Cubfan64 said:
Per said:
Its obvious the three hikers were headed for Kemms Location. So what happened to them?
Interesting - so what makes you say it's "obvious?" There's alot of ground out there - wonder where John Kemm's been lately by the way?
If you read threads here you wouldnt be so under informed Mr. Cubfan. This was in the Lost thread here in this forum. "John,
I need a little of your help, if you can.
I don't know if you know it, but there are 3 hikers from Utah missing in the Supes.
They had a bunch of different maps in their vehicle - including some stuff from your "I found the LDM using Google Earth".
I'm hoping you can help with which way they would have hiked up to that area that you have marked - they want to fly a helicopter
over it tomorrow, if possible.
There seem to be a bunch of "newbies" around there, some talking about the coordinates, etc. Coordinates are one thing, how you
get your body up there from 3 different directions is quite another.
Any input would be very appreciated by the searchers. The trails leading up there is the most important, since these guys left with
no provisions, thinking they could do a "day-trip" every day.
Beth" No problem Beth let me give you my opinion. Best Regards John V. Kemm Also I would appreciate Jim Hatts and Cactus Joes Take As well as Mike Mcchesneys And anyone elses opinion for that matter. And thankyou beth for promptly bringing this to my attention.