

There are some election facts coming out that I don't want to post here. For a number of reasons. But, if you are interested in the latest poop on it, PM me and I will email to you.

Today is November 13th 2012 and a day filled with energy...........
If your body is feeling unusually twitchy or energy filled you are correct. We are in the "Quickening". Our Sun, the source of Human Life force, is generating a lot of Light energy. I am feeling heavy with it and so Happy. Whatever doubts you may have about what's happening, keep your mind open and fill yourselves with Light. :)

The apprentice’s manual – lesson 1 « aisha north manuscript of survival – part 223

This day will bring with in many unprecedented instances, as the sun is once again being very helpful in delivering the messages we want her to convey. You see, the floodgates have started to open, if we may use such a word to describe the fact that now, the rain of energy over you planet will increase to such an extent it will at times be difficult to keep your heads above the water.

Let us explain. As many of you are aware, you are approaching the timeline many see as a divide between the old and the new, and even if some also think of it as the end of everything, the former is so much more true than the latter. For your world is not coming to an end, far from it. Rather, it is finally gearing up to start anew. In other words, the systems churning themselves out into oblivion are certainly coming to an end, but your world is rapidly approaching the dawn of promise. We speak, as usual, in convoluted terms, but what we do, is simply to state what so many have done before. Namely that this year is indeed the year of true change, and it will indeed be the one that will go into your history books as the year when humanity stopped going backwards and finally tok that decisive step into tomorrow.

You will find much around you that you will think is in dire need of rectifying before this year has run its course, and if you look on your calendar, you will be hard pressed not to think that you are in fact running out of time. Well, you are not, and after what has taken place on your shores these last few days and weeks, you will never ever run out of time. For the wheels have started to turn at a fast pace now, and helped by the imminent injection of even larger amounts of energy, they will start to turn even faster. So do not despair dear ones, even if you at times feel despair welling up inside at the thought of so much that is yet undone on this planet. For now, the quickening will start to expand at such a pace it will be almost like a blur in front of your eyes. The energies will be pouring in at such a rate you will all be struggling to stay upright, or rather, afloat at times.

So prepare yourselves to be inundated with energy, but prepare yourselves to celebrate the selfsame fact. For even if your physical body will call for a time out many times in the last remaining weeks of this year, know that your planet will revel in every new round of energy that hits her. For it will help to bring you all over that threshold that will finally ensure the perfect velocity for you all to literally break through the barriers that have been cementing you to so much of the old, and hurtling you into the wide open spaces of tomorrow. So take a deep breath and make yourselves ready for the waves coming in, for this time, they will pound you all mercilessly. Not to break you down, but to break you free.

More important news updates to be released this week. May not be able to publish them on T-Net but will pass along what I can. :)

A Short Intel Update

A significant part of intel about the Plan and the Event will be declassified soon. I will be able to post this most likely on December 5th or 6th.

Patience is a virtue of a true dedicated warrior of the Light. It brings a balanced perspective on things. Victory of the Light is near!

You planted the app i found didn't you.You are part of this thing aren't you.You caused me to lose a lot of stuff over this bob.I went to jail for two months over this crazy stuff.That program you planted freaked me out.I could have gotten killed over this.I hope you are happy now.Go ahead announce about the new application and what it can do.Can't wait for this one.I want someone else to do it this time.

To see what our new world will be, check out Home | Thrive

The video is free. Watch it and you will see how the Free Energy from the Keshe Organization will change the world forever. Get up to date on how we can change our lives forever. We do not need fossil fuels or nuclear power plants. This is real and the free technology is now being developed her in America and around the world. Groups are being formed to study the technology and engineer it into as many useful purposes as possible.

Yamashita's Gold and the Real James Bond....
Yes the legends are true. The Gold was discovered then stolen. This "is" the Gold everyone wants. Now here's some details about a true Hero.

[h=2]Neil Keenan comments for the first time; RIP Dr. Michael Van de Meer, the real James Bond – by Ben Fulford[/h] Posted on April 10, 2013 by Jean

Source: David Icke Forum

The words below Neil’s comment were originally written by Benjamin Fulford on his Typepad. They also mention Neil Keenan’s connection to this extraordinary man, a connection he is revealing here publicly through me for the first time:

“He is the man who talked to me for 3-4 hours a day – Saturday, Sunday, it didn’t matter. He took me through the quagmires, the NWO, The Council of Foreign Relations, the people to watch out for, the principals involved in the poisonings – the toxins, and explained so much. He put my baby shoes on and taught me how to walk, then he put on a bigger pair of shoes and taught me how to run.

