assistanttoauthors said:
Well since I see a full view of the awesome Superstition Mts. every time I go outside and you live where? I am not sure I can take you seriously. I personally have taken over 30 trips into the Superstition Wilderness. The words I spoke above came from the family to the man who found them, I take him seriously. About the book and the Johnson brothers, I worked for a year helping them put the book together on a daily basis and only received a total of $50. After correcting everything in the way of editing the book, they chose not to make the corrections and printed it with all the errors. The brothers did find one of the Peralta mines but it is not the Lost Dutchman Mine. I do not agree with all the spiritual stuff, but everything else is there for you to refind, but we have so many who search for the mine but do not really want it found. The treatment they received from this unbelieving community was really disgraceful.
Come on out here and I personally will show you their find. It would be nice if someone would just go and prove them wrong and open it up to see there really is gold in them thar hills. I have proof.
I realize this was addressed to our mutual friend Cubfan, but a part of your statements are aimed at our community so am replying for "us" and welcome anyone else to do so where they disagree with anything I say.
That "treatment" received by several persons whom have made rather outrageous claims to have found the Lost Dutchman gold mine, Peralta et al, without showing any ore, gold or photos of the mine to illustrate the vein has been courteous and patient. Always there are excuses for this lack of proof. When we ask serious questions about the claims being made, we who made the questions have been seen as the "enemy" and often find those persons responding by name calling. (Santa Fe NM being one example who comes to mind, I have his name calling posts if you doubt that happened) There may have been a few sarcastic remarks made but in large part most everyone has tried to keep an open mind about it when someone pops up "shouting" that they have found the illusive lost mine, but no one should expect that we are such a gullible bunch of rubes that we are going to just accept any story without question, we need to see photos at a minimum. Want to see photos inside of a real mine hidden in the Superstitions, shot by one of our members here? There are a bunch of them if you care to look, and in those cases the persons who shot the photos were not claiming it is the Lost Dutchman gold mine. There is a good reason for that, which perhaps you are not aware.
The Lost Dutchman gold mine is arguably the most famous lost mine in the USA, and supposedly has gold ore that is some of the richest ever found on Earth. We are not talking about a rock vein with a few visible specks of gold in it, this was one-quarter gold roughly speaking. There are a few specimens of this gold still in existence, and since gold ores can be compared in a scientific way by a geologist or SOME assayers (who have a great deal of experience) and since so many different people have all claimed to have found the Lost Dutchman, but never have a single speck of gold to show for it, not to mention the fact that no two of these sites match those of any other claimed site, if we were to just start passing out proud congratulations to each and every one who pops onto the internet to crow about having found the Lost Dutchman, we would have little time for any serious discussion of the subject.
I have to respectfully disagree with your summing up the way those prior claimants have been "treated" as "shameful"; what I saw was a patient attempt to induce the persons to state their cases and present their proofs, and this was in almost every case interpreted as some kind of a personal attack. You would have it sound as if we were nothing but a group of internet trolls, waiting for victims to pounce on for having innocently said they found the lost Peralta or Dutchman mine, which is very far from the truth. Quite the contrary to what you said, there are not a lot of people who want the Lost Dutchman gold mine to remain lost; most of us here want the opposite to happen and to be alive to see it. But the catch is that it has to be the real Lost Dutchman gold mine of Jacob Waltz, the ore has to match the ore he had under his deathbed. That may be impossible for those whom are trying to pull a fast one and want to gain glory out of claiming they found the famous lost mine, since unless they have found the actual mine of Jacob Waltz, they won't have that gold or even photos that will look like the right ore.
It does get tiresome to have a new person show up every couple of weeks with the same old claim about how he or she found the Lost Dutchman, with very little to prove that claim. I for one am still waiting and hoping that ONE will show up that has something more substantial and the case will be settled finally.
Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.