Those Who Believe The Lost Dutchmans Mine Is In The Superstition Mountains

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G'morning Ladies & Gentlemen: Cubber, alfonso, dynamite, loke, side thingie for you Dutch hunters. Tayopa lies within line of sight of some 800 meters from a lumber ejido - village - yet none knows where it is, or if it is even more than a legend. Most simply say "some where near here is the legendary Tayopa"----waving their hands in a vague direction.

The 'actual entrance' is in line of sight from the saw mill, but since it is still closed, and I refuse to pinpoint it, it remains just a vague rumor or legend.

So the mere fact that the Dutchman has not been found where it is supposed to be means nothing. Tayopa was in production for years, and of a far greater quantity, while the Dutchman was a single man operation, yet today, nothing of Tayopa is visible. When asked, they simply wave their hands in a vague diretcion of 'out there' while being in sight of it.

So the mere fact that the Dutchman hasn't been discovered yet, frankly means nothing as far as I am concerned. It only means that the others were not clever, or lucky enough to recognize the final clues.

So go get it my friends !

Don Jose de La Mancha

Get off yer butt cubber.

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Just below the Mesa to the west near the ledge looking down on the river, there is a small cross painted in white on a boulder, not sure what it signifies.

I had to think about it, but I do recall that my Dad kept notes and compass readings as opposed to trail markers; he didn't want anyone benefiting from his work. Chances are its from someone after our period of time, either another Dutchman researcher or possibly hunters. I can recall no such markers from the past.

Picture where a 3 day walk from the mouth of Hieroglyphic Canyon might put you. Is this about the gold of the Thunder Gods? A place standing out from the rest, where thunderheads pass over and massive lighting bolts strike the rock formations again and again? Are there three red hills of iron? Is there a spring at the top of a canyon? Is it a place where the Apache fished and stood guard until their Shaman guided them to bury any sign of the gold? Was there an abandoned smelter at the edge of a large pasture area? Was there abundant placer gold spill in the area sourced from a hill overlooking the placer field?

Native legend holds water and is your best shot at finding what you seek.........most of the rest is a campfire tune.

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St. Jerome said:
I dont believe it. maybe there is a mine or two for sure and jacob walts new it... But I think it is a poker hand of legends and the wild card is still in the deck. Somewhere between four peaks and a big nose native with a frying pan somewhere in the mix.

I just read a couple of articles on the internet that said frying pan shaped markers were used in,and on graves. Simtimes as head stones.
Maybe thats what waltzs meant.

"But it's in there. There's no doubt in my mind it's in there." Quoted by Bob Corbin former Arizona Attorney General "No doubt" Bob Corbin believes
I am sure that a lot of people lost their mind looking for this mine. It is out there somewhere.

Was there an abandoned smelter at the edge of a large pasture area?
Native legend holds water and is your best shot at finding what you seek.........most of the rest is a campfire tune.

Twisted Fork

Why would you mention a smelter at the edge of a large pasture.


Originally Posted by Per
"But it's in there. There's no doubt in my mind it's in there." Quoted by Bob Corbin former Arizona Attorney General "No doubt" Bob Corbin believes

I am sure that a lot of people lost their mind looking for this mine. It is out there somewhere.

I don't think Bob believes it's out there.

Joe Ribaudo

I most certainly agree!!!! The top of the mountain is Black! two rattlehead snake heads sit face to face. Just so happens it lines up perfect with the heart map. But the Apache gave the best clues!!!!!

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Twisted Fork

" Are there three red hills of iron? " . Yes , are west of Black Mountain .

" Is there a spring at the top of a canyon? " . Yes , in Bluff Spring Canyon .

" Was there an abandoned smelter at the edge of a large pasture area? " . Yes , is the " MONETA " in the Latin stone heart .

" Was there abundant placer gold spill in the area sourced from a hill overlooking the placer field? " . Yes , is the " DESILIENS AQUA AURUM " in the Latin stone heart , and is the place where Pedro and Manuel Peralta began the search with the method of triangulation , method which helped them to found the mother lode .

