Three Hikers Missing What Happened Where Are They

Blindbowman It's not your fault the three men are dead. Those of us who are compelled to search, do so just like a base jumper jumps from a low building or tower. Or a person who might want to swim with great white sharks after pouring blood in water to bait them!! I read your post often and even if you gave those men the map they used to get lost it was not your fault.

Best Wishes
Kurt Painter
in reality yes it is my fault i could made the LDM known in 2006 ...i slept with one eye open and my 30-30 loaded in my hand when the sun came up over the mountains i realized i was no different than Waltz when he own the mine .. i got up brushed off the dust and walked away ..all i can tell you is the north and south American tribes will not let anyone shame the seven caves ,,it's not about the gold or silver ..or the treasures ...they covered the mines over not because they want wealth ,it's the birthplace of all the tribes , they will kill anyone that tries to take anything from the seven caves when your think you found it . you better sleep with one eye open ...they will not let you walk away have to know the order of things that have to be , than and only then will you be free

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in reality yes it is my fault i could made the LDM known in 2006 ...i slept with one eye open and my 30-30 loaded in my hand when the sun came up over the mountains i realized i was no different than Waltz when he own the mine .. i got up brushed off the dust and walked away ..all i can tell you is the north and south American tribes will not let anyone shame the seven caves ,,it's not about the gold or silver ..or the treasures ...they covered the mines over not because they want wealth ,it's the birthplace of all the tribes , they will kill anyone that tries to take anything from the seven caves when your think you found it . you better sleep with one eye open ...they will not let you walk away have to know the order of things that have to be , than and only then will you be free
re: it is the birthplace of all the tribes. I think the truth will be welcomed and respected - and honored - soon. The protection and defense of that holy site (and others) will be understood and cherished . Humanity needs to become human again. We have to learn; I am sure the ancient Children of Light have much to teach. Thank you for visiting and for explaining. Your experience and knowledge is more impactful and treasured than any metal or jewel. Blessings and May the Stars Keep You Safe.

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in reality yes it is my fault i could made the LDM known in 2006 ...i slept with one eye open and my 30-30 loaded in my hand when the sun came up over the mountains i realized i was no different than Waltz when he own the mine .. i got up brushed off the dust and walked away ..all i can tell you is the north and south American tribes will not let anyone shame the seven caves ,,it's not about the gold or silver ..or the treasures ...they covered the mines over not because they want wealth ,it's the birthplace of all the tribes , they will kill anyone that tries to take anything from the seven caves when your think you found it . you better sleep with one eye open ...they will not let you walk away have to know the order of things that have to be , than and only then will you be free
Hi BLind Bowman, do you think there were any reasons they let you go. ? The spirits have custodian , do you have Cherokee blood or Indian descendants in your heritage , and that they knew perhaps you were yet another gatekeeper? Their grace was to let you tell your story , you are still here to do so and that has some gratitudes. Can you describe their presence?
Thats if you are permitted to say. Thankyou in advance.

re: it is the birthplace of all the tribes. I think the truth will be welcomed and respected - and honored - soon. The protection and defense of that holy site (and others) will be understood and cherished . Humanity needs to become human again. We have to learn; I am sure the ancient Children of Light have much to teach. Thank you for visiting and for explaining. Your experience and knowledge is more impactful and treasured than any metal or jewel. Blessings and May the Stars Keep You Safe.
thank you for the wise words but i can not go back to where i came from and i will only be a guest here ..i am the only one of my kind left ..i was Born here on Earth as a human so i will stay and make the best of it for now ..for i walk threw the light and darkness my heart enjoys the the shadow of time !

thank you for the wise words but i can not go back to where i came from and i will only be a guest here ..i am the only one of my kind left ..i was Born here on Earth as a human so i will stay and make the best of it for now ..for i walk threw the light and darkness my heart enjoys the the shadow of time !
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