“He taught me about the gold, the bonds, the notes, and how they came to be. He wasn’t only teaching me, he was teaching everyone who called him. At the same time he was also helping people as a doctor; his kindness and generosity were unsurpassed. He fought with both Benjamin and me often, because we wouldn’t listen, but it didn’t really matter; our squabbles were always forgotten almost as fast as they started. He was the cream of the crop when it came to the assets, to the Global Accounts. He knew all the players and knew where everything was buried including the bodies.

“I was a little boy running around wanting the stolen bonds entrusted to me returned and he did everything as did Benjamin and others to assist me. So many people lent me a hand but the biggest hand of all belonged to Dr. Michael. I wouldn’t be in the position I am in today if it hadn’t been for Dr. Van de Meer. He taught me so very much about things that never could be taught. He was that special . . . Rest in peace my dear friend, I miss you.”


The fictional character James Bond does not hold a candle to the real McCoy, the man I knew as Dr. Michael Van de Meer. In one of his rare moments of immodesty, Dr. Van de Meer once told me that “what James Bond does is rather tame compared to what I have done.” This man was unique and will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

When I first met him in person, he showed me an attaché case containing an Uzi and 7 passports, all real and all with his photo on them. The attaché case had a bullet proof lining. While I was visiting him in the Philippines somebody tried to kill him by dumping large amounts of insecticide into the ventilating system of his hotel room. This was apparently not an unusual sort of occurrence for him. In any case, I was privileged to get, through him, a glimpse at the reality of top of world espionage and intrigue. To him CIA stood for Christ In Action.

Dr. Van de Meer used to go by the name Dr. Michael Meiring until he had both his legs blown off by a bomb he said was set by people working for his arch-enemy George Bush Senior, the head of the Nazi Odessa group.

Although Dr. Van de Meer was very reluctant to discuss his past, every once in a while he would release little nuggets of information about his extraordinary life. He said he grew up in a castle near the ancestral home of Sir Francis Drake. He also once let slip that he was a cousin of Queen Elizabeth and Evelyn de Rothschild, who he described as “not very nice people.”

His father, he claims, was a senior official in the British Raj, who worked with Mohandas Gandhi. My own research has led me to believe he at one point held the hereditary title of Lord Mountbatten, something he always denied.

What I learned through him is that when the British overlords left India, they took with them all the historical gold and treasure they could get their hands on. This gold was then allocated to a fund meant to be used for the benefit of the planet earth and its people. Many other nations and groups also allocated their historical treasures to this fund.

When a group of Nazis and fascists murdered President John F. Kennedy and started illegally using this money to finance their project for a fascist “New World Order,” Dr. Van de Meer set out to stop them.

The early James Bond movies are based in part of Van de Meer’s battle against them. The cat-petting villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld, who featured in the original James Bond films written by Ian Fleming, was based on Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, according to MI5 sources. Canaris was not executed during World War 2 for trying to assassinate Hitler and in fact became head of the Nazi Odessa underground after World War 2. It was Van de Meer and his team’s battles against Canaris and his group that formed the basis of the original James Bond novels. Van de Meer himself appears briefly as a young British businessman in the movie Thunderball. Canaris was eventually defeated by Van de Meer only to be replaced by George Bush Senior as the head of Odessa.

Of course Dr. Van de Meer admits he was no angel and he had one huge regret in his life. When he was a young medical doctor in the 1950’s he was sent to Africa to work with Dr. Jonas Salk, a man known to us as the developer of the Polio vaccine. According to Dr. Van de Meer, who then went by the name of Dr. Michael Meiring, Salk and his team killed over 200,000 African green monkeys and sent their blood to the US (Nazi) biological weapons facility at Ft. Detrick.

He found out the blood was being used to develop a disease aimed at depopulating Africa. It is now known as HIV or AIDS.

From that point on his career is something of a mystery. He once told me though of a narrow escape in the Congo where he was forced to confront mass murdering gun-men after crossing a Congo river filled with “hundreds of thousands of bloated dead bodies.”

After his time in Africa, Van de Meer spent 20 years in Asia, mostly the Philippines, researching the mystery of the missing “Yamashita gold” that imperial Japan stashed there during World War 2. He was one of the primary sources for the book “Gold Warriors,” written by Sterling Seagrave.

What Van de Meer learned was that much of the world’s historical gold was being plundered by Nazis. He set out to stop them and that was when Canaris disciple Bush bombed him.

Here is testimony of that event by a good friend of Dr. Michael’s:

The Dr. Michael I met was a neatly-dressed, well-groomed, gentleman, who moved with the power of a body-builder, the grace of a dancer, and the confidence of a man accustomed to command. Strikingly handsome, with sky-blue eyes that held one’s attention, he spoke with a high British accent.