And all that are in Superstition Mountains .


What an amazing story the Dutchman mine is. I've read so many theories thru my research. I've come to the conclusion that without the "Author" of the stone maps in front of you it might as well be ancient Hebrew. I however have found some very interesting things using the trail map and Indian legends combined. I do have reservations about disturbing a burial site!!! I don't care about sharing them with people who destroy history for a few gold nuggets. If you wanna discuss this in private my E-mail is

I am amazed at all the direction the clues and maps have taken us. I hope that its found and revealed in my lifetime. I dont even care if im the one who finds it. In fact my money is on DD. Based on what ive read. I think hes the closest. I think stroker is right behind him. These two men will have quite a story to tell one day.

i am new to this site, but I believe it's there! Hey , we need something to look for and get good exercise! so climb a mountain! My brother lives where you see the mountain everyday, i went there for the first time about 4 years ago, it's great, we didn't go up the mountain[don't know if i could make it! ] but, soon i will be going back to visit and look for rocks and maybe a lot of gold!i wish everyone luck in looking for our treasures.

Howdy jeannejax,

Welcome to TreasureNet, and thanks for the good wishes to all. Even if it does get uncovered, there are still other legends there. There will always be an excuse to go hike those Superstitions. Hope you find something, or at least get to absorb the beauty of the mountains. Just knowing the history, and stories of those that have been there before you, will make your imagination run wild.

Homar P. Olivarez

i am new to this site, but I believe it's there! Hey , we need something to look for and get good exercise! so climb a mountain! My brother lives where you see the mountain everyday, i went there for the first time about 4 years ago, it's great, we didn't go up the mountain[don't know if i could make it! ] but, soon i will be going back to visit and look for rocks and maybe a lot of gold!i wish everyone luck in looking for our treasures.

Ditto to the words of my amigo Coazon de Oro, WELCOME TO TREASURENET Jeannejax! :thumbsup: Also ditto to the rest of his post, when you start to learn the history of the area and those who went searching before you, it will get into your blood! Also have to agree, that even if the Lost Dutchman mine were found already, there ARE other lost mines and treasures to hunt for, even within the Superstitions Wilderness Area, are several other lost mines. Just offhand, there is the lost Waggoner "mine" (or ledge, Waggoner did not do a lot of work on the mine itself) Peralta mines, at least two stage robbery loot treasures, and who knows what might turn up as there are very mysterious sites like Circlestone, which no one knows who or whom built the ruins, nor the true purpose of them.

Good luck and good hunting Jeannejax, we look forward to your joining in the discussions and keep us posted with your finds and adventures; I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Sock coffee?
:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