Hi BLind Bowman, do you think there were any reasons they let you go. ? The spirits have custodian , do you have Cherokee blood or Indian descendants in your heritage , and that they knew perhaps you were yet another gatekeeper? Their grace was to let you tell your story , you are still here to do so and that has some gratitudes. Can you describe their presence?
Thats if you are permitted to say. Thankyou in advance.
the ancient ones know the immortal by their tribal names ,i am Mohawk and the shaman bloodline runs deep in my soul ...The Mohawk people are the most easterly section of the Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois Confederacy....back before there was whiteman here on this land i was born in the days before the great flood and one small boy taken in by shaman saved his people from the great death .. yes i am here for a reason ..

Any way id hate to think what "might" have happened to me, Had i in fact put my boots on the ground. Ive never been to the superstitions in my entire life. What Happened To Them? WHERE ARE THEY? ANYBODY HAVE ANY IDEAS? 3 Large Full Grown Men. Missing. Merworth had been on two hunts before and made it home what was so different about this trip? A member here on treasure net said they had my information/location. Was this the only difference from the other two times? Merworths Mother said: He her son was Sure He Was Going To Find The Lost Dutchmans Mine. Why was he so SURE?
People don't just disappear. I would suggest two possibilities. First is they met their demise via criminal activity and were buried. Secondly, they could have found an old mine opening, explored inside and are now trapped due to a cave in or other mishap. The Lost Dutchman ? If someone knew it wouldn't be lost anymore...No expertise here, just my $0.02.

People don't just disappear. I would suggest two possibilities. First is they met their demise via criminal activity and were buried. Secondly, they could have found an old mine opening, explored inside and are now trapped due to a cave in or other mishap. The Lost Dutchman ? If someone knew it wouldn't be lost anymore...No expertise here, just my $0.02.
Maybe they didn't disappear..perhaps they are living the life under assumed names somewhere.

People don't just disappear. I would suggest two possibilities. First is they met their demise via criminal activity and were buried. Secondly, they could have found an old mine opening, explored inside and are now trapped due to a cave in or other mishap. The Lost Dutchman ? If someone knew it wouldn't be lost anymore...No expertise here, just my $0.02.
i agree in theory it sounds logical but in reality i knew the only chance of getting out of the mountains alive was to take nothing other than wisdom and run away and live to come back another day have no idea how dangerous it is to go to the mine ...the danger is is real ...they watch the mine and for good reason ..the shaman of the seven caves were the most powerful shaman to ever live ... they shaman in the full meaning of the word ...when any of the tribes had a reason to need wisdom or guidance they would go to the shaman , catch someone new in the land take them to the shaman ,that's where the templar ended up .,some served the cross and were not killed some serve themselves and were put to death .in many ways the seven caves are the souls of the human past ...the news papers don't tell you this . they sell a legend not the reason behind it should always have a guide book that is up to date and share the info with all the members of your party.make a copy and make sure each member knows where your going and how to get out if they get lost ...don't get turned around ,don't wonder .never panic, if you get turned around . go to the nearest peak and stay there will be found a lot more easy than being down in the deep canyons ,always have a day pack with you at all times .. don't keep open food ...if you do keep lost find water and stay in sight of it .. don't stay next to it . cats and bears need water to ...stay a 50 or 60 yards away from the water source ..when people go hunting for you the people that know the area will check the water sources first ..know the area your going to . if you don't just go there and get a lay of the land before you try jumping into ever cave you see ...brush ,snakes . a lot of things out there are dangerous if your not watching out for them ..most good trackers can walk right to them ...two choices . you widen the search area or you miss them somehow and retrace your search area again