Dr. Michael was a man on mission. Once, he opened the Bible that was always near his bed, turning to a passage where God said he would reveal all the hidden wealth in the world, and restore it to the people. Dr. Michael told me that God had commissioned him to fulfill that promise, to relieve poverty, to renew the land, and to restore Creation to its intended state. In nearly every conversation with me, Dr. Michael found an opportunity to affirm his commitment to returning to the poor and oppressed that which had been taken from them. He was passionate about building a world network of teaching hospitals and vocational education centers, and engaged in an unrelenting search for the necessary resources. At age sixty-four he would bound up four stories of stairway to his room, with no accelerated breathing.

After breakfast one fateful day, we parted ways. Dr. Michael, formally attired in a 3-piece suit, went to a meeting, while I took care of business related to the rural youth center I was building. We agreed to meet again an hour later, to discuss a rural development proposal that had been handed to Dr. Michael.

Less than an hour later, I was stepping out of my room when I heard the explosion. I ran down the hall, turning two corners, and arriving at Dr. Michael’s room within seconds. Heavy black smoke and extreme heat were pouring out of his door. Two streams of blood led me away from his door and down the stairway. Several flights down I saw two men dragging the corners of a bed sheet in which the body was wrapped. On the street a red pickup truck was waiting, into which the body was dumped. As the body fell out of the sheet, the Dr. Michael I saw looked absolutely like a well-burned road kill, with limbs twisted at impossible angles. The pickup truck sped off through the heavy traffic, and out of sight.

A few hours later, after initial surgery, the attending plastic surgeon met me in the hall at Doctor’s Hospital, Davao’s finest. The surgeon informed me that the patient had sustained third-degree burns, much of it full-thickness, over forty-eight percent of his body, had severe burns of his mouth and throat, had inhaled and ingested flame-******ing chemicals, had lost the lower portion of both legs, and would probably lose his left arm. The damage was far beyond the threshold for human survival. That the patient still lived was miraculous, he said, but the attending physicians had no expectation that he would survive much longer.

When Dr. Michael was returned to his room, he was wrapped in gauze from top to bottom, with only a space for pulmonary and stomach tubes, and just his right ear, arm and hand free (Think “The Invisible Man”!). He immediately signaled with his free hand that he wished to write. I put a pen in his hand and held a legal pad on which he scribbled, “Better to be a live dog than a dead lion!” Over those difficult days, by writing humor and showing a personal interest in each person attending him, he kept everyone in his environment in a positive attitude. Dr. Michael wrote instructions to his attending physicians, many quite unconventional, but all exhibiting a deep knowledge of trauma medicine. He did not lose consciousness, always refused anesthesia, and never appeared to sleep. He insisted upon inserting his own breathing and feeding tubes, and dictated his own healing diet. On the third day, one doctor told me, “We don’t know who he is, but we are learning much from this man.” Although he credited me with saving his life, ultimately it was Dr. Michael himself who was responsible for his survival.

My own connection to Dr. Michael began a few years ago after I survived my own murder attempts by the same group of Nazis. He contacted me through Kerry Cassidy after I appeared on an interview on Project Camelot. He saved my life by telling me that Madame Wu was bad mouthing me to the Triads because she was being blackmailed by George Bush Senior about a slush fund she had illegally accumulated overseas. I later heard that Madame Wu was tortured to death after the Chinese found out about her treason.

In any case, Dr. Van de Meer provided me with an education in the secret world at the very top of the financial system. He also pointed me and Neil Keenan towards the Green Hilton Memorial accord as being the reason for the Kennedy assassination and the historical root of the financial crisis we now face.

The members of Asian secret societies who knew him said that despite his tendency to look down on them, they knew he was, in his heart of hearts, a good man who they wanted to work with.

That is why they approached me and asked me to send $750 billion dollars’ worth of gold backed Kennedy bonds to him. I asked for his snail mail address in order to send him the bonds. It was shortly after he sent me his address that he suddenly died “in his sleep” despite being in robust health and full of plans for the future.

His family refuses to talk about his death and no official autopsy has been made public. We are certain he was murdered and know who was responsible. Rest assured Dr. Michael will not have died in vain. He will be avenged and his dreams of “ending poverty and turning the deserts green” will be realized.

Benjamin Fulford

No, this is complete rubbish. None of this is true in any meaning of the word.

No, this is complete rubbish. None of this is true in any meaning of the word.

Well OK then. Guess my job is done! Thanks for the heads-up.

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