I will probably delete this post to, but, I have built the Texas Spider rock version. This one build made scared than the last. Why? the "mil" is involved and guards this information. No one believes what I find, they check up on what I find and still disbelieve me, but I have found things that I have checked, doubled checked, triple checked,........................I'm sittin on top of all this work and do things for people and keep all these secrets. It seems the white man claims the land, the native claim the land, anyone who has something to say to me...................I keep getting hit with everyone's 2 cents, but I ain seen on dag nab gold booty ur brick in mah hand! Say whachu wan cause I know you will. Dang serpents with fork tongues everywhere. I keep secrets, thats why everyone trust me n know Im a good man, just heck, everyone wants the information that I built myself with no ones help, but shucks, I give it all away for everyone. Hell, I dont needa huned years of glyph readin ta tell you where folks hide things.
n i know the secret of spider rock n i ain telln a soul
Its a comin and I don't give a dad blang what anyone thinksa my info. But long after Im gone, sum'n say that charliejr was a spritely lil fellow, the true story teller and downright fine treasurehunter, collector of whiskey bottles, and the eyes of a master illusionist.
They don call me tha magick man fur nothn, i simply see what most don
*goes back ta searchn, n lookn, n diggn, n lookn, n diggin, n lookn, n................... oooooo eeeee ooooo eeeeee oooooo, wha wa wah, oooooo eeeeee oooooo eee oooooo, wa wahh wahhhhh wahhhhh, by God whars my gun at........who you? a claim jumper?!?