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thank you for the wise words but i can not go back to where i came from and i will only be a guest here ..i am the only one of my kind left ..i was Born here on Earth as a human so i will stay and make the best of it for now ..for i walk threw the light and darkness my heart enjoys the the shadow of time !
re: "...cannot go back to where I came from." It seems there are a few folks around who "came from somewhere and sometime else". Some of us have been gifted the honor of having conversations with them. It's been a wonderful wonderful adventure! I am sorry to hear you are the last of your kind. You were born here now b/c humans will need you again, looks like. ;)

i agree in theory it sounds logical but in reality i knew the only chance of getting out of the mountains alive was to take nothing other than wisdom and run away and live to come back another day have no idea how dangerous it is to go to the mine ...the danger is is real ...they watch the mine and for good reason ..the shaman of the seven caves were the most powerful shaman to ever live ... they shaman in the full meaning of the word ...when any of the tribes had a reason to need wisdom or guidance they would go to the shaman , catch someone new in the land take them to the shaman ,that's where the templar ended up .,some served the cross and were not killed some serve themselves and were put to death .in many ways the seven caves are the souls of the human past ...the news papers don't tell you this . they sell a legend not the reason behind it should always have a guide book that is up to date and share the info with all the members of your party.make a copy and make sure each member knows where your going and how to get out if they get lost ...don't get turned around ,don't wonder .never panic, if you get turned around . go to the nearest peak and stay there will be found a lot more easy than being down in the deep canyons ,always have a day pack with you at all times .. don't keep open food ...if you do keep lost find water and stay in sight of it .. don't stay next to it . cats and bears need water to ...stay a 50 or 60 yards away from the water source ..when people go hunting for you the people that know the area will check the water sources first ..know the area your going to . if you don't just go there and get a lay of the land before you try jumping into ever cave you see ...brush ,snakes . a lot of things out there are dangerous if your not watching out for them ..most good trackers can walk right to them ...two choices . you widen the search area or you miss them somehow and retrace your search area again
re: "the shaman of the seven caves were the most powerful shaman to ever live ... they shaman in the full meaning of the word". Do the shaman's spirits (or souls) stay near and in the caves? Souls don't die...Is it possible they knew who you were b/c you were one of them long ago?

the ancient ones know the immortal by their tribal names ,i am Mohawk and the shaman bloodline runs deep in my soul ...The Mohawk people are the most easterly section of the Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois Confederacy....back before there was whiteman here on this land i was born in the days before the great flood and one small boy taken in by shaman saved his people from the great death .. yes i am here for a reason ..
The Haudenosaunee, the Mohawk and the Iroquois - I feel like the only ones to visit those ancient places should be the descendants. But only when the time is right. Others do not need to be inside the mountains.

The rest of us can learn without trampling through the place. Movies and books are still a thing, and live-cams are awesome after all.

also regarding: "saved his people from the great death". Duly noted.

I picture you in my mind like to Legolas the elf in the Tolkien trilogies, living in the Land of Mists, lol.

the ancient ones know the immortal by their tribal names ,i am Mohawk and the shaman bloodline runs deep in my soul ...The Mohawk people are the most easterly section of the Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois Confederacy....back before there was whiteman here on this land i was born in the days before the great flood and one small boy taken in by shaman saved his people from the great death .. yes i am here for a reason ..
Would you know what these words mean ? Are you in memory ? , are you waiting for someone ?
Sorry to ask questions, and your shaman animal can you share? Would you know these words ? Asking for a dear friend who loves to remote draw. I promised him it’s all for a good reason. I hope you are around to read your messages . Thankyou BlindBowman , whats your Mohawk name? gratitudes please forgive my curiosity . 🙏


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Maybe they didn't disappear..perhaps they are living the life under assumed names somewhere.
there is always reality and time and environment , the environment of those mountains can be very unpredictable, the weather can change in a few seconds and change without warning ..let alone you must keep your eyes on the ground or face walking off a drop off .. i even had that happen to me once .. so they are most likely still out there and their remains will be found if they are most likely .. but this is what happens when you fail to make plains ahead of you ...
re: "the shaman of the seven caves were the most powerful shaman to ever live ... they shaman in the full meaning of the word". Do the shaman's spirits (or souls) stay near and in the caves? Souls don't die...Is it possible they knew who you were b/c you were one of them long ag .

