Thomas J. Beall

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...and still, Crypto, you and no one else can prove that he, or any Beale, is the Beale of Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.

Why prove that there ever was a Thomas J. Beale? If Jean Laf has the "Keys" to the remaining two cipher codes particularly Cipher Number One telling where there is four tons of silver and gold, why care TJB and his men do not matter anymore--------go dig up the treasure the prize is yours. For that self-same reason I do not believe Jean Laf has any "Keys" to the cipher codes and I do not believe he has them deciphered-----for the very reason he would not be here----he would be in Bedford County digging.

...and still, Crypto, you and no one else can prove that he, or any Beale, is the Beale of Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.

And you can not prove Thomas J Beale was not . If a historical document makes a statement, it is the proof that it took place unless other proof is found on the contrary. No one has that proof in a document that proves it not true . Just a bunch of people that claim to be smarter that the people that wrote the Beale Papers . The statement that the Beale Papers makes, stands as the proof the documentation it is real.

Just because you can't understand something, does not mean it is not real !

.... If a historical document makes a statement, it is the proof that it took place unless other proof is found on the contrary. No one has that proof in a document that proves it not true ... The statement that the Beale Papers makes, stands as the proof the documentation it is real...
With that pretzel logic, Laf, "Huckleberry Finn", "Tom Sawyer", "The Wizard of Oz", and other novels are historical documents that make a statement, and no one has that proof that those stories are not true in a document.
Therefor, the statements in these novels stand as the proof the documentation is real.

With that pretzel logic, Laf, "Huckleberry Finn", "Tom Sawyer", "The Wizard of Oz", and other novels are historical documents that make a statement, and no one has that proof that those stories are not true in a document.
Therefor, the statements in these novels stand as the proof the documentation is real.

"Huckleberry Finn", "Tom Sawyer", 1885 was it sold as a true story ? It was sold as fiction a novel, but wait can you prove it is fiction just because it said it was ?

He is not Thomas J. Beale of the Beale Papers. How could he when that Thomas Beale died September, 1820? Further when you get different documents to verify a name, you have to be sure they are talking about the same person. The Thomas Beale in New Orleans is not the same Thomas Beale on the Smyrna going down the Ohio River. That was Captain Thomas J. Beall from Bealltown, PA. Also the Thomas Beale in the Franklin, Missouri Intelligenser was the same Thomas Beale from Bealltown, PA on his way up to Fort Armstrong, Illinois where he died. My CD Book is written about this Captain Thomas J. Beall. The Thomas J. Beale that met Robert Morris at the Washington Inn was not a Captain in the military, he was elected Captain in St. Louis, MO when they left going West to hunt buffalo------a civilian Captain.

He was in Boston May 1819-May 1821. That was not that Captain Thomas Jones Beall's letter in Franklin, Franklin lol

With that pretzel logic, Laf, "Huckleberry Finn", "Tom Sawyer", "The Wizard of Oz", and other novels are historical documents that make a statement, and no one has that proof that those stories are not true in a document.
Therefor, the statements in these novels stand as the proof the documentation is real.

Nothing is real to this guy, ignore list is best.

He was in Boston May 1819-May 1821. That was not that Captain Thomas Jones Beall's letter in Franklin, Franklin lol

Looks like Franklin trying to sell his books again . So if he LT Thomas J Beall was in Boston at the time and Morriss said TJB left for St Louis in that March there seems to be a connection .
I will look into it more .

Looks like Franklin trying to sell his books again . So if he LT Thomas J Beall was in Boston at the time and Morriss said TJB left for St Louis in that March there seems to be a connection .
I will look into it more .

No not trying to sell any books only giving you the facts about TJBeall. Why you are still researching is beyond explanation since you say you have the "KEYS" Don't snooze too long some one may get the gold before you decide to dig. Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

No not trying to sell any books only giving you the facts about TJBeall. Why you are still researching is beyond explanation since you say you have the "KEYS" Don't snooze too long some one may get the gold before you decide to dig. Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Franklin, how do you keep getting facts wrong?
Are you just hiding the truth so no one can understand what Jean has found?
Or you just have no idea what your doing ?

So far all that Jean has found is how to post the boast and brag.

So far all that Jean has found is how to post the boast and brag.

Just have not seen that post yet were I am doing that, just mad because you can't do it I guess ?

Just keeping all my fans informed . LOL


Just have not seen that post yet were I am doing that...
You can start by remembering that $250,000 and a job with the NSA for starters.
I am sure others would be willing to help you remember the myriad of others.

You can start by remembering that $250,000 and a job with the NSA for starters.
I am sure others would be willing to help you remember the myriad of others.

Just looking at the fact that working for someone to finish the Beale Papers for a wage and a % of the find for a fixed amount of time is the best way to move forward with this sort of opportunity .

5 years to get paid 250 thousand a year is 1.25 mill and a % of the find once it is done and over . Not too bad to have 5 years of pay to research and finish a final draft .

And then we have the Corporation . Real Cipher Inc a stock based Treasure hunting company that sells shares of its stock in the corporation . As president and decoded cipher owner I have 65 % of the shares that vote and get paid 150 thousand a year to run the day to day and find the Beale Treasure and look into all other treasures that I can find after that .

Just ideas that have been explored by me .

Just looking at the fact that working for someone to finish the Beale Papers for a wage and a % of the find for a fixed amount of time is the best way to move forward with this sort of opportunity .

5 years to get paid 250 thousand a year is 1.25 mill and a % of the find once it is done and over . Not too bad to have 5 years of pay to research and finish a final draft .

And then we have the Corporation . Real Cipher Inc a stock based Treasure hunting company that sells shares of its stock in the corporation . As president and decoded cipher owner I have 65 % of the shares that vote and get paid 150 thousand a year to run the day to day and find the Beale Treasure and look into all other treasures that I can find after that .

Just ideas that have been explored by me .

That reminds me of a song by the Everly Brothers-----DReeeeeeeeeeeeeammmmm, DREAM,DREAM,DREAM etc.

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