I don't know if what you call it is that important at this stage of the hunt . some 200 years later .. but yes I am sure it is in fact in the superstitions ,, in fact I still am very sure the area that it is in .. I found something in the bafks cave I never spoke up about and I came back to make sure this clue is not lost in time .. to those that were at the rendezvous and got a chance to talk to me .. I hope to get one more chance to go back to barks cave and I welcome those that want to see it first hand . I am 100% sure it was in fact barks cave I said I found something very odd and out of place there .. I had not seen that anywhere else in the canyons .. threw the years I studied it and come up with one theory ..few things a pose nature and in very rare chases they do show up ,and are so out place are seldom noticed .. this is what I am talking about .I can tell you the mts were made one way and a latter event made the vein ,but that's not the chase in this ore vein . the vein was made before the mts were developed . how this happens I can only guess . but I can tell you there is a location that shows this is out there in the mts ...I can not even guess what the odds of this happing in those types of mts would be .. billions to one or more ... but I saw this with my own two eyes and at my age I hope to get one or more trips back into the mts ...but showing these things to others before my life ends is far more help then taking the data with me when I go .. I have a complex set of 800FPS photographs of the area I was researching I would hope to show them at the rendezvous if I can get there ...but lets prove barks cave was real first ..because is hard to find and I knew where it was and did not find it the second time back in that area . it is very concealed and I should have had 3 or 4 people with me to help search it , the opening runs up and over the top threw a a tight passage hall way type gap . as you climb in to the entrance there is a tight crack that runs up the bed rock face into the opening . about 9-10 ft almost straight up .. ,after you standing in the entrance looking forward up and over the cap that runs about 35 ft to the peak of your sight range then the Gap runs over the peak of the hall way and I could not see beyond that point . when you are standing there . look off to your left and you see a small cave like room it has a over head hanging rocks and is a half way cave type structure . not a full cave bout yes a cave I looked out the crack in the wall in this small cave like room and saw the mts on the other side of the canyon some 200 ft away ,when I herd something behind me moving around , I turn and looked in the same direction as the gap ran . behind me where I was looking out at the canyon . looking the other way I saw the small cave like room ran upward about 16-18ft and turned into a full cave .on the left end of this part of the cave was a rock wall mostly knocked down by age ,I could see it opened up but after hearing something moving around in that direction . I felt at risk and got the hell out of there .. I did not have a gun at the time and fighting a big cat with my bare hands was not a great idea to me at the time .. I slide down the opening and out to where my brother was waiting and if you get the chance to find this cave do not slide out like I did , your own body weight almost takes you off the cliff would be very easy to break a leg doing that the time I felt in danger and took the risk and it wont happen again if I can help it there you go some real insight and a real location in the mts to add to your wisdom ...I would love to get the chance to take some people to this cave and show them in real time this part of the legend was in fact real and the reality is clear , the location is hidden well but is there . in my last expedition with my friend mike we were focused on another part of the ridge and should have search for this cave again ..if I can not make the Rendezvous I will draw up some detail in full and post them here at the site for every one ...

ps . some of you old timers will under stand what I say next some will not .. in barks canyon there are a few large volcanic boulders from where I was standing in the opening I turned and could look down at those boulders when I saw that I started thinking those could have come from this Hall way type Gap ,and are in direct line with it ...after I went and looked at one of the bigger boulders and it match the same type of stone in that Gap , I even have a sample of that rock here in my collection ,,see if I am correct , this gap ,was made by a volcanic blow out and the large crack that run opposite the normal way of nature in the bed rock of that area is a odd type heat crack from a older volcanic event , long before the mts them self's were developed ,I know that's not normal but who ever said the LDM vein was normal ...?

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I don't know if what you call it is that important at this stage of the hunt . some 200 years later .. but yes I am sure it is in fact in the superstitions ,, in fact I still am very sure the area that it is in .. I found something in the bafks cave I never spoke up about and I came back to make sure this clue is not lost in time .. to those that were at the rendezvous and got a chance to talk to me .. I hope to get one more chance to go back to barks cave and I welcome those that want to see it first hand . I am 100% sure it was in fact barks cave I said I found something very odd and out of place there .. I had not seen that anywhere else in the canyons .. threw the years I studied it and come up with one theory ..few things a pose nature and in very rare chases they do show up ,and are so out place are seldom noticed .. this is what I am talking about .I can tell you the mts were made one way and a latter event made the vein ,but that's not the chase in this ore vein . the vein was made before the mts were developed . how this happens I can only guess . but I can tell you there is a location that shows this is out there in the mts ...I can not even guess what the odds of this happing in those types of mts would be .. billions to one or more ... but I saw this with my own two eyes and at my age I hope to get one or more trips back into the mts ...but showing these things to others before my life ends is far more help then taking the data with me when I go .. I have a complex set of 800FPS photographs of the area I was researching I would hope to show them at the rendezvous if I can get there ...but lets prove barks cave was real first ..because is hard to find and I knew where it was and did not find it the second time back in that area . it is very concealed and I should have had 3 or 4 people with me to help search it , the opening runs up and over the top threw a a tight passage hall way type gap . as you climb in to the entrance there is a tight crack that runs up the bed rock face into the opening . about 9-10 ft almost straight up .. ,after you standing in the entrance looking forward up and over the cap that runs about 35 ft to the peak of your sight range then the Gap runs over the peak of the hall way and I could not see beyond that point . when you are standing there . look off to your left and you see a small cave like room it has a over head hanging rocks and is a half way cave type structure . not a full cave bout yes a cave I looked out the crack in the wall in this small cave like room and saw the mts on the other side of the canyon some 200 ft away ,when I herd something behind me moving around , I turn and looked in the same direction as the gap ran . behind me where I was looking out at the canyon . looking the other way I saw the small cave like room ran upward about 16-18ft and turned into a full cave .on the left end of this part of the cave was a rock wall mostly knocked down by age ,I could see it opened up but after hearing something moving around in that direction . I felt at risk and got the hell out of there .. I did not have a gun at the time and fighting a big cat with my bare hands was not a great idea to me at the time .. I slide down the opening and out to where my brother was waiting and if you get the chance to find this cave do not slide out like I did , your own body weight almost takes you off the cliff would be very easy to break a leg doing that the time I felt in danger and took the risk and it wont happen again if I can help it there you go some real insight and a real location in the mts to add to your wisdom ...I would love to get the chance to take some people to this cave and show them in real time this part of the legend was in fact real and the reality is clear , the location is hidden well but is there . in my last expedition with my friend mike we were focused on another part of the ridge and should have search for this cave again ..if I can not make the Rendezvous I will draw up some detail in full and post them here at the site for every one ...