Would you know what these words mean ? Are you in memory ? , are you waiting for someone ?
Sorry to ask questions, and your shaman animal can you share? Would you know these words ? Asking for a dear friend who loves to remote draw. I promised him it’s all for a good reason. I hope you are around to read your messages . Thankyou BlindBowman , whats your Mohawk name? gratitudes please forgive my curiosity . 🙏
i was born the rampant Wolf .my mohawk name is yah a shu a . it means the Howling Wind !

Would you know what these words mean ? Are you in memory ? , are you waiting for someone ?
Sorry to ask questions, and your shaman animal can you share? Would you know these words ? Asking for a dear friend who loves to remote draw. I promised him it’s all for a good reason. I hope you are around to read your messages . Thankyou BlindBowman , whats your Mohawk name? gratitudes please forgive my curiosity . 🙏
there is always reality and time and environment , the environment of those mountains can be very unpredictable, the weather can change in a few seconds and change without warning ..let alone you must keep your eyes on the ground or face walking off a drop off .. i even had that happen to me once .. so they are most likely still out there and their remains will be found if they are most likely .. but this is what happens when you fail to make plains ahead of you ...

i was born the rampant Wolf .my mohawk name is yah a shu a . it means the Howling Wind !
Wow wow , pow wow , that’s delighted my curiosity. Did those words mean anything in the picture Share ? Perhaps it was you. 😇

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there is always reality and time and environment , the environment of those mountains can be very unpredictable, the weather can change in a few seconds and change without warning ..let alone you must keep your eyes on the ground or face walking off a drop off .. i even had that happen to me once .. so they are most likely still out there and their remains will be found if they are most likely .. but this is what happens when you fail to make plains ahead of you ...

i was born the rampant Wolf .my mohawk name is yah a shu a . it means the Howling Wind !
Hello Blindbowman, I am the friend of Flyangelz who does the Remote Viewing. Thanks for this conversation thread you folks are having. Flyangelz, Ancient, myself & others are engaged in a project, searching for knowledge most importantly, for the betterment of mankind as well I will say & not personal gain. I stepped in to help by trying my hand at Remote Viewing as it's called in this modern age, I prefer a different explanation but that's an aside. In short, it turns out these images do flow to me, but none of us have much of an idea what they mean. I've been hoping one day someone might make sense of them for us, maybe these images are important or tell a message we need to know. I'd greatly appreciate any insight if it comes to you. I'm getting the feeling you might be the first person we've encountered who might have some clues. I have over 100, these are some recent ones.

Many thanks.


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this thread is about 3 missing hikers . PM if you want to talk off topic ..

there is always reality and time and environment , the environment of those mountains can be very unpredictable, the weather can change in a few seconds and change without warning ..let alone you must keep your eyes on the ground or face walking off a drop off .. i even had that happen to me once .. so they are most likely still out there and their remains will be found if they are most likely .. but this is what happens when you fail to make plains ahead of you ...

i was born the rampant Wolf .my mohawk name is yah a shu a . it means the Howling Wind !
Very pleased to meet you rampant Wolf, Yah a shu a. A friend of mind saw you in a remote view. I just saw a neat short video about how the wolves of Yellowstone actually saved nature throughout the park system. Essential beings, they are.

I drove 88 to FR80 and walked down to the river last fall. I live in the upper midwest, but was called to visit the bridge over the Fist Creek. So I drove down to AZ and walked down - and back up Forest Road (80). (Well, almost back up. I needed a ride the final few switchbacks, lol. It was 112 degrees outside and I had dallied too long at the bridge.) The area is terrifyingly wild; it deserves every bit of respect available. The drop-offs are indeed wild - you cannot make out the edges of the roads at all from the right angle. I stayed on the the road for a reason, lol. I would never have enough courage to wander off of it hehehe. But the air, the blue sky, the hum of the earth, the silence...stunning.

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