Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
What is the sound of ONE hand clapping...?Just looking at the fact that working for someone to finish the Beale Papers for a wage and a % of the find for a fixed amount of time is the best way to move forward with this sort of opportunity .
5 years to get paid 250 thousand a year is 1.25 mill and a % of the find once it is done and over . Not too bad to have 5 years of pay to research and finish a final draft .
And then we have the Corporation . Real Cipher Inc a stock based Treasure hunting company that sells shares of its stock in the corporation . As president and decoded cipher owner I have 65 % of the shares that vote and get paid 150 thousand a year to run the day to day and find the Beale Treasure and look into all other treasures that I can find after that .
Just ideas that have been explored by me .