ps . some of you old timers will under stand what I say next some will not .. in barks canyon there are a few large volcanic boulders from where I was standing in the opening I turned and could look down at those boulders when I saw that I started thinking those could have come from this Hall way type Gap ,and are in direct line with it ...after I went and looked at one of the bigger boulders and it match the same type of stone in that Gap , I even have a sample of that rock here in my collection ,,see if I am correct , this gap ,was made by a volcanic blow out and the large crack that run opposite the normal way of nature in the bed rock of that area is a odd type heat crack from a older volcanic event , long before the mts them self's were developed ,I know that's not normal but who ever said the LDM vein was normal ...?

You look a bit different from what I remember LOL...
View attachment 1446730

Put the pipe down homey, last time you were posting on here you found the Dutchman mine remember lol

Put the pipe down homey, last time you were posting on here you found the Dutchman mine remember lol

At least he did what he said he would and came to the Rendezvous showing his explanation of what he thought was the LDM. Peace pipe or not, you've got to give him credit for facing his staunchest critics in their own stomping grounds. Most people steer clear of that yearly venue for fear of being ridiculed. Not the Bowman!

It's broke down into clique's of certain theories within groups. If you don't fit in that particular group or theory, you'll have to find one you're more closely aligned with. The Bowman fit into his group nicely. Once they all smoked his green Indian Mohican Bowman tobacco, it was a trip in the Superstition's they'll never remember...errr...ahhh...I meant forget...either way it was special!

I believe in his spiritual powers. He walks with his ancestors and most probably the Dutchman guides him. He is truly a legend in his own right.

Party on old friend!

May the golden fleece find it's way into your pockets!

At least he did what he said he would and came to the Rendezvous showing his explanation of what he thought was the LDM. Peace pipe or not, you've got to give him credit for facing his staunchest critics in their own stomping grounds. Most people steer clear of that yearly venue for fear of being ridiculed. Not the Bowman!

It's broke down into clique's of certain theories within groups. If you don't fit in that particular group or theory, you'll have to find one you're more closely aligned with. The Bowman fit into his group nicely. Once they all smoked his green Indian Mohican Bowman tobacco, it was a trip in the Superstition's they'll never remember...errr...ahhh...I meant forget...either way it was special!

I believe in his spiritual powers. He walks with his ancestors and most probably the Dutchman guides him. He is truly a legend in his own right.

Party on old friend!

May the golden fleece find it's way into your pockets!

exactly....kudos to the bowman

BB - welcome back! Nice to see you posting again